Announcing: Chaos Rifts



  • IanMoone89IanMoone89 Member Posts: 590
    Zuko_ILC wrote: »
    I really like the inclusion of these events but the one thing I'm always worried about is being so burnt out after. The Thor Ragnarok event was extremely time consuming and left me needing a vacation. I hope these are more spread out and they don't require energy or else this is going to be a very labor intensive month for this game.

    I'm excited but still think players need more balance with events at times.

    Fat chance, only thing energy free is the dungeon rest is energy usage, they are obsessed with releasing side contents with energy especially seeing trials are limit by 24 hrs for each day of trial so why the energy usage then
  • Ghostspider231Ghostspider231 Member Posts: 301 ★★★
    What happens to the left over shards at the end of the event? Tier 1-4 etc...
  • StainsStains Member Posts: 26
    I, like many others above who have posted, are stuck on 9000 / 10,000 k shards for beginner with no foreseeable way of getting the last 1000. Is this an error Kabam? An extra 1000k shards on the calendar would fix the problem! Help please!
  • BosleyBosley Member Posts: 281 ★★★
    This round of rifts are the worst I've seen. Both for collecting shards and the rewards from completion.
  • mkdevil131mkdevil131 Member Posts: 2
    gift me unit's ;(
  • djr17djr17 Member Posts: 673 ★★★
    Bosley wrote: »
    This round of rifts are the worst I've seen. Both for collecting shards and the rewards from completion.

    Everything about these rifts is the same as the two previous incarnations, save for the energy it takes to complete the EQ for the rift shards, and the added difficulty of EQ allowing for an extra run through the Master level. The main difference this time around is that your account is 1 year older and stronger, so the rewards seem less impressive than last time around.
  • Minkl3Minkl3 Member Posts: 134
    Hi, when do solo events stop giving out shards? No date has been mentioned in your original post.
  • KaanG95KaanG95 Member Posts: 74
    edited April 2018
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    Hey everyone, just to clarify some confusion (I will also add this to the original post):

    - Chaos Crystal Shards will be available from NEXT month's Event Quest, not this month's. The Event Quest is launching shortly after Chaos Rifts, however.

    - Solo Events awarding Chaos Crystal Shards begin on MONDAY MARCH 26th (PDT) alongside the Rifts.

    - Alliance Events that contain Chaos Crystal Shards are the 3-Day Events, the first of which will arrive on WEDNESDAY MARCH 28th (PDT)

    - A welcome message will arrive in your inbox on MONDAY MARCH 26th (PDT) containing 10,000 Tier 1 Chaos Crystal Shards.

    - There will ALSO be a login calendar running that awards Chaos Crystal Shards that begins on MONDAY MARCH 26th.

    Hopefully that clears some things up!

    Look at the sentence that in bold and italic
  • StainsStains Member Posts: 26
    Yay, 1000 shards inbox today. Problem solved! Thanks!
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,893 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018
    @Kabam Miike do we have an end date for Chaos Shards available in alliance and solo events? Will Completion today have Chaos Shards? Or will they only be available in Solo Events?

    Alternatively, will there be an opportunity to "top off" Chaos Rift Shards in the next day or so? Many of us are sitting a few hundred shards away from another pass through all or most of the rifts and, while dungeons are all the rage these days, it would be nice to keep being able to finish the last event completely before we put Chaos Rifts to bed for good.


    Dr. Zola
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,893 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018
    When do the 3 day and solo events stop giving out shards?

    Not trying to bump this thread, but it looks like @superunknown012 asked the same question I am asking 6 days ago. Are the mods done with answering questions about Rifts? You know, the crystals do still have 7 days left on them and the rifts themselves have 2 remaining.

    A little help please...if this has been answered, you can just point me to the post.

    Thank you.

    Dr. Zola
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,893 ★★★★★
    And I have part of my answer...rift shards removed from Completion rewards. We get a single L2 dungeon revive in the Completion prizes.

    It was too much to keep the smattering of rift shards in for anyone who needs them over the last two days of the rift event? If you’re going to flood the game with content, at least ride it out until it’s all done.

    Dr. Zola

  • tjgigglestjgiggles Member Posts: 42
    Really hoping they give us an offer for a few last minute shards for units. I had everything budgeted to get one last master rift in, but was expecting Kabam to give shards through the Arena 3 day event. I heard they did last time rifts were a thing, Kabam any word on this?
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    Definitely interested in an answer about shard offers, as I will be a few short of another run from Normal through Master, coming up a bit sort from fewer shards in events.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,893 ★★★★★
    Amonthir wrote: »
    Definitely interested in an answer about shard offers, as I will be a few short of another run from Normal through Master, coming up a bit sort from fewer shards in events.

    @Amonthir I'm currently 25 T2 shards short of a full run, only because of painful grinding low yield events like Science Combat and Event Quest Completion. But at this point I'm questioning my sanity: my rift runs have been famously bad. Why do I want to put myself through them one more time? :D

    Dr. Zola
  • superunknown012superunknown012 Member Posts: 413 ★★
    It's been more than 10 days since anyone from Kabam has acknowledged this thread and several important questions have been raised. A simple yes or no on these would be great, especially considering the rifts expire tomorrow?

    What will likely happen though is the radio-silence will continue, Kabam will answer things on other topics, and they'll hope we all just deal with it and shut up after the next 26-ish hours.

    This kind of behavior is both infuriating and insulting, and it's really starting to wear thin on me.
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    DrZola wrote: »
    Amonthir wrote: »
    Definitely interested in an answer about shard offers, as I will be a few short of another run from Normal through Master, coming up a bit sort from fewer shards in events.

    @Amonthir I'm currently 25 T2 shards short of a full run, only because of painful grinding low yield events like Science Combat and Event Quest Completion. But at this point I'm questioning my sanity: my rift runs have been famously bad. Why do I want to put myself through them one more time? :D

    Dr. Zola

    But, but, but, 3rd/4th/5th time's the charm!
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    ...6th? 7th? They'll be back! Hopefully with adjustments to match state of the game, but damn straight get out there with the kiddos! As my own kid grows older, I will do the same. I have already cut arena mostly out so my home time is with family (and AQ/AW, because, well, yeah).
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,893 ★★★★★
    Amonthir wrote: »
    ...6th? 7th? They'll be back! Hopefully with adjustments to match state of the game, but damn straight get out there with the kiddos! As my own kid grows older, I will do the same. I have already cut arena mostly out so my home time is with family (and AQ/AW, because, well, yeah).

    Of course!

    Dr. Zola
  • NmbghjjuNmbghjju Member Posts: 22
    There's no shards offer this time?
  • Deacon03Deacon03 Member Posts: 235 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike what is going to happen to the extra rift shards we dont use?
  • JimmyJohnJonesJimmyJohnJones Member Posts: 81
    My guess is they'll offer shard deals once rift expires since the crystals will still be active. Makes sense from a simplified business fiscal point as you won't be able to get a "free" master run that way and will have to pay for it (though they'll probably sell less as folks won't want rewards from crystals as much as from rifts.) Crappy for us though as it would be paying more for less. No thank you.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,893 ★★★★★
    Deacon03 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike what is going to happen to the extra rift shards we dont use?

    They get sent to the Island of Misfit Game Currencies to keep all the Pym Canisters company.

    Dr. Zola
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