Do you guys really care more about quitters than us?



  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,451 ★★★★★
    MaatMan said:

    DrZola said:

    MaatMan said:

    people who think these deals are so great.
    well simple.
    stop playing.
    then come back later and hope you have one.

    really the offers are nothing compared to what can be earnt in game by actually playing the game.
    it is simple standard business.

    You have different tiers of deals in all business.
    - Deals offered to entice new customers. normally in the form of very very good but limited time offers.
    - Deals offered to entice previous customers back. normally quite good but not as good as it is considered easier to get someone back.
    - Deals offered to current customer base. generally nothing too amazing.
    - Deals offered to customers who threaten to leave.

    That last category however doesn't work in this kind of situation as people would simply try and abuse it and say they were leaving just to get a good offer.

    i wanna go out on a limb here and say most people that are complaining are non-spenders or only very very occasional spenders anyway.

    First off: I don’t care what comeback offers the game makes. That’s the team’s right. But I also don’t mind people complaining about it—that’s their right too. Sometimes it gets you something, sometimes it doesn’t.

    I would offer this counterpoint to the whole issue: after starting to back off from MCoC before Black Friday, I decided to push again December of last year, partly because old mates encouraged me to participate in the holiday alliance events. I took the brakes off decent offer buying and expanded my playtime.

    That continued through February. My result? Other than a slate of mediocre dupes (11 of past 15 with new champs like CWBP, 2099 and Gambit) and re-dupes of great champs I already had at L150+ (Blade and Medusa), the main thing I have to show is a new 5* She-Hulk (who has been saved by the beta) and a roster that still has only one 5* champ released in the past 13 months—despite my ramped-up spend and playtime.

    A spate of Aegon FGMCs yesterday (from iTunes cards that were a gift from an old mate) netted me a 5* Juggs and Nebula dupe, which is great if you consider the possibility of getting zilch from them. But that isn’t lighting anyone’s roster on fire.

    So, in hindsight, it’s at least arguable that I would have been better off just turning it all off for 3 months myself and waiting for a tempting comeback offer.

    The point is this: in my opinion, progression, over my last 3 months, has been a myth. I wouldn’t be so fast to hang my hat on all the great things a player could get by being loyal versus tuning out for a while.

    Dr. Zola
    from a champ point yeah ok you havnt pulled anything great.
    i aint gunna try and argue that.

    What resources have you earnt during the period however?
    cats and the like?
    if you quit for say 3 months there is no 100% that you will get offered a deal.
    and if you did what are the chances that it is something better than what you have gained?
    is a single 5* crystal, a 5* awakening gem and a bunch of sig stones better than all the resources you would have earnt from playing?

    i know compared to what i would earn in that time i would say its a NO from me.
    Fair point. But I’ve got a full slate of T4c, T2a and T5b. 5 AGs over 4 classes. Some of that sits because I’m waiting to see what Act 6 looks like; some sits because I’d prefer to use it on better options than I currently have. I’ve had sig stones expire (because I accidentally opened gems) for lack of/no options. Given what I have, a generic 5* gem offer wouldn’t get me much, but when I consider the time and resources expended the past 3 months, I’d have to say it wasn’t worth it.

    Just a difference of opinion and experience.

    Dr. Zola
  • Star_Lord_Star_Lord_ Member Posts: 528 ★★★
    My thoughts are if the summoner appreciation week was better, or perhaps awarded "years of playing" rewards for the long time players, offers like these would not be an issue.

    I think they would make a killing that week if they offered the people who have been here the longest the same offer as the quitters.
  • ThebgjThebgj Member Posts: 635 ★★
    This is so simple, we are hooked and they know it. We are addicted and they know it. Do you think that them handing out a 5* awakening gem to a no one is going to break the bank? NOPE. They are hoping that they will now GRIND for cats or buy cat offers.

    Should they give the everyday player great rewards like that, of course! I will gladly take anything they hand out. ....

    BUT, why bother. We’re goinh to play everyday NO MATTER WHAT. Yes you can quit and stop spending, but that’s a hand full of penuts in the worlds largest bucket of M&M’s
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    On the topic of Prof Hot.. His information is usually inaccurate. There's no reason to trust him as a source of info.

    His videos are... idk.. controversial.. I guess? Most of the time he’s just fanning the flames.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★
    Felganos said:

    Felganos said:

    If an uncollected player quits for a year, they get a 5* AG crystal was it? How is that better than 3 6 stars?

    It was a dude that quit for a mere 3 months and got a 5 star 2018 crystal (guaranteed 5 star released in 2018), The road to a million 5 star shard arena again for himself, and the $50 5 star generic awakening gem and 60 generic 5 star sig stones deal.
    So 2 free 5*'s. 1 from an arena that everyone already got to participate in. And the opportunity to buy an AG deal that we've all been offered in the past? So that player gets the same things we've been offered aside from a 5* crystal and you are complaining?

    On the topic of Prof Hot.. His information is usually inaccurate. There's no reason to trust him as a source of info.

    Lots of companies offer things to people to come back. There's no way for us to tell how many people actually sign back and claim them. I'd say a very small percentage and does it really matter? Once you wake up and realize Kabam is a for profit company, you can accept they do things that help them keep the game going. Stop with whiny "poor me, why cant I have it too" mentality. Want those offers? Quit for 3 months.
    We haven't actually ever gotten that offer btw.
    We get awakening gem offers and we got the 5* arena.
  • FelganosFelganos Member Posts: 259 ★★

    Felganos said:

    Felganos said:

    If an uncollected player quits for a year, they get a 5* AG crystal was it? How is that better than 3 6 stars?

    It was a dude that quit for a mere 3 months and got a 5 star 2018 crystal (guaranteed 5 star released in 2018), The road to a million 5 star shard arena again for himself, and the $50 5 star generic awakening gem and 60 generic 5 star sig stones deal.
    So 2 free 5*'s. 1 from an arena that everyone already got to participate in. And the opportunity to buy an AG deal that we've all been offered in the past? So that player gets the same things we've been offered aside from a 5* crystal and you are complaining?

    On the topic of Prof Hot.. His information is usually inaccurate. There's no reason to trust him as a source of info.

    Lots of companies offer things to people to come back. There's no way for us to tell how many people actually sign back and claim them. I'd say a very small percentage and does it really matter? Once you wake up and realize Kabam is a for profit company, you can accept they do things that help them keep the game going. Stop with whiny "poor me, why cant I have it too" mentality. Want those offers? Quit for 3 months.
    We haven't actually ever gotten that offer btw.
    We get awakening gem offers and we got the 5* arena.
    Yeah, we got the 5 star arena but we've never gotten an offer for a generic 5 star AG and 60 generic sig stones for $50
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★
    Felganos said:

    Felganos said:

    Felganos said:

    If an uncollected player quits for a year, they get a 5* AG crystal was it? How is that better than 3 6 stars?

    It was a dude that quit for a mere 3 months and got a 5 star 2018 crystal (guaranteed 5 star released in 2018), The road to a million 5 star shard arena again for himself, and the $50 5 star generic awakening gem and 60 generic 5 star sig stones deal.
    So 2 free 5*'s. 1 from an arena that everyone already got to participate in. And the opportunity to buy an AG deal that we've all been offered in the past? So that player gets the same things we've been offered aside from a 5* crystal and you are complaining?

    On the topic of Prof Hot.. His information is usually inaccurate. There's no reason to trust him as a source of info.

    Lots of companies offer things to people to come back. There's no way for us to tell how many people actually sign back and claim them. I'd say a very small percentage and does it really matter? Once you wake up and realize Kabam is a for profit company, you can accept they do things that help them keep the game going. Stop with whiny "poor me, why cant I have it too" mentality. Want those offers? Quit for 3 months.
    We haven't actually ever gotten that offer btw.
    We get awakening gem offers and we got the 5* arena.
    Yeah, we got the 5 star arena but we've never gotten an offer for a generic 5 star AG and 60 generic sig stones for $50
    So? There many instances where there are different offers for different people. Where does it say Kabam has to offer everything to every player the same? Name one company that doesnt target certain sets of consumers with different offers. I'll wait.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    There is a simple solution to players leaving. Lower the number of shards it takes to build a 5 star crystal! They are full of garbage and even the garbage is undupable. It is the seriously crappy drops that wear out players and make them leave. I have had five 3s and one 4 out of the phc in 6 weeks. As for the 5s i have opened...not one i would waste t4c that's why they are leaving. Give them more chances to dupe and they will stick around in spite of the dregs being the majority of what they will hit. Selling the stuff is just part of the segue into pay to adjust the drop rates in the phc and lower the shards for fives and fewer people will bail!
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Rap said:

    There is a simple solution to players leaving. Lower the number of shards it takes to build a 5 star crystal! They are full of garbage and even the garbage is undupable. It is the seriously crappy drops that wear out players and make them leave. I have had five 3s and one 4 out of the phc in 6 weeks. As for the 5s i have opened...not one i would waste t4c that's why they are leaving. Give them more chances to dupe and they will stick around in spite of the dregs being the majority of what they will hit. Selling the stuff is just part of the segue into pay to adjust the drop rates in the phc and lower the shards for fives and fewer people will bail!

    Not a chance they will lower the number of shards needed to open a 5* crystal. I'm against the idea as well.

    The amount of shards available in the game has been increasing for the past year and to be frank, it's peoples' expectation that they will get a god tier every single time they open a 5* that makes their disappointment unbearable. It's all on them. People who can't get past this will leave sooner or later.
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  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    Rap said:

    There is a simple solution to players leaving. Lower the number of shards it takes to build a 5 star crystal! They are full of garbage and even the garbage is undupable. It is the seriously crappy drops that wear out players and make them leave. I have had five 3s and one 4 out of the phc in 6 weeks. As for the 5s i have opened...not one i would waste t4c that's why they are leaving. Give them more chances to dupe and they will stick around in spite of the dregs being the majority of what they will hit. Selling the stuff is just part of the segue into pay to adjust the drop rates in the phc and lower the shards for fives and fewer people will bail!

    Didn't they just adjust the drop rates of several crystals...?
    Look, the amounts of 5* shards that can be obtained through different ways literally exploded since the introduction of 5* champs.
    Adjusting the price and multiplying the obtainable shards have the same outcome. 5* crystals become way easier to acquire.
    Do you understand what I'm trying to say?
    He's not at that stage yet and I guess he's just trying to make things easier for himself.

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  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    They adjusted the drop rates to the grand masters. And yes there are a lot of shards available but it takes too many of them! You can be against it! No doubt you are on the other side of the wall that dumping all the fives into the basic created. But as the nodes become more difficult to meet the higher tier and newer more powerful champs those on the opposite side of that wall are becoming less and less interested in building them. We are accustomed to disappointment on a regular basis...but the amount of effort and the time between 5s makes cracking fives searingly painful. I do not believe anyone! You, kabam, or most of the players knew what it would lead to when everyone was jumping up and down for blade to be added to the basic at the end of dumping everyone else. Kabam believed we would rank out garbage to do quests at least but that isn't happening. As much as they have loosened up they have programmed us to expect that t4c and alphas etc. will remain fairly difficult to aquire and so we are not ranking the garbage we collect and slowly we are becoming less competitive...and that is leading to competitive people who will not or cannot spend into walking. Me? I have the patience of job...but if kabam wants a solution...there it is! When someone has been accustom to finishing event quests and suddenly has to strain or not finish at all? They figure they have had enough.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    xNig said:

    Rap said:

    There is a simple solution to players leaving. Lower the number of shards it takes to build a 5 star crystal! They are full of garbage and even the garbage is undupable. It is the seriously crappy drops that wear out players and make them leave. I have had five 3s and one 4 out of the phc in 6 weeks. As for the 5s i have opened...not one i would waste t4c that's why they are leaving. Give them more chances to dupe and they will stick around in spite of the dregs being the majority of what they will hit. Selling the stuff is just part of the segue into pay to adjust the drop rates in the phc and lower the shards for fives and fewer people will bail!

    Didn't they just adjust the drop rates of several crystals...?
    Look, the amounts of 5* shards that can be obtained through different ways literally exploded since the introduction of 5* champs.
    Adjusting the price and multiplying the obtainable shards have the same outcome. 5* crystals become way easier to acquire.
    Do you understand what I'm trying to say?
    He's not at that stage yet and I guess he's just trying to make things easier for himself.

    Yeah, I mean... I absolutely get that. It's not like I wouldn't benefit from let's say 2000 shards for a basic 5* crystal.
    But for anyone who every played a bunch of videogames before, trying to understand a progression curve shouldn't lead to that much cognitive dissonance.
    Maybe he hasn't. Overall, people just don't like to know that there are things they can't get immediately or cannot accomplish NOW and find ways to circumvent that "problem" by suggesting "solutions" that have to be implemented by others without fleshing through the details and repercussions.
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  • peasantpeasant Member Posts: 240
    edited March 2019
    Felganos said:

    I've been thinking about this for a while now, and honestly, prof hoff's new video is the straw that broke the camels back. The offers and even FREE things that players get for not playing for a period of time greatly tower over what us loyal players receive in terms of effort for rewards. Kabam Miike has stated before that these offers are to entice players that played in the past that left to come back, but what are you guys going to do to entice us, the loyal players, not to quit this game in the first place? I'm not asking for anything big. I just want for us to be 1. Treated the same as players that quit, and 2. Given at least the OPPORTUNITY to buy some of these god level offers they are being given. Thanks to everyone that sees and comments on this, have a good day.

    Going to have to disagree with you that Kabam likes people who take breaks more than their active playerbase.

    "Prof Hoff video is the straw that broke the camels back?" Do you know what that phrase means? What else has Kabam done for players who stopped playing before this? What were the other straws the camel was carrying?

    Mcoc is basically a "service/product" Kabam is selling.

    If they had a customer who used to spend thousands, and then stop spending for a few months, it makes sense why Kabam wants to entice them back, seeing how that particular customer missed out on Event quest completion, monthly calendar awards, AW, AQ, etc.

    Nobody gets hurt, and it's not mistreatment of the free to play players, since they weren't spending anyways, nor the current active spenders, since the person who didn't play for 3 months missed out on alot of content and awards that that deal (even if purchased) cannot compensate for.

    As much as I wish deals give more bang for the buck (they have been improving, unitbased and cash based offers), I find it sad that free to play players feel entitled to offers that are meant to be better than normal for players that stopped playing for 3 months.

    Those particular offers wouldn't be enticing if they were just like every other offer.
  • ThatGrootGrootThatGrootGroot Member Posts: 427 ★★

    I'm a 3.5 year vet of this game. Solid account elders bane, got several God tier dupes ranked up and I just quit recently myself. The offers get no better and after a month of trash pulls and act 6 being postponed I just said forget it. Over it..

    Then why lurk here? If I hang up the game, I'm cutting out everything (other than Marvel content).
  • cookiedealercookiedealer Member Posts: 260 ★★
    DrZola said:

    MaatMan said:

    people who think these deals are so great.
    well simple.
    stop playing.
    then come back later and hope you have one.

    really the offers are nothing compared to what can be earnt in game by actually playing the game.
    it is simple standard business.

    You have different tiers of deals in all business.
    - Deals offered to entice new customers. normally in the form of very very good but limited time offers.
    - Deals offered to entice previous customers back. normally quite good but not as good as it is considered easier to get someone back.
    - Deals offered to current customer base. generally nothing too amazing.
    - Deals offered to customers who threaten to leave.

    That last category however doesn't work in this kind of situation as people would simply try and abuse it and say they were leaving just to get a good offer.

    i wanna go out on a limb here and say most people that are complaining are non-spenders or only very very occasional spenders anyway.

    First off: I don’t care what comeback offers the game makes. That’s the team’s right. But I also don’t mind people complaining about it—that’s their right too. Sometimes it gets you something, sometimes it doesn’t.

    I would offer this counterpoint to the whole issue: after starting to back off from MCoC before Black Friday, I decided to push again December of last year, partly because old mates encouraged me to participate in the holiday alliance events. I took the brakes off decent offer buying and expanded my playtime.

    That continued through February. My result? Other than a slate of mediocre dupes (11 of past 15 with new champs like CWBP, 2099 and Gambit) and re-dupes of great champs I already had at L150+ (Blade and Medusa), the main thing I have to show is a new 5* She-Hulk (who has been saved by the beta) and a roster that still has only one 5* champ released in the past 13 months—despite my ramped-up spend and playtime.

    A spate of Aegon FGMCs yesterday (from iTunes cards that were a gift from an old mate) netted me a 5* Juggs and Nebula re-dupe, which is great if you consider the possibility of getting zilch from them. But that isn’t lighting anyone’s roster on fire.

    So, in hindsight, it’s at least arguable that I would have been better off just turning it all off for 3 months myself and waiting for a tempting comeback offer.

    The point is this: in my opinion, progression, over my last 3 months, has been a myth. I wouldn’t be so fast to hang my hat on all the great things a player could get by being loyal versus tuning out for a while.

    Dr. Zola
    There's always the mediocre pull roadblock in progression. Or resource acquistion roadblock.

    That's Kabams way (or any pay to progress faster game) of getting the impatient (rich or poor) to spend.
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    I’m still just trying to understand why I have been playing for many years and in that time period I have taken breaks of 6 months and 8 months and saw exactly zero offers to try and get me back to playing.

    My guess is because I’m free to play. No point in trying to get a free player back in the game.
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  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Zola has illustrated my point. 15 5stars and he still feels he isn't competative or really advancing Imagine the individuals without 11 champs to dupe? The wall i refer to was designed to refuce shards being farmed duping 5s a from a shallow slowed down but gave yhe top a head start and stalled the rest of us dead in our tracks. And really i have been very successful aquiring 5 star crystal shards from duped 4s...that is until we suddenly started getting shard offers...makes one scratch thier head...
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    Rap said:

    There is a simple solution to players leaving. Lower the number of shards it takes to build a 5 star crystal! They are full of garbage and even the garbage is undupable. It is the seriously crappy drops that wear out players and make them leave. I have had five 3s and one 4 out of the phc in 6 weeks. As for the 5s i have opened...not one i would waste t4c that's why they are leaving. Give them more chances to dupe and they will stick around in spite of the dregs being the majority of what they will hit. Selling the stuff is just part of the segue into pay to adjust the drop rates in the phc and lower the shards for fives and fewer people will bail!

    Not a chance they will lower the number of shards needed to open a 5* crystal. I'm against the idea as well.

    The amount of shards available in the game has been increasing for the past year and to be frank, it's peoples' expectation that they will get a god tier every single time they open a 5* that makes their disappointment unbearable. It's all on them. People who can't get past this will leave sooner or later.
    What about someone who hasn’t gotten a rankable champ in 6 months? Don’t care about god tier but haven’t even been getting things like Hawkeye, Elektra, or Psylocke. I’m having to rank champs I’ll never use like Dorm, or Loki because I have too much cat buildup.
  • TheVyrusTheVyrus Member Posts: 419 ★★★
    Everyone is so butt hurt over this. It is a very basic concept used by several companies. When people that spend money stop spending you need to bring them back somehow. Make them an offer that other players do not get and get them re-engaged.

    Now I personally would argue this violates the famous Terms of Service by providing players with an unfair advantage, however Kabam will contest it is simply to allow them to return to the competitive level they once had. While other players advanced through game-play. Still feels unfair to me but it is what it is.

    The real problem is that social media has everyone in everyone else's business. How does it really effect you if somebody else gets an offer you never see? It doesn't but because everyone needs to be on You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. you see it. Because society has conditioned you to believe that you deserve everything some else has, you get riled up over it. Life is too short to worry this much about a game, just play the game and have fun with it. That is why we play games right?
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,440 Guardian
    DrZola said:

    So, in hindsight, it’s at least arguable that I would have been better off just turning it all off for 3 months myself and waiting for a tempting comeback offer.

    It is only worth doing, if it is worth doing.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,451 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019

    DrZola said:

    MaatMan said:

    people who think these deals are so great.
    well simple.
    stop playing.
    then come back later and hope you have one.

    really the offers are nothing compared to what can be earnt in game by actually playing the game.
    it is simple standard business.

    You have different tiers of deals in all business.
    - Deals offered to entice new customers. normally in the form of very very good but limited time offers.
    - Deals offered to entice previous customers back. normally quite good but not as good as it is considered easier to get someone back.
    - Deals offered to current customer base. generally nothing too amazing.
    - Deals offered to customers who threaten to leave.

    That last category however doesn't work in this kind of situation as people would simply try and abuse it and say they were leaving just to get a good offer.

    i wanna go out on a limb here and say most people that are complaining are non-spenders or only very very occasional spenders anyway.

    First off: I don’t care what comeback offers the game makes. That’s the team’s right. But I also don’t mind people complaining about it—that’s their right too. Sometimes it gets you something, sometimes it doesn’t.

    I would offer this counterpoint to the whole issue: after starting to back off from MCoC before Black Friday, I decided to push again December of last year, partly because old mates encouraged me to participate in the holiday alliance events. I took the brakes off decent offer buying and expanded my playtime.

    That continued through February. My result? Other than a slate of mediocre dupes (11 of past 15 with new champs like CWBP, 2099 and Gambit) and re-dupes of great champs I already had at L150+ (Blade and Medusa), the main thing I have to show is a new 5* She-Hulk (who has been saved by the beta) and a roster that still has only one 5* champ released in the past 13 months—despite my ramped-up spend and playtime.

    A spate of Aegon FGMCs yesterday (from iTunes cards that were a gift from an old mate) netted me a 5* Juggs and Nebula re-dupe, which is great if you consider the possibility of getting zilch from them. But that isn’t lighting anyone’s roster on fire.

    So, in hindsight, it’s at least arguable that I would have been better off just turning it all off for 3 months myself and waiting for a tempting comeback offer.

    The point is this: in my opinion, progression, over my last 3 months, has been a myth. I wouldn’t be so fast to hang my hat on all the great things a player could get by being loyal versus tuning out for a while.

    Dr. Zola
    There's always the mediocre pull roadblock in progression. Or resource acquistion roadblock.

    That's Kabams way (or any pay to progress faster game) of getting the impatient (rich or poor) to spend.
    Careful...sounds like you are suggesting pulls are something other than pure randomness. That’s not how the pRNG works.

    Dr. Zola
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  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,451 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    DrZola said:

    So, in hindsight, it’s at least arguable that I would have been better off just turning it all off for 3 months myself and waiting for a tempting comeback offer.

    It is only worth doing, if it is worth doing.
    Ahh, the faux wisdom of circular references and tautologies.

    Dr. Zola
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    TheVyrus said:

    Everyone is so butt hurt over this. It is a very basic concept used by several companies. When people that spend money stop spending you need to bring them back somehow. Make them an offer that other players do not get and get them re-engaged.

    Well there's another concept that is used by many businesses as well, keep enticing existing customers with incentives to prevent churn which seems to be something that Kabam and this game is failing at.

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,440 Guardian
    DrZola said:

    DNA3000 said:

    DrZola said:

    So, in hindsight, it’s at least arguable that I would have been better off just turning it all off for 3 months myself and waiting for a tempting comeback offer.

    It is only worth doing, if it is worth doing.
    Ahh, the faux wisdom of circular references and tautologies.

    Dr. Zola
    Actually, that is neither, nor am I its originator. It means, it is intellectually dishonest to suggest a course of action is the best course of action and not actually take that option if it exists. So it is only "arguable" that someone would be better off not playing for three months by someone willing to do it. Anyone arguing that position and not actually doing it would be arguing a hypocrisy.
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