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Re: Meme Thread

Oh someone sneaked into Hank Pym's lab and played with his shrink canisters. 😂
Re: Feedback on Premium Crystals Parade test
Remove the new tab, or move it to the end of the existing tabs

Re: predictions for valentine deals???
These conversations lead to disappointment. Not because of Kabam. Simply because building expectations usually leads to it.
I mean, there's nothing wrong with throwing ideas out, as long as you stay grounded. I'd wager dollars for seashells that Kabam isn't adding things to make up for compounding issues. It'll be what it'll be.
I mean, there's nothing wrong with throwing ideas out, as long as you stay grounded. I'd wager dollars for seashells that Kabam isn't adding things to make up for compounding issues. It'll be what it'll be.
Re: Help my account was permantly closed
hello i was playing battlegrounds, went to go do something in real life for a few hours came back to login to not being able to please assist me thank youUnfortunately, no one here is likely to be able to help you. All you can do is open a support ticket. If your problem is technical in nature they will be able to help you. If you were banned, at best they will briefly explain why you were banned.
There are very, very, very few players who complain about being banned without cause that actually turn out to be banned incorrectly. Especially in the last few years we're talking about a handful out of hundreds or thousands. If you are looking for sympathy, the forums are not going to be giving it to you. If you are looking for someone to believe you, that's also very unlikely.
No one gets banned out of nowhere. Either there's a very good reason, or there's something very obviously unusual happening with their particular circumstances. If you have some suspicion that you fall into the latter category, by all means please elaborate. However, if you think you can sell the forums a sad story, I'm afraid that pond has been completely fished out. The forums will sooner believe you are Bigfoot than believe you were banned incorrectly.

Valentine's Day Calendar? Who would you like?

Do you guys think we'll be getting the 14 day calendar again? Last year it was definitely a win and with the new roster I really hope we get to open at least one crystal without buying it.
Personally I'd love to pull She Hulk or Ice Man
Re: Initial Thoughts On DAZZLER??
1 day and 7 day and wasnt bad i paid in all 80 pounds for all days as did the 2 objectives for day 3 then bought 7x10 and 11x1 for the amount needed for 84 daysYo @Bendy or @Pikolu you bought the double track(I'm assuming)Shes very enjoyable them burst numbers are amazing
Definitely enjoying her, the tapping during the specials is fun to learn
How'd you get her day 1?
In the Web store the 7 day boosts max at 10.
The track is 3mnths so thats (4×3)=12 7 day boost. So you'd be 2 7* boosts short since it caps at 10 in the webstore.
Did y'all whale out and get the 1 day boosts to complete the last 2 wks?. I don't want that because it just isn't worth it cost wise as you then have to pay $2 for 14 days.
How did y'all get it? enlighten me.

Re: predictions for valentine deals???
I’d love to be wrong, but I’m keeping my expectations low. Probably the best avenue for now until proven otherwise
Re: I do not care how this is received, AI is becoming worse by the day.
Well we could go to the source of the issue, which is the company doing minimal or no test on their product and having the player base do it. I don't expect everything to be tested; but once again the example of the Heimdall fight. They designed the fight, surely they should have tested it and see that the AI acted in a weird manner and ended up blocking on mid stage for as long as it wanted. Champions wiffing specials hits? Sure they should have tested it during the design period? It never showed up during the design, test or recordings for a showcase? Are they playing them on a complete different version or stage of the game?Completely separate from the issue of whether to believe an anecdote or not, there's the issue of what specifically the issue is. If someone says that they were trying to enter a side quest and it wouldn't let them, you can believe them or not but everyone knows what they mean. But if someone says the AI in a fight is "defensive" or a champion "recovers quickly" or things like that, nobody actually knows what those things mean specifically. It could be they are seeing something everyone else can reproduce, or it could be they are seeing something completely different. It could be that what they are seeing is an actual problem, or it could be what they think is wrong is just how it has always been. In those cases, video evidence is not just about credibility, but about precision of the problem report.Oh I am not talking about you buddy. Is OP exaggerated? Probably; but there is this ridiculous idea that you need to show everything for it to be true too. There is no enjoyment in recording everything for bug hunting which is what some people want.I absolutely am not disputing what many players post in forums about the issues regularly. I dont comment on those posts as it will always be a case of he said she said.I bet Steph Curry would stay silent if he was shooting 3s at a glitchy rim. I mean unless its recorded all issues are imaginary based on some people's thoughts. Cause that's the first thing I say when I am about to do my 4 BG objectives. The first thought is "Lets start recording my gameplay in case something happens"It's definitely not skill issue for some of the ai behaviours.It's a vent fest. People like OP and the others just piling on never actually show any video of what they're talking about. It's all just mumbo jumbo like "everything is broken" and "I'm a great player and guarantee you" etc. etc.I'm not a fan of some of those for a particular reason. Just raging and screaming to get views.I am probably the least educated on the subject; but I am still gonna make this comment as if I was an expert.
When PC access was announced some people got excited, I was not. Putting this game in a new platform made me worried of more and worse bugs.The game is still broken for that person too, you just probably happened to catch the moments that it wasn’t.Countless war deaths, broken devices (I’m sure for some people at least) losses in BG’s, unnecessary deaths in raids- when will it stop Kabam?Funny how the AI makes the game unplayable for you, but then we have a good player stream a BG run, and he can dex, block, intercept, etc. Are there moments here and there where some close interaction may have resulted in a glitch or a close call? Sure.
Whenever no one plays your game anymore?
I’m done sugarcoating it, this is THE reason for all of my frustration with your game. A game that I want to love playing again.
At this point, just scrap whatever code you have for your AI- and get someone to start from scratch.
This is just ridiculous.
But reading threads like the OP's would make people believe the game is broken.
And yet, how is it not broken for this person??
I can just about guarantee you, that any high level BG’s player- has gotten extremely frustrated at least a few times a day; due to how the AI plays.
Wanna know how I know? I’m in a discord server with pretty much every single one of them, and about 90% of the players from C1-C4.
They stream daily, and we all take turns playing.
No one is 100% enjoying this game anymore, let alone the game-mode.
While AI obviously isn’t the only issue with the mode, it’s definitely the main “drive it home” factor for most.
Give us an example if it's that common. Just claiming it won't help anyone prove it.
When there are legit concerns. We all stand behind it. You guys at the top can prove it if you work together. That will help everyone.
But nah, we gonna rage and throw screaming content for revenue.
And I belive you would understand when I say too many people do not understand what AI issues actually are. Most of them just claim ai issues with nothing to back their claim with. As a normal player I too have my AI rage moments, but most of them are not considered AI issues.
The only thing I myself feel annoyed time to time is the recovery speed issue with some heavy or specials. And that's not AI, it's a bug.
Damn effin Loooooong standing bug that has been overlooked by kabam. DLL had no answer for it either.
Have someone in your group record all these issues we are talking about. Make it public, shame the money hungry ceo with a proof. Point the community towards it. You guys have direct contact with the kabam employees.
Make 1 detailed video or post and let's see how it doesn't get attention from the devs.
When I show a video, they just dismiss it without even watching it.
They don't actually want to have an honest evidence-based discussion about the topic.
They just want to complain to make themselves feel better about their failures in the game.
So really, when it's disgruntled bad faith lazy emotional venting, all we can say in response is:
When players like fintech and dev DLL talks about some of this stuff, they actually know what they are talking about.
The AI is always changing, thats a fact.
But AI issues is a different thing.
There is a lot of rng going behind the ai behaviour.
There are also a lot of ai profiles active in the game, the map8 is a lot different than a agressive BG ai or smart War ai or the painful turtling story quest ai or the dumb ai in many easy modes.
There is actual issue with AI, the dash back distance for different size champs, that's infuriating too.
Can we call it an ai issues? Or is it a bug?
Is it working correctly for today's standards?
I want to know what kind of the issues actually are. With some examples. AI issues this, AI issues that, take us nowhere.
So many youtubers just blame AI, and that makes more players blame ai for every single issue.
I will trust Fintech with eyes closed if he points out an issue. Not because I'm a fanboy, because he actually explains if somthing happen which is not supposed to happen.
We absolutely cannot generalize any weird AI behavior as an issue. From what I have observed over the years, AI changes a little bit every update. Idk if they are doing it manually or the game learns by itself (Small minor changes but regularly)
Welcome to Marvel Contest of Recording Champions.
But OP is claiming to be part of 24x7 streamer gang. And we need to see some proof.
There was enough proof of the AI being weird af on the Heimdall encountern in AoA.
The most common recommendation I give to clients when they report problems to me is: you got a phone, take a picture. There is nothing less useful than to tell me "I got a funny message pop up on my screen, something about something." The picture doesn't just tell me that it happened, it tells me unambiguously what specifically happened. And the specifics are everything.
We all agree the AI gets weird and annoying sometimes. But "AI is weird and annoying" is not an actionable problem report. And we probably don't all agree on in what specific ways it is weird and annoying.
How are they so unaware of this issues during design and creation and the issues show up during player gameplay.
By the way Titania is whiffing the 2nd hit of one of her specials.
And yes you are right, pictures and video are great for reporting. Now trying to enjoy a game and having to record in case something happens doesn't fit in the description to play a game for enjoyment.