Rodstein ★
Nice, for a moment i thought they were gonna leave it like that, great job @Captainaiden
Look i understand, is just a drag to have to play that lvl if i just dont want to, and very likely i wont, i usually like to do lower levels just to refill my mysterium, this month i will just budget it and hope next sq is not such a railroad I also guess kabam has a lot more on their plate, so they wont reply in any…
Blegh lol Can't get past 2 consecutive victories on gold 3, which is putting a damper on the solo event, tbh the previous season was way better on some aspects, i could climb faster, since i wasnt getting punished on matchmaking but i guess is just luck
KG, he can solo Cerastes
Thanks, i was confused bc the images havent refreshed at least on the cosmic(showing only shocker and before, missing warlock and LDS) Much appreciated
@FrankYoung i think 99.99% of us understand the fact that it hasnt been really justified, therefore makes no sense to engage with that 1% who will always deny the truth, i do agree there has been no real explanation other than "we want to", bc the trying to avoid frustration justification has already been proven wrong,…en Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th Comentario por Rodstein marzo 2019
@xNig unless the same airport securoiy was the 1st to introduce you to said addiction, i dont see relevanceen Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th Comentario por Rodstein marzo 2019
Being this out of question, as welm dropping the price of 5* shards and not making them really available given the 100+ basic pools, what about 10k shards 5* crystals that contain all of one class champions, at least the odds would be better for the not so easy to obtain 5* champs, still you would be able to give us those…en Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th Comentario por Rodstein marzo 2019
Cool way to show your interest in the communityen Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th Comentario por Rodstein marzo 2019
So by now the general consensus is that 4* bc of their synergies would make this way easier and less frustrating, so @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Vydious" when are we expected to see the 4* ban removed?en Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th Comentario por Rodstein marzo 2019
No empathy, no concern of the game at all, what is the point right, almost seems like they want to get rid of f2p bc the reasoning used is weak for this and specially for act 6, there were so many other decisions that could've been made
And it just came to me @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Vydious" what about you keep the gate but the rng is taken out, it would balance things, you would give access to all champs and each champ of the 5* variety would have a cost to be bought in shards ie a 5* blue cyclops would cost 2500 5* shards, whereas a cg would go for 12k…en Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th Comentario por Rodstein marzo 2019
You are not hearing the feedback, bc it has been all about how by denying the use of 4* you are removing strategy from the game as well as targeting on skilled players by denying them the option to further complete content Adding to these you will further hurt at least 90% of the community by denying access with 6*…en Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th Comentario por Rodstein marzo 2019
We need a statement about the weak behind statement I insist this is in no way helping to your case of #transparency and only makes obvious your greed Ok i had some more hootsen Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th Comentario por Rodstein marzo 2019
So to recap 4* banned bc you are too lazy to open up summoner levels beyond 60, but it makes sense to you, bc permanent content makes it possible for certain summoners who have the time, money, skill and rng will be capable to fullfill taid requirements, is really sad it took you guys a day to come up with such a…en Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th Comentario por Rodstein marzo 2019
Dont worry for the next update they will rephrase it to say whatever they want it to be
Such a "Richard's term of endearment" move from kabambc now they will be able to cycle cyclops forever in featured crystals, now i see why @"Kabam Miike" said he is effective
@Zuko_ILC is correct the exact same champ cant be immediatly brought back, but can however be added on the next pool, that is why they will be able to get away with back to back cyclops forever
Well state of the leaving month is yes we had a great couple of additions, that will absolutely give kabam their money Also we saw the same state of eq rewards as they have been since the uc eq launch. In addition we saw the dp event which was a good and balanced difficulty/rewarding event and the new lunar year event is…
Ugh the time thing is horrible, it totally wreck us bc we will surely miss moves, specially at the end, and the whole better matchmaking was bogus too
It needs both to give a time when you expect to join as stated, but also the system for matchmaking ftm is horrible, many alliances have been pitted against way unbalanced opponents
How many of you could handle map 5 or 4 daily and are quite active?
Couldnt find you in line, how many are in your ally?
Thank you very much @"Kabam Zibiit"
Has anyone noticed this situation? I rebooted my phone and still doesnt appear
Good to know that @"Kabam Miike"
Well you know kabam, they dont put much thought on known characters, of course if it is design by them or obscure, you will see pretty awesome things
Just got back from google play support and they say to check with the developers, so will we have a remake from the remake? Or will you just dismiss this?
Another month, with who knows what kind of increased difficulty via nodes & lags and the same old rewards, "perfect logic"
@XxLoganTDCxX in the case of all my allies and some friends, it increased, by the name of your thread this is the place for it, given is a review of the month, also by another thread i just remembered that is another month where a logical escalation of difficulty came in but the rewards remained the same