Best Of
Re: Asking for Tier 1 Primordial Dust as a Valiant
first my 5* sigs out of battlegrounds, now the t1 Dust. making it HARD for completionists to compulsively rank our lower rosters. o(
Re: Asking for Tier 1 Primordial Dust as a Valiant
God forbid arena grinders get their milestones done faster and have more time to touch grass, lolWhat’s wrong with ascending 4 stars? What other star level would you ascend?As someone above said, it cuts the time needed to complete arena
There’s nothing “wrong” with that, but it isn’t convenient for kabam
Re: Old School Favourites Calendar
6* is nice, but for me the spider pp is the real deal, I want it
Re: How long does it take to find out if I got into the CCP?
It's not that they aren't recruiting. It's just that they arent recruiting you
Re: Kindest looking champ?
Guardian, especially the fight win animation. o)He’s also a nice guy, no wonder why he’s the Canadian Captain America