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Re: Has anyone hit the new progression title - Neva-gon?
Neva-Gon?No, they meant like Paragon, just they never get it
They may mispelled
Carina’s Necropolis Mutant Challenge team
Shoutout to MSD for the suggestion to use Colossus and to Yourek MCOC’s videos on YouTube. It made that path relatively painless minus screw ups on my part and Psycho Man and Wiccan being a little trickier. My team was:
R2 Colossus 7* duped with Gambit Relic
Emma Frost
Prof X
Omega Red
White Mags
I used around 10 revives and like I said that was mainly my fault pushing too hard. Synergies give you extra attack with armor ups and allow you to stun lock several of the opponents with your SP1 once you’ve built to 18/19 armor ups.
Stun lock Sauron
Use Mags’ prefight before Hit Monkey and fight him normally.
Fight Chavez normally until Necro timer is running low, then stun lock.
Same for Air Walker as Chavez. Just watch the heavy timer node.
On Wiccan, spam SP1s until you have 18/19 armor ups and then stun lock. Don’t parry as you’ll get neutralized.
You can’t stun lock Psycho Man due to the challenges but just follow them and do your best. Hope this helps anyone trying to do the challenge.
R2 Colossus 7* duped with Gambit Relic
Emma Frost
Prof X
Omega Red
White Mags
I used around 10 revives and like I said that was mainly my fault pushing too hard. Synergies give you extra attack with armor ups and allow you to stun lock several of the opponents with your SP1 once you’ve built to 18/19 armor ups.
Stun lock Sauron
Use Mags’ prefight before Hit Monkey and fight him normally.
Fight Chavez normally until Necro timer is running low, then stun lock.
Same for Air Walker as Chavez. Just watch the heavy timer node.
On Wiccan, spam SP1s until you have 18/19 armor ups and then stun lock. Don’t parry as you’ll get neutralized.
You can’t stun lock Psycho Man due to the challenges but just follow them and do your best. Hope this helps anyone trying to do the challenge.

Re: Who is the best Wakandan champion?
Plus in some comics she was wakandan, not in main 616 tho iirc. Being married to the king of a country defo makes u from that country. Is loki asgardian?I was gonna say no but to double check in game tag she is when did she get updated to have the tag as i get she was married to tchalla and was queen but are they counting that as to be a true wakandan?Storm isn't wakandan but does have ties to wakanda so she could go either wayShe is Wakandan
Re: Looking for 6 star rank up advice as a late game player
Hulk, Photon, and Titania are all in the basic 7 crystal pool, so I'd say JJ since you won't be pulling her as a 7 anytime soon.Maxed rank sig 200 ascended 6s are still just as viable as 7R3s. They obviously will get weaker and weaker as the 7s advance but not for a while.Man I got the resources I’m just trying to figure out who😂
Anyhow, I only use 3-4 and 4-5 rank up gems on the 6s, and the sig stones and dust are 6 specific too, so it's basically just gold that you're taking away from using on 7s. I say rank up as many 6s as you can and want. Fully exploring Act 7 and 8 will give you lots of resources for maxing 6s.
Re: Is there a set date regarding the sigil update?
It says Jan 27th on the news portion of the mcoc website.

Re: Deathless chase - am I misremembering this detail or did plans change?
I remember that too…
Re: Daily Deals Still Including Banquet Tickets AFTER The Event...
Ignore them? I mean honestly speaking, is anyone actually buying the daily deals just to get a banquet ticket?I had 29 tickets and wanted to get one more so I could get 3 Banquet Crystals so yeah I did buy the daily deal just to get a banquet ticket.
Re: lack of accountability from kabam
While I personally had no issue with Banquet [except for something that BringPopcorn brought up that I agree with completely and hadn't thought about], I do love Crash's willingness to comment during the holidays and weekends. He's the only one giving us any feedback -whether we like it or not, and I do love his ownership for the mistake that resulted in the 'need' for having the mega-whales having their 10 unit market. The other kabam members we've seen none of for quite some time [excluding a pre-recorded live stream].Quite.
I wish he wasn't the only one carrying the load.
100% props to Crashed for engaging.
He and (to a lesser extent) Pinwheel seem to be the only people engaging, for which I'm grateful to them.
KabamDork is supposed to be the community manager; but he hasn't posted a comment in about a month. And if you look back at his comment history, it's all pretty transactional:

Re: My friend got banned and there is no further action .
Answer.Plot twist, there is no miss or misses (keep on thinking misses is written wrong), they OP went to Mexico with his "friend"They probs is the missesI wonder if OP and friend share the misses too ..Why are you in the forums instead of your "friend" defending his case? 🤔I still think account is ran by both hes defending as it was probs him
The noun miss can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be miss. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be misses e.g. in reference to various types of misses or a collection of misses. Find more words!
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