
  • That’s the thing about sand, it’s coarse and rough, and it gets everywhere… In all seriousness, the key with Dust is to not let Sand debuffs build up; avoid hitting her block, and intercept more than parry. That should keep her from activating Sandstorm. As an attacker she can activate with a heavy, but as a defender it…
  • There’s no set rotation, usually parts show up in the dual track events which run every few months, and there’s occasionally a set of events for mid/late game players to earn more pieces in various modes, which we had last November IIRC. I’d predict a dual track event within the next couple of months, but no way to know…
  • I think the android beta build is what lets you try beta features like the in-depth post-fight screen? on iphone you just have to toggle the option in settings.
  • I’ve dexed his L2 completely, although it’s tricky and I’ve borked it and eaten the last hit a few times. The L1 is really tough, not sure it’s impossible to dex but probably really tight timing. That said if you block most of it the final hit of the L1 can be dexed, and you’ll only take one bleed instead of 3
  • RIGGED FROM THE BEGINNING! Seriously though I hadn’t heard of any of the characters this time around aside from blob, I was a Ruby enthusiast but Shathra seems cool so voting for her in the finals.
  • so 2* Groot, 3* Groot, 2* Iron Patriot, 3* Iron Patriot, and 2* Miss Marvel, how does that sound?
  • If you’re in the side quest, use someone with a lot of DOT because the node will give you true accuracy to bypass his evade. (Or weaken him with a counter and then have a merc take down the last bit of health in the lower tiers) For the Deathless Challenge in ParaGauntlet…burn offerings to the Kabam Gods, probably
  • Awakened Thor relic is great on Angela, she can get all three permanent buffs to trigger the sig and she loves having another buff for her own sig and more armor breaks. Would also be good on Vox for the same reason, although you’d need to eat a hit to trigger the armor. Anyone with furies can use Thor to make them better…
  • Guardian or Hulk for general use, both are tanky and have good burst damage. Doom is very strong as well. Always depends on what you’re looking to do next and what game modes are most important.
  • Yep, your reward for being one of the first Valiants is…having the 8.3 and Necropolis rewards, including the initial r3 7*s. Right now the title is a signpost that mostly says ‘this will be a reward threshold in the future; same exact thing has been happening since Uncollected was the first progression title. It took a…
  • Even if you don’t care about the plot, since it’s generally an excuse for superbeings punching each other in the face repeatedly, there are some hilarious quotes thrown in. Like Mysterio’s absolutely brutal line here.
  • Yeah checked the description-all the abilities specifically state Power Sting Debuff, HT and the Mr Fantastic synergy give Power Sting Passives, which are not debuffs and thus don’t count.
  • So a) the glory milestones are supposed to be peak milestones, like normal; being able to claim all of them was a bug that Kabam let stand. b) having the cap encourages people to use their glory now, instead of hoarding until you hit the next story milestone and then immediately taking 3-4 champs up to the next available…
  • Anyone who can do passive stun can safely parry while his evade is up-Storm X in ice tempest works pretty well, since she can also coldsnap to shut the evade down, and glancing stops most of his damage. Power control also works - Spidergwen isn’t a great counter but she can keep him below 1 bar of power and that makes him…
  • hey Superior Kang isn’t terrible looking, although he might keep resetting the hookup with time travel until it was ‘perfect’
  • Next boss is 7.3 Kang, the fight is all about managing your power level, pretty manageable though because his health isn’t too high. then 7.4 is Superior Kang, that one is all about dexing and knowing what your opportunities to attack are. He’s pretty fun tbh.
  • Yeah push story and just be willing to back off midway through an act if you hit a path or boss you don’t have a good counter to.
    en Push to tb? Comentario por Feuerschwer 17 de enero
  • I think it’s related to the change they made a while back so that inequity would apply to modified attack, because if it only reduced attack by a percent of base it did basically nothing on +300% (or whatever big iso-infused modifier) attack nodes.
  • Personally I found him more annoying than the act 7 bosses, but just because I was bad at his L1; If you’re better at dexing than me it should be a walk in the park. Superior Kang was the most fun for me though.
  • Yeah it’s a single quick beam, then a delay before three slower projectiles - the beam is what gave me trouble-it’s unblockable and doesn’t have a lot of windup so it can catch you off guard, and then you get hit by the other three projectiles…. If you can master dealing with that attack you’ll do great, if you eat beam to…
  • Miles Morales is really useful if you have trouble with the dex timing on his L1; otherwise just pay attention to how each phase works and how to do his challenges.
  • yeah could be a timing issue - it probably only counts as an intercept if you hit *during* the dash, if there’s too much of a delay between the dash whiffing and the first hit of the special landing it wouldn’t count as an intercept.
  • I like him, he does solid bleed damage once he’s awakened, but he’s competing with a lot of other skill champs who do big crits and bleed dmg better. Slow and power control is decent utility but I think he ends up being too niche for general use.
  • More broadly root has been implemented consistently so that champs are never rooted during their own specials; throwing a special always ends root (although Zemo punishes that) and root cannot trigger on a champ during a special. This is presumably to avoid animation weirdness from specials conflicting with root.
  • Seems like Iceman should be a good counter, bleed immune and easy coldsnap to shut down evade?
  • if you’re fighting black cat, then she can reduce your AA when striking your block, that could be causing it?
    en EQ 2.1? Comentario por Feuerschwer 12 de enero
  • In the official posts they’ve specifically said you don’t need to take the short path to get exploration, as long as you touch every node at least once it counts.
  • tech collar mastery which reduces combat power rate IIRC.
  • Spidergwen and OG Hulk both worked well; either storm would probably be good for hitting big specials during Wounded.