Why I'm Still "Collected"



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    Werewrym wrote: »
    Here's my advice, and this is from someone who has had the problem of "not having time for everything." I at one point in time decided that instead of getting a few shards from the Heroic and Master difficulties I was going to buckle down and spend my time to 100% act 5. So I took two months off (I think) of EQ and just focused on playing act 5 using energy refills when I had time. The rewards from act 5 and the uncollected title are well worth the break from EQ. These days I don't even play Heroic and Master EQ difficulties anymore (except for perhaps once through Heroic for Insider rewards). I focus on 100% uncollected EQ and any other "special" content that is going on.

    It's all about time spent vs rewards earned... In your case I think being uncollected is the far better option for your time rather then spending your units attempting to 100% master and heroic. With uncollected comes grandmaster crystals (which I've pulled quite a few 4* from [login calendar]) and you also have access to the 300 unit crystals which occasionally can be worth it. On top of that you have access to Uncollected EQ and the daily uncollected crystal. Even a once through the UC event quest is better than 100% on the Heroic difficulty.

    There are so many good reasons to become uncollected, I wouldn't wait any longer, even if that means skipping an EQ. The rewards you miss out on will not be as much as what you gain.

    Thanks. I figured I wasn't the only one who got to the same point.
  • Rich_RyderRich_Ryder Member Posts: 238
    The summoner week boost inspired me to take another crack at 5.2.4. I did it and then just boosted my way through the rest. I mostly did Arena and monthly’s quest also, then Story if I had time for the month ( which will no longer be a thing with Danger Rooms and dungeons). Just save your resources and skip the monthly quest for a month and get it done. It’s 100% better than I thought it would be. Uncollected daily crystal is so awesome. And Uncollected Arena crystals have worked out well for me also.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    Rich_Ryder wrote: »
    The summoner week boost inspired me to take another crack at 5.2.4. I did it and then just boosted my way through the rest. I mostly did Arena and monthly’s quest also, then Story if I had time for the month ( which will no longer be a thing with Danger Rooms and dungeons). Just save your resources and skip the monthly quest for a month and get it done. It’s 100% better than I thought it would be. Uncollected daily crystal is so awesome. And Uncollected Arena crystals have worked out well for me also.

    Thanks! :)
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    edited September 2018
    Your comment is taking an otherwise-productive conversation and turning it into a non-constructive one about me and my participation in the Forum. Once again. This is about Uncollected. Not that Thread, which never specified Emma Uncollected. Simply asked people to register feedback on her.
    I don't need a lesson in my participation, and I am not going to stop participating in discussions because of where I'm at in the game. Thanks for the feedback, but we will be returning to the topic.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    Yes. Add more of the same wrong behavior. That will be helpful. Lol. Moving on.
  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
    If you are having a really hard time becoming uncollected leave your alliance, if only for a week, to focus on getting revives without having your champs locked in AW and AQ
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,459 Guardian
    Let's not pretend we're talking about

    I'm deliberately chopping the quote right there. And just letting it speak for itself without further elaboration.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,459 Guardian
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    There's a difference between having an opinion and talking about experience. People are free to discuss any subject theoretically. That's what makes it a debate. The times that people bring up experience are most often an attempt to abase someone because people don't agree with their opinion. Rarely do they address their actual view. Instead, they try to call the person out to win a debate. That's not how a civilized discussion works. It's the difference between saying "When I did this...." and "My thoughts are....".

    i dont wanna call anyone out and cause any trouble here but saying you think a champ is fairly designed and not op and easy to play or whatever is not something you can accurately do when you have not played them at UC difficulty.....
    playing Emma in master mode i think she is cool...her abilities are crazy but its all good fun cus i might die but i get through her with my team.
    However once reaching UC then she is a total piece of work.insanely powerful. one slip up and you die to her sp1. it is very easy to slip up too.
    commenting on the difficulty and the power of a particular champion something that is hard to do when you do not face them in their toughest form>

    thats why even i with my opinons listen to what others say. Cus i do uncollected eq but i am in low tier war. those in higher tier war face a different beast.

    That's absolute wash. You don't have to fight a Champ at UC difficulty in order to register a view on them. That's half the problem with the argument. So much Ego going around these discussions that people actually believe the only ones that have a right to say something are the ones at their level. That's about as ignorant an ideal as it gets. Anyone can comment on a Champ and their experience with them. The Forum is not just for Top Tier Players. It's for everyone. In that discussion, I gave my experience with fighting her. The OP asked how people felt about Emma. Not Emma Uncollected. In fact, that's one of the things that had me blasé about it to begin with. Every other day, people are asking for more perks and exceptions for Uncollected Players. There's a whole "us vs. them" attitude that comes up often, as if the problems of UC Players are more important and their say is more valid. Don't get me wrong. Not everyone is like that, and I don't disrespect the amount of work it takes to get there or the difficulty of the content. However, everyone has a valid point of view. It doesn't make one Player any better than another.

    I coach 7th grade football. Does that mean I should be able to tell Bill Belichik how to run the Patriots?

    You're able to do so. He's just not going to pay attention.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    The_Boss9 wrote: »
    If you are having a really hard time becoming uncollected leave your alliance, if only for a week, to focus on getting revives without having your champs locked in AW and AQ

    Not really a worry. I have enough Champs to run everything. I just have to do some Grinding and saving. All that it takes now is some time.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    edited September 2018
    Irohr wrote: »
    Do it or don't. Don't use the lag as a crutch. I have lag on my android device when I play, but I still 100% collected every month. If you just want to do arena, fine. Legitimate reason. **** Or get off the pot. If you want to stop people from questioning your assessment of end game content, play end game content. Everything to gain with little to lose going for uncollected.

    I don't consider it a crutch. I've played through it every month. It's a factor. When your controls aren't even registering, that's an inhibitor to playing properly. Lag isn't the reason, really. Doing EQ and spending hundreds of Units each month and not saving them is. Lol. My own fault, really.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    There's a difference between having an opinion and talking about experience. People are free to discuss any subject theoretically. That's what makes it a debate. The times that people bring up experience are most often an attempt to abase someone because people don't agree with their opinion. Rarely do they address their actual view. Instead, they try to call the person out to win a debate. That's not how a civilized discussion works. It's the difference between saying "When I did this...." and "My thoughts are....".

    i dont wanna call anyone out and cause any trouble here but saying you think a champ is fairly designed and not op and easy to play or whatever is not something you can accurately do when you have not played them at UC difficulty.....
    playing Emma in master mode i think she is cool...her abilities are crazy but its all good fun cus i might die but i get through her with my team.
    However once reaching UC then she is a total piece of work.insanely powerful. one slip up and you die to her sp1. it is very easy to slip up too.
    commenting on the difficulty and the power of a particular champion something that is hard to do when you do not face them in their toughest form>

    thats why even i with my opinons listen to what others say. Cus i do uncollected eq but i am in low tier war. those in higher tier war face a different beast.

    That's absolute wash. You don't have to fight a Champ at UC difficulty in order to register a view on them. That's half the problem with the argument. So much Ego going around these discussions that people actually believe the only ones that have a right to say something are the ones at their level. That's about as ignorant an ideal as it gets. Anyone can comment on a Champ and their experience with them. The Forum is not just for Top Tier Players. It's for everyone. In that discussion, I gave my experience with fighting her. The OP asked how people felt about Emma. Not Emma Uncollected. In fact, that's one of the things that had me blasé about it to begin with. Every other day, people are asking for more perks and exceptions for Uncollected Players. There's a whole "us vs. them" attitude that comes up often, as if the problems of UC Players are more important and their say is more valid. Don't get me wrong. Not everyone is like that, and I don't disrespect the amount of work it takes to get there or the difficulty of the content. However, everyone has a valid point of view. It doesn't make one Player any better than another.

    but you argue constantly against people....
    you argue trying to make everyone agree with your point of view....
    you tell people that they are wrong, that a particular champ is ok is not overpowered...
    you dont just come and say your opinion and leave it at that...
    you keep going on and on..
    telling people that you are right because of x y and z and trying to make everyone agree with you....

    even if you dont see it this is exactly how your comments and argument come across....
    when 99% of the people here feel the same way i do it tells me that this is correct...
    if you really dont feel this is what you are doing then you need to take a step back and really read and revaluate what you are saying...

    it is not even so much what you are saying but the way you are saying it.
    the way you state your opinion most often make it come across as you are stating it as fact.
    when you reply to someone it never seems like you are accepting their opinion and offering a different point of view.
    it always seems as though you dismissing thier opinion and slating it as incorrect whilst stating yours as correct.

    if you dont agree with me then i suggest you really re-read alot of your comments and try and understan the the way in which you state things.

    heck just now i state my opinion and even say i dont want to attack you but this is how i see things and you reply is nothing other than an attack against me and anyone who shares my point of view....

    as someone once told me...
    if you meet a ****head then maybe they are a ****head.....
    if everyone you meet is a ****head then maybe you are the ****head....

    same holds true here....
    if someone disagrees with you maybe you are right...
    but when everyone disagrees with you, then you have to stop and think maybe it is you who are wrong.

    i love the way you just ignore my reply here.
    you attack me and my opinion and then go silent when i call you out and respond.

    nothing to say??
    no apology for attacking me for no reason??
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    There's a difference between having an opinion and talking about experience. People are free to discuss any subject theoretically. That's what makes it a debate. The times that people bring up experience are most often an attempt to abase someone because people don't agree with their opinion. Rarely do they address their actual view. Instead, they try to call the person out to win a debate. That's not how a civilized discussion works. It's the difference between saying "When I did this...." and "My thoughts are....".

    i dont wanna call anyone out and cause any trouble here but saying you think a champ is fairly designed and not op and easy to play or whatever is not something you can accurately do when you have not played them at UC difficulty.....
    playing Emma in master mode i think she is cool...her abilities are crazy but its all good fun cus i might die but i get through her with my team.
    However once reaching UC then she is a total piece of work.insanely powerful. one slip up and you die to her sp1. it is very easy to slip up too.
    commenting on the difficulty and the power of a particular champion something that is hard to do when you do not face them in their toughest form>

    thats why even i with my opinons listen to what others say. Cus i do uncollected eq but i am in low tier war. those in higher tier war face a different beast.

    That's absolute wash. You don't have to fight a Champ at UC difficulty in order to register a view on them. That's half the problem with the argument. So much Ego going around these discussions that people actually believe the only ones that have a right to say something are the ones at their level. That's about as ignorant an ideal as it gets. Anyone can comment on a Champ and their experience with them. The Forum is not just for Top Tier Players. It's for everyone. In that discussion, I gave my experience with fighting her. The OP asked how people felt about Emma. Not Emma Uncollected. In fact, that's one of the things that had me blasé about it to begin with. Every other day, people are asking for more perks and exceptions for Uncollected Players. There's a whole "us vs. them" attitude that comes up often, as if the problems of UC Players are more important and their say is more valid. Don't get me wrong. Not everyone is like that, and I don't disrespect the amount of work it takes to get there or the difficulty of the content. However, everyone has a valid point of view. It doesn't make one Player any better than another.

    but you argue constantly against people....
    you argue trying to make everyone agree with your point of view....
    you tell people that they are wrong, that a particular champ is ok is not overpowered...
    you dont just come and say your opinion and leave it at that...
    you keep going on and on..
    telling people that you are right because of x y and z and trying to make everyone agree with you....

    even if you dont see it this is exactly how your comments and argument come across....
    when 99% of the people here feel the same way i do it tells me that this is correct...
    if you really dont feel this is what you are doing then you need to take a step back and really read and revaluate what you are saying...

    it is not even so much what you are saying but the way you are saying it.
    the way you state your opinion most often make it come across as you are stating it as fact.
    when you reply to someone it never seems like you are accepting their opinion and offering a different point of view.
    it always seems as though you dismissing thier opinion and slating it as incorrect whilst stating yours as correct.

    if you dont agree with me then i suggest you really re-read alot of your comments and try and understan the the way in which you state things.

    heck just now i state my opinion and even say i dont want to attack you but this is how i see things and you reply is nothing other than an attack against me and anyone who shares my point of view....

    as someone once told me...
    if you meet a ****head then maybe they are a ****head.....
    if everyone you meet is a ****head then maybe you are the ****head....

    same holds true here....
    if someone disagrees with you maybe you are right...
    but when everyone disagrees with you, then you have to stop and think maybe it is you who are wrong.

    i love the way you just ignore my reply here.
    you attack me and my opinion and then go silent when i call you out and respond.

    nothing to say??
    no apology for attacking me for no reason??

    Who was attacking you? I don't agree with your ideas on having to do UC in order to register a view on her. I said the ideal is ignorant. Not you. I have nothing against you personally. If you took it personally, I apologize.
    Having said that, that is not what the conversation is about. It's not about whether I should register a view on Champs or not. It's about doing Uncollected.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    Barring the fact that you are asking me to apologize for you taking the opportunity to tell me what's wrong with me as a person. Lol.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    That's absolute wash. You don't have to fight a Champ at UC difficulty in order to register a view on them. That's half the problem with the argument. So much Ego going around these discussions that people actually believe the only ones that have a right to say something are the ones at their level. That's about as ignorant an ideal as it gets.

    that is clearly an attack. if not an attack on me personally certainly at my statement and others who share it.

    thats my point. you are saying things without actually understanding how they come across to others
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    That's absolute wash. You don't have to fight a Champ at UC difficulty in order to register a view on them. That's half the problem with the argument. So much Ego going around these discussions that people actually believe the only ones that have a right to say something are the ones at their level. That's about as ignorant an ideal as it gets.

    that is clearly an attack. if not an attack on me personally certainly at my statement and others who share it.

    thats my point. you are saying things without actually understanding how they come across to others

    That's not an attack at all. It's a general statement about what goes on here, and a comment about the ideal that only people at a certain level have the right to form an opinion.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    I'm not going to keep going back-and-forth. If you would like to talk about the topic, and not me or my Forum participation, I'm all ears. Otherwise I'm not going to respond.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    That's absolute wash. You don't have to fight a Champ at UC difficulty in order to register a view on them. That's half the problem with the argument. So much Ego going around these discussions that people actually believe the only ones that have a right to say something are the ones at their level. That's about as ignorant an ideal as it gets.

    that is clearly an attack. if not an attack on me personally certainly at my statement and others who share it.

    thats my point. you are saying things without actually understanding how they come across to others

    That's not an attack at all. It's a general statement about what goes on here, and a comment about the ideal that only people at a certain level have the right to form an opinion.

    you are just proving my point that you do not truly understand how what you say comes across to others.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    but on topic....
    the game steps up next level once u r collected.

    it is true you dont know wat ur missing until you have it....

    simply put the better daily and free crystals....
    i mean the extra t4cc frags you get adds up easily....

    the rewards from uncollected difficulty eq are awesom.. i mean 6* shards... where else u get them??? only late in act 5...its the only regular source....

    yes monthly EQ is hard... but fighting the content at such a hard level really steps up and improves your gameplay astronomically.

    even if your skill level is not good enough to be uncollected you are best off to boost to the waazoo and push through it cus afterwards completing monthy EQ will help your skill grow sooo quick.....
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,459 Guardian
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    the rewards from uncollected difficulty eq are awesom.. i mean 6* shards... where else u get them??? only late in act 5...its the only regular source....

    It is interesting to me that the two best sources for 6* shards are theoretically available to solo players. Uncollected difficulty is one. The other one is duping 5* champs, and the best source for 5* shards is grinding arena. You have to have played a lot of online games to high levels to know how out of the ordinary that is.

    Unless you're in a platinum alliance, uncollected difficulty is also the best source of T5B. A completely solo uncollected player today that can fully explore uncollected difficulty is probably in a better position than a top tier alliance player was in the pre-glory / pre-5* featured arena days of the game.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    edited September 2018
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    the rewards from uncollected difficulty eq are awesom.. i mean 6* shards... where else u get them??? only late in act 5...its the only regular source....

    It is interesting to me that the two best sources for 6* shards are theoretically available to solo players. Uncollected difficulty is one. The other one is duping 5* champs, and the best source for 5* shards is grinding arena. You have to have played a lot of online games to high levels to know how out of the ordinary that is.

    Unless you're in a platinum alliance, uncollected difficulty is also the best source of T5B. A completely solo uncollected player today that can fully explore uncollected difficulty is probably in a better position than a top tier alliance player was in the pre-glory / pre-5* featured arena days of the game.

    the best sources unless you are in an extremely high top tier ally... and then you have war....
    which is why top tier ally players always go soooo far infront and keep going.....
    war rewards is alot of 6* shards for the few that can get them....

    just look at how quick newer / weaker players can progress compared to even 1 year ago.

    Seriously UNcollected is the single best thing in your control that can be done for your rate of progression.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    I don't disagree. It's just something that I haven't prioritized as much before. I knew I would get it eventually. I was stuck on 5.2.4 for a couple months, then went back to it after I had some Resources and patience. What really caught my attention was when I finished. I planned on saving some Units and Revs to plow through, and realized how much I'm spending on EQ and Crystals. Much less over several months. The Rewards definitely outweigh it, just got stuck in doing the same old, same old. The Daily Crystals alone. One more 1* and I might vomit. XD
  • jlamadisonjlamadison Member Posts: 277
    I was going for uncollected slowly. Doing one or two paths a month. But after getting 12 1 stars in a row from the daily crystal, I said screw it and pushed through. So glad too. The uncollected daily crystals and quests are letting me rank up my champs faster than ever.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    Awesome sauce. More incentive. :)
This discussion has been closed.