Mirage_Turtle ★★★★
It's important to note that Void does not deal damaging debuffs. His intimidating presence debuffs are all non-damaging. One of his natural abilities is to inflict damage based on the number of unique debuffs on the opponent, but the debuffs themselves do not do damage. For example, bleed is a damaging debuff. Petrify is a…
This persistent charge issue with Sentry seems different than the regular persistent charge bug we're seeing. While that one is intermittent and can come and go, Sentry's persistent charge seems to be permanently disabled. Any word from Kabam on this one? This bug renders his signature ability completely useless.
I'm also experiencing this problem. I've seen issues where champs like Magneto (White) and Nick Fury will lose their persistent charges. Typically, a restart will get them back. However, I'm running a map with Sentry, Mr. Fantastic, and Human Torch. The latter 2 have their persistent charges, but I can't get it to show up…
Go check out variant 6. She features prominently there. And keep in mind that storyline is from when Joe Fixit was released...so Jessica has been in the files for quite a while.
Not that he needs my support, but I'll just say that Ultimatheory was in my alliance for quite a while. Between videos he's shown on Line and his general performance in the Duel Challenge subgroup, I'd argue that he could easily be counted among the most skill players I've seen. He is often among the first to finish new…
@Whowasthatmaskedman You'll need to give more information if you want a response. What is the synergy? What are you expecting it to do? What are you seeing when you try it? Who are you fighting? What are the nodes?
Were you fighting Venom?
@Opx You're going in a little too early in order to get it to connect. Just delay your hit and you'll get the true strike. I just did a few duels and could trigger it each time:
Has there been any movement on this? Ebony Maw's falter is still being treated as a debuff when it's supposed to be a passive.
I'm not sure what you mean here. One unstoppable wouldn't "stop" another unstoppable. That's not how they work. Unstoppable just means your attacks won't be interrupted. Maybe you're referring to Thing's ability to nullify unstoppable buffs during special attacks. Doom doesn't Trigger an unstoppable buff, rather he just…
Unfortunately, you may be waiting a while @Bcman . While we got compensation for the Captain Marvel (Movie) fight that was bugged, the teams discussions regarding compensation seem to have stalled for the 2 Invisible Woman bugs, the Hulk Ragnarok bug, and the Green Goblin bug in Abyss.
I cannot verify that the following works all the time. I can only say that since having the issue with Storm posted above, I've tried a new technique 3 different times and I've been able to get the proper prefight to work.* Go to the matchup screen and select the proper pre-fight that you want. * Exit back to the AW map. *…
Can you provide some more concrete data? What level is your Magneto? Who were you fighting? What was your damage output with and without the synergy? Was it a critical attack? Light attack? Medium? Special? People will need a lot more information to say for sure if you've found a bug or not.
Synergies don't work for defenders
@theMercenary I'm just catching wind that this fix has taken effect. When I tested it against Colossus as I did in the video above, I saw no difference. Colossus had normal power gain during all attacks and only increased his power gain when under the effects of a Concussion. His text reads: If all of Colossus' Abilities…
I think until a better option comes along, a max sig 6* pull should yield the same max signature ability crystal as pulling a max sig 5* champ. This would give additional 6* shards and a chance at Immortal Iron Fist. That's not perfect considering how hard it is to max out a 6* champ right now, but it's better than nothing…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drsRJQoVN5U With a ramped up Morningstar, Herald Aarkus became a joke. With the willpower from crumbling armor and her normal lifesteal, she can keep her health very high. With her sig ability and her nullification on the L2, his power gain buffs became a liability for him. With her perfect…
Maybe I'm alone, but I would hate this. At this point, I'm pretty comfortable dodging a duped Emma's specials using reversed controls. If I also had to watch when my Aura was up when fighting her to figure out if I needed to swipe forward or backward to evade a special, I can guarantee I'll be eating a lot more of Emma's…
This fight had Power Bond and Matador. It's the second fight on Path 7.
I'd recommend people share their experiences with this bug in the thread linked above where the moderator has commented. Doing so will likely help demonstrate how much of an effect this is having on summoners.
@Trubli It's a known issue, though I don't think it's been added to the known issues thread. https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/216236/prefight-not-working-in-aw-merged-thread#latest
This just happened to my Storm (Pyramid X). Please get this fixed. This issue is causing a big inbalance in a very competitive mode in the game.
And even in the off chance you re-roll the same one, you don't have to open the crystal right away. It's a good way to reset the expiration timer without having to rank up a champ you might not want.
Were any of your teammates dead @Stellar ?
That's correct. It's not shown in the video, but it seems pretty clear that the Buffet node was not on cooldown when the LMD was destroyed, so when Fury's Fury triggered, Buffet consumed it and gave Luke Cage some health and left you without permanent tactical charges. No bug here.
Is there a piece of lore I'm missing that would make that make sense?
Mine is working fine. Do you have a video of it not working?
Yes. The pustule is a buff and Spite is triggered by buffs. @Supremovik No bug here.
"The Defender has a 50% chance to inflict the Attacker with Coldsnap on contact".en Summoner Showdown- Symbiote supreme sp2 trigger coldsnap Comentario por Mirage_Turtle agosto 2020
I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying, so I'll step away. Good day.