Paceman ★
Pot kettle black; a situation in which somebody accuses someone else of a fault which the accuser shares, and therefore is an example of psychological projection, or hypocrisy.
This post is in breach of the forum rules, as are many of their other posts. Somebody please remove this toxic individual.
I still have not had my raids tickets returned, I would also expect back the items that I used yesterday I can’t imagine this will happen Yet another debacle
Bots never left, there are 100% multiple cheaters in arena every arena
Thanks for your pointless comment
The assumption that Kabam can you tell when you are trying to lose and you can’t fake them is ridiculous. They are not telepathic and there is no way they can 100% know your intent. To believe otherwise is delusional. I’m sure they will try their best, but many people seem to have a distorted view of their level of insight.
I personally do not prefer it. New menu takes more space on screen. The old store worked fine, would have been better to fix something that was broken.
Did they give you a reason for the kick?
Never assume
Kabam do set the prices, please don’t perpetuate the myth that don’t control the prices for in app purchases. They chose a price tier and have very good visibility of what that will be in each country once the relevant store google or Apple applies their currency conversion.
Fair enough then
Why do you have such a chip on your shoulder?
Kabam could lower their prices it’s absolutely in their control. Apple reacts to base prices, Kabam sets the base price
Another poor decision, as others have mentioned, Kabam controls the shards. They could have left the price at 10k shards and the player base would be substantially happier. Perception is reality, 10k is better than 15k. The nonsense about slowing progress of whales, is just that, nonsense. They will happily just purchase…
Do you seriously believe that people don’t mod in arenas ie use bots and scripts? As evidenced in so many areas of the game, cheats are NOT detected and banned immediately. Sad but true.
Does it randomly generate it? It was my first post and it made some odd name for me, is it possible to change it?