Wasps passive stun ability

Was reading Wasp’s abilities and it talks about an ability to passively stun with using heavy attack charge. Does that mean she will be able to stun an opponent on a debuff immune node like the top right miniboss node in AW? It’s a passive ability not a debuff right? Looking for clarification...
You've discovered something that makes Wasp very special! Wasp has a short duration Passive Stun as part of her Combo that does not interact with Debuff Immunity, or other Champion's abilities, like Shrugging it off or Converting it. But what's really cool is the reason that it exists. Historically, going into a heavy attack from a Combo is not a smart move, but with this short Stun, you can use it to string into a Heavy from your Combo!
Keep in mind, Stun Immunity will still affect this, and prevent you from being able to Stun your enemy!
So Wasp can heavy-stun debuff immunity nodes but she cannot heavy-stun stun immunity nodes? Just want to make sure that is right.
I would say so yeah
Makes no sense
It makes sense. Debuff immunity = immune to debuffs. Wasp stun is not a debuff.
Whoever, stun immunity is another thing. It gives immunity to both passive stun and stun debuff
That depends if her ability works when she hits the enemy while he is blocking.
No, we discovered yet another trash mechanic you decided to implement.
Literally, wasp is the combination of ALL the bs and bugs we had in the last 10 months incarnated in a champion.
At every future question about that broken mechanics we hate the most in Mcoc, instead of typing we'll be just able to post her Bio.
In what world is stun not a debuff? Even though it's passive, it's still a debuff. Iceman's coldsnap is passive, it still doesn't work on debuff immune nodes.
LEt's say i had a preview in the first rift i did today. You ain't gonna like it.
Until now, stun was a debuff. Wasp stun is a passive. And "passive debuffs" don't exist...
And coldsnap is a debuff and doesn'twork on debuff immune nodes.
This is spot on. I like the corporate spin of it being that "you can work a heavy into your combo." I've been doing that already. What this really means is that any time you're fighting Wasp she can stun you at will by triggering a heavy without touching you. Maybe at lower levels this is acceptable but at uncollected speed this will be complete BS. It's like the mesmerize node but worse because you have no way to play around it (like stun/3 combo) and the AI can trigger it at will instead of randomly based on percentage chance.
This will turn out just as broken as Domino and IMIW.
I'm not surprised. I understand that they want to make the game more difficult, but if they think adding ridiculous abilities to champs is the way, they're mistaken.
But I'll wait until i meet her in the battle realm for the first time to make any final judgements for myself. I'm just speculating right now that is gonna be BS...lol
Yeah but were you using an appropriate champ? I feel like AA or most other ability accuracy reducing champs shouldn’t have much trouble.
Hmm… Drax was “fixed” right after IMIW was introduced as well with the same medium effect of “ignoring evade”
Coincidence? Probably not
Not everyone has the right counter, and you alwais have to consider the inviroinment around the champ. Wasp was made with the same purpose of IMIW being further spending in War. And with the new nodes in master brackets and the way the character play it's gonna be way worse then even IMIW.
The whole mechanic of "evade + unavoidable stun + unavoidable dmg (a lot) by shock + 3 hits heavy of which 2 will be granted critical hits by ability means that you're pretty much dead in 2 evades without any chanche of actually countering with skills.
Add that you won't alwais be able to locate her on the map, that the new mini nodes are hilarious, and the ill will of purposedly make content undoable and you got your perfect mix of ****.
Another thing is the stun on debuff immune: does it ring a bell? It was removed from AA in the worst professional way and now we know why, cause it had to be a unique feature of a new released champ which still havent monetized.
Finally, Wasp looks absolutely underwelming in every istance but War defense. Meaning, factually, that the moment the meta gets shifted again she'll be as useful as a used pamper. Another way to devaluate progression and literally let you waste resources without them keeping any "value", no matter how much you spend. Which in a game is absolutely trash.
Iceman’s coldsnap is an active debuff, it’s his frostbite charges that are passive and they work on debuff immune champs. Same thing for YJ’s power sting, it’s passive and it works.