Are we seriously starting AW season without attack tactics working?

JuroSanJuroSan Member Posts: 187 ★★
Are we seriously starting AW season without attack tactics working?
This season is all wrong on so many levels but at least fix the attack tactics before season starts!


  • JuroSanJuroSan Member Posts: 187 ★★
    @Kabam Zibiit
    Can you please kindly get an update on fixing attack tactics?
    No one can apply them at the moment
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    In a planning sense I’m kinda glad, wars take long enough to plan without another thing to add on, but it is weird how they’re starting the season with them not working
  • JuroSanJuroSan Member Posts: 187 ★★
    Attack tactics replaced the bonus attack stats we were getting previously, are we getting those back? And if yes how?
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    JuroSan said:

    Postponing the attack tactics is just unbelievably irresponsible

    While it is annoying they almost didn't do anything aside from a very few niche things.

    This war season will be easier than last season. You can run rampage with Ghost and Corvus again + some nodes got easier.

    Didn't some powergain node got nerfed too? Path 7 I think
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    JuroSan said:

    Postponing the attack tactics is just unbelievably irresponsible

    Actually, it's the responsible thing to do, unless you want them implemented and broken.
  • JuroSanJuroSan Member Posts: 187 ★★
    Those attack tactics replaced attack bonuses
    So now they basically removed them without replacing them with anything else, so that put the attacker on a disadvantage compared to what we had in the game mode
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    What do you guys want to counter? Like seriously
  • LuisBvvLuisBvv Member Posts: 139 ★★
    Yeah how will we counter the regenerator power gain now. They go hand in hand. Both have to be canceled
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,333 ★★★★★
    well the attack tactics never really made sense and i couldn't find a use for them that really impacted War because they're still requiring the defender to fill some sort of prerequisite before the attack tactic comes into play. so why separate them when they are still very much dependent upon the defense tactic selected.
  • LuisBvvLuisBvv Member Posts: 139 ★★

    Jaded said:

    JuroSan said:

    Postponing the attack tactics is just unbelievably irresponsible

    Actually, it's the responsible thing to do, unless you want them implemented and broken.
    The responsible part would be to cancel both attack and defence tactics. Not run defence tactics that were suppose to be countered by the aforementioned attack tactics.
    Are there Defense Tactics, in particular, you're referring to?
    Miike these new defenses tactics were to be countered with the attack tactics so you have to cancel both. It’s not fair to have no way to counter evade and power gain
  • LuisBvvLuisBvv Member Posts: 139 ★★
    There will literally be no way to counter the power gains on regenerator
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    Jaded said:

    Jaded said:

    JuroSan said:

    Postponing the attack tactics is just unbelievably irresponsible

    Actually, it's the responsible thing to do, unless you want them implemented and broken.
    The responsible part would be to cancel both attack and defence tactics. Not run defence tactics that were suppose to be countered by the aforementioned attack tactics.
    Are there Defense Tactics, in particular, you're referring to?
    The evade one specifically. It will cause even true strike to fail since it adds 15%. I’ve already seen it fail and taken combos to the face. With the attack tactics it would be mitigated.
    If a defender is evading while you have TS up, that's a bug. It doesn't reduce evade ability accuracy it ignores evade all together. Slow which the tactic places on the other hand actually can be bypassed by increased ability accuracy
    Exactly. I just didn’t type out every scenario.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Jaded said:

    Jaded said:

    Jaded said:

    JuroSan said:

    Postponing the attack tactics is just unbelievably irresponsible

    Actually, it's the responsible thing to do, unless you want them implemented and broken.
    The responsible part would be to cancel both attack and defence tactics. Not run defence tactics that were suppose to be countered by the aforementioned attack tactics.
    Are there Defense Tactics, in particular, you're referring to?
    The evade one specifically. It will cause even true strike to fail since it adds 15%. I’ve already seen it fail and taken combos to the face. With the attack tactics it would be mitigated.
    If a defender is evading while you have TS up, that's a bug. It doesn't reduce evade ability accuracy it ignores evade all together. Slow which the tactic places on the other hand actually can be bypassed by increased ability accuracy
    Exactly. I just didn’t type out every scenario.
    So what's your point? TS champs will be a better option than using the attack tactic anyway.
  • JuroSanJuroSan Member Posts: 187 ★★
    @Kabam Miike
    Attack tactics replaced attack bonuses
    Are we getting back the attack bonuses?
  • JuroSanJuroSan Member Posts: 187 ★★

  • JuroSanJuroSan Member Posts: 187 ★★
    Currently we have bonuses for defenders but not for attackers
    Isn’t that imbalancing the game mode?
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