Recent Ghost phasing intercept bug?



  • Sanctuary555Sanctuary555 Member Posts: 28

    The AI has definitely changed; while it's not directly a nerf to Ghost it does affect her somewhat substantially

    Thanks to @PandamanPete for commenting in this thread as he’s one of the best ghost player around. So if a ghost expert like @PandamanPete also feels there’s a difference in the gameplay now for ghost, it means we are not delusional about what’s going on now with these AI issues. Thanks again @PandamanPete , it really helps to get inputs from an expert ghost player like you.
  • FallencircusFallencircus Member Posts: 339 ★★★
    What the hell. Which I had known this. I got parried twice in AW and died. The first time I thought maybe I waited too long and came out of phase. Nope happened again and killed me.
  • FallencircusFallencircus Member Posts: 339 ★★★
    Cranmer00 said:

    AI is improved, great, that’s called game progression. It made no sense before when she was phase and now it does.

    If some one went invisible while you were swinging at them, you would prob back up or get in a defensive mode, not just keeping on like everything is normal.. the different options the AI now functioning properly as it was common sense

    Ok. While some of that might be true, if they are invisible how can you perfectly time a block to parry them if you can’t see them??? Backing up, ok I can get that but how do you perfectly time an invisible punch?
  • Sanctuary555Sanctuary555 Member Posts: 28
    Cranmer00 said:

    This is a JOKE. If they changed AI in the game then they changed the AI against all chars. Probably had to tweak it with invisible woman coming out. But nonetheless, stop whining...

    Wahhh wahhhh... get over it and play around it. Oh my god she went to the best champ in the game synergied to the best champ or #2 in the game.

    Why wouldn’t the champions back up or stop trying to hit you if your phased..

    This isn’t a bug, it’s common sense that was now fixed

    Sorry bud, but obviously you are not a ghost player or hasn’t been using ghost often enough to realise the recent AI changes also make the AI champions to back off and waited for ghost phase to be over before attacking.
  • Mike12867Mike12867 Member Posts: 477 ★★★

    - U enter fight phasing
    - opponent uses medium & dashes back
    - opponent waits
    - opponent dashes in (cue)
    - when opponent misses you, go in/counter

    This above thing mainly happens at the start of the fight only and not throughout the whole fight. Whats interesting to ask is, why can these champs hold block as fast as they do? Thats the main problem in AW/EQ

    Video coming soon on this
  • Rizz_Dizzle2Rizz_Dizzle2 Member Posts: 4
    I just r5'd mine. I'm having severe buyers remorse. Having same issues, and hopefully this wasn't intentional and will be addressed.
  • VeryCoolUserNameVeryCoolUserName Member Posts: 93
    I hope it's a bug and kabam will fix it.
  • TzoDauTzoDau Member Posts: 21
    Hey Kabam...not cool .... this new meta you have going on with the Ai is really ridiculous.
    Why are you doing stuff like this witout letting people know about it?
    I have only recently ranked 4 my 5* ghost and went in to practice against WS in LOL and i too have found out that he uses specias when you try to attack him.... this is totally bullcrap...
    I really hope you're going to do something about it
  • Whyarewestillhere1Whyarewestillhere1 Member Posts: 13
    I'm on android and have not come across this problem and it's not because i didnt fight certain champs. i fought plenty of korgs where i try to intercept the first attack but also his second attack and ofc with my light attacks and it works fine and yes sometimes the AI will dash back very quickly that's not only with ghost. So i'm guessing just get better at timing (lul)
  • Sanctuary555Sanctuary555 Member Posts: 28

    Kobster84 said:

    Grimv717 said:

    Grimv717 said:

    FactorQ said:

    Whataduck said:

    Grimv717 said:

    Yeah, the enemy AI behavior has COMPLETELY changed. It’s much harder to use Ghost now. I don’t know if this was intentional or not, but she went from a very fun and unique character to use to essentially complete garbage. If you ever wanted to guarantee that every single hit you throw gets blocked, Ghost is the champ to use in the version 22.0 update. @Kabam Miike I know this is a little on the “conspiracy” side of things but maybe you could just please mention it to the team anyway for us. Either that or give me a rank down ticket. I just took my 5* Ghost to rank 5 a couple days ago, I had a ton of fun using her, I was better than all my alliance mates at using her, and now I can barely use her at all. Something happened that made it so using Ghost is different.

    The fact they're ignoring us is a clear indication that she was silently nerfed.
    But ghost wasn’t changed...therefore not nerfed.

    The AI was adapted to fix a loophole/exploit/bug that Ghost was able to take advantage of to great success. She was literally able to dash back and wait for the enemy to attack then to count to 1 or two and win fights.

    The AI is rightfully adjusted when things like this pop up. Nothing new.
    It's not a loophole/exploit/bug, it's intended, which is why to play her well you absolutely need to rely on phasing an attack and then countering. Even mentions it in her spotlight:

    I don’t see what you’re saying being mentioned in the information you provided. Sounds like they intended her to be played similar to Vulture.
    So they intended for her to not be played at all is what you mean?
    That would be you putting words in my mouth.
    You're saying that Ghost should be used the same as Vulture, and very few if any use Vulture, so you're saying she is intended to not be used. You're putting words in your own mouth bud.
    Not at all what I said bud. “Sounds like they intended her to be played similar to Vulture.”=\= “You're saying that Ghost should be used the same as Vulture...”
    Only thing I’ll say if it was a bug how come they let everyone rank her up for like 6 months before fixing it
    Bug has many definitions one of which is “unintended interaction”, if it was unintended then it would take time to identify, investigate and come up with a proper solution to it. It appears the AI reacting to Ghost’s phase, or “miss”, mechanic is something the AI was not programmed for, but now is.

    What they appear to have done is investigate (takes time) then change the AI’s behavior so it would not allow the “unintended interaction” while also not changing the intended mechanics of Ghost.
    No offence mate but you sounds like a kabam employee, which is fine if the intention for the changes are as what you mention. Regardless of whether we agree with the answer, but at least we got a response. Now the case is we dunno if kabam is investigating this issue or the intentions are as what you mentioned. Hope you have a defense for them for the silent treatment we are getting and why the secret changes to the AI that wasn’t made public so that we can be better prepared? It took me a DK that I caused my alliance to realise what’s happening.
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  • SknZnSknZn Member Posts: 442 ★★★

    Is this issue going to be addressed??

    No also there was same post about ghost nerf deleted can’t find it, no explanation very cheeky
  • Coatseyyyyy33Coatseyyyyy33 Member Posts: 56

    still no acknowledgement!?

    Wow, recently R5/65 her and I’m sickened at the thought she’s been messed with.

    My best Guess? I think kabam is waiting for this thread to lose steam and eventually being forgotten by the community that this thread ever existed.

    This cannot happen, took me weeks to learn her properly and even longer to commit the resources over other champs.

    Irs extremely frustrating, I’m literally afraid to take KM on 29 in my next fight in AW with fears of being parried and costing a death, a fight I’ve done plenty of times and am/was comfortable in.
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  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,442 ★★★★★
    It the ai stil so it effete ghost more that someone like covus.
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  • Ezra7676Ezra7676 Member Posts: 691 ★★
    Highly disappointed. Recently 4/55 her and 1st time taking her in war.

    With act 6 restricting 5 and 6* this is insult to injury.
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  • SiC_Cheddar_123SiC_Cheddar_123 Member Posts: 22
    I’m sure that it’s just a bug from the recent update. It wouldn’t make any sense on Kabam’s part to nerf this character.
  • CptnkidCptnkid Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2019
    5/65 Ghost player since December 2018 here.
    To put it polite aint to happy with these AI changes. Died in War twice today, cuz I tried to intercept a light attack will phasing. Got punished on node 29 and mini boss for it.
    Personally this is the nail in the coffin for me You can’t make these kind of changes without an announcement first!
    Kabam please for once try to communicate, every great company communicates with their customers. Errors and changes can happen, but stay in contact.
  • Smeagz23Smeagz23 Member Posts: 125 ★★
    I’m honestly not sure why people think this is only a problem with ghost. This is a problem with every champ. Not sure when exactly it started but probably in the last month or two there are weird breaks in play where things that were not possible before are now possible. A lot of times after an opponent throws a whole combo into your block and you immediately retaliate you will get parried or blocked when there should be no time for that to happen. I have gotten parried and blocked in the middle of my combos when i could not have been tapping the screen any faster. A lot of openings that you used to be safe attacking into are now not a sure thing such as korgs heavy. I have gotten parried dashing in after his heavy when there was absolutely no in between time. And it’s not just a thing negatively affecting us but it helps sometimes as well. A lot of times i am able to block or parry, after i am getting hit, in the middle of their combo as well as specials. If you haven’t noticed this i would invite any and all of you to try to parry or block the defender in the middle of their combo or multi hit specials after you are already getting hit and a lot of times you can start blocking or get a parry off. This is a thing not only affecting ghost and not only affecting their retaliation on us but our relation on them. I do not think this is an intended problem as it is not possible to pull off every time even against the same moves by the same champions and while this may be actually helping me as much as it’s hurting me i would like this to get fixed because it seems illegitimate and not fair.
  • OredTAT24OredTAT24 Member Posts: 5
    To State that the AI is getting smarter is a Cheap and sorry way to address the problem! She's called Ghost and when an attack is coming towards her she phrases( invisible) and surprise, You take a hit that's Commonsense if you can't see it you don't know where it's coming from you take a hit..
    But instead we have to hear them say " the AI is just getting to smart so it immediately Dexs back".. PLEASE! that's a Bunch of BS and you know it. Stop say the AI is just to smart and reacting, in this case that just sounds ridiculous.
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,733 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    April update the AI has turned on us and formed skynet lol

    But serious note i noticed in EQ at start of the fight AI would dash back 2 times instead of landing a light attack or doing a heavy, tho i do find a heavy attack when i do parry very fun as its unexpected at times
  • EvisceratorEviscerator Member Posts: 350 ★★

    1. AI breaks ghost
    2. Baiting specials is harder
    3. AI is smarter, waits out player buffs etc
    4. Suspiciously, kabam has yet to explain anything

    5. Often my specials are blocked now even when I use them right after a combo
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  • NonvtecNonvtec Member Posts: 11

    1. AI breaks ghost
    2. Baiting specials is harder
    3. AI is smarter, waits out player buffs etc
    4. Suspiciously, kabam has yet to explain anything

    5. Often my specials are blocked now even when I use them right after a combo
    5 isn't new. I have been dealing with this for months.
  • kTc78kTc78 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2019
    Kabam we need an answer, whether its a bug or an nerf on ghost.
  • a_breeze1a_breeze1 Member Posts: 10
    I am having the same issue. The opponent is dexing out after trying to punish with a medium. It’s costing me resources in AQ that are already low because of map7. I cannot afford for this to happen. Please fix this ASAP Kabam, otherwise Ghost is useless!!!
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