Zolobacsi ★★
There was like two lines I found super annoying because of these charges, for me the least fun was that 80% of it was all about protection and intercept. Even when it doesn't say straight, "they start unblockable" or other stuff that's preventing you from blocking, so you must intercept. The other thing I didn't like is…
I think it said at the sign up that just because you signed up, doesn't automatically mean that you will get to test it. Can it be that?
If it comes to BG, Carina challenges or Everest contents, I would agree. When it comes to an event like this, I don't. I'm valiant, I've done everything in the game, yet I don't have Destroyer for example even as a 3*.
I think it's much better damage now with the shield up, I can actually see the % disappearing, shield down is such a short window anyway. I'm using Gorr and I'm happy with the damage. I may won't be able to do 12%, but if I can do a solid 9-10, that's much better than the previous 3-5.
We are slowing down as more and more reaching GC. Scoring wins there is not as easy as in VT, a loss only gives 5 points more than in VT, and players trying to finish higher in GC are not necessarily playing to keep their scores.
I'm aware of that (which by the way not so fair against those who are not in alliance). The numbers are still extreme.
Yeah, that works amazing with the others too, *cough* Gladiator *cough*.
In this case I think nothing would have been better but I believe in giving credit where it is deserved, I started my morning with a really good laugh, for that it was worth it 😄
Same here. Valk, Shang, Titania. It would be sooo great if once, just once we could have content without mayor bugs!!!
That would be awesome. I've pulled the least desirable champs from everywhere, now I would get a chance to dup them! 😄
Still going to be in it.
Except with Onslaught you can see the crush coming so you are ready for it.
4 out of 5 times I start with crush on me or the opponent with unblockable and when one expires comes the other straight away. My last match was crush on me, then two unblockable in a row on the opponent. You must love "rng" 😄
Yeah, that crush debuff on you right at the start happens quite often. Starting with a parry is risky in this meta.
If banquet this year going to be anything like last year it really doesn't matter 😄
No, but to be fair they would have had to be extremely good to make me spend on them. Crystal shards (especially titan shards that we still treasure like every pull is a game braking champ) just don't cut it.
Pretty much why I'm skipping this one. After the last 8-10 opening where I pulled and duped champs nobody would ever get excited about Titan and common 7* crystals are not thrilling, like duping Morbius from the titan, then again as soon as he got into the basic is straight forward annoying. Rank up materials are not bad,…
Skip that, even in the previous we had lower ratings.
The loss was -33 and the same is in the current war, win +32/ loss -33. The previous was balanced in strength, in the current we are weaker.
There are no titan shards in completion. Take the chests away, add like 10k titans to the final rewards and everyone is happy. Still would take 2 months to put one crystal together but at least everyone would get the same.
And that's pretty much the only reason why we are doing it. Honestly, I wouldn't even mind if they would take the chests away and add some extra rewards for the completion. At least everyone would get the same.
I heard somewhere and so far I can confirm it, obviously based on experience only, but the more points you make the lesser rewards you get. Same with me, I cleared our line mostly myself as the others were unavailable, got the smallest rewards from all 3 chests, t6cc, while the others are all very happy with their titan…
I just going to make an assumption here and no judgement, I don't care who is FTP and who is not. I assume you buy the bundles, paragon/valiant crystals and get the 7*s from there. Therefore no real point to open the crystals, you know what you would get and most likely have it already, at least the ones you want.
No need to acknowledge anything. We have Valentines day event to celebrate love and relationships. Which includes EVERYONE.
A large number of player asking for something vs. something nobody asked for. Your sorry is accepted, no need for the quotes.
No, they don't. It's an end of the year event, not a Christmas event.
Let me know how is not celebrating pride is a violation of human rights.
I voted the way I did not because I have anything against pride but because of the hypocrisy. "We want to acknowledge and support a minority of players" yet, when we asked (WE, the players asked, in a large number, and would had cost them nothing) for a break in AW for the Xmas holidays, the answer was "not everyone is…
I'm curious what's to disagree with? Can you two see the meta shield symbol on Mr. N.? 😄
Yes, that's a "bonus". Although you are not missing much, that was the most awful amongst all.