Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • Mate I feel this, my first 14 matches in new GC meta I didn't draft Hulkling ONCE. and now, my r3 serpent is banned 90% of matches but the ones where he isn't banned I don't draft him but EVERYTIME my opponent has? It's such bull ngl Needs to be a white list champ where you have one or two champs guaranteed to pop up or…
  • Honestly feels like we need nothing short of a miracle to fox the countless problems this game has ... of course on top of fixing the new ones that come with every update 😂🔫
  • Can add scorp to this, hold heavy waiting for dash in and the ai is more likely to walk upto me and light than actually dash and the heavy special intercept is huge for him
  • Ahah I keep getting my arse kicked by CGRs damnation and lady D doing stupid damage! I literally had no issues with this meta running absman on path 9 but this is 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
  • I always feel starting light is risky because if the defender does the same they ALWAYS do it faster than you
  • I have one question, why is this CGR doing 4k damage per tick from damnation? 😂
  • It's the unpredictability of it all, I know this game and the champs like the back of my hand but I can't select the right the champ who might just get switched off thanks to the node. Or I give them an unwinnable match but thanks to Rng they get the kill faster than me with the match up, doesn't reward skill or knowledge…
  • Was really hoping that was a typo 😮‍💨
  • Why wouldn't gauntlet be today? The timer end in 4 hours and it didn't go cool down last time? It's so for 4 weeks, plenty of time to do that and showcase
  • Yeh I think the titan should have been a nexus or 1 of 2 champ selector. A lot of people maybe open 1 every 3 months and for all that build to get a very low rated champ is a kick to the teeth. Last month I opened 2 back to back and duped my morbius twice... my friend also opened one exact same time and duped his too 😂
  • Bahaah like they fixed the double medium reparry with werewolf? Oh yeh they didn't but dropped him as a tactic attacker whilst still unstable in some key scenarios 😂
  • Yeh this meta is dog 💩💩 Whos the genius who decided to put this rng **** together?? I'm losing matched where I have the perfect counter because of crappy rng 🤬 Fought r4 galan with r2 Glad and every special either through gave him a damn buff, half the time it was unblockable so I just taking sp2's to the face and being…
    dans GC Meta Commentaire de WhiteKnight 4 juil.
  • First light and first medium don't make contact, makes onslaught crazy good for him and korg
  • And I'd not hit his block a single time, he was quite aggressive so didn't need to
  • Nah 100% thorns, I was parry hearing so his concussion etc was through the the roof and sent striker to tee up final sp2 and just watched my health disappear 😂
  • Solely for Nimrod, did same in war for him makes him useless unless you bring the synergy that turns them to incinerate but not as much damage I think
  • Great solution, one champ 👍 Maybe negasonic too? Unless obviously he's dropped an sp1 already then she's useles.ls... so onslaught? I mean you'd have to sacrifice a top defender to use him on attack but he does work
  • It was an event, only 6 champs could have it
    dans a 7* awakening gem Commentaire de WhiteKnight 30 juin
  • Same for Photon, can't force her to trigger her light mode
  • I think it's first hit you're dexing and being clipped by second, I'd say let them hit you and dash back for the projectile. The backaches remove the stiffle and he's unstoppable during his special so wont affect you
  • Complainer of the forums love that 😂 Idk glad does alright but then he randomly dashes at me while intimidated thanks to Kabams genius AI 👌
  • Oh sorry 3 champs for dot, gladiator roo
  • This fight is ****. Serpent is probably the best burst option and he only does damage 50% of the time pretty much. Gorr and Vox are the only option for cosmic dot and most people don't have vox or at least not ranked but only 2 options is a joke And mutant? Heard popcorn use mags and didnt sound fun, I tried dani and…
  • I mean you literally just admitted you have no desire to reach GC so you login every other day and play 3 matches against low level accounts because you're low in VT for thr milestones... how is that any different to farming solo points? 😂 Yeh maybe you don't purposely lose to stay low you just don't try and therefor don't…
    dans BG points farming Commentaire de WhiteKnight 25 juin
  • Kinda sounds like you just wanna farm off small accounts... whether it's for solo objective or just the 3 wins every two days you're still farming. There should be NO valiants not pushing into GC, thats literally the entire point the top players like us beat the little players into GC and that gives them a chance to get in…
    dans BG points farming Commentaire de WhiteKnight 25 juin
  • Huh? How does he help with revive farming?
  • There's plenty if defenders who don't ruin the game... didn't see any issue when Kindred was dropped? Amazing defender and done right. This isn't done right, kabam have released a terrible champ and can't even nerf him right 🤦‍♂️
  • Another point, Kabam literally say BLEED IMMINE champs are taking too much damage but have done f*ck all to change this... bleed not triggering on dex doesn't effect them at all so wtf are they expecting to change here?! Just stupid
  • Just because she is a counter doesn't mean she is going to handhold you through the fight. Don't bring a champ you don't know how to use. I routinely finish fights at 95-100% vs bullseye this season with CGR, Lady D, Sinister, Iceman even had a couple safe Ws with Kushala, Dragonman and Onslaught. That's the worst advise…
  • FYI this is my first fight using her against bullseye clearly not learnt how to do it properly but this is a direct counter getting her arse wooped. Her counter switched off after he through sp1, I'm guessing because of true strike? But even a perfect counter does counter him perfectly 🤣 And before anyone scream 'skill…