jdrum663 ★★
If you haven't found one yet check out our alliance and see if you're interested. It's Astral Travellers (with 2 Ls). We've got 2 spots open. We run map 5 and 3 but are probably gonna move to 4 and 3 since Kabam messed up map 5. I know you mentioned map 4 and 2 but as long as you join stuff and try its all good. I hope to…
We run 5 and 3, you're welcome to take a look and see if you're interested in joining. Look for Astral Travellers (with 2 Ls) and feel free to join if you want. Thanks and good luck!
It happened to someone in my alliance on map 4.
Thanks Maratox and SirGamesBond, that's what I thought but wanted to make sure.
I noticed that too. It worked partly for me in duels, counted for one objective (beating Mysterio or the other guys) but didn't count towards using the specific Spider-verse people (I used OG Spider Guy). It works in quests as Savage already said. Not sure why one one count in duels but another wouldn't though.
Probably Jinjer, Spiritbox, or old prog.dans When you do completions for quests, what do you normally listen to? Commentaire de jdrum663 mars 2022
Maybe the daily class quests? I think you get 2 or 3 if you complete the easiest level. I hope that helps, good luck!
Hi Achilles! You're welcome to take a look at our alliance and see if you're interested. It's Astral Travellers (with 2 Ls). If you are interested send me or one of us a request. I'm the leader if it matters. Good luck finding an alliance! Thanks!
I think there's a new update, one since the "hot fix". I saw one after posting this,, updated,, and mine are there now as far as I could tell (calendar one too). So maybe go to the Play Store or wherever you update from and try. I hope that helps!
I bought some that disappeared too, latest update including "hot fix". On Android S6Lite if it helps.
Thanks! I sent him a friend request before he left. He never accepted it so maybe that's why I can't get him back for the gifts, since he's not a "friend" and no longer in the alliance.
Never mind. I'm still getting it but I think it's because the guy who I was trying to gift back left our alliance. I'm able to gift others. I shouldn't have tried him first, I didn't know he left. Sorry about that.
I noticed that when the arena synergy crash thing started.
I'm on Android and didn't get it on either account.
I think that happened to me but I can't be 100% sure. I know I couldn't block anything but I don't know how much was intended and/or how much if any was a bug.
Hi! Do arenas all you can for gold, "they" say incursions give a good bit of gold too. As far as ISO, I dunno, the best I can think of is go back and 100% some Story Quests or by duping champs. The Daily Quests give a bit but it's a long process. I may have missed something, I'm just thinking off the top of my head. Good…
Happened to me a few minutes ago in AW and I got wrecked. He wouldn't stop moving on his own. I took my right hand off of my tablet and was furiously swiping back with my left but he kept running forward and hitting. It happened 4 or 5 times in a row all at once. It stinks to lose an AW fight that way.
I'm not a fan of them at all. There are r4 opponents everywhere, plus nothing works. I'm losing many more fights than "normal" and half of the ones I win are long and drawn out. Half of those I barely win. Absolutely nothing fun or anywhere near said QOL Improvements, extremely frustrating and disappointing. That's just my…
Sorry but, yeah you'll have to level up. If you have or get any XP Boosts use them, they will help a little bit. Good luck!
I used Ice Man if it helps, good luck!dans What characters can help me beat Act 6.1.5 Crossbones boss? Commentaire de jdrum663 janvier 2022
It looks very drab and/or dystopian.
Ditto! Last night I tried to duel, couldn't duel either. I got an error message but it took my duel credit(s). At least it didn't crash from that particular bug! Lol Fun times...
I guess I'm on an older device, not sure. I'm on a Samsung S6 Lite...it's not fun, nothing works.
I dislike fighting Gwen more and like Ham more for attacking if that means anything to you. I'm assuming your wanting it for attacking so, Ham, good luck!
I agree on every point made, it's been like this for a couple of months from what I can tell. To me it also seems like the AI has "situational awareness", wondering what you guys think. Example: when using Mysterio sfter an sp1 I'll drop block and expect to get hit to reflect damage. The AI will just stand there holding…
I agree with OP completely, it's been over a year for me. I haven't done any difficult content for that amount of time. For them to dismiss Android users says a lot. Oh wait, "Android users aren't experiencing any problems". Lol
Sorry but that's the only available arena until you become Uncollected. There used to be one for 2*, 3*, and 4* but they combined those 3 arenas into 1.
Search 234, it's a Mysterio around 500.
Thanks! I opened my 3 GGCs. In case ppl are curious, I got: 150,000 in3 gold, 5,400 t5 Cosmic, 5,400 t5 Mystic, 3 5k Mystic ISOs, 1 5k Cosmic ISO, and 4 or 5 5* Mystic sig stones. Thank you again! Congratulations to the other winners! I hope you guys have good luck. Thanks!
Wow! I've never won anything...ever. If by chance I actually DID win I would prefer the GGCs if possible. Thank you so much! I'm in shock so I'm at a loss for what to say except thank you!