Zuko_ILC ★★★★★
All they had to do was increase the inventory limits for everyone after they removed the sigil or remove the sigil the day before the new release. Instead the fumble the ball yet again because they don't consult the CCP before doing anything. It's quite embarrassing at this point. 10 years in and they still keep doing this…
Great job! I had 125 stash of 7 star sig stones with 30 expiring. My plan was to use the 30 and save my sigil stash of 125. Nope have to use the 25 and the 30. Nice job guys! Glad I spent money in the banquet and sigil to not take advantage of it!
Talk about a bad time to make a change. This game is currently blowing up with errors.
Honestly the profession title of valiant has felt kinda pointless. We still have thronebreaker EQ. Top progression level doesn't feel much different from Thronebreaker.
Valiant needs it's own rewards. It's the highest tier for a reason and getting same rewards makes absolutely no sense.
For the love of Odin please talk to the CCP before making decisions like this!
Jax yes but Miike always made things worse. Are the crystals good? In my opinion no. The event rewards are okay, top 90 will be happy. Giving us 10 free 7*s was awesome but these crystals missed the mark by a lot. Too few 7* and titan shards, still too much filler. I wish they would discuss rewards and these crystals with…
Honestly I'm testing this out and it's boring. For the love of God stop these protection nodes. Lots of the node combinations are terrible. It takes way too long to complete a path. Definitely needs some adjustments, this isn't end game content it's a quest. Should be tough but fun. There's no fun in this design.
So Kabam just encouraged farming in BGs.
First place would've not slept in 30 days. Kabam releasing rewards before checking for cheating is shameful. The player base deserves better.
I think the main issue with her shield is it takes too long to get rid of to do damage. You can get 2 shields down typically during a fight. My main issue is there's no reason to have a bunch of champions to select from in each role as there are basically 3 in each that can do massive damage and remaining champs are just…
It's great if you brought the right champs. But all champs should do good damage with the right role but there's still champs that suck. It's beyond frustrating. First week you should give free raid revives and let people test and give feedback before making us spend. This happens every time.
Same issue just happened. Built up 15 charges for each now we are at 0.
Yes, multiple times.dans 7* Sig stone offer improvement suggestion: include generic sig stones Commentaire de Zuko_ILC août 2024
Bought from webstore and never got them. Sent a ticket.dans 7* Sig stone offer improvement suggestion: include generic sig stones Commentaire de Zuko_ILC août 2024
I have the same issue no rewards.
I dunno that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Most other games you can max out most of your roster yet in mcoc we can't even max out all our 3, 4, 5, 6 stars still. Theres no need for 8 stars at all its just for money in my opinion. You can easily continue to create content for 7 stars as 98% of the player base can't max…
I'm 100% fine with content being difficult especially if they aren't going away. I can always clear it later if I want. I never did Carina 1. I didn't want to use 4*s again in LOL. I did it 1x didn't enjoy it so skipped it. Those rewards aren't worth going back in so I chose not to. I gave constructive feedback on my…
Apparently you can't read. You need to complete 1 of the CCP solo objectives to get the King Groot piece. Lagacys is easy. If you can't do that then you need to spend a lot more time improving your skills before attempting.
You only need to complete Lagacys challenge to get deathless groot. It's not hard at all. You can solo it or do it in less than 10 revives if you have average skill.
Maybe if you spent less time on the forums and more time practicing these challenges the difficulty wouldn't be too much for you to have them. If you have the champs you aren't gated so you can just skip them.
Keep practicing them until you get good. The content isn't going away.
First off no one should be personally attacking you or Fintech. It's childish and unwarranted. Both challenges are difficult which is what as asked from you. People are still angry over revive farming and they are taking it out on both of you which isn't fair. I don't think the rewards match the difficulty but thats not on…
So theres really no hope to obtain all the champs and dupe them for years? S2099 and sparky benefit from high sigs. Theres 3 challenges to complete each one should've gave 1 duped champ. I feel like the community would've been more receptive then.
Honest question did you not use a single unit because you farmed revives? From all the chat groups I see the frustration comes from champions required and the removal of revive farming. I'm not complaining about the content difficulty at all and do have the champs to attempt it when I'm ready but I still need to use a lot…
The problem with this content is that these challenges are gated by champions. At least lags challenge you get the champ. Then if you have them you have to waste precious rank up materials so you aren't spending a lot of money to complete it. There was an easy solution. Each one has 3 challenges. 1st is more of a warm up…
Womp womp
My suggestion for rolling out new game mode content is simple. Make the first week free. Make it an actual beta test for summoners. Collect data, fix problems that you see and then release the content. This way you get your data, find out what issues there are and no one is angry. 1 week of good rewards wouldn't hurt the…
Womp Womp
That's a pretty misogynistic comment.