Cavalier crystals - then and now

I have opened a lot of cavalier crystals from the day one. The first 1-2 weeks, I was getting so many 5*. However, from last two weeks I have noticed 5* not dropping as they were. I asked my alliance mates who also open cavalier crystals and they noticed it too.
To confirm it, I also watched many cavalier crystals opening on YouTube. There is definitely reduction in 5* dropping from these crystals.
Well, today was my last cavalier crystals crystal opening. Got 7 3* and 5 4* from the 12 crystals I opened.
I am sure kabam will deny it but it certainly isn't same it was. Same happened with PHC, when drop rates were visible, I was getting so many 4* from them. It's been over a month I pulled any 4* fun PHC and I open several PHC weekly.
To confirm it, I also watched many cavalier crystals opening on YouTube. There is definitely reduction in 5* dropping from these crystals.
Well, today was my last cavalier crystals crystal opening. Got 7 3* and 5 4* from the 12 crystals I opened.
I am sure kabam will deny it but it certainly isn't same it was. Same happened with PHC, when drop rates were visible, I was getting so many 4* from them. It's been over a month I pulled any 4* fun PHC and I open several PHC weekly.
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We all go through different streaks of good luck and bad luck, but that doesn't mean something has changed.
Anyway, I think I will be starying away from the crystals. The disappointment is just killing any interest I have in mcoc.
huh, this makes no sense. The the percentages on cav crystals have nothing to do with the champs in them. Each time you open a crystal that is your chance to get a specific * level.
The same principle that determines the odds of a 5* champion dropping is 11% is exactly the same as the one that determines the odds of twelve 3* and 4* champs happening in a row is 21.57%. The math involved is just a short cut for applying the fundamental counting principle to those drops.