RakeYoung ★★★
Not quite true, I’m using an r3 OGIM with Critical Armor and I’ve done almost 50% on 4 attempts by myself with no charges. But judging by everyone having issues, game must be bugged for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Missing for me today as well after completing the milestones. I can see the tiny pig icon but the purchase option isn’t in the store.
i'd love to use my ascended r5 Shocker..... except i cant cause he has a random chance to stun the opponent and his sp2 is dependent on being able to stun the opponent as well, smh.
were they stunned when you crossed the bar of power? assassin or pacify could prevent the node from triggering.
I'll play and just to be clear, this is by no means a statement on the following champs being bad, just that i would rather have VtD over them: Korg (Duped or unduped, he's just a defender) Silver Surfer (has good damage but has a ramp required for each fight instead of persistent like VtD) Sauron (has some immunities,…
i feel like folks havent read VtD's abilities, he is far from useless, i think and please someone correct me if i'm wrong, he's the only champ in the game that can apply a degen if they are immune to bleeds, the degen is a little lower in damage, but still constant source of damage, run VtD with deep wounds and they just…
Heimdall sp2, not sure if there is anyone else.
i think what Op may be referring to is the Stand Your Ground mastery that allows defenders to resist block break, in this instance, the parry stun is almost run out and by the time you connect the AI manages to perform a well timed block and stunning you.
prestige with relics?
Never change friend, never change. lol
@Chatterofforums is that why I've had so much trouble? I pretty much gave up cause it's just demoralizing. I have a decent and diverse roster with BG meta champs, but I run into massive whale accounts with almost full r4 decks, meanwhile I've got 9 r4's. for reference I have 16k prestige.
several folks in my alliance pulled a 6* CapSam as well, sadly all I got was the 5*
@A_Fungi i most definitely am serious, DDHK is a great champ and packed with utility.
i need a skill and i'll take up DDHK
OG Guilly loved this quest, spam heavy in the corner the whole fight. easy peasy.
buying 1-2 potions every day and stock up on loyalty during off season. at the T1 level, the loyalty gain is nice and can cover the expense.
its more likely they add a trade in option into the Black Iso Market for Paragon players to get more r4 mats. with the recent AQ changes, we are getting a lot of rank up mats everyday.
i still havent got my BG rewards, this demands compensation in the form of rank down tickets, 7* class nexus crystals and 6* relics with any upgrades unlocked! /s
I’m not having any issues. Try deleting the app and installing again.
can you have some patience? i'd rather Kabam take all the time they need to give us a legit leaderboard with legit players and legit rewards than rushing thru it just cause folks wont stop asking for rewards now.
its only 8:10am on a Monday in the land of maple syrup, give them a minute to finish their coffee and get caught up on all the threads going on right now, sheesh.
i almost got a solo with R2 Sunspot using recoil masteries, i didnt read the nodes properly and missed the Extortion node and took a bunch of direct damage, got him down to 15% health and finished with a small revive cause i have them in overflow.
i got a solo with a maxed 5* Super-Skrull, definitely doable. safe to say that the Paragon objective should be difficult, enough so that it would require a particular rank up, Skrull is fairly annoying to place as a defender in BG's so its not a wasted rank up at all.
Considering it’s a high value item, I doubt folks would want to share a target score, in order to avoid too many people going for it. I’m indifferent either way, I’m going to put up the most points I’m able to and hope to rank high enough.
its already happening, the BG ally milestones and ranking are way too good to pass up, its also beneficial to the ally when someone ranks up a good BG defender cause they also double as AW defenders, if you focus on the rank up mats its a no brainer, resources come in much faster from BG store than they do from AQ.
It’s def silly to them, I’m sure they would love to say whatever pops in their head whenever they want regardless of what others feelings are and while they are absolutely free to do that, to your point it does not exempt them from consequences from the public at large. Although if I’m honest, I would rather these types of…
No point in posting on the forums if you’ve already submitted a ticket with all the relevant info. Support should sort you out assuming you met the requirements.
Obligatory reminder that we have a whole week to get it done. 😉
Am I missing something other than your opponent playing better than you?