Yuvraj_267 ★
Ebony maw, sunspot, shuri, titania and crossbones (since he awakened) are very good options. You should watch lags that video https://youtu.be/JKFo_uDX7CE?si=dMPqkCCI1nM2B_W_
Odin isn't good enough in game in comparison to comics, same condition applied to knull.
3× Cosmic Abyss nexus still not got hercules WTF!
He comes nearly 600 days ago lol 😂😂😂
I do it without any doubt but the issue is my opponent would not do it.
There are one more post regarding this but imo, it expires yesterday so it doesn't openned for you tomorrow.
@Karatemike415 may help you. Ask him something?
Shathra is good and she is a 'doable' counter of serpent. But the problem with her, as you say that summoner choice champ is worse than a random champion come with her. Count should be come alone, similar to onslaught and with shathra, there should a champion also came which is worse than shathra but still quite good. If…
Korg is defensive nightmare after awakening if you doesn't have his counter or the opponent is extremely skilled.
Never think about that.
So saddans Titan crystal opening - i should have saved them till December Commentaire de Yuvraj_267 septembre 2024
It is coming something new
You do a error, it isn't working.
I have a lack of sigs but i can go with both of them but you hace different opinions.
Onslaught (overall) with no second close. Ham is quite faster than juggs in BGs if you got it as a 7*, his porker popper completes the fights faster than CGR, if you have him as a 7*r3.
All of three are good after dupe and aincw your colossus is getting dupe, you should choose colossus.
Shuri is better overall but guardian is better for BGs.
Kate should be your top priority. Excluding her, other great options are sassy, toad, count naferia, guardian, enchantress and mantis. Ultron, sauron, captain britain, punisher 2099 and jabari are also good options but they are not useful enough. Only ultron out of them may help you in long run but top priority champions…
Knull desreves a more than avenger level movie, where all the avengers, x men and fantastic four combinedly faces knull and it must be, at least loosely based on 'king in black' comic series. I don't want that sony even touch knull. Knull is the big daddy of small level villains like toxin and carnage. His appearence in…
Unless the awakening ability is a necessity for your champion.
Tigra, she cheezes her and his specials isn't even hit her so you are secured from even the chip block damage from serpent. So she is best, atleast in BGs. However it is only worked for extremely skilled players.
For me, i have none of them.
If you ask me to explain him in one word, so i say only one word, NNNNNNNNNNUKE. In two words, ABSOLUTE NUUUUUUUUKE
My most desirable champs are: 1. Worthy captain 2. World breaker hulk 3. Any new version of thor, like thor (infinity war), old king thor or rune king thor. Any one.
Suryur should inflicts incirenate and he shiuld have shape/heat/temprature charges like something which increase his size and damage. He should inflict incirenate passive and if opponent is immune to it, he should infict plasma passive. He should have very high energy resistance. His abilities is targeting asgardians.…
On which quest, or you used that single team for whole chapter.
This genuinely grows my interest in her. I have her in 6* and i am at 6.4.2
Ok i go to choose her, i have thor relic in 5*.
But have no awakening gem. Still thinks for her if he have any prowess for questing or BGs. Tell me is it still good?