IsThisLoss ★★
i remember a time in this game where there was 3 main big events for spending where even ftp could dabble and it was pretty good. Cyber, Spring cleaning, july 4th. As others have said it seems that we now have a july 4th event every month it seems, and it is pretty lame. Why is a random week in may the first time the…
easiest poll i’ve ever seen
sasquatch titania mantis, that’s all for now imo those are your priorities , domino if you dupe her
serpent is really really good against red skull
gonna go for destroyer as well in arena
yep, got him with 130 mill, he’s either been banned since adding i him to my deck or has won me every match, and i didn’t spend $100, win for me
here miike even confirms the tokens can be bought with loyalty (not loyalty shatter, the person said when can we buy tokens with loyalty)
got three solos, photon, kushala, abs man, easiest week by far
i took starky twice, let’s just say almost every hit he does is yellow and over 15k :) 20k+ for mediums
the serpent, odins brother
was it mentioned anywhere? i can’t seem to remember
i agree on the rank down ticket but because i fell for karatemikes hype, zemo big suck :’(
apoc is near useless in this day and age and in bgs he is definitely useless, go with aa or kitty doesn’t matter
Yes it’s funny, now zemo is even more useless then he already was. I can’t think of one solid reason to rank him other then prestige 😂
Like a more involved spider gwen. Losing all her damage when the opponent throws a special??? paaaaaasss
I been saying for weeks now that this relic was very obviously not intended to give that much crit rating and that it will be changed 😂
Legit nobody cares lil bro
its pretty much arena with a partner lol, extremely tedious
this isnt news
starky can just outdamage the arc overload
just happened in act 5 for me
wolverine, stark spidey, gwenpool
thats not why its called contest of champions lol
gwenpool definitely isn't better than him and blade is so boring
Got yellowjacket from the 5 star and 5 star ip from the legendary lol
hope i dont get stark, alrady pulled him tiwce..
focus on stark nd hyperion