Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 289 ★★
    edited February 2021
    Tune up ideas (all stats based on 5 65):

    -Prowess potency increased to 18%
    -Energy resistance increased to 5586.
    -Consuming prowess now recovers 40% more health and can now purify disorient and poison debuffs.

    -Armour break potency increased to 411 and duration increased to 7 seconds.
    -Stifle now affects defensive power rate and lasts 6 seconds.
    -Potency of fury buff from first medium attack increased to 1484.
    -Special one now pauses stifle for 8 seconds.
    -Special two fury potency increased by 40%.

    -Poison damage reduction increased to 85%.
    -Physical resistance increased to 1203.
    -Focused now provides 1856 attack rating.
    -Class advantage reduction every 5 seconds increased to 8%.
    -True strike now lasts for 12 seconds.
    -Special two now refreshed dazed and attack rating bonus is replaced by critical damage rating bonus, increasing by up to 1200 based on how low the opponent's health is.
    -Now immune to reversed controls.

    -Ability accuracy reduction for each unique attack increased to 15%.
    -Burst damage after a task is complete increased by 60%.
    -Increase debuff potency reduction to 15%.
    -Special one attack rating bonus increased to 1208.
    -Bleed damage per debuff increased to 569.
    -Special two attack rating bonus increased to 1208.
    -Armour break duration increased to 15 seconds and reduction increased to 597.
    Special three attack rating bonus increased to 1208.

    -All flux attributes potency increased by 70%. Additionally, add a pre-fight screen where one attribute gains a higher average flux.
    -While forcefield is active, deal up to 60% additional damage with each hit based on flux.
    -Every seventh hit now gains plus 1256 critical damage rating and deals true damage.
    -Chance to incinerate increased to 55% and incinerate potency increased to 2145.
    -Special one reversal lasts two additional seconds.
    -Bleed potency increased by up to 150% based on flux. Additionally, now have a 40% increased chance to bleed.
    -Special three debuffs now trigger with 100% chance and gain 50% additional potency.

    Red skull:
    -Now gain 587 attack rating and 5% combat power rate for each armour up.
    -Well timed blocks now have a 60% chance not to consume an armour up.
    -Energy resistance for each buff increased to 405.
    -Combat power rate decrease is now 15%.
    -Increase armour up stack limit by 5.
    -Now also have a 50% chance to gain an armour up when the opponent gains a bar of power.
    -Heal block is replaced by petrify, lasting 12 seconds and reducing power gain/regen by 105%.
    -Base shock duration increased to 3.5 seconds, and damage increased to 718.

    -Poison damage reduction increased to 95%.
    -Now gains a synergy which increases health restored by health potions by 50%. Applies to everyone on the same team as him.
    -Increase availability of each potion to 10.
    -Attack bonus while poisoned increased to 2112 and combat power rate bonus increased to 45%.
    -Special one regen increased to 2567 and speed of the regeneration increased by 25%.
    -Special two effects now persist for the quest. Attack rating increased to 673 for all attacks and regeneration rate bonus increased to 15%.
    -Potency and duration of all potion effects increased by 40%.
    -Special three now grants Diablo 2 of each potion, this can be used once per fight.
  • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 289 ★★
    Iron Fist (all stats based on 5 65):

    Signature ability:
    An almost flawless mastery of martial arts grants an additional 50 (up to 150) additional armour penetration for each 5 hits on the combo metre. Additionally, each chi charge grants 5 (increased by 1 for each 40 sig levels) hits on the combo metre.

    Basic attacks have a 40% chance to nullify one fury, precision, armour up, regeneration or cruelty from the opponent. Each time this ability triggers, gain a matching buff for 12 seconds and power lock the opponent for 5 seconds.
    An unbreakable focus grants immunity to taunt.
    Heavy attacks can be charged for an additional one second.
    Can parry projectiles.

    Well timed blocks:
    Gain the same effects as basic attacks. Chance to nullify increased by 35% if the parry mastery is active.

    While charging heavy attacks:
    Immune to stun and falter debuffs, and pause all stun debuffs on the opponent.
    Every 0.3 seconds, gain a chi charge which lasts 13 seconds. Each of these means that Iron Fist deals an additional 3% direct damage on each hit, increased to 12% during special attacks. Maximum of ten.
    Each time Iron Fist gains a chi charge, gain 13.5% of a bar of power.

    Basic attacks:
    40% chance to be a chi strike. These gain the following benefits:
    -Armour break the opponent for 14 seconds, reducing the opponent's armour rating by 803.
    -Gain plus 2300 attack and critical damage rating.
    -Grant the opponent 40% less power.
    -100% reduced chance to activate the opponent's defensive abilities.

    Special attacks:
    Gain a 10% increased chance for each hit to be a chi strike for each chi charge.
    Both special attacks are fully unblockable if the first hit was a chi strike.

    Special one:
    Gain a chi enhancement buff for 10 seconds. While this is active, chi charges grant an additional 3% additional damage and can stack up to 15.
    Stun the opponent for 3 seconds. While this is active, they can gain no power.

    Special two:
    This attack ignores all resistance or damage reduction, other than indestructible.
    For each chi charge, consume 6% less power. This ability can be used twice per fight.
    For each chi charge, increase the bonuses gained from a chi strike by 5% for the duration of this attack.

    Special three:
    Gain up to plus 4000 attack rating based on the amount of chi charges.


    With Dr Strange-
    Iron fist:
    Gain plus 650 critical rating while chi enhancement is active.
    Dr Strange:
    Sp2 gains up to plus 50% ability accuracy based on combo metre.

    With Black Panther-
    Iron Fist:
    Special one attack grants the opponent no power.
    Black Panther:
    Plus 20% bleed ability accuracy.

    With Wolverine:
    Iron Fist:
    Chi charges are paused while the opponent is stunned.
    Regen and bleed ability accuracy increased by 15%.

    With Luke Cage and She-Hulk-
    Luke Cage:
    Plus 20% exhaustion ability accuracy.
    Plus 20% fury ability accuracy.
    Iron Fist:
    Gain plus 650 critical damage rating while chi enhancement is active. If this is paired with the Dr Strange Synergy, chi enhancement also provides 1200 attack rating.
  • This content has been removed.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Forgot about this thread! Gonna post several of my ideas here, hopefully more people will look at them here.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    edited March 2021
    Taskmaster Update Idea- stats based off an r3 6*

    Making what he already has actually viable, with one new ability and improved synergies. I know Taskmaster isn’t the biggest noodle of the bunch, but he still needs some sort of buff/update to make his rotation/utility worthwhile compared to other options.

    His abilities will still read like an instruction manual, naturally.

    Anything You Can Do: Cross-Fight Ability
    -Defeating an opponent who has a synergy with Taskmaster grants Taskmaster that synergy’s effects for the rest of the quest.
    -Defeating an opponent of a certain class grants Taskmaster a corresponding benefit for the rest of the quest. Taskmaster may only have 3 of these benefits active in a fight, which can be chosen on the Pre-Fight screen.

    Anything You Can Do- Pre-Fight Abilities
    -Skill: Taskmaster gains 3 Rage debuffs at the start of the fight, which have no effect. Charging a Heavy Attack for 1 second consumes one Rage stack, converting it into a 10-second Fury Buff increasing Attack by 1192.
    -Science: Each Debuff on the opponent passively reduces their Regeneration Rate by 5%, up to -50%.
    -Mystic: Heavy Attacks place a 9-second Stagger effect on the opponent. Max Stacks: 2.
    -Cosmic: Buffs on Taskmaster gain +50% duration. Armor Breaks on the opponent gain +50% duration. Both are refreshed on charging a Heavy Attack.
    -Tech: Start the fight with an indefinite Armor Up buff, increasing Armor Rating by 528. Bleed and Poison effects suffer -25% potency while this Armor Up is active.
    -Mutant: No benefit.

    Photographic Reflexes- Passive
    *Unique Attacks include all attacks Taskmaster or the opponent can throw; Medium Attacks 1 & 2, Light Attacks 1, 2, 3 and 4, Heavy Attack, and all Special Attacks.
    -Each Unique Attack Taskmaster successfully hits the opponent with places one Photographic Reflex charge on the opponent, reducing their Defensive Ability Accuracy by 10% and increasing Exploit Weakness damage by the same amount.
    -Each Unique Attack the opponent attempts places one Photographic Reflex charge on Taskmaster, reducing the opponent’s Offensive Ability Accuracy by 10% and increasing Taskmaster’s Perfect Block chance by the same amount.
    -Both effects are reset if Taskmaster is knocked down by a Special Attack.
    -AAR from Photographic Reflexes is not passive AAR.

    Learn the Foe- Passive
    -Each time a Debuff is placed on Taskmaster, all future Debuffs placed on him have their Potency reduced by 10%.
    -If the Debuff Potency reduction reaches 100%, Taskmaster becomes Immune to Debuffs for the rest of the fight.
    -Once Taskmaster becomes fully Debuff Immune, he begins all following fights with -70% Debuff Potency.
    -UI change: Debuffs place on charge on Taskmaster, similar to Apoc's Evade AAR. At 10 Debuffs, place an Immunity icon on Taskmaster similar to Apoc’s Immunities when becoming Debuff Immune.

    Exploit Weakness
    -Exploit Weakness targets last for 10 seconds. Attacks that would Exploit a Weakness will not trigger a Passive Evade or Auto-Block.
    -Successfully exploiting a weakness deals 2980 damage, and refreshes all non-damaging debuffs on the opponent.
    -After Exploit Weakness is triggered or expires, it goes on cooldown for 5 seconds.
    -Taskmaster’s second Medium Attack will exploit any weakness at -80% damage.
    -If awakened, active Concussions are refreshed, but a new one won’t be applied.

    Heavy Attacks
    -If Exploit Weakness is on cooldown, the cooldown immediately ends and the target is set.
    -If Taskmaster has triggered Exploit Weakness in the last 1 second, or his current Exploit Weakness is Heavy Attack, charging a Heavy attack will make incoming attacks Miss for 1.5 seconds.

    Special Attack 1
    +1490 Exploit Weakness Damage.
    -Inflicts a 5-second Bleed, dealing 894 Direct Damage per Debuff triggered on the opponent this fight (Max 5).
    +1043 Attack and -148 Critical Damage for each active Debuff on either Taskmaster or the opponent.
    Looks like something of a strange tradeoff, but it's intended to avoid damage caps.

    Special Attack 2
    -Inflicts a non-stacking, 10-second Armor Break, reducing Armor Rating by 379.41. Reduces Armor by an additional 379.41 per Buff triggered on the opponent, max 9 buffs.
    +2086 Attack and +698 Critical Rating for each active Debuff on either Taskmaster or the opponent.

    Special Attack 3
    -Automatically triggers any active Exploit Weakness target with an additional 4470 Direct Damage.
    -Inflicts a 5-second Bleed dealing 894 Direct Damage per Debuff triggered on the opponent this fight (Max 5).
    -Inflicts a non-stacking, 10-second Armor Break, reducing Armor Rating by 379.41. Reduces Armor by an additional 379.41 per Buff triggered on the opponent, max 9 buffs.
    +3129 Attack for each active Debuff on either Taskmaster or the opponent.

    Signature Ability- Intuitive Pattern Recognition, Sig [1 - 200]
    -Increase Concussion Debuff duration by [1.5 - 9] seconds.
    -Each time Taskmaster successfully triggers Exploit Weakness it places a Concussion Debuff on his opponent reducing their Ability Accuracy by [5.53 - 12.5]% for 6 seconds and resetting the duration of all active Concussions.
    -If Taskmaster successfully places 5 Concussions simultaneously, they convert into a Passive effect which reduces Ability Accuracy by [27.83 - 65]% for 25 seconds, counts as 5 Debuffs towards Taskmaster’s other abilities, and removes the Exploit Weakness cooldown timer.


    Mostly Average Joes (Hawkeye)
    Taskmaster- If Taskmaster’s current Exploit Weakness target is a Special Attack, all his Special Attacks become Unblockable
    Hawkeye- +100% Bleed Duration. Bleeds are refreshed on Hawkeye’s fourth Light Attack.

    Professors in Crime (Crossbones)
    Taskmaster- Successfully exploiting a weakness grants Taskmaster 5% of max power.
    Crossbones- Entering Overrun takes 1 less second, and refreshes all active Fury buffs on Crossbones.

    Termination Contract (Moon Knight)-
    Taskmaster- 30% chance to evade against his current Exploit Weakness target.
    Moon Knight- All of Moon Knight’s Moon Phase abilities gain a flat +20% chance to trigger.

    Thunderbolts (Winter Soldier)-
    Taskmaster- Current Exploit Weakness target Attack has a +5% chance to become Unblockable for every Photographic Reflex counter on the opponent.
    Winter Soldier- Winter Soldier’s EMP Upgrade can trigger on non-critical attacks.

    Metallic Affinity (White Magneto)
    Magneto- Unchanged.
    Taskmaster-Apply 4 Photographic Reflex charges to the opponent at the start of the fight
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Values are based off a r3 6*. Doesn't change his rotation, but gives Sentry more safety and utility, and allows him to take more advantage of his Reality Warps.

    Basic Attacks:
    40% chance to Armor Break, removing an Armor Up and reducing Armor by 600 for 12 seconds.
    All basic hits ignore Auto-Block.

    Having the power of a million suns, it stands to reason that Sentry is immune to Incinerate.

    Reality Warp
    -At the start of a fight and after every 40 Hits in a Combo, Sentry gains a Reality Warp. Reality Warps stack up to 10 in one fight. Reality Warps are used as a multiplier for his abilities. Up to 5 Reality Warps persist with Sentry from fight to fight.
    -Each Reality Warp grants Sentry:
    +1 hit on the combo meter for each successful hit
    +10% Ability Accuracy (70% chance to enter Steadfast Approach with one Reality Warp, for example)
    +2000 Energy and Physical Resist
    +500 Armor Rating
    +10% Combat Power Rate
    +5% Debuff duration

    State of Mind
    -Sentry starts the fight in Unyielding Fortitude and changes to the next State for every 10 Hits in a Combo. When Sentry loses his Combo, he reverts to Unyielding Fortitude.
    - Unyielding Fortitude: 100% chance on entering this State, Sentry cannot lose his Combo. Remains until Sentry changes States.
    -At 1+ Reality Warps, regain 20% of missing health when entering this State.
    -At 5+ Reality Warps, a Combo Shield is active for 5 seconds when entering any State of Mind.

    -Overpowering Light: 100% chance on entering this State, Sentry's Special 1 Attack Damage is increased by 3111 per Reality Warp and is Unblockable. Remains until Sentry changes States.
    -At 2+ Reality Warps, Sentry's buffs instead become passive effects.
    -At 5+ Reality Warps, Sentry has a 45% chance to ignore damage caps on Critical Hits while in this State.

    -Steadfast Approach: 60% chance on entering this State, Sentry's Heavy Attack Damage is increased by 3111 per Reality Warp. In addition, he gains 100% chance to Perfect Block. Remains until Sentry changes States.
    -At 3+ Reality Warps, Sentry is Unstoppable during his Heavy Attacks.
    -At 5+ Reality Warps, Sentry 's Heavy Attack places a 24-second Concussion debuff on the opponent, reducing Ability Accuracy by -80%. This Concussion does not stack.

    -Absolute Strength: 100% chance on entering this State, Sentry's Special 2 Attack Damage is increased by 3111 per Reality Warp and is Unblockable. Remains until Sentry changes States.
    -At 4+ Reality Warps, Sentry ignores resistance to Block Break and Immunity to Unblockable Attacks.
    -At 5+ Reality Warps, reduces damage taken from passive effects by 150% while in this State.

    -After Absolute Strength, Sentry restarts State of Mind, entering Unyielding Fortitude.
    -At 5+ Reality Warps, Sentry's previous State of Mind lingers for 15 seconds when entering a new one.

    Special Attacks:
    If Sentry has at least one Reality Warp, all Special Attacks ignore the opponent's Resistances.
    +1500 Critical Rating per Reality Warp.

    Special 1: Light Blast - Sentry punches his opponent before unleashing a Light-based Energy blast.
    Consumes one Reality Warp to gain Fury, increasing Attack by 800 for 20 seconds.
    +20% Fury potency and duration for every Reality Warp on activation.

    Special 2: Soaring Strike - Sentry leads with an uppercut then loops around for a flying double punch.
    -Each hit has a 65% chance to inflict two 20-second Exhaustion debuffs, reducing opponents' Critical Damage Rating by 80 and power gain effects by 25%.
    -Final hit inflicts a 20-second Suppression debuff, decreasing opponents' Defensive Combat Power Rate by 25% per active debuff.

    Special 3: Channel the Void - Sentry transforms into the Void, creating a black hole that consumes the opponent.
    When Health is below 50%, Sentry consumes one Reality Warp to Heal 8091.6 over 3 seconds.
    +30% regen potency for each Reality Warp on activation.
    Activates Fear of the Void for 40 seconds; combines effects of Agility, Fatigue, and Petrify, and grants Sentry +50% attack rating.

    Awakened Ability:

    Molecular Reformation Sig [1-200]-
    -When entering a fight at 5 Reality Warps, Sentry activates all States of Mind at the beginning of the fight for [20-80] seconds.

    -When Sentry is intercepted or struck by a Special Attack, he has a [25-100]% chance to become Indestructible for [0.3-1.5] seconds per Reality Warp, consuming one. Indestructible doesn’t trigger if Sentry is afflicted with Bleed.

    Beacon of Hope (Black Widow, Vision, Hawkeye, Captain America)-
    Sentry: States of Mind take 5 less hits to enter vs #Villains (except for Void).
    Avengers: +750 Block Proficiency and +20% Ability Accuracy

    Other Half (Void)
    Sentry- Fear of the Void is refreshed when the opponent is knocked down.

    Sparring Partners (OG Hulk)-
    Sentry- Special Attacks inflict Incinerate, dealing 40% of damage dealt by Sentry's special attack as Energy Damage over 8 seconds. Incinerate removes Perfect Block chance and reduces Block Proficiency by 50% while active.
    Hulk- Regenerate 60% of damage Hulk deals while under the effect of a Fury.
    Buff Hulk's Awakened Ability Kabam, make it more like Immortal Hulk's Attack increase.

    Rip & Tear (Carnage, Ares if they ever add him)-
    Sentry- Crits on Special/Heavy Attacks while the opponent suffers from an Armor Break places a 10-second Bleed on the opponent, dealing 65% of Sentry's modified Attack as Damage.
    Carnage- While Klyntar Mutation (the purple Passive) is active and the opponent is Bleeding/Armor Broken, Carnage cannot Miss or be Evaded.

    Doing the Right Thing (Iron Patriot) [Name could use improvement]-
    Sentry and #Thunderbolts Champions gain the benefits of the Beacon of Hope synergy.
    Sentry- Fear of the Void increases Debuff duration by 50% while active.
    Iron Patriot- +100% Armor Break duration. Heavy Attacks while the opponent suffers from Armor Break refreshes all Stun effects on the opponent-

    Trivia interaction (Cyclops and Havok kinda thing)-
    Sentry is immune to ability reduction against Void, nor does he take damage from debuffs applied to him. Same resistance to Fear of the Void.

    Void prevents Sentry from changing States of Mind and gaining Reality Warps.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Stats based off an r3 6star

    Utility is already really good; mostly added damage, but there are a few new tricks.

    Vulture has a permanent Armor Up buff, increasing his Armor by 8.63 for every point of Chitauri Energy Vulture has had the entire fight, up to 4260.
    If this Buff is removed for any reason, it will refresh itself after 10 seconds.
    +12.87 Critical Hit Rating per Chitauri Energy Point.
    While the opponent is inflicted with Incinerate, Vulture’s attacks are non-contact Attacks.
    - #Spider-Verse Champions suffer -100% Evade AAR per Incinerate active on them.

    Chitauri Energy Core- Passive
    Vulture spends 25 Chitauri Energy dashing away then immediately back towards his opponent to trigger Raptor Strike.
    If the Raptor Strike is Blocked he gains a Decoy Buff, which causes the next attack against him that would otherwise hit to miss. Max: 3 Stacks.
    Each time Vulture lands a Critical Hit, gain 5 Chitauri Energy.
    If the Raptor Strike hits his opponent is Steals 50% of their Current Power. Steal +25% Power if Raptor Strike was a Critical Hit.
    Vulture Evades all attacks when dodging back. Dodging an attack this way consumes 10 Chitauri Energy and Incinerates the opponent, dealing 1871.25 Energy Damage over 5 seconds. This also removes Perfect Block Chance and reduces Block Proficiency by 50%. Max: 3 Stacks.

    Heavy Attacks
    Detonate and reapply all Siphon Charge and Thermal Feedback Effects at full duration, burning 100% of all power Siphon Charge and Thermal Feedback have Drained/Burned and dealing Direct Damage based on the Power Burned.
    +30.06 Attack per Chitauri Energy Point.

    Special Attacks
    +1497 Attack if the last hit before a Special Attack was a Raptor Strike.

    Special Attack 1
    100% Chance to apply a Siphon Charge Debuff, which Drains 25% of all power the opponent gains, . This effect lasts for 15 seconds.

    Special Attack 2
    100% Chance on activation to apply a Thermal Feedback Debuff, which Burns 25% of all power the opponent gains, dealing Direct Damage based on the Power Burned. This effect lasts for 15 seconds.

    Special Attack 3
    Converts any Siphon Charge or Thermal Feedback Debuffs on the opponent into indefinite Passives.
    This Attack Incinerates the enemy, dealing 5988 Energy Damage over 20 seconds. This effect also removes Perfect Block Chance and reduces Block Proficiency by 50%.

    Signature Ability- Thermal Absorption, Sig [1-200]
    Vulture upgrades his suit to convert excess heat into power, allowing him to start the fight at full Chitauri Energy and absorb any Incinerate Debuff applied to him, using it to fill his Chitauri Energy.
    +[0.2-3]% Incinerate Potency and duration per Chitauri Energy Point.
    Additionally, for every Incinerate on the opponent, Vulture steals [1.26-2.5]% of the opponent’s max power every 0.5 seconds
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Air-Walker Tune-Up Ideas:
    -Instead of barring use of sp3, halve the current potency of Galactus' Favor. In exchange, increase its potency by +100% per Power Cosmic Buff (Except for the power gain and Direct Damage).
    -The stat benefits each Power Cosmic grants should instead be granted as Buffs. Specifically, gain one indefinite Fury and Armor Up buff per Power Cosmic at the start of the fight.
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 644 ★★★
    Cyclops (Blue Team)
    Class: Mutant
    Stats: Stats based off a Rank 5, Level 65, 5 Star Champion
    Attack Rating: 2154
    Block Proficiency: 5816
    Critical Rating: 704
    Critical Damage Rating: 942
    Prestige: 8537

    Abilities: Abilities are not based off any rarity of champion

    Signature Ability - Expertise
    Cyclop’s Special Attacks gain bonuses based on his Combo meter:
    10 Hits - Armor Breaks receive +X% Duration
    25 Hits - Beam Hits are Passively Unblockable
    50 Hits - Special Attacks and Heavy Attacks are Guaranteed Critical Hits.
    Cyclops' skill and leadership give him 2 more Combo Shields and X% Perfect Block Chance.

    +X Physical Resistance
    With precise control over inter-dimensional energies, Cyclops gains 25% more Power while below 50% of Max Power.
    10% for Basic Hits against Cyclops to Glance. Glancing Hits cannot be Critical, Deal -50% Damage and suffer -100% Offensive Ability Accuracy. +40% Against Skill Champions

    Cyclops gains +2% Special Attack Damage for each Hit on the Combo Meter. Max, 550%.
    Critical Hits give Cyclops 2 Hits on the Combo Meter

    Combo Shield
    At the start of a fight, Cyclops gains 3 Passive Combo Shields. When Cyclops is struck, a Combo Shield is consumed and his Combo Meter is not reset. Cyclops gains a Combo Shield every 8 seconds and cannot have more than 5 Combo Shields.

    Beam Hits
    Opponent suffers -100% Auto-block Ability Accuracy during Beam Hits
    Beam Hits and Guaranteed Critical Hits reduce incoming Direct Damage by 100%.

    Special Attacks
    100% to boost Critical Rating by X for 12 seconds.

    While the opponent has less than 250 Physical Resistance, Special Attacks have +X Attack Rating.
    While the opponent has more than 250 Physical Resistance, Special Attacks have +X Critical Rating.
    These will both trigger against Skill Champions and are not affected by Ability Accuracy.

    Heavy Attacks
    100% to refresh any Buffs on Cyclops and pause them for 1 second. This has a 10 second cooldown.

    1: Optic Blast
    Cyclops uses his Ruby-Quartz visor to focus a beam of energy.
    50% to Armor Break on each hit, removing an enemy Armor Up and reducing Armor Rating by X for 10 seconds

    2: Vigilance
    Two rage-fueled punches and a kick daze the opponent long enough for Cyclops' Optic Blast to teach them a lesson.
    Each Beam Hit has 75% to Armor Break, removing an enemy Armor Up and reducing Armor Rating by X for 12 seconds

    3: Gigawatt Blast
    Scott Summers briefly loses control, allowing his Optic Blast to reach gigawatt levels. He'll be the only witness.
    100% chance to Armor Break, removing all enemy Armor Ups and reducing Armor Rating by X for 20 seconds. Enemy cannot gain Armor Up Buffs while this Debuff is active and Cyclops cannot stack anymore Armor Breaks for the duration of this Debuff.

    Danger Room Training - 3 Star Rarity and Up
    Cyclops - All Champions - X Physical Resistance and X% Perfect Block Chance (Based on Rarity)

    The X-Men - 3 Star Rarity and Up
    All #X-Men Champions gain an indefinite Fury at the Beginning of the Fight, granting 15% Attack Rating, +5% for Each #X-Men Champion present.

    Radical Opposition - 5 Star Rarity and Up
    Cyclops - Start the fight at 20 Hits on the Combo Meter and 1 Bar of Power
    Magneto - Whenever Magneto applies an Armor Break, he removes an Armor Up Buff. This will not trigger unless 1.5 seconds have passed in between the last time it triggered.
    Sabretooth - Sabretooth’s bonus against Skill Champions apply to all #Hero Champions
    Apocalypse - +1200 Physical Resistance and +10% Debuff Duration

    Eye Beams - 4 Star Rarity and Up
    Cyclops (Red and Blue) - Beam Hits deal 15% more damage
    Hyperion - +20% Offensive Ability Accuracy during Special 1
    Sentinel - Armor Breaks have +50% Duration

    Romance - 2 Star Rarity and Up
    Cyclops, Phoenix - +X% Power Gain

    Rivals - 2 Star Rarity and Up
    Captain America (Classic), Iron man (Classic), Hulk (Classic), Thor, Cyclops - +X Critical Rating
  • GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Member Posts: 797 ★★★★
    Although he doesn't need a massive boost, a small change to Void I suggest is:

    Fear of the Void now counts as three unique debuffs when activating Special Attack 3.

    I'm not too sure how he was supposed to reach 5 unique debuffs normally, but this would greatly help him attain that big Fury.
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 644 ★★★
    Class: Tech
    Stats: Stats are based off a Rank 5, Level 65, 5 Star Champion
    Attack Rating: 2791
    Block Proficiency: 6023
    Critical Rating: 530
    Critical Damage Rating: 873
    Prestige: 8052
    Abilities: Abilities are not based off any rarity of champion

    Signature Ability - Kang Armor
    Kang’s Power level fuels his neuro-kinetic suit of armor, endowing him with up to X Armor Rating and 125% more Ability Accuracy based on stored Power. - Note: If the Armor Up is removed for any reason, it will return after 10 seconds. Stuns, Heal Block, and Weakness Debuffs gain X% Duration for every second the fight goes on, max 100%. When a Time Shift occurs, Kang will gain a Precision Buff granting X Critical Rating for 10 seconds if he Purifies a Debuff. He will gain a Perfect Block Chance Buff granting X% Perfect Block Chance for 10 seconds if he gains a Power Gain Buff.

    +X Energy Resistance
    Opponents cannot gain Power from striking Kang’s Block or hitting Kang with a Critical Hit as long as he is not Armor Broken or Shattered
    The Conqueror is Immune to Shock, Nullify, Stagger, Fate Seal, and Reverse Controls.
    Kang, being able to move through Time, cannot miss.

    Time Shifts
    Every 8 seconds, Kang will initiate a Time Shift.
    If non-damaging Debuffs are present on Kang, he will Purify up to 3 non-damaging Debuffs and gain X Health for each Debuff Purified. Kang cannot purify Power Lock, Stun, and Petrify Debuffs. If no non-damaging Effects are present on Kang, he will gain 20% of Max Power over 5 seconds.
    Every Time Shift grants Kang X Attack Rating which will gain up to X% increased Potency based on stored power at the time. This will last for the rest of the fight and Kang cannot gain more than 12,000 Attack Rating total through Time Shifts.
    Time Shifts do not occur while Kang is Stunned or if he has activated a Special Attack. Time Shifts will pause until the Special Attack is over.

    Heavy Attacks
    Upon charging a Heavy Attack, Kang will phase out of current time, and all Basic Attacks will Miss for 0.75 seconds. This has a cooldown of 6 seconds.
    70% to Apply Weakness, reducing Attack Rating by 45% for 11 seconds.

    1: Concussive Bolt
    A concussive blast from the fingertips of Kang's gauntlets leave opponents in a daze.
    100% chance to Stun for 2 seconds.
    100% chance to Heal Block the opponent for 7.5 seconds

    2: E.M.P. Cannon
    Kang's Time-Ship blasts his opponent back to the future from a remote location using an electromagnetic pulse cannon.
    This Special Attack grants no power. The second hit is Passively Unblockable and drains 100% of the opponents Max Power. Power Lock the opponent for 4 seconds if the opponent is knocked down from this Special Attack.
    100% chance to Stun for 2.7 seconds.

    3: Drone Assault
    Kang deploys a swarm of robotic drones from the future to seek and destroy his target.
    100% chance to inflict Heal Block and Power Lock, preventing the target from recovering Health and gaining any Power for 12 seconds.
    70% of Power and Health that is prevented will go to Kang for the Duration of these Debuffs.

    The Conqueror - 4 Star Rarity and Up
    Kang - Each opponent defeated by Kang grants him 5% Critical Rating, Capped at 20%

    Villains of the Contest - 3 Star Rarity and Up
    Kang - Kang gains an Indefinite Fury Buff at the beginning of a fight granting 10% Attack Rating against #Hero Champions
    Thanos - If Thanos has more Health than his opponent, his Fury Buffs gain 40% Duration and Potency.
    Ultron - Special Attacks gain +100% Attack Rating against all non #Robot Champions

    Masters of Technology - 5 Star Rarity and Up
    Kang - +15% Buff Duration, excluding the Armor Up Buff
    Iron Man (Infinity War) - While under the Effect of an Armor Up Buff, Special Attacks cost 15% less Power
    Psycho-Man - As long the opponent is #Hero, Psycho-Man’s Special Attacks are also Passively Unblockable while in Hate Mode and gain +15% Critical Rating
    Yellowjacket - Each Core Charge grants 0.5% Attack Rating, Max 60%
    M.O.D.O.K - +750 Critical Resistance

    Enemies - 3 Star Rarity and Up
    Thor, Vision, Captain America - X% Health

    Friends - 2 Star Rarity and Up
    Blackbolt, She-Hulk - X Critical Damage Rating
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 644 ★★★
    Iron Patriot
    Class: Tech
    Stats: Stats based off a Rank 5, Level 65, 5 Star Champion
    Attack Rating: 2581
    Block Proficiency: 5102
    Critical Rating: 573
    Critical Damage Rating: 702
    Prestige: 7642
    Abilities: Abilities are not based off any rarity of champion

    Signature Ability - Reformed Identity
    Norman Osborn, the former goblin, gets an upgrade to help his dark plans for the Contest succeed
    When brought below 30% Health, the Iron Patriot armor will overcharge, Regenerating X Health over 10 seconds and refreshing all Personal Fury Buffs and Iron Patriot’s Armor Up if it is disabled. This has a cooldown of 25 seconds and can only activate twice in a single fight. No limit against #Spider-Verse Hero Champions.
    Petrify and Incinerate Debuffs are X% longer
    Armor Up gives an additional X Armor Rating and X Critical Resistance

    Iron Patriot’s suit gives him an indefinite Armor Up, granting X Armor Rating. If it is removed for any reason, it will return after 10 seconds. -3 seconds against #Spider-Verse Hero Champions.
    While this Armor Up is active, Iron Patriot has full immunity to Incinerate and Power Burn

    Personal Armor Break Debuffs last 15 seconds and reduce Armor Rating by X unless stated otherwise.

    Personal Fury Buffs last 10 seconds and give X Attack Rating plus 20% Potency for each Armor Break on the opponent, Max 100%.

    Iron Patriot’s targeting system Passively reduces the chance to Evade for #Spider-Verse Hero Champions by 55%, +15% for each Armor Break on the opponent.

    Iron Patriots Ability Accuracy cannot be lowered against #Spider-Verse Hero Champions

    12% chance for all Basic Hits to Apply Armor Break on the opponent.

    Heavy Attacks
    100% to Apply Armor Break. Armor Breaks applied through this Ability cannot exceed 1.

    Refresh and Pause Armor Breaks and Fury Buffs
    25% chance when Knocking the Opponent down to Refresh all Personal Armor Breaks and pause for 1 second. +25% #Spider-Verse Hero and Mutant Champions
    20% chance for Light Attacks that end a Combo to Refresh all Personal Fury Buffs and pause for 1 second. +25% #Spider-Verse Hero and Mutant Champions

    Special Attacks
    100% to gain 1 Fury Buff.

    1: Freedom Ray
    Blast the opponent with a powerful patriotic beam.
    Power Burn the opponent, dealing damage proportionate to Power Burned, gaining +10% Potency for Each Armor Break. Burn all Power if the opponent is below 50% of Max Power and if above, Power Burn One Bar of Power

    2: Power Spin
    Iron Patriot sets a twisting collision course with his opponent.
    65% chance to inflict an Armor Break Debuff, removing 1 Armor Up Buff and reducing Armor Rating by X for 9 seconds on each hit. Each hit does a burst of X Direct Damage which gains +55% Potency for each Armor Break on the opponent, Max 275% Potency.
    100% chance to Stun for 4 seconds.

    3: Air Strike
    The best defense, is a good... air strike! Overboard? Perhaps. Effective? Definitely!
    100% to Petrify the Opponent for 20 seconds reducing Regeneration and Power Gain Rate by 70%, +15% for Each Armor Break on the opponent, Max 115%.
    Apply 3 Incinerates dealing X Damage over 8 seconds and Reducing Block Proficiency and Perfect Block Chance by 50%. These Incinerate deal 50% more Damage per Armor Break on the Opponent, Max 300%.

    Osborn Madness - 3 Star Rarity and Up
    Iron Patriot - 40% Offensive Combat Power Rate while under 30% Health
    Green Goblin - Green Goblin will gain 1 Madness and Cunning when intercepting the opponent
    Red Goblin - Buffs last 10% longer per Bloodlust

    Dark Avengers - 4 Star Rarity and Up
    Iron Patriot - Power Lock the opponent for 3.5 seconds whenever the opponents Power is set to 0
    Venom - Whenever a #Spider-Verse Hero is prevented from Evading, the Klyntar Mutation Buff loses 1 second in duration
    Sentry - Against #Villain Champions, Special Attacks gain +75% Attack Rating. Sentry will lose this bonus if he uses a Special 3.
    Ms. Marvel - Ms. Marvel gains 175% of Power gained through Power Absorption

    One that is Not like the Others - 5 Star Rarity and Up
    Iron Patriot - 30% to Inflict another Armor Break whenever Iron Patriot applies one on the opponent
    Silver Centurion - The Time to Lock-On is reduced by 4 seconds and lasts 2 seconds longer
    Iron Man - +750 Energy and Physical Resistance
    War Machine - Each Bleed gives War Machine a Fury Buff granting 35% Attack Rating for 20 seconds

    Enemies - 2 Star Rarity and Up
    Spider-Man (Classic), Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Spider-Gwen - +X Critical Rating

    Friends - 2 Star Rarity and Up
    Superior Iron Man - +X% Health Rating
  • LuciferiamdevilLuciferiamdevil Member Posts: 82
    I have a suggestion to buff unstoppable colossus as he is available in loyalty store which will give players a reason to purchase him
    Reason I chose him is because when kabam buffed magneto they buffed both versions of him (red and white) but in case of colossus they only did one not UC.
    It can be a gr8 choice for others to think about spending some loyalty for a good character which they don't regret.
  • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 289 ★★
    Abomination (all stats based on 5/65):

    Signature ability:
    For each poison on the opponent, they suffer 120 reduced physical resistance.

    Immune to poison and nullify/stagger abilities.
    Enhanced stamina means that exhaustion and fatigue debuffs suffer 75% reduced duration on Abomination.

    For each poison on the opponent:
    Gain a fury buff, granting 125 attack rating.
    Reduce the opponent's ability accuracy by 6%.

    Heavy attacks:
    Pause gamma state for 3 seconds.
    Armour break the opponent for 8 seconds, reducing armour by 742. While this armour break is active, Abomination gains 40% increased combat power rate.
    Gain an unblockable and unstoppable buff for 2 seconds. While these are active, gain 3167 physical resistance. This has an 8 second cooldown.

    Gamma state:
    While gamma state is active, gain two gamma build up. While away from the opponent, these expire at a rate of one per second. If gamma build up reaches zero, the opponent is poisoned for 12 seconds and Abomination gains another two gamma build up, however this debuff is paused while Abomination is close to the opponent. poisons deal 442 direct damage per second, maximum 15.

    Special attacks:
    Deal 5% additional physical damage for each poison on the opponent.
    Pause all poisons for 4 seconds.
    Gain an unstoppable and unblockable buff for 4 seconds. While active, gain plus 3167 physical resistance and regenerate 0.8% of maximum health per second.

    Special one:
    Reset all poisons.
    Enter gamma state for 4 seconds.
    Special lock the opponent for 4 seconds.
    This attack is unblockable and gains plus 2854 attack rating if if concussion is active, and pauses concussion for 6 seconds.

    Special two:
    Special lock the opponent for 4 seconds.
    Inflict concussion for 18 seconds, reducing ability accuracy by 10%.
    Enter gamma state for 10 seconds.
    Consume 20% less power, and armour break the opponent for 8 seconds.

    Special three:
    Enter gamma state for 18 seconds.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,245 ★★★★★
    Thor: The God of Thunder (5/65)
    This won't restore Thor to his pre-12.0 glory, but I'd love him to get a Tune-Up with a bit of ability expansion like Angela did.

    This rework should be a bit more interesting than he currently is; and I've tried to give him an ability to cause damage that isn't almost totally dependent on Armour Break (requiring Parry+Awakened with high Sig). He might well do a bit less damage than he does now at max Sig; but as payoff, he should be able to be pretty effective even if the opponent is stun-immune, and/or armour-break immune. He's got a few more buffs going on, as befits a cosmic champion; and uses a few abilities like Shock that didn't exist at the beginning of the game. I've also tried to incorporate a Fury ability more suited to someone known for fits of 'Warrior's Madness'. Hopefully it all adds up to a champion a bit more interesting to play with than it is at the moment, just endlessly parrying the opponent...

    Thor: The God of Thunder (5/65)

    Attack 2482
    Health 34,751

    Passive: God of Thunder

    Asgardian resilience grants Thor a permanent +600 Physical Resistance buff.
    As the God of Thunder, Thor has 80% Shock Resistance. Additionally, when Shocked, Thor passively gains +858 Attack.

    Passive: Mjolnir
    When Thor unleashes "That which smashes", Mjolnir tears his opponents apart. When he would inflict Armour break, his opponent additionally suffers a proportionate burst of Direct Physical damage (1* damage per point of Armour Break), which increases with Thor's modified Attack rating.
    If the opponent resists the Armour Break due to an Immunity, this burst damage is increased by 50%.
    *Damage rises with rank: 0.2 at R1, 0.4 at R2, etc. It will be boosted proportionately by any buffs, nodes or synergies that increase Thor's Attack rating
    Heavy Attacks have a 70% chance to Armour break (450 break for eight seconds) rising to 100% chance if the Attack is charged for 0.8 seconds.

    All Attacks
    12% chance to trigger Fury (+1228 Attack for 6.5 seconds).
    Armour break durations increase by 30% whilst Thor has a Fury buff.

    Special Attacks
    • SP1 - This Lighting Bolt causes a burst of Shock Damage equal to 90% of the Damage inflicted. If the opponent takes shock damage, they have a 70% chance to be Stunned for 2.5 seconds. Against #Metal opponents, this attack gains +850 Critical Rating and Critical Damage Modifier, +30% Stun chance and duration
    • SP2 - The second hit of this attack has 100% chance to inflict Armour Break (950 break for twelve seconds) and a 70% chance to inflict a Trauma debuff for five seconds (all hits on a Traumatized opponent inflict an additional 30% burst Physical damage).
    • SP3 - This attack removes all Armour Up effects from the opponent, and has 100% chance to inflict Armour Break (1800 break for fifteen seconds)
      90% chance to Stun for 3 seconds.
      If stunned, this attack also removes any Unstoppable effects from the opponent.
    Warrior's Madness:
    If Thor goes fifteen seconds without landing a hit, he gains a Madness passive for eight seconds, granting +1842 Attack, +440 Armour and Block penetration, and +25% Offensive power gain. He also gains an Unstoppable buff lasting 2s. Thor cannot trigger additional Fury effects during Warrior's Madness.
    Warrior's Madness cannot be prevented with ability accuracy reduction. The timer restarts after Thor's Madness ends.

    Signature Ability:
    • Potency of Fury effects rises by up to 75%.
    • Potency of Armour Break effects rises by up to 150%.
    • When he is stunned, Thor triggers his personal Fury ability when the stun expires. This has a 30% chance to trigger Warrior's Madness instead. Cooldown fifteen seconds.
    These are new unique synergies for Thor. Synergies carried by other champions are unchanged.
    Loki: Brothers in arms
    • Thor: Thor has little patience with magic. When facing a Mystic opponent, Thor's Fury effects gain +50% Ability Accuracy and duration. If a Fury buff is Nullified or Stolen, he has a 40% chance to respond by triggering Warrior's Madness. Cooldown fifteen seconds.
    • Loki: duration of Curse is increased by 30%.
    Hela/Angela/Thor (Ragnarok) - Sibling Rivalry
    • Thor: Thor's SP1 inflicts 30% more Shock damage.
    • Angela: Angela's regeneration buffs recover the same health, but their duration is reduced by 50%
    • Hela: When afflicted with a Degeneration buff or passive effect, Hela has an 90% chance to activate a Stasis buff for five seconds, preventing damage over time effects from causing any damage, but also preventing Hela from gaining health through any means. Each time it activates, the chance to activate again falls by a flat 10%. Once it fails to activate by chance, it will not activate again during a given fight.
    • Thor (Ragnarok): Heavy Attacks have a 60% chance to inflict Shock, dealing 60% of Attack over seven seconds. Chance rises to 90% during Boon of the Gods and Thunder God's Wrath
    Heimdall - Warriors of Asgard
    • Thor: Once per fight, Thor can call on Heimdall's guidance by dashing back and holding block for 1.5s. Heimdall will intervene, and grant him a Vigilance buff lasting ten seconds.
    • Heimdall: Heimdall triggers a Precision buff at the start of the fight, granting +600 Critical Rating for ten seconds.
    Odin: Father and Son
    • Thor: Start the fight with a Regeneration buff which recovers 10% health over five seconds at the start of the fight
    • Odin: Start the fight with two Odinforce charges
  • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 289 ★★
    Vision AOU (All stats based on 5 65):

    Signature ability:
    While delayed power drain is active on the opponent, they also take 40% more damage from all sources.
    Special one consumes 30% less power.

    The mind stone grants immunity to reversed controls, disorient and concussion effects.
    If power is drained or burned, gain 130% of lost power back over 1.25 seconds. Additionally, take no damage from power burn.
    Immune to poison and bleed.

    While charging heavy attacks:
    Phase for 0.75 seconds. If the opponent attempts to attack while phase is active, gain a fury buff for 6 seconds, granting plus 1805 attack rating and 40% combat power rate. This has a seven second cooldown.

    Heavy attacks:
    Power drain 8% of the opponents maximum power with each hit. If the opponent is at zero power, deal a burst of 3412 energy damage instead. If delayed power drain is active, steal 120% of power gained.
    Grant 45% less power if the opponent is below 15% of maximum power.

    Special attacks:
    Grant the opponent no power.

    Special one:
    Power burn 30% of the opponent's maximum power, and gain 60% of power stolen.
    Generate 30% of consumed power over 0.75 seconds after this attack.'
    Stun the opponent for 2 seconds.
    Apply delayed power drain for 11 seconds. When this ends, power drain 40% of the opponent's power. If the opponent is at zero power, apply energy vulnerability instead, reducing the opponent's energy resistance by 1850.

    Special two:
    Gain plus 1805 attack rating if delayed power sting is active on the opponent.
    Set the opponent to 14% of maximum power.
    On activation, gain a fury, increasing attack rating by up to 2805 based on how low the opponent's power metre was.
    Stun the opponent for 2 seconds.
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 644 ★★★
    edited April 2021
    Spider-Man (Classic)
    Class: Science
    Stats: Stats are based off a Rank 5, Level 65, 5 Star Champion
    Attack Rating: 2589
    Block Proficiency: 3019
    Critical Rating: 1094
    Critical Damage Rating: 1173
    Prestige: 7842
    Abilities: Abilities are not based off any rarity of champion

    Signature Ability - Friendly Neighborhood Web-Head
    Spider-Man angers his opponent even more with his quips, granting him +X% Taunt Duration. [Responsibility] is replaced with +15% Duration and Taunts becomes Passive.
    Debuffs on the opponent also grant +X Critical Damage Rating and +X Physical Resistance.
    If the Final Node of a Quest is #Villain, Spider-Man gains +X Attack Rating at the beginning of the fight for each Hero on his team and Villain defeated during that quest.


    Spider-Man wears his opponent down with his insults, bad humor, and debuffs. Each Debuff active on the opponent grants +X Attack Rating.

    [Responsibility] - Spider-Man has the power and the responsbiliy to use that power to defend the innocent and defeat those who would harm them. Spider-Man gains bonuses against #Villain Champions

    Increased agility coupled with small stature and a sixth sense for imminent danger gives Spider-Man 25% chance to Evade incoming Basic Attacks. If the opponent is Taunted or has a Fury Buff active, this is increased by 25%. This Evade will not trigger while blocking

    Spider-Man has 40% to Evade Special Attack Hits which is increased to 95% if the Special Attack is Unblockable. [Responsibility] +105% Evasion Ability Accuracy against Unblockable Attacks. This Evade can trigger while blocking

    All Critical Hits
    65% to Weaken the opponent, Reducing Attack by 30% for 8 seconds. Max 3 Stacks

    Dashing back and standing Idle for 1 second will cause Spider-Man to quip at his opponent, placing a Taunt for 12 seconds, reducing Attack by 40% and making 70% more likely for the opponent to launch a Special Attack. [Responsibility] +25% Taunt Duration
    Note - this particular Responsibility bonus is replaced with the Awakened Ability

    When Spider-Man Evades an Attack or uses the Dexterity Mastery, Spider-Man has a 18% to anger his opponent, placing a Taunt if one is not already on the opponent, or refreshing any Taunt Debuffs.

    Additionally, whenever Spider-Man Evades or uses the Dexterity Mastery, generate 1.5% of Max Power. This is doubled as a Defender

    Heavy Attacks
    100% to Armor Break the opponent, reducing Armor by X for 10 seconds. Max, 3 Stacks.
    Pause Personal Debuffs for 1.5 seconds. [Responsibility] Pause Debuffs for 3.5 seconds

    Special Attacks
    Personal Debuffs are paused during Special Attacks
    100% to boost Critical Rating by X for 10 seconds.

    1: Web-Slinger
    When you have web in your eyes, you can't see punches coming.
    First 2 Hits of this Special do not make contact, thanks to Spider-Man firing his web shooters at point blank range, and have 75% Chance to Apply a non-stacking Webbed Up for 12 seconds. Opponents suffering from Webbed Up cannot Evade and have -35% Critical Damage Rating.
    [Responsibility] Last hit applies Physical Vulnerability, reducing Physical Resistance by X for 15 seconds

    2: Swingin'
    Two feet in the face, courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
    This Special Attack has +100% Critical Chance
    [Responsibility] +20% Critical Damage and this Attack is Passively Unblockable

    3: Thwip, Thwip, Pow!
    Like a streak of light, Spider-Man unleashes a powerful acrobatic assault.

    100% chance to Stun the opponent for 3 seconds
    Upon activation, apply one of Each Unique Debuff Spider-Man has applied on the opponent during this fight, excluding Stun. These Debuffs do not add Attack Rating until this Special Attack is over and are indefinite. This cannot happen more than 2 times in a single fight.
    [Responsibility] Stack Limit is moved to 3.
    Note - A Taunt Passive counts as Debuff so it will be applied if it has already been applied


    Passing the Mantle - 4 Star Rarity and Up
    Spider-Man (Classic) - 25% Debuff Duration
    Spider-Man (Miles Morales) - Gain an indefinite Fury Buff granting 15% Attack Rating every time Spider-Man applies a Debuff, Max 10 Stacks. +20% Offensive Ability Accuracy

    Know Thyself - 2 Star Rarity and Up
    Spider-Man (Classic) - Debuffs provide 250 Physical Resistance each
    Spider-Man (Symbiote) - Each Armor Break increases Attack Rating by 10%. Max, 80%

    Bombastic Menace - 4 Star Rarity and Up
    Spider-Man (Classic) - [Responsibility] spreads to non-villain Champions
    Human Torch - 25% chance for Medium Hits to be Unblockable
    Mister Fantastic - Fury Passive lasts an additional 7 seconds against #Villain Champions

    Symbiote Crazies - 5 Star Rarity and Up
    Venom - Genetic Memory Buffs gain +15% Potency
    Carnage - Power Gain Buff is 20% more Potent
    Red Goblin - Bloodlust Max Limit is moved to 6, and Attack Rating provided is not reduced in potency

    Webheads - 3 Star Rarity and Up
    Spider-Man (Classic) - +20% Precisions Duration
    Spider-Gwen - Every time Spider-Gwen Evades, generate 7% of Max Power
    Spider-Ham - 30% chance to Stun the opponent for 1.5 seconds at the end of a Special Attack if at least 1 Porker Popper was detonated. This cannot be trigger again for 8 seconds
    Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) - Shocks are overcharged against #Villain Champions

    Sinister Foes - 5 Star Rarity and Up
    Doctor Octopus - +30% Power Lock Duration
    Rhino - Unstoppable Attacks cannot be Evaded or Autoblocked and gain +10% Attack Rating
    Vulture - While the opponent is Incinerated, Vulture cannot Miss
    Mysterio - Chemical Gas stack limit is moved to 5 against #Hero Champions
    Electro - Electro generates 1 indefinite Shock on himself every 2 seconds, Max, 10 stacks can be inflicted from this ability.
    Green Goblin - Goblin’s Special 1 Power Burns instead of Power Drains

    Positivity Prevails - (Undetermined)
    Spider-Man (Classic) - +15% Combat Power Rate against #Villain Champions while below 50% Health
    [Unknown Character] - |Abilities of this character are currently unknown|
    [Unknown Character] - |Abilities of this character are currently unknown|
  • Regal_PantherRegal_Panther Member Posts: 13

    Thor: The God of Thunder (5/65)...

    SP3 - This attack removes all Armour Up effects from the opponent, and has 100% chance to inflict Armour Break (1800 break for fifteen seconds)
    90% chance to Stun for 3 seconds.
    If stunned, this attack also removes any Unstoppable effects from the opponent.

    @Magrailothos This build is fairly good stuff. I probably need to look through it more for other thoughts, but one thing I would highlight so fat is that, as a Cosmic champion, I believe he should not be able to remove Unstoppable effects since they are primarily Mystic champion abilities (which are intended to have advantage/dominance over Cosmic abilities). Granted, there are a few champs meant to flip that dynamic, e.g., Magneto via #Magnetism flipping Tech>Mutant.

    Maybe this should be an ability he gains in Synergy instead similar to how he gains an increase in ability against Magic while combined with Loki. To mitigate the expected disadvantage to an all-Cosmic team, set this up for 3 or more Asgardians being present [who are mostly Cosmic: Thor (Odinson), Angela, Heimdall and Odin, with Thor (Rag) being the non-Cosmic exception; while Thor (Foster) and Loki are technically not really Asgardians, since one is an empowered human and the other is a Frost Giant)]: "All Cosmic or Asgardian champions' 1 Sp3, 2 Sp2s or 4 Sp1s permanently remove Unstoppable effects.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,245 ★★★★★

    Thor: The God of Thunder (5/65)...

    SP3 - This attack removes all Armour Up effects from the opponent, and has 100% chance to inflict Armour Break (1800 break for fifteen seconds)
    90% chance to Stun for 3 seconds.
    If stunned, this attack also removes any Unstoppable effects from the opponent.

    @Magrailothos This build is fairly good stuff. I probably need to look through it more for other thoughts, but one thing I would highlight so fat is that, as a Cosmic champion, I believe he should not be able to remove Unstoppable effects since they are primarily Mystic champion abilities (which are intended to have advantage/dominance over Cosmic abilities). Granted, there are a few champs meant to flip that dynamic, e.g., Magneto via #Magnetism flipping Tech>Mutant.

    Maybe this should be an ability he gains in Synergy instead similar to how he gains an increase in ability against Magic while combined with Loki. To mitigate the expected disadvantage to an all-Cosmic team, set this up for 3 or more Asgardians being present [who are mostly Cosmic: Thor (Odinson), Angela, Heimdall and Odin, with Thor (Rag) being the non-Cosmic exception; while Thor (Foster) and Loki are technically not really Asgardians, since one is an empowered human and the other is a Frost Giant)]: "All Cosmic or Asgardian champions' 1 Sp3, 2 Sp2s or 4 Sp1s permanently remove Unstoppable effects.
    Thanks - it's nice to get feedback. I think this thread doesn't get so much traffic, any more...

    You make a valid point about class Advantage; but consider that Cosmic Ghost Rider can Nullify not only Unstoppable, but all other buffs as well. So can Ms Marvel, as well as Venom and Venompool.

    Also: there aren't all that many champs who go Unstoppable; and actually a lot of them aren't Mystic. This will function very nicely against Thing, The Champion, Weapon X or Kingpin, or anyone benefiting from the Heimdall cheat death synergy; but in my current version, specifically won't work against Juggernaut, who's stun-immune when he's Unstoppable.

    Rather than turning it into a synergy ability, an alternative might be (instead of the 'if the opponent is Stunned' caveat) changing it to 'if the opponent is not Mystic remove any Unstoppable effects'. Sound positive?
  • Regal_PantherRegal_Panther Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2021
    aren't Mystic. This will function very nicely against Thing, The Champion, Weapon X or Kingpin, or anyone benefiting from the Heimdall cheat death synergy; but in my current version, specifically won't work against Juggernaut, who's stun-immune when he's Unstoppable.

    Rather than turning it into a synergy ability, an alternative might be (instead of the 'if the opponent is Stunned' caveat) changing it to 'if the opponent is not Mystic remove any Unstoppable effects'. Sound positive?
    You know what? You're absolutely right. I somehow kept thinking about the origin of Unstoppable with Jugs, how prominent it is in the name Unstoppable Colossus, and missed that point about overall numbers. Aside from those two, the only other Mystics that go unstoppable are Sasquatch, Dragon Man, Mangog and Man-Thing (barely).

    I guess when Stun Immunity and Miss functions start to get factored in and function effectively like facing an unstoppable opponent (the Hood after Invisibility and Diablo after one of the concoctions for Stun Immune, Ebony Maw for miss, and Dr. Doom has his aura resisting knock-down) it feels like a greater number.

    Even at just 6 truly using Unstoppable by name, there's no other class with so many carrying the ability (despite the slew of them that got it during Tune-Ups/Buffs) but Skill class is very close: Aegon (ramped up), Korg, Kingpin, Killmonger, and kinda BPCW.

    But back to your point, that does make sense. There are a number of abilities which apply against all champs except for "Those with a natural class advantage", so that change would work.
    [EDIT: Then the synergy would add value. Expand the ability to remove Unstoppable to ALL opponents when 2 or more Asgardians are on Thor's team: including Mystics]

  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    edited May 2021

    Signature ability: God of Mischief

    Incoming attacks have an x% chance to miss Loki. If an attack Misses, the opponent is inflicted with a disorient debuff reducing the opponents ability Accuracy by x% for 7 seconds. The chance for an attack to miss increases with sig level.

    (Miss animation: Loki creates a decoy and backs out of it, causing his opponent to strike the decoy.)
    Trickery (Passive): while Trickery is active Loki gains a 100% chance to reflect all debuffs back on the opponent, this includes any debuffs that were active when Trickery activates and any debuffs the opponent inflicts while Trickery is active. If the opponent is immune to any debuff Loki reflects, they instead receive x amount of burst damage.

    Ice Scepter: while Ice Scepter is active, Scepter attacks have a 100% chance to inflict 1 Frostbite charge. Once at 5 frostbite charge all charges detonate dealing x amount of energy damage
    Knocking the opponent down while Ice Scepter is active refreshed the timer for Ice Scepter (Animation: while Ice Scepter is active Lokis Scepter is covered in Ice)

    Persistence charges: any permanent passive buffs loki gains during the fight are stored in the form of Persistence charges (Max Cap: 12)

    Buff conversion: whenever Loki Steals a buff dashing back and blocking for 0.4 seconds will convert that buff into a permanent passive. Loki can only stack 3 of each type of buff as a permanent passive.

    Light/ Medium hits: both Medium and the second and third light hits are Scepter hits. While ice Scepter is active all Scepter hits inflict a Frostbite charge

    Heavy Attacks: Successfully landing a heavy attack will activated Trickery for 7 Seconds. Successfully landing a heavy attack while Trickery is active pauses the timer on Trickery for 1.5 seconds

    When Attacked: whenever Loki is hit he gains a 5% chance to activate Trickery for 7 Seconds (this chance increases to 15% against Cosmic Champions and decreases to 0% against Science Champions)

    Immunity: bieng a Frost Giant of Jotunhiem Loki gains full Immunity to the effects of Frostbite and Coldsnap

    All Special attacks: if Trickery is Active all special attacks are unblockable

    Special 1:
    Animation: Same
    100% Chance to steal 1 active buff on the opponent. If the opponent has no active buffs each hit of this attack is a guaranteed critical hit

    Special 2:
    Animation: Same

    100% Chance to inflict a Coldsnap debuff dealing x amount of damage for 6 Seconds
    100% chance to steal 1 active buff from the opponent. If no buffs were active on the opponent all hits are guaranteed critical and Coldsnap gains +4 seconds to its duration.

    Special 3:
    Animation: the Opponent is surrounded by replicas of Loki who bombard them with energy blasts, then the replicas dissappear and Loki appears covering his Scepter in Ice before striking the Opponent.

    100% Chance to inflict Coldsnap dealing x amount of damage for 8 Seconds
    100% Chance to activate Ice Scepter for 12 Seconds
    If Trickery was active all hits from this attack are critical.
    Unique Synergies

    Children of Odin: Loki/Thor/Thor (Ragnarok)/ Angela

    Loki: Trickery gains an additional 5 Seconds to its duration

    Thor: gains a 4 permanent Cruelty passives each increasing critical damage by x%. In addition all Medium hits are guaranteed critical

    Thor (Ragnarok): Boon of the gods activates for every 20 hits on the combo meter or whenever struck 15 times and the Max Stacks increases to 4.

    Angela: Angela gains a permanent True Strike passive allowing all attacks to ignore evade, autoblock and Armor rating

    Overshadowed: Loki/Odin

    Loki: gain 2 permanent cruelty buffs each increasing critical damage by x%

    Odin: Unique buffs gain an additional 6 seconds to thier duration

    Avoiding Death: Loki/Hela
    Loki: Ice Scepter gains an additional 3 seconds to its duration
    Hela: Medium hits are Unblockable

    Lies and Tricks: Loki/ Mephisto

    Loki: gains true accuracy while Trickery is active ignoring Evade, Autoblock, Armor and Resistances

    Mephisto: Aura of Incineration gains and additional 4 seconds to its duration

  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Diablo Moderate Buff- Stats based off an r3 6*

    Pretty straightforward. The biggest change is that Diablo can use only Concoctions 16 per Fight, rather than only 16 per Quest, making use realistic across fights.

    Basic Attacks
    Diablo uses arcane magic on his second Medium and Heavy Attack, dealing Energy damage instead of Physical.

    Poison effects on Diablo deal 65% less damage, and recovery reduction from Poisons is 35% less effective.
    Diablo gains +20% Combat Power Rate and +1128 Attack while Diablo is poisoned.
    Concoctions are paused while a Poison is active on either champion.

    A master Alchemist, Diablo begins each fight with a selection of Concoctions ready to be brewed. Each Light Attack switches the Concoction Diablo will brew. By finishing a Combo with a Medium Attack, Diablo begins brewing the selected Concoction.

    After 3 seconds, the Concoction will be brewed. Diablo can then dash back and hold block for 1.2 seconds to drink it. A new Concoction can’t be brewed until the last one finishes brewing.
    Allows Diablo to have all 4 Concoctions at the ready, which can then all be activated at once.

    If Diablo drinks a Concoction while the matching Concoction effect is already active, he Poisons himself, dealing 1551 direct damage over 16 seconds and reducing recovery rate by 30%.

    Emberboon Concoction- 4 Available each Fight
    For 12 seconds, attacks deal a burst of additional Energy Damage equal to 55% of the damage dealt plus an additional 20% for each Buff the opponent has.

    Counterflow Concoction- 4 Available each Fight
    Gain 110% of a bar of power over 12 seconds. Basic Attacks have a 25% chance to Nullify for that duration.

    Lifestitch Concoction- 4 Available each Fight
    Recover 7306 Health over 12 seconds. While active, increase Regeneration Rate by 25%.

    Ironskin Concoction- 4 Available each Fight
    Gain +2397 Attack and Stun Immunity for 12 seconds.

    Heavy Attacks-
    Diablo destroys his Brewed Concoctions, inflicting one Poison Passive for each Concoction destroyed this way. Each Poison deals 3807 direct damage over 20 seconds, and reduces healing effects by 30%.

    Special Attack 1
    After the Attack, Diablo starts drinking an elixir, recovering up to 3653 Health based on how long he continues to drink.

    If he has a Concoction brewed, Diablo drinks it after the attack. The Concoction gains +25% duration, and starts paused until the next Concoction is brewed.
    If Diablo has multiple Concoctions brewed, Diablo will drink a random one.
    Still gains the +25% duration, it’s just random which one is activated.

    Special Attack 2
    This attack is Unblockable.

    This attack gains benefits based on the Concoctions active on Diablo at the time.
    Emberboon: +50% Energy Damage for each active Concoction and Poison on Diablo.
    Counterflow: Final hit steals all Buffs on the opponent. Stolen Buffs last 5 seconds.
    Lifestitch: Gain 30% of damage dealt as Health.
    Ironskin: +50% Physical Damage for each Buff on the opponent on Special Activation.

    Special Attack 3
    Diablo drinks all brewed Concoctions. Each Concoction gains +50% duration, and Diablo gains a permanent effect based on the Concoctions consumed.

    Emberboon: +432 Attack on Energy-based Attacks.
    Counterflow: +20% Combat Power Rate.
    Lifestitch: +15% Regeneration Rate.
    Ironskin: +432 Attack on Physical Attacks.

    Signature Ability- Arcane Innovation, Sig [1-200]
    Experimentation has enhanced Diablo’s concoctions, decreasing Brewing time by 1 second, increasing duration by [20 - 66.67]%, and granting additional benefits to each Concoction.

    Emberboon: Immune to Incinerate. The opponent is inflicted with Energy Vulnerability, reducing Energy Resist by [100-800] and lasting as long as Emberboon.
    Counterflow: Steal [12.5 - 100]% of power the opponent gains from Diablo’s Basic Attacks. Basic Attacks also gain an additional +[2.1 - 25]% chance to Nullify Buffs.
    Lifestitch: Immune to negative Regeneration Rate Modification. Receiving damage that would knock Diablo out consumes Lifestitch, healing [2.75 - 45]% of max health over 2 seconds.
    Ironskin: +[200 - 2000] Physical Resistance and +[350.8 - 1754] Block Proficiency.

    Synergies -

    Mainly just improving the synergies for synergy members.
    Diablo’s synergies now grant him 1 additional use of a Concoction for every fight he has won.

    Legion Accursed-
    Diablo- Gain 1 Ironskin after winning 1 Fight
    Juggernaut- +2000 Armor Rating during Heavy Attacks. Knocking the opponent down pauses Unstoppable for 3 seconds.
    Mephisto- Gain 40% of a bar of power when a Poison Debuff would be gained. Cooldown: 5 seconds.

    Madcap Experimentalists
    Diablo- Gain 1 Lifestitch after winning 1 Fight
    Doctor Octopus- +40% Breakthrough Debuff duration
    Green Goblin- Effects from Madness and Cunning stack for each Madness and Cunning charge
    As an example, if Green Goblin has 2 Cunning stacks, he gains +60% Attack on Special Attacks, and opponents gain 80% less power from Special Attacks.

    Twisted Arcanists
    Diablo- Gain 1 Emberboon charge after winning 1 Fight
    Dormammu- +500 Energy Resistance for each point of Dark Energy.
    Symbiote Supreme- Ending a Combo with a Light Attack has a 100% chance to inflict the opponent with Stagger.

    Unending Ambition
    Diablo- Gain 1 Counterflow after winning 1 Fight.
    Loki- All Special Attacks gain a flat +35% chance to refresh Curse on the opponent.
    Red Skull- +35% Shock damage per Buff on Red Skull.

    Nemesis (Fantastic Four)-
    All champions gain +6% Attack
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Inspired heavily by Human Torch. Doesn’t have the weakness to bleed like HT does, but in exchange can get grifted by AAR.

    Electro takes no damage from Shock effects. Each Shock grants Electro +799.5 Attack and +20% Static Shock damage.
    Electro heals 50% less Health from Shock Debuffs.
    Mainly because he’ll pretty much always have one on him, read on to see what I mean.
    Enemy Shock effects gain +75% Ability Accuracy and Duration.
    While afflicted by Shock, Electro can strike Critical Hits even while the opponent is Blocking. Critical Hit based abilities will not trigger through a Block.

    Static Shock-
    Physical Attacks return 40% of damage inflicted to Electro back to the opponent as Direct Damage. Damage returned is based on Class Relationships, and scales with Electro’s Base Attack Rating.
    Energy Attacks apply an indefinite Electrocute Passive to Electro. All attacks from Mystic Champions are considered as Energy Attacks towards this Ability.

    Well-Timed Blocks-
    Electro gains 1 Electrocute Passive.

    Electrocute (Passive)-
    When either champion’s block is struck, Electro has a 37.5% chance to gain an Electrocute Passive. +100% chance if the Blocked Hit was Critical.
    Electrocute Passives apply 1 indefinite Shock Debuff to Electro.
    Hence the reduction in healing from Shock.
    20% chance per Electrocute Passive for Critical Hits from either champion to apply a Shock Debuff on the opponent, dealing 3535.13 Energy Damage over 5 seconds.
    Shock effects on the opponent gain +25% duration per Electrocute Passive on Electro.

    For each Shock effect on the opponent, their Ability and Combat Power Rate is reduced by 30%.
    If the opponent prevents or purifies Electro’s Shock Debuffs, 20% chance per Electrocute Passive to apply a Passive Shock instead. Only 10% chance per Electrocute if the opponent belongs to the Skill class.
    If the opponent is Immune to Shock, Electro instead deals his Static Shock Damage to the opponent.

    Special Attacks-
    Refresh All Shock effects on Electro and the opponent.
    Special Attacks gains +500 Block Penetration for every Shock effect on the opponent.
    +45% chance to Stun per bar of power used. Stun lasts +2.5 seconds for every bar of power Electro uses.

    Electrostatic, Sig [1-200]-
    When a Shock is placed on Electro:
    Critical Damage Rating increases by up to [312.55 - 3220.38] based on stored power.
    Electro and the opponent gain an additional +[31.26 - 312.55] Critical Rating for every Shock on either champion.
    The opponent’s Critical Damage Rating is reduced by -[110.8 - 1108] per Shock.
  • TheDaywalkerTheDaywalker Member Posts: 143
    Green Goblin (5 Star, 5/65, Sig. 200)

    Signature Ability - OZ 2.0
    Green Goblin gains the effects of an enhanced Goblin Formula granting:
    115% chance for the opponent's Nullify and Stagger effects to fail. (35% - Sig. 1)
    +918 Attack Rating for every Madness charge. (+306 Attack Rating - Sig. 1)
    +2391 Physical Resistance when Stunned by a Stun Debuff. (+398.50 Physical Resist - Sig. 1)

    Additionally, Green Goblin can change his class to Science as a Pre-Fight Ability before the fight starts, up to a maximum of 5 times in a quest. Every 40 Signature Levels grants Green Goblin a Persistent Charge to change his class. (1 - Sig. 40)

    Goblin Formula - Always Active
    +1024 Physical Resistance.
    Gain +25% increased power when attacking.
    Gain +25% increased power when being attacked, but suffers -10% potency for each buff on the opponent until this reaches zero.

    When both Cunning and Madness are even, Norman Osborn and the Green Goblin Persona collide into each other even more while in the Battlerealm, granting a Double Personality Passive for 10 seconds as long as at least one of his Personal Debuffs except for Incinerate Debuffs. Double Personality keeps effects that were gained from having an equal amount of Cunning and Madness as long as it's active.

    Green Goblin has a 10% chance to gain Madness whenever opponents attack him. +90% chance if Green Goblin performs a well-timed Block. Madness charges last 12 seconds.
    All Madness charges are paused when at 3 or below when not fighting a Cosmic champion. The duration of Madness is reduced by 2 seconds for each Buff the opponent has.

    When Green Goblin has more Madness than Cunning-
    Regenerate 30% of damage taken from all Attacks plus an additional 10% for each Madness and Buff on Green Goblin and Taking or Blocking Special Attack Hits place a paused Weakness Debuff on the opponent that last for 10 seconds, reducing Attack Rating by 5%.
    Additionally, if Green Goblin gets hit by or Blocks a Critical hit, place an Exhaustion Debuff lasting 20 seconds, reducing Critical Damage Rating by 325.

    When Green Goblin has an equal amount of Cunning and Madness (Madness)-
    Regenerate 89 Health every 0.5 seconds for every Madness charge. Instantly Regenerate 909 Health when a Cunning charge is removed. All Weakness Debuffs are no longer paused, but gain +65% potency.
    All Madness charges are converted into Energize buffs, granting +5% Combat Power Rate lasting 3 seconds for every Madness converted when all personal Debuffs are no longer on the opponent.

    When Green Goblin gains a full bar of Power, he gains Cunning. Consume a Madness charge to gain another one if Green Goblin has less power than the opponent.
    Cunning charges last 25 seconds, but has their duration reduced by 5 seconds for each buff on the opponent.

    When Green Goblin has more Cunning than Madness-
    Medium Attacks have a 55% plus 10% chance for every Cunning Charge and Buff on Green Goblin to place a paused Power Burn Debuff for 10 seconds, each burning 3% of max Power over 10 seconds while dealing up to 929 Direct Damage proportionate to the power burned.
    Light Attacks have a 80% chance to inflict a paused Suppression Debuff for 10 seconds, each reducing Defensive Combat Power Rate by 1%.
    Each time Green Goblin is struck, the opponent has a 55% chance per Debuff to gain a paused 5 second Stifle Debuff, each reducing the opponent's Offensive Combat Power Rate by 15%.
    Special Attack damage is increased by 30%.

    When Green Goblin has an equal amount of Cunning and Madness (Cunning)-
    Gain +1298 Attack Rating for every Cunning charge.
    Inflict a Static Blast Debuff lasting 10 seconds when a Madness Charge expires. A Static Blast debuff detonates expiring Debuffs on the opponent, causing 1029 Energy Damage for every expiring debuff. All Power Burn and Suppression Debuffs are no longer paused, but gain +25% potency.
    When all personal Debuffs are no longer on the opponent, all Cunning charges are converted into a Supercharge buff lasting 3 seconds for each Cunning converted, causing each hit to inflict Shock dealing 1087 Energy damage over 8 seconds and granting Green Goblin +15% Combat Power Rate when all Personal Debuffs are no longer on the opponent.

    Heavy Attacks-
    Afterburner: The last hit Converts all Debuffs into Incinerate, causing 1599 Energy Damage over 3 Seconds.
    After the first hit, all the opponent's basic attacks have a 100% chance to miss for 1 second.
    Incinerate Debuffs do not count as a Personal Debuff.

    Pumpkin Bombs: If the opponent has no Weakness Debuff, inflict one lasting for 15 seconds that reduces Attack Rating by 30%.
    For every Weakness Debuff, inflict an equal amount of Poison Debuffs, causing 615 Direct Damage over 12 seconds and reducing Healing and Regeneration effects by 30% each.

    Special Attack 1-
    Laser Blasts: Each hit Burns 8% of the opponent's max power and inflicts Direct Damage proportionate to the amount lost for every damaging and Suppression debuff on the opponent and Cunning on Green Goblin. Each Cunning charge counts as two debuffs for this attack.

    Special Attack 2-
    Afterburner: The first 3 hits converts all debuffs into Incinerate, causing 1099 Energy Damage over 3 Seconds. All Incinerate debuffs are paused for the duration of this attack.
    Incinerate Debuffs do not count as a Personal Debuff.

    Special Attack 3-
    Bag of Tricks: 80% chance to place a Poison debuff for each debuff on the opponent, causing 917 Direct Damage over 8 seconds and reducing Healing and Regeneration effects by 30% each.
    If a Poison effect fails to apply due to an immunity, a Petrify debuff will be applied for every debuff instead, reducing the potency of Healing and Ability Power Rate by 45% each.
    When all Poison debuffs from this attack expires, all other debuffs are immediately refreshed with +15% potency.
    When Madness and Cunning are even: 80% chance to inflict Power Drain, Suppression, Shock, Poison, Weakness, Exhaustion, or Stifle for 15 seconds.


    Electric Supercharge (Electro)
    Electro: While under a Shock Debuff, gain +30% Attack and a Supercharge buff. If Electro is ever without a Shock Debuff, he gains one for 25 seconds. This goes on cooldown for 50 seconds.
    Green Goblin: When Green Goblin has a Supercharge buff, take no damage from Shock Debuffs and Shock duration is increased by 15%.

    Seething Hatred (Spider-Man Champions)
    Spider-Verse Heroes: Critical Hits receive 15% more power and have a 15% chance to inflict a Stun debuff for 2 seconds.
    Green Goblin: +15% Poison and Pumpkin Bomb damage for each Madness and Cunning charge.

    Split Personality (Iron Patriot)
    Iron Patriot: Gain 1 indefinite Armor Up Buff and +20% Arc Overload Potency.
    Green Goblin: Gain 1 indefinite Armor Up Buff and +20% Shock Potency.

    Cosmic Transition (Red Goblin, Ghost Rider, Cosmic Ghost Rider)
    Green Goblin: Gain a non-stacking Fury Buff, increasing Attack Rating by 50% for 5 seconds when using Special Attacks after landing a Medium Attack. This only Works if Red Goblin is on the team.

    Red Goblin: Gain a Madness Buff, regenerating 25% of block damage over 10 seconds when performing a Well-Timed Block. Gain Class Advantage when fighting a Mutant Champion.

    Ghost Rider: Judgement of Malice and Corruption gain +50% Duration. 35% chance for a Judgement to apply itself twice, granting Ghost Rider an indefinite Precision Buff that grants +350 Critical Rating. This only works when Cosmic Ghost Rider is on the team

    Cosmic Ghost Rider: When Damnation expires, drain 10% of the opponent's Max Power over 2 seconds. Gain Class Advantage when fighting Cosmic Champions. This only works when Ghost Rider is on the team.

    Two Sides of a Monster (Void, Mr. Negative)
    Green Goblin: Start the fight with 3 Cunning Charges.
    Void: Gain a +50% Fury for 15 seconds when inflicting Fear of the Void.
    Mr. Negative: Gain 2% of Max Power when gaining Light Energy and starts the fight with 10 Light Energy.

  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    edited May 2021
    Ghost Rider Buff Idea
    Stats based off an r5 5star

    A lack of blood provides full immunity to Bleed.
    Being wreathed in Hellfire grants full immunity to Incinerate.

    Passive- Evil’s Bane
    Against Villain Champions, the chance to place Judgements increases by 20%, and secondary effects from placing Judgements are all Passives. Additionally, his Armor and Critical Rating are increased by 1000.

    Ghost Rider can see his opponent’s transgressions and places Judgements upon them. Each Judgement can only be applied once and lasts indefinitely.
    The duration of each Judgements’ secondary effect increases by 75% for each Judgement already active.

    Finish a 5-Hit Combo with a Light Attack
    Judgement of Spite: 70% chance
    Secondary: Inflicts Bleed, dealing 2499 Direct Damage over 5 seconds. Critical Hits while this Bleed is active have a 100% chance to refresh the Bleed and apply an additional Bleed for each Buff active on the opponent, dealing 999.6 Direct Damage over 2 seconds.

    Heavy Attacks
    Judgement of Malice: 60% chance
    Secondary: Gain a Lifesteal Passive for 5.75 seconds, allowing Ghost Rider to steal 804 Health with each Attack.

    Activating a Special Attack 1:
    Judgement of Pride: 70% chance
    Secondary: Fate Seals the opponent, immediately Nullifying all Buffs and preventing any new Buffs from activating for 5 seconds.

    If Ghost Rider has already gained the secondary effect, remove all active Judgements on the opponent to gain a Retribution Buff, lasting 5 seconds for each Judgement removed.
    While this Buff is active, contact with the opponent immediately converts their Buffs into Incinerate, dealing 1547 Energy Damage over 10 seconds.

    Final hit of Special Attack 2:
    Judgement of Anger: 80% chance
    Secondary: Drains 18% of the opponent’s max Power over 2 seconds.

    If Ghost Rider has already gained the secondary effect, convert all active Judgements on the opponent into a 20-second Hellfire Passive, dealing 2142 Energy damage for each Judgment consumed.
    Contact with opponents suffering from Hellfire Power Burns them, draining 5% of max Power and dealing Direct Damage proportional to the amount Drained.

    Special Attack 3
    Judgement of Guilt: 100% chance
    Secondary: Inflict Damnation on the opponent through the Penance Stare for 10 seconds, dealing 2094.4 Direct Damage and scaling with base Attack Rating. Opponents under Damnation are Power Locked, Heal Blocked and Fate Sealed.

    Damnation's potency is increased by 100% per Judgement active on the opponent.

    When Damnation ends, all Judgements are removed from the opponent.

    Signature Ability: Spirit of Vengeance, Sig [1-200]
    Ghost Rider gains +[6.67- 30]% Combat Power Rate for each Judgement on the opponent.

    End a 5-Hit Combo with a Medium Attack
    Judgement of Corruption: 75% chance.
    Secondary: Ghost Rider gains a burst of [666 - 2737] Attack for 7.50 seconds. Attack is increased an additional +[666 - 2737] for each Judgement already active on the opponent.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    OG Cap Rework Idea-

    Super Soldier Serum-
    Captain America is immune to detrimental effects caused when buffs are Nullified, Staggered, or expire.
    E.g., Dormammu's Degen, Doom's Shock, Buffet, etc.

    Poison effects and Non-damaging Debuffs suffer -75% Potency.

    50% chance to Perfect Block, reducing all damage to 0. The chance is increased to 100% on Well-Timed Blocks.
    Perfect Blocks have a 90% chance to place an indefinite Fatigue Debuff on the opponent, reducing the opponent’s Critical Rating by 321.5 and increasing Captain America’s by the same amount. Max Stacks: 20.

    While the opponent is Stunned-
    Each time Captain America strikes the opponent, consume one indefinite Fatigue Debuff to reduce the opponent’s Defensive Ability Accuracy by 85%.
    35% chance when hitting the opponent to place his Fatigue Debuffs on the opponent for 12 seconds. These Fatigues can go over the stack limit.

    When the opponent throws a Special Attack
    Each Fatigue on the opponent has a 45% chance to be converted into a Weakness Debuff, decreasing Attack Rating by 15%. The Weakness Debuffs expire 2 seconds after the Special Attack. Max Converted: 6.

    Special 1-
    30% chance to Stun the opponent for 3.5 seconds. +10% chance per active Fatigue Debuff on the opponent.

    Special 2-
    Consumes all Fatigue Debuffs on the opponent to gain +1482.5 Attack Rating and +321.5 Critical Rating per Fatigue consumed.
    First Hit applies a Bleed Debuff, dealing 5057.25 Direct Damage over 10 seconds.
    Deals an additional 505.73 Direct damage per Fatigue consumed.
    Final Hit has a 50% chance to Stun the opponent for 2.5 seconds. Increased to 100% if it was a Critical Hit.

    Special 3-
    100% chance to Stun the opponent for 5 seconds.

    Signature Ability- Last Stand, Sig [1-200]
    Chance to Perfect Block increases by +[10-60]%, based on lost Health
    +[50-200]% Combat Power Rate while the opponent is Stunned, based on lost Health.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    Ebony Maw Buff- Stats based off an r3 6star

    Deteriorations- Passive
    Deterioration Passives last indefinitely until consumed, each reducing the potency of the opponent’s Fury effects by a flat 5%, stacking up to 20 times.

    -If the opponent doesn’t have Class Advantage, Ebony Maw causes all Guaranteed Critical Hits to Miss.
    -Ebony Maw’s first Light Attack is the only Basic hit to make contact with the opponent.
    -Any increase to Ebony Maw’s Attack Rating only increases the potency of his Degenerations.

    Missions from Thanos
    -Ebony Maw has 3 unique Missions to complete. Each mission can only be completed once per fight, and grants one Persistent Charge on completion. Completing all 3 missions in a single fight grants Ebony Maw an additional 2 Persistent Charges, up to a maximum of 20.

    -Each Persistent Charge decreases the time to apply Persuasion by 3%, and increases Falter duration by 4%.

    -Whenever Ebony Maw completes the criteria for a Mission, apply a Degeneration Passive to the opponent, dealing 846 damage over 4 seconds. Max stacks from this ability: 5.
    Maw only needs to complete the actions to place the Degen, allowing him to apply Degeneration these ways several times.
    Keep in mind, though, that you still only gain one Persistent Charge per achieved Mission.

    Mission 1: Mastermind: Nullify one Buff on the Opponent.
    Mission 2: Manipulator: Cause the opponent to lose power.
    Mission 3: Unwavering: Cause the opponent to Falter and Miss.

    Missions from Thanos- Effects from Persistent Charges
    When the fight starts, Ebony Maw will gain benefits based on the number of Persistent Charges.
    5+: Falter Debuffs are replaced with Passive effects, and gain +50% Ability Accuracy.
    10+: Deterioration’s effects expand to all buffs on the opponent.
    15+: While Focused, Critical Hits have a 65% chance to apply Deterioration Passives.
    20+: Every Persuasion on the opponent increases Degeneration Damage potency by 1%, decreases Resistances and Block Proficiency by 2%, and decreases Defensive Ability Accuracy by 0.5%. 100 Persuasion and Black Tongue both become Cross-Fights, lasting for 3 fights.

    Heavy Attacks
    -Landing a Heavy Attack steals all the opponents’ Power Gain Buffs and 10% of their current Power.

    Persuasive Voice
    -While Unfocused, Ebony Maw begins Focusing on the opponent’s mind, taking 5 seconds. This time is increased by 3 seconds for every non-damaging Debuff on him, max effect at 5 Debuffs.
    When struck by a Heavy Attack or Special 3, Ebony Maw’s Focus is broken.

    -Once Focused, the opponent gains 1 Persuasion every 0.5 seconds.

    -Every 20 Persuasion, the opponent is inflicted with a Falter Debuff lasting 3 seconds (5 seconds on Cosmics). Enemies inflicted with Falter have a 100% chance to Miss.

    -At 100 Persuasion, the opponent is Persuaded, inflicting a Black Tongue Passive.
    Black Tongue is not affected by Ability Accuracy, lasts for the rest of the fight, and reduces Power Gain and Regeneration effects from all sources by 45%.

    Special Attack 1
    -When activated and on each hit, Nullify one Fury, Cruelty, or Precision Buff from his opponent.
    If no Buffs were Nullified, the opponent gains a Fury Buff increasing Attack by 0 for 6 seconds, and Ebony Maw gains 50% of a bar of power over 1 second.
    -Black Tongue: Expanded to Nullify all Buffs. Each Buff has a 50% chance to be replaced with an indefinite Deterioration Passive.

    Special Attack 2
    +643 Critical Rating and +756 Critical Damage for every 4 Persistent Charges.
    -Inflict a Degeneration Passive, dealing 846 Direct Damage over 4 seconds.
    -Black Tongue: Critical Hits have a 65% chance to apply an additional Degeneration Debuff.

    Special Attack 3
    -Ebony Maw reaches into the opponent’s mind, depleting all their power and gaining 35% of the depleted power for himself over 4 seconds.
    -Black Tongue: For every 10% of power depleted this way, apply an indefinite, non-consumable Deterioration Passive to the opponent. Max stacks: 15.

    Awakened Ability- Deteriorating Mind, Sig [1-200]
    While Black Tongue is active:
    -Place 1 Deterioration Passive on the opponent every [25-5] seconds.
    -Completing the criteria for any Mission will also place 1 Deterioration on the opponent.

    -Maximum number of Deterioration on the opponent is increased by [0.5-20].
    -When Ebony Maw inflicts a Degeneration, all Deterioration Passives are consumed to place a 5-second timer on the opponent. During this timer, any Degeneration activated has its potency increased by [5.18-40]% per consumed Deterioration.

    Potency increase is halved, but is evened out by the doubled Deterioration cap, so it should all work out
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    OG Deadpool Rework Idea
    I know it’s unrealistic that OG Deadpool would even be added to the 5* pool, much less get a buff, but it’s fun to entertain the idea.

    - Permanently regenerate 60% of max Health per minute. Up to +50% potency based on Power.
    - Dropping below 20% Health activates Regeneration, healing up to 50% of missing Health over 3 seconds based on the Power Meter.

    Fight Start
    - While fighting as an Attacker, Deadpool is immune to all Regen Rate Modification.
    - While fighting as a Defender, any effect that would modify Regen Rate is 30% less potent, but Heal Block effects gain +50% duration.

    - When Intercepting the opponent, countering Special or Heavy Attacks, or idling for 1 second, Deadpool chides his opponent’s incompetence, Taunting them indefinitely. Max Stacks: 10.
    - Each Taunt Debuff reduces opponents’ attack by 8%, and increases their chance to throw a Special Attack by 14%.
    - If the Debuff fails to apply due to Purify, Cleanse, or immunity, 75% chance to place two 45-second Passive Taunts instead, with +50% potency. Max Stacks: 20.

    Special Attacks
    - Consume all Taunt effects on the opponent to gain a 5-second Prowess Buff, increasing Special Attack Damage by +40% per removed Debuff, +25% per removed Passive.
    - 100% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing [X] Direct Damage over 3 seconds.

    Special Attack 2
    - If Deadpool completes his dance after this attack, all Prowess Buffs become indefinite until the next Special Attack. If he is interrupted, 100% chance to regenerate 50% of damage dealt for the next 2 seconds.
    A little worse than Goldpool’s due to not having a built-in Stun.

    Signature Ability- Insult and Injury, Sig [1-200]
    All Attacks
    - Critical Rating is set to 0. Instead, Deadpool has a [5-25]% chance to land a Critical Hit.
    - For every 5% of max Health Deadpool has lost this fight, gain a flat +[5-20]% Offensive Ability Accuracy and +[X] Critical Damage
    Intended to synergize with the suicide masteries
  • TheDaywalkerTheDaywalker Member Posts: 143
    Cyclops (New Xavier School)
    5 Star, 5/65, Sig. 200

    Signature Ability - Optic Flexibility
    -When below 30 Optic Effectiveness, Cyclops generates one every 1.5 seconds.
    The duration of Cyclops’ Precision Passive is increased by +10 seconds.
    -All Armor Break Debuffs last +15 seconds longer.

    Mutation - Always Active
    - +1085 Energy Resistance.
    - Cyclops takes no damage from his own Beams.
    - Cyclops gains +225.23 Critical Damage Rating for the remainder of the fight and 3% of Max Power each time he receives Energy Damage. This has 50% reduced potency if Cyclops is suffering from a Plasma effect.
    - Gain 10% of Max Power whenever Cyclops takes zero damage from Energy Attacks.

    - This champion can strike with Critical Hits even while the opponent is blocking.
    - Whenever Cyclops dodges or well-timed Blocks the opponent’s Special Attacks and when striking the opponent’s Block with Critical Hits in any way or when, Cyclops gains 8% of Max Power.
    - Every 25 seconds, Cyclops gains a Precision Passive that grants +6813 Critical Rating for 15 seconds. Every blocked hit by either Cyclops or the opponent that is not critical reduces the timer by 2 seconds.

    Optic Effectiveness
    - Whenever Cyclops takes Energy Damage or when either champion performs a Critical Hit in any way, Cyclops gains one Optic Effectiveness, but loses 15 when Power Drained, Burned or suffering from Tech champions Plasma effects. Max stacks: 50
    - For each Optic Effectiveness, Cyclops’ Special Attacks are granted bonuses:
    +185.16 Block Penetration.
    +69.18 Critical Damage Rating.
    +235.26 Armor Penetration.
    +0.5% Power Gain.

    When Gaining Over 50 Optic Effectiveness
    - Gain a Prowess Buff for 10 seconds, increasing Special Attack damage by 10%.
    - +3% chance to randomly gain 1, 2, or 3 Bars of Power.

    Special Attacks
    - All Beam Attacks are guaranteed to be Critical at the cost of 15 Optic Effectiveness.
    - Any Critical Rating that Cyclops gains is converted into +956.16 Critical Damage Rating for the duration of the Special Attack.
    Abilities caused by hitting the opponent with Beam Attacks also trigger through the opponent’s Block.

    Special Attack 1
    - If Cyclops has a Prowess Effect, this attack ignores all Energy Resistance.
    - Each hit deals a burst of Energy Damage, causing up to 1491.25 based on Optic Effectiveness.

    Special Attack 2
    - The first 3 hits have a 30% chance to grant Cyclops a Prowess Buff for 5 seconds, increasing Special Attack Damage by +25%. These are paused for the duration of the Special Attack.
    - Beam Attacks have a 40% chance to Armor Break the opponent, reducing Armor Rating by 981.15 for 10 seconds. The chance of this ability triggering is increased by +15% for each Prowess effect Cyclops has.

    Special Attack 3
    - Consume 15 Optic Effectiveness to inflict a stacking Energy Vulnerability Debuff, reducing Energy Resist by 1510.16 for 25 seconds.
    - If Cyclops was at 50 Optic Effectiveness, inflict a Disorient Debuff reducing Defensive Ability Accuracy and Block Proficiency by 50%.


    Energy Effectiveness (Bishop)
    Bishop: Energy Overload now happens when over 50 Prowess and Energy Overload grants Bishop +100% Attack Rating and +50% Special Attack Damage.
    Cyclops: Critical Hits have a 50% chance to grant an additional Optic Effectiveness charge.

    Energy Stalemate (Havok)
    Havok: Taking Energy Damage increases Havok’s Critical Rating by +250 for the remainder of the fight. Additionally, when fighting Cyclops (Both), Havok’s Basic Attacks gain +50% Attack Rating.
    Cyclops: Taking Energy Damage increases Cyclops’ Energy Resistance by +125 for the remainder of the fight. Additionally, fighting Havok causes Cyclops to gain +15% Attack Rating for each Plasma Build Up on Cyclops.

    Troubled Past (Phoenix)
    Phoenix: Gain 8% of Max Power when receiving Energy Damage.
    Cyclops: Special Attacks cost 15% less power.

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