Anthinho ★
Id from more of a synergy team surrounding Aegon rather than just having arbitrary strong champs in your roster
what does "Note that I don't have Dexterity or use Champion rotations" even mean bro
red mags already does enough at r3, havent seen a need for r4
Gala, Rintrah, AA, and CGR
It changes it drastically considering that she was winning the poll
Its a really simple node I just think it comes down to either you not paying attention to the node and lack of skill, also remove points from glass cannon and put them elsewhere
Unless the in game timer was off in terms of the time, as of now there should have still been around 11hrs still left that may have allowed me to grind to at least three or four tiers higher than I was at currently in gladiators circuit. This is truly **** and some sort of compensation should be given for people especially…
Frr super disappointing
multiple posts on this...
Its definitely a struggle tho lmao
u have apoc?
Have you heard of the Aegon trap, even though he can awaken, hell need to find a way to get at least 74 gems in order to get any use out of his sig its just a bigger hole you have to dig yourself out of if the path is taken. Better to save for NF...
You just dont know how to use Airwalker
like asking how good is a car at getting you places
torch all the way
bro its a poll, the vote is the opinion
If you use suicides do omega, if not CAPIW
Guilly is the safest bet, unless you wanna wait till Magneto is released
literally no competition, if both are awakened 5* will always be the better option
i dissagree completely, morningstar really relies on being awakened to be viabledans Is unduped morningstar worth taking to rank 3? ( And possibly 4) Commentaire de Anthinho juillet 2020
he is a defender
similarly, there are a ton of champs that either block or reverse healing completely
Omega needs to be sig 100+
I don't see how its good, you just gain a bit of power thats basically it
Idk why people say ghost, she’s doesn’t really need awakening at all
He is a monster against mystic champs
i just took him to r2 as a 6* and honestly if you keep his temp up above 10 at least and have a couple of stacks of smoulder, he melts anyone
sentinel doesnt need dupe
either colossus or Namor