KhanMedina ★★★
I don't understand how this issue hasn't been resolved yet. It's not a new event really since you've been running variations with the same problem for awhile now. You charge for randomizers, limit the number I can get, then make them useless when you reset the nodes.
Same happens with stagger if multiple buffs are triggers simultaneously (Groot and OML do that mid fight). And on the other side, the debuff-removal-for-heal one will remove more than one debuff if placed simultaneously.
Generally just save your top guys for those death matches and push through. Not just highest rank, but the ones with power drain and other survival abilities to help when they decide to go all or nothing.
yes? no?
Auto fight turned on twice for no reason for me and screwed up my second run. Rather they take that back out if it's buggy.
If he does better damage than Angela, I don't know how that damage doesn't look great to you.
Same happens when Blade parries that (double bleed). Nothing to see here
Then they shouldn't have put them in to begin with, especially the defensive minded synergies. Take the nonsense out and let us have our crit, health, and power gen back rather than disabling a feature entirely for defense.
He only gets fury after he inflicts a Deep Wound. He shouldn't have fury on immunes.
Probably better luck if you start your own thread since you aren't offering what I'm looking for. I'm seeking gold 1 and 5x5 aq. Basic minimums for all events and donations goes without saying.
I'd be interested if I didn't have to have another communications app just for you guys
I didn't have issues with her block break until this month. WTF is up with that? Just broken?
Any update on when she will be fixed? Fighting her with block break on buffet is pretty ridiculous if you don't have SL and play perfectly (Monthly UC last chapter). Even that requires some rng with heal block to make less obnoxious. Guess Vision works too if you want to be there all day.
and how many t1as to make a t2a? The point is you only sell when you're extremely close to the next one and have no patience, or you're capped and about to expire so it's that or nothing.
Uber God potential but not as easy to use as other god champs. Taking down mini MS on map 5 with 0 hits is awesome.
Let's make Angela and CW's buffs passive too, just cuz.
Absolutely false. At no time does the AI behave the way autofight does by just standing still and never blocking or attacking for up to 10 seconds at a time right in front of your opponent. The closest I can think of is the AQ symbioids that used to stand across the screen waiting to intercept, and obviously the autofight…
If one extra bar on Morningstar to start is a dealbreaker for you, then these new updates must be killing you.
There's enough aspects to the game that no one should just be horrible though. Some should be good for short fights, long fights, defense, glass cannon, tanky, utility, etc. Just being poison or bleed immune is no excuse for Kamala or Colossus. They just need something added to make them viable, the same way LC and RH were…
Here's the obvious answer to everyone but them. Instead of giving us the option to play smarter and make the map harder through synergies, they just increased node difficulties. If some synergies are just too exploitable on boss nodes or whatever, then get them out of there the way you got rid of the Void/Avenger synergy…
Those are only there as misclick bait. The only one I've gotten was the 3 star crystal because I let my nephew open a premium, and he just kept hitting buttons when the offer popped. Also, it makes the deals look much, much better to impulse buyers. You see a 4 star crystal on sale for $20, look at the regular value as…
No, we want more defensive kills. 2 sides of same coin...maybe, but when you only have a few champs and you're determining whom to rank based on synergies, it would be nice if the synergies worked (or at least said they do not work on defense, in LOL, etc.)
TTT for info. No point running max MD and 5 mystics if you're nerfing soon
This is truly awful. Right up there with how they removed the 0s from alliance events.
And DD can't hit an invisible Hood, so let's not get too caught up in what 'should be' for this game.
Who is feature? That'll matter.
Yea, I wish they'd put back something that gave cores as a prize option.
Because less stars = less synergies. I think 4 stars have all of them, but 5 stars might get stronger versions.
I mean he isn't immune to anything, but yea there's no one that DV has an issue attacking otherwise.