Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th



  • Aaronc94Aaronc94 Member Posts: 221 ★★
    You guys (KABAM) are working hard on ruin this game... think this again before it release cause u'll have much more hate than 12.0
  • BuGiBuGi Member Posts: 22
    Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★

    nOux said:

    nOux said:

    I'm not sitting on a stellar Roster, but it's not horrible. I even used a Skill Gem on HE and took him to R4 because my pulls are hit-or-miss. The point I'm making is in order for Act 6 to exist, it has to be harder than Act 5. 4*s carried people through Act 5. They can't be expected to do the same for Act 6. Which means we either have to make do with what we have, or wait for something else to come along. Not the end of the world. It'll still be there. No one says people have to rush out and buy every Crystal that comes. You could, if you didn't have patience. However, I find it extremely hard to believe that out of an average of let's say, 30 or 40 5*s in someone's Roster, there's not something they can use to get started on it. Again, if people are waiting around for Corvus, Ghost, or Aegon, they could be using what they have in the meantime.

    I used 4* in variant aswell so dont u start with your “act 6 is harder”
    And second if this 4* ban does not affect you why are you trying to ruin other peoples fun in game who game is affected?
    I'm not trying to ruin anything. It's not my decision. It was theirs, and they made it. It also affects me because I'm a Player. The same roadblock applies to me too.
    I'm trying to explain the situation. If you can take a 4* into Variant, then you should have no problems taking your 5*s into Act 6.
    I managed to take 4* to variant because they are still strong champions and they are much stronger than my 5* roster just as i said before, i dont know why i have to keep on repeating myself.
    There's literally a few Champs that aren't available as 5*s. If you have the skill to make it through Variant with 4* strong Champs, then you have the skill to make it through Act 6 with mediocre Champs. 100%. That's the point I was trying to make. People get so hung up on having the same Champs they don't see their own skill and ability to use others.

    nOux said:

    nOux said:

    I'm not sitting on a stellar Roster, but it's not horrible. I even used a Skill Gem on HE and took him to R4 because my pulls are hit-or-miss. The point I'm making is in order for Act 6 to exist, it has to be harder than Act 5. 4*s carried people through Act 5. They can't be expected to do the same for Act 6. Which means we either have to make do with what we have, or wait for something else to come along. Not the end of the world. It'll still be there. No one says people have to rush out and buy every Crystal that comes. You could, if you didn't have patience. However, I find it extremely hard to believe that out of an average of let's say, 30 or 40 5*s in someone's Roster, there's not something they can use to get started on it. Again, if people are waiting around for Corvus, Ghost, or Aegon, they could be using what they have in the meantime.

    I used 4* in variant aswell so dont u start with your “act 6 is harder”
    And second if this 4* ban does not affect you why are you trying to ruin other peoples fun in game who game is affected?
    I'm not trying to ruin anything. It's not my decision. It was theirs, and they made it. It also affects me because I'm a Player. The same roadblock applies to me too.
    I'm trying to explain the situation. If you can take a 4* into Variant, then you should have no problems taking your 5*s into Act 6.
    I managed to take 4* to variant because they are still strong champions and they are much stronger than my 5* roster just as i said before, i dont know why i have to keep on repeating myself.
    There's literally a few Champs that aren't available as 5*s. If you have the skill to make it through Variant with 4* strong Champs, then you have the skill to make it through Act 6 with mediocre Champs. 100%. That's the point I was trying to make. People get so hung up on having the same Champs they don't see their own skill and ability to use others.
    That doesn’t make any sense. 4* AA is still AA and doesn’t what AA does. Using a mediocre champ in place of a AA when AA is needed doesn’t make any sense.
  • Da_King_LpDa_King_Lp Member Posts: 29
    We now see we wont be able to bring in any thing less than a 5* champ, but is this worth all the uproar we have seen?
  • Kappa2gKappa2g Member Posts: 278 ★★★
    5 star basic arena, upgrade lesser/greater solo crystals, upgrade monthly main event rewards ( been the same for over a year) then maybe we can consider it fair
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,168 ★★★★★
    I'd like one of the mods to tell us when this decision was actually made.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 770 ★★★

    The requirements in Chapter 1 are set as a primer for rest of Act 6. Act 6 Chapter 2 and beyond will also have Champion Requirements, including some more stringent ones like paths that have Class Requirements for your entire team, and Rarity requirements where you must bring [X] amount of 5-Star or 6-Star Champions to complete the quest path.

    @Kabam Miike, Kabam absolutely lost my support of the 4* ban with this. I mean, Act 5 release was over the course of a few months. To go from a 4* gate, to path gates of 6* is a little too much, especially if you stagger class and rarity requirements (all must be Science and 3 of this must be 6*).

    6* are far too rare to put a restriction or gate of having. I can understand the 4* gates... as many players have a plethora of 5* (though maybe not ones that give the best synergies). I am sorry, but I just joined the rest of the community on this issue.
  • SpookyKonan2SpookyKonan2 Member Posts: 90

    We now see we wont be able to bring in any thing less than a 5* champ, but is this worth all the uproar we have seen?

    Also there has been talk of putting a 5* restriction.
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★
    edited March 2019
    xNig said:

    TyEdge said:

    So, there’s literally never been any restriction on champs for story mode, and with a week notice, they remove 80-90% of rosters from participation? Even if you want to look at 5/50 and higher champs, for many players, more than half their eligible champs are gone.

    There has been fierce gates in Act 1/2 iirc. Like some paths require you to have a Black widow or Thor in your team. Take a look at the Classic mode of Ultron’s Assult. It’s been there since the start of the game.
    Requiring BW or Thor isn’t as fierce of a gate as you make it seem when there are 2*, 3* and 4* variants of those champions to choose from.
    Also act 1 and 2 only required class gates. Act 4 had champion gates like spidey and colossus
  • TaZ_4178TaZ_4178 Member Posts: 506 ★★
    SparkAlot said:

    From everything that Kabam has written, it sure seems like the main motivating goal here is to quickly generate $$$.

    Kabam can't talk about their Disney contract, but for this to be sprung on the community like it has been, it sure seems like something drastic has changed.

    For all we know, Disney could have had a 1000% increase on royalty payments, and now, Kabam is scrambling to generate those funds, and Kabam can't say that this is the main reason for the way they are changing things so quickly.

    We all know that the stated reasons for the changes are pretty much rubbish any way you look at it, saving people from content that is "too difficult" for 4*s is just absurd.

    To generate $$ quickly, they have to limit the usefulness of champs people already have, and they have done that by limiting champs to 5*s or higher.

    This alone won't generate enough $$$, so the next step is to introduce a Cavalier crystal which has a very small chance at a 6*, but, it is still a chance at it. This will get people spending a bit more.

    But, that still isn't enough, so they now must introduce a 5* Basic arena, and since everyone is now forced to go for 5* champs, arena scores for this are going to skyrocket, and people will be forced to pay to keep refreshing them. It wouldn't be shocking to see these scores reach 50M+ rivaling the featured 5* champ as people scramble to, once again, build up their roster.

    The last step in getting more cash is to turn up the offer machine.

    I wouldn't be shocked to see ads coming as well, hopefully, they will be static version that you can just swipe away, but, it sure looks like this is the direction they are headed.

    Please no one respond back to this comment... you have won for sure my friend! Couldn't break it down any better than that in a lifetime lol seriously though... SALUTE TO YOU!
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