
  • Hello there, It is clear that this thread has run its course and we will be closing it before it becomes completely non-constructive and argumentative. We will be closing this thread. Thank you.
  • Hello there, Unfortunately the forums are not an appropriate place to discuss these issues. I would recommend contacting our support team about this. They'll be able to help you get this sorted. https://help.kabamsupport.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  • We currently have a big thread of character suggestions named Character Wishlist Thread 3.0 Please keep character suggestions to that thread. This helps keep the forums from getting filled with individual suggestion threads. We will be closing this thread. Thank you.
  • Hello there, Unfortunately the forums are not an appropriate place to discuss these issues. I would recommend contacting our support team about this. They'll be able to help you get this sorted. https://help.kabamsupport.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  • Hello there, Unfortunately the forums are not an appropriate place to discuss these issues. I would recommend contacting our support team about this. They'll be able to help you get this sorted. https://help.kabamsupport.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  • Hello there, Unfortunately the forums are not an appropriate place to discuss these issues. I would recommend contacting our support team about this. They'll be able to help you get this sorted. https://help.kabamsupport.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  • Hello there, The team is aware of this issue, and is working on getting a fix out as quickly as possible. Ypu can find the main discussion on this subject here: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/310622/cant-login-to-the-game-after-update
  • Hello there, Unfortunately the forums are not an appropriate place to discuss these issues. I would recommend contacting our support team about this. They'll be able to help you get this sorted. https://help.kabamsupport.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  • Hello there, Unfortunately the forums are not the appropriate place to discuss these types of issues. For further information, please contact Kabam Support. We will be closing this thread. Thank you.
  • Hello there, Unfortunately the forums are not the appropriate place to discuss these types of issues. For further information, please use this link here in our forums regarding bans. We will be closing this thread. Thank you.
  • Congratulations!
  • The forums are not the place to discuss actions taken on yours or others accounts. I will be closing the post. Thank you.
  • @Frostyy_12 Congratulations, A great accomplishment!
    in I did it :D Kommentar von Kabam Dijon Juni 2021
  • Congratulations!
  • Hello @jose00, Please contact support as we don't have access to In-Game Accounts. You can contact them through this link https://help.kabamsupport.com/hc/en-us/categories/360003410932-Marvel-Contest-of-Champions/. I will be closing the post since we will not be able to assist in this issue. Thank you.
  • The forums are not the place to discuss actions taken on your account or other players accounts. Please keep the post about the original topic and not actions taken on accounts. I will be cleaning up the post, therefore some posts will be removed. Thank you.
  • Congratulations, Great pull!
  • I will be closing this post due to the fact it has become non-constructive does not help the community.
  • The forums are not the place to discuss any actions taken on individual accounts, including in-game bans. There is more information in our forums regarding bans, here: http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/34/on-cheating-and-player-conduct
  • Sorry to hear you are having crashing issues. Can you please go to our Performance Investigation threads and supply as much information as you can? You can find them here. One for IOS and one Android. https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/166866/ios-lag-crashing-and-performance-investigation#latest and…
    in Crashing Kommentar von Kabam Dijon Juni 2021
  • Congratulations, Great job!
  • The forums are not the place to discuss any actions taken on individual accounts, including in-game bans. There is more information in our forums regarding bans, here: http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/34/on-cheating-and-player-conduct
  • @lordfresh456 I'm sorry you are experiencing issues with the rewards but unfortunately, we are unable to assist with In-Game issue on the Forums. Please contact Support though the game via the wheel in the left top corner so they can look into this matter for you. Thank you. I will be closing this post since we are unable…
  • @AlexRazian90 Please contact Support so they can look into the matter. We are unable to help with In-Game issues on the Forums. Thank you. You can contact Support by going through the In-game wheel in the top left corner of your screen. I will be closing the post since we are unable to help in this matter.
  • Please visit out Wish-List thread at https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/18/character-wishlist-thread-3-0#latest to submit any Character you'd wish to see in the game. Thank you!
  • @unstablechild As stated above please reach out to Support so they can look further into this for you. Thank you! Support can be accessed through the gear icon in the top left corner of the game.
  • @ragnarok_947 Congratulations on becoming TB, Awesome accomplisment!
  • Hey @WayWorn2525 I am sorry to hear you are having performance issues. If you could, could you please head over to our Performance issue thread and leave as much information as you can. We have two threads, one for Android and one for IOS. You can find them here…
  • Congratulations on becoming UC!
  • Awesome! Nice rank up!