Announcing: Danger Rooms



  • White88loveWhite88love Member Posts: 1
  • SnoopyFASnoopyFA Member Posts: 2
    smh Kabam. Why are you sending out mail for this event just now when it started yesterday.
  • MrTicTac19992008MrTicTac19992008 Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    Is there a visual bug with the new Danger Rooms Alliance event. A member of our alliance did all difficulties on both days but its only showing as 29k points?
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,191 ★★★★★
    Well done, Miike and team. Today's Epic room was balanced much better, and gave a little challenge. Frankly I could go a little tougher.

    Master quest still seems set at the right level for me. Awakened 2* Morningstar was awesome today, taking her through all three fights and almost soloing the boss. I'd rarely take her out for a spin in any other game mode, so I found that fun!

    If we're going to have a side event, it may as well be fun. Gwenpool had great rewards, but was very boring to actually play. Danger rooms at least offer a bit of variety in how you approach them, as well as a challenge. Bravo!
  • EbbtideEbbtide Member Posts: 292 ★★
    Is it possible to update the Danger Room to restrict Synergy options to the relevant 2-stars (or 3-stars) for that room? If you are entering the 2-star room and tap on the Synergy option it shows the highest star rating option, instead of the 2-star option.

    In Arenas, this is designed to only show the capped star options, which allows for faster team selection. I know the roster options are not large for 2-stars, but it just seems off for the filter setup.
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  • AlhoceimaAlhoceima Member Posts: 1

  • akafreakakafreak Member Posts: 39
    hmmm, sadly the event is not even remotely intresting.... Basically kabam want's us to spend hard resources on upgrading and leveling up 2* and 3*.

    Did you ever considered that most of the players don't have this kind of heroes at maximum level ? To take 5 heroes of any class, from rank 1 to rank 3 (in case of 2* heroes) or from rank 1 to rank 4 (in case of 3* heroes), that means a cost of 600k gold for upgrading the 2* X 5 and for upgrading 5 X 3* heroes that is way over 1.000k gold.... so this is a simple calculation only regarding the gold used in leveling/upgrading, if we also add the catalysts and iso consumed for upgrading.... then the costs for a player are huge.

    I didn't see you bring us the possibility to win/gain gold or the iso in order for us to participate in this idiotic new game mode.... and for what? only for one month of playing this event? if you stay and do the maths on all 6 classes, then you need to upgrade to max about 30X2* heroes and another 30X3* heroes.... so a total of 60 heroes to upgrade in order to participate and win all the fights in this new game mode.... i don't even want to make the math for how much would this cost.... because the rewards are not even worth it.... unless after exploring this event each player gets 20 millions gold....
  • mgmarcosmgmarcos Member Posts: 1
    It would be interesting if we could repeat the room as many times we want and get the prizes for each of them. It costs energy, so there is a limitation. Kabam, consider to unlock the prizes from second week on. The way it is know makes Danger Rooms horrible if compared to Gwenpool goes to the movies.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Hey Summoners,

    Some of you have asked about the Champions contained in the 2-Star Class Crystals. We've just posted a list of all of them right here:
  • MisticalShrekMisticalShrek Member Posts: 1
    Whats the point of these “Danger Rooms” they aren’t even challenging. To be honest, im a little dissapointed with the ammount of effort put into these “Danger rooms”
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,068 ★★★★★
    I dont understand why so many people complain out easy rewards when they always complain about wanting more rewards. It gets old. Either do the event quests or dont but for the love of god why complain?
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    akafreak wrote: »
    hmmm, sadly the event is not even remotely intresting.... Basically kabam want's us to spend hard resources on upgrading and leveling up 2* and 3*.

    Did you ever considered that most of the players don't have this kind of heroes at maximum level ? To take 5 heroes of any class, from rank 1 to rank 3 (in case of 2* heroes) or from rank 1 to rank 4 (in case of 3* heroes), that means a cost of 600k gold for upgrading the 2* X 5 and for upgrading 5 X 3* heroes that is way over 1.000k gold.... so this is a simple calculation only regarding the gold used in leveling/upgrading, if we also add the catalysts and iso consumed for upgrading.... then the costs for a player are huge.

    I didn't see you bring us the possibility to win/gain gold or the iso in order for us to participate in this idiotic new game mode.... and for what? only for one month of playing this event? if you stay and do the maths on all 6 classes, then you need to upgrade to max about 30X2* heroes and another 30X3* heroes.... so a total of 60 heroes to upgrade in order to participate and win all the fights in this new game mode.... i don't even want to make the math for how much would this cost.... because the rewards are not even worth it.... unless after exploring this event each player gets 20 millions gold....

    Honestly you can run it with one champ. You don't need a full team to clear it.
  • phiguy721phiguy721 Member Posts: 202
    Danger rooms are among the worst content ever introduced. They're just a way to try to get you to waste resources on characters who are otherwise obsolete. Indeed, in the wake of an actually good event like GP goes to the movies, this crapfest reminds me of why the temptation to quit playing this game is always present. So, in sum, they're an utterly disappointing waste of time.
  • BrickonBrickon Member Posts: 3
    If it were 0 energy it wouldn't be quite so bad.
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    How come the danger rooms don’t look like danger rooms from the comics, games or cartoon. I know there supposed to be like virtual reality made in the room to act like your playing in a different place (savage land, etc.) just playing in a basic danger room background would break up the backgrounds we played millions of times. v4rg8vdv56h3.jpeg
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,191 ★★★★★
    phiguy721 wrote: »
    Danger rooms are among the worst content ever introduced. They're just a way to try to get you to waste resources on characters who are otherwise obsolete. Indeed, in the wake of an actually good event like GP goes to the movies, this crapfest reminds me of why the temptation to quit playing this game is always present. So, in sum, they're an utterly disappointing waste of time.

    Presumably you and @akafreak haven't been playing that long; or you just play quite differently to large numbers of players (note: I'm not saying all or even most players; but significant numbers at the least):

    Everyone accumulates large numbers of 2* champions, many rapidly getting Awakened and duplicated multiple times.

    You might see then as unnecessary and a waste of resources; but from another perspective, there are numerous reasons to rank up at least some 2* champions:

    - You can use them in early story quests, before acquiring your 3*/4*/5* roster.
    - They may be your only versions of new champs, acquired through Marvel Insider or other offers.
    - You can use them in arena grinds for 3* champions
    - You can acquire rewards for ranking them, through Rank Up and Level Up events. This is a useful source of free credits, for FtP players; as well as Sig Stones

    I've got 65 2* champions, and 60 of them are at 3/30. I doubt I'm all that unusual in my roster.

    Perhaps I'm unusual in noting that these are fun champions, and it's good to have a reason to use them occasionally.

  • EbbtideEbbtide Member Posts: 292 ★★
    How come the danger rooms don’t look like danger rooms from the comics, games or cartoon. I know there supposed to be like virtual reality made in the room to act like your playing in a different place (savage land, etc.) just playing in a basic danger room background would break up the backgrounds we played millions of times. v4rg8vdv56h3.jpeg

    I was also hoping for a special level, or maybe just some sort of filter effect. Like if they had added some sort of digital noise or something to give the idea of a simulated area, it would have been a neat reference to what it is. But I assume level designing can take space away, and technically it would just be sort of redundant since the Danger Room could simulate anywhere.
  • RonRon2RonRon2 Member Posts: 1
    I still don't understand how to play the game DNA looking thing
  • FrankCYoungFrankCYoung Member Posts: 255 ★★
    Ebbtide wrote: »
    How come the danger rooms don’t look like danger rooms from the comics, games or cartoon. I know there supposed to be like virtual reality made in the room to act like your playing in a different place (savage land, etc.) just playing in a basic danger room background would break up the backgrounds we played millions of times. v4rg8vdv56h3.jpeg

    I was also hoping for a special level, or maybe just some sort of filter effect. Like if they had added some sort of digital noise or something to give the idea of a simulated area, it would have been a neat reference to what it is. But I assume level designing can take space away, and technically it would just be sort of redundant since the Danger Room could simulate anywhere.
    That would of been awesome! Exactly what I was trying to describe to a tee :)
  • TheremonTheremon Member Posts: 62
    I like the Danger Rooms. Easy rewards for a little work (can auto-fight most of it). I've been playing over 3.5 years so all my 2* are maxed and most 3* are. It's fun to use different champs that I don't have as 4*/5* or don't use/haven't ranked-up because they needed to be duped to be good.

    I don't understand all the complaining about it. It's extra, the rewards aren't so great that you'll fall behind if you skip it. If you don't want to waste time or an energy refill, then just do something else.
    Now there`s a reason to empty my gold and iso on 2 star champions or else i think i was going to abandon them. :D
  • 1mad11mad1 Member Posts: 5
    I relied on kabam for assistive team selection for danger rooms till now.
    I selected champs from what kabam allowed.
    Today I could select champs of any class.
    So I selected a team of tech champs to fight mutants.
    I’m too drunk while doing it.
    Something clicked and I’m scared now of getting banned.
    I promise I didn’t try to exploit kabam’s inefficiency.
    It just happened because I was drunk.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    1mad1 wrote: »
    I relied on kabam for assistive team selection for danger rooms till now.
    I selected champs from what kabam allowed.
    Today I could select champs of any class.
    So I selected a team of tech champs to fight mutants.
    I’m too drunk while doing it.
    Something clicked and I’m scared now of getting banned.
    I promise I didn’t try to exploit kabam’s inefficiency.
    It just happened because I was drunk.

    Lol. Today is Hero. You can use any.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Hey Everybody,

    I wanted to give you all a heads up on some refinements/fixes coming to Danger Rooms tomorrow. We're seeing a lot of feedback on the difficulty curve in Master and Epic. While we want to address the difficulty in Master, we also need to make a fix that will affect the difficulty of Epic as well. These changes will take effect tomorrow:

    - Reducing the Champion Boost on the Boss of Master Difficulty from 150% to 100%.
    - Increasing the Champion Boost on Epic from 200% to 400%, and enabling a global "WARNING" Buff for the quest.

    The Boss in Epic was intended to be a 4-Star Champion, however, do to a limitation, we are not able to have a different Rarity Champion as the boss in the Epic difficulty level. To compensate for this, we are boosting the Node Buffs on the Epic Boss to bring it more in line with a 4-Star 5/50 Champion. This will make it more difficult, but will bring it in line with the Difficulty that it was intended to be.

    Additionally, we're rearranging the schedule of the Danger Rooms to match the Daily Quests. This way, if you need to pick up a Catalyst or 2 to take your Champion to the Next Rank to tackle the Danger Room, you'll be able to do so that same day.

    This means the new Schedule is:
    Hero (Use Hero Champions)
    Skill + Uncanny

    Thank you all for your feedback on our first day of Danger Rooms!

    So we have Skill AND Uncanny on the same day? That's gonna require so much energy. Uncanny better be free.
  • 1mad11mad1 Member Posts: 5
    I could sect that teamhenan7uh6i91.png
  • Swe_wolfisSwe_wolfis Member Posts: 390 ★★

    So we have Skill AND Uncanny on the same day? That's gonna require so much energy. Uncanny better be free.

    Original plan was Hero AND Uncanny on the same day, so think they count on us using the weekly energy refills before they expire in our stash.
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