New Alliance Wars Matchmaking System & Season 8 Details



  • Tasty_Yum_YumsTasty_Yum_Yums Member Posts: 444 ★★★
    edited February 2019
    30 min timers seems to be the most practical and logical fix. Let’s see if kabam is willing to give that to the player base though....
  • StarhawkStarhawk Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    my wife and i will need to move to a different time zone to accomodate the forced times. @Kabam Miike can you please pay for the costs? Thank You
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    Hopefully tomorrow we'll get an update on the status of the upcoming changes to this system. Stands to reason we'd get it Tueaday evening as that's the day Matchmaking is down. Perhaps Wednesday morning at the latest? Point is, something is supposed to change according to @Kabam Miike so let's keep our fingers crossed that it all works out.

    Ideally having at least 15 hours notice prior to the next Matchmaking would be great. That way the word can get out there and Leadership can make a semi-informed decision to stay Enlisted, or decide against Enlisting. Hopefully the announcement doesn't go down to the wire. Hopefully the Season gets delayed at least 1 week to test these new changes in an off season set of wars. An update sooner than later would be greatly appreciated.




    Just as reminders to all of what was said throughout this war cycle. I know I've posted them already, but I don't think we can stress this one enough overall. Things were said and we're once again taking Kabam at their word. Knowing they've heard us is great, but it's only half the battle. The other half is ensuring things get followed through with by following up on them constantly. Once we see the new changes posted here, AND experience them in game will this be put to rest. All we can do is hope the next iteration of the new matchmaking system works ideally for the majority.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    SummonerNR wrote: »
    Kpatrix wrote: »
    I believe kabam when they say the servers can't handle simultaneous start times. Even in aq there is always a.delay between one ending and the ability to start the next. It's not much, but 5 minutes over the span of aq is loosing 20 minutes on day 5.
    That delay between AQ is not because every alliance AQ ends at same time. Because each ally starts their own 1st day, the actual times are varied (granted, many of them would be concentrated “somewhere around” the opening 3pm EST), and as each day progresses the times of subsequent days becomes even more spread out as the online status of officers might be from minutes to tens of minutes before starting the next AQ.

    BUT, the OVERALL ENDING OF DAY-5 does in fact all end at the exact same time. Evidently no problems for their servers, because the individual day-5 rewards still come out within minutes (just the overall week rewards take time to calculate, just like the overall AW Season rewards do).

    ** PS: Would love to see a similar type of ENROLLMENT FOR SUBSEQUENT AQ DAYS, although allow the starting time to be decided by each alliance (and also allow an excess window of time on the back end to complete a full 24 hours for day-5, like maybe 5 days + 8 hours total in which to run 5x 24 hr AQ days).

    i like where you are going with that.
    day 1 you set your schedule for the entire week.
    that way as day 1 ends day 2 will auto start.
    incase an officer is unavailable.
  • SkinnyfitSkinnyfit Member Posts: 37
    The new start timea are killing any competitive nature for my alliance. Always started 10pm UK time to allow the international alliance to all get the best fit for being able to move and have their jobs. But it starts at like 4pm now which means anyone from he UK or Europe is essentially screwed.

    I've seen from a few posts it looks as if this is being looked in to and i really hope that's true as if it stays this way. I basically just won't play wars since my timezone is terrible for it. Thus probably making me leave the game behind because I'll be bored senseless.
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  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,513 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Siliyo wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Siliyo wrote: »
    Here’s a proposed solution: I like the idea of having a “waiting room” so what if there was an enlistment phase from 12pm to 3pm EST (since AQ begins at 3pm for me). Then from 3pm to 4:30pm EST, Kabam can configure an algorithm so that alliances with similar prestige’s would match with each other. After that, War will begin for everybody at 4:30pm EST.

    According to Kabam, the infrastructure can't support starting all the wars simultaneously. Some people in the thread seem to think that they are somehow wrong, but that's completely irrelevant. If Kabam thinks the servers cannot handle that possibility, there's literally no way to convince them to do it.

    Kabam should learn from from their new parent company, Netmarble. Marvel Future Fight has the infrastructure to support all alliance content at the same time. However, they do not do their alliance content live as we see it. It’s cool, but if it will make the servers operate much better if we do not see each other move live, I think it should go.

    On the list of problems I foresee likely to affect AW more than AQ, this doesn't show up in the top twenty.

    Which one? 😅
  • Jkw634Jkw634 Member Posts: 297 ★★
    They better announce something quick. New aw times old already and I can see alliances gets ancy. I don’t mind stepping away from the game and saving thousands a year if it’s not enjoyable anymore.
  • StatStat Member Posts: 113 Content Creator
    Was a holiday weekend in Canada, I’d expect a post in 3 hours, probably delaying AW for a week or two while they work on a fix.

    I’m guessing their intention was to have AW run at 11am pst, which was the earliest you could start AW in thenold system. Then, by changing placement to 20 hours, they created a 4 hour (ish) window to allow for personnel movement not realizing that this pushed the start time up by 4 hours.

    Regardless, we should hear from them in the next couple of hours.
  • jeeppilotjeeppilot Member Posts: 16
    This new system is total ****, it's 1030am here and we have 10 minutes left in war. Total bs, kabam really screwed the pooch on this one.
  • Wemo96Wemo96 Member Posts: 3
    Why do you loose fighting energy before you fight because of lagging issues and it’s your fought. I logged in to fight aq and everything worked out fine until I tried to fight in aq. When I started the fight it took so long and kept freezing until a message said it can’t connect now. So I started over and tried to fight again to see that I lost half of my fighting energy. This is getting ridiculous from lagging while trying to open crystals to trying to fight. If y’all trying to push the sale of potions just say so instead of doing it the illegal way. I would say I would wait on a generic email that’s a copy and paste a response to send but that will lag also.
  • Cendar333Cendar333 Member Posts: 303
    This new start time is creating serious issues in my alliance. For basically all US based players with a standard work schedule, the entire second half of the war and the end of the war (essentially the most crucial be move times) occur after everyone has gone to bed and in the early morning hours when people are busiest. In the past we have had very little trouble getting 3 consistent clears with time to spare in the tires we normally fight in. In this preseason we have not been able to get 3 clears once due to schedule issues.
  • 1Jo1Jo Member Posts: 30
    Is there any update on if Kabam are actually going to do anything about the rubbish new war start time? Or are we all just being ignored? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Wolf an update either way would be good pls
  • Cendar333Cendar333 Member Posts: 303
    @Kabam Miike you mentioned an announcement about potential fixes to the schedule issue by "early this week" when can we expect those? The new season is set to start tomorrow. We need time to make changes in our strategy/alliance members is this new system is going forward as it is
  • StatStat Member Posts: 113 Content Creator
    Was long weekend in Canada and only 8:20am here now. I’d expect an announcement today but in a couple hours.
  • KihlgastKihlgast Member Posts: 111
    Who wants to have to leave work early to finish aw? #NoOne
  • MicklownickMicklownick Member Posts: 315 ★★
    Is this the forum I have to post in to get ignored and buried in 29 pages of complaints on how jacked up the new war system is? Asking for a friend...
  • Vale84Vale84 Member Posts: 308 ★★★
    With new matchmking schedules:

    USA: war starts 9-10 am

    Europe: War falls middle of work schedule, any kind.

    Asia: War falls night time.

    Didnt think you could actually come out with a system able to mess it up for the whole world. Requires some incredible skills lmao.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,174 ★★★★★
    I've never seen complaints about the start time for AQ. I can't fathom a reason to have a war schedule that doesn't conform to the AQ schedule. It allows alliances who finish in a timely manner to move champs between AQ and war, and it lines up with the schedule players are accustomed to keeping for AQ anyway.
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  • EvangelionlovrEvangelionlovr Member Posts: 481 ★★★
    War now ends at 7 am for me. I can't stress enough how inconvenient it is. I may just quit war altogether because it is not worth it.

    At least AQ is better now, so I can try and find an ally that only focuses on that.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    SummonerNR wrote: »
    Kpatrix wrote: »
    I believe kabam when they say the servers can't handle simultaneous start times. Even in aq there is always a.delay between one ending and the ability to start the next. It's not much, but 5 minutes over the span of aq is loosing 20 minutes on day 5.
    That delay between AQ is not because every alliance AQ ends at same time. Because each ally starts their own 1st day, the actual times are varied (granted, many of them would be concentrated “somewhere around” the opening 3pm EST), and as each day progresses the times of subsequent days becomes even more spread out as the online status of officers might be from minutes to tens of minutes before starting the next AQ.

    BUT, the OVERALL ENDING OF DAY-5 does in fact all end at the exact same time. Evidently no problems for their servers, because the individual day-5 rewards still come out within minutes (just the overall week rewards take time to calculate, just like the overall AW Season rewards do).

    ** PS: Would love to see a similar type of ENROLLMENT FOR SUBSEQUENT AQ DAYS, although allow the starting time to be decided by each alliance (and also allow an excess window of time on the back end to complete a full 24 hours for day-5, like maybe 5 days + 8 hours total in which to run 5x 24 hr AQ days).

    The time in between days of AQ has very little to do with the online status of the officers in many cases. Although, I'm sure there's Alliances that have that issue. The few minutes between each AQ that slowly gets tacked on daily is due to the system calculating the increase or decrease in Prestige from the previous day's performance. If they did do this proposed system, it could speed things up start time wise for those who aren't watching for it to open again. Which is a nice idea. It would only tack on at MAX 30 mins total to the entirety of AQ. In turn it would run Day 5 a full 24 hours vs losing that 30 mins from the system delays between days.

    What people seem to be overlooking when comparing AQ to AW is the VAST difference in resources needed to make them happen. So the servers might have issues pulling 300 different champs from 30 player's profiles (per full 3 BG war) and launching thousands of these situations at once. Each set of 150 per Alliance have different layouts, with different champs, with different masteries per player, and each champ at a different stage of progress (tier, rank, level, and sig level where applicable).

    AQ is 1 basic layout per Map who's overall strength is dictated by the Alliance's Prestige. Even running 3 different Maps per Alliance per Day is NOTHING by comparison as all those champs will be preset to their positions and no masteries taken into consideration. So, while some MAY THINK that Kabam can do this, they think they can't. As @DNA3000 said it, that's all that matters in the end. They won't bother trying if they think it's just gonna cause a server overload. Why waste your time when you already have known connectivity issues across your playerbase as it is? To add more strain to a system with known issues in an attempt to do something that'll likely go sideways... that seems redundant. So yeah, I wouldn't bother suggesting this one in relation too AW anymore. The AQ idea seems quite feasible though.

    As it stands, we don't have set start times, nor would I expect to see them for AW. What changes are being made on that note? Tis Tuesday Kabam. As others have said, people are getting antsy. They're also getting nervous. We missed 1 Boss in AW today because of the abnormal start/end time. 1st war it took almost 2 hours to get a match. 2nd we opted out of for player swap purposes mixed with that lovely SA/Villian Use Reward delay. 3rd war we matched inside 18 mins! That had us starting/ending at 10:18 AM EST/7:18 AM PST. That's too early. Waaaaaaayyyy too early. So an update would be GREATLY appreciated.
  • tkt546tkt546 Member Posts: 34
    I don't understand why this is so difficult. AW used to open at 2PM and would close at 9PM Sunday (my time). I'm pretty sure >90% of wars were started during the 2-9PM window to ensure that you got three per week. I understand they want to stagger war starts, but all they need to do is shift the window to start at 2PM instead of 9AM. Just start generating the matches at the time it used to open up and everyone will be fine with it.
  • DangerPenguinDangerPenguin Member Posts: 7
    @Kabam Miike Any word on that update we were supposed to hear about early this week? We're less than a day away from the start of the next AW series, and it would be nice to be able to plan for it.
  • Swank777Swank777 Member Posts: 64
    For the love of MCOC would you please just trash this horrible new war system and go back to the old system. Literally no one likes the new system at all, not even a little. Nothing and I mean nothing about the new system is close to likeable or good, don't you get it you made war worse not better. @Kabam Miike or whoever it may concern
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    I have opted out of all alliance related game play until this is fixed, running solo will only stay interesting for so long. You ARE losing me here Kabam and I know I'm not the only one. Change matchmaking back to how it was.
  • krisvelasco1krisvelasco1 Member Posts: 2
    any update would really be helpful @Kabam Miike
  • Daddylonglegs93Daddylonglegs93 Member Posts: 26
    edited February 2019
    Given the massive uproar, couldn't you at least delay seasons? No one will complain about another week, unless maybe they bought a shell and were trying to game the system.

    Just delay the start and get a system people want to play.

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra
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