So I give up 3 of my t4cc..

And I don't even get to choose which class I want?
Probably this is just focused on end game players that have a lot of overflow.
Probably this is just focused on end game players that have a lot of overflow.

My t4c inventory is full in nearly every class, but I'd rather let them expire or sell them for pennies worth of gold than to ever trade 3 for a 1 in 4 chance to get the class I want
Any plans on solving the t3cc bottleneck with 5*s and the t2cc with 4*s?
It's a solution to rotting catalysts. Just because it has RNG doesn't make any less of a solution. My god.
Please take back feedbackto the team that this is definitely not for end game players, or anyone it seems. Perhaps that’s what it’s aimed at but I think it’s a bit of a damp squib.
I am overflowing 5 of 6 classes but wouldn’t want to trade any 3 of them for just one until literally the last second of them timing out. I wouldn’t want to trade 3 for 1 if I was overflowing in 1,2,3,4,5 or all 6 classes.
This and removing t3cc for r2.
No no, @Zuko_ILC it's one RANDOM one.
This still isn't enough to get me to crack my 30 plus T4CC crystals or the hundreds of shard crystals I have but it is something. Sort of a step in the right direction.
Yes I said for a chance at 1.