Recent Ghost phasing intercept bug?



  • Stagedear85Stagedear85 Member Posts: 774 ★★★
  • ezmoneyezmoney Member Posts: 208
    so @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit any update to this. Theres plenty of obvious video evidence that the silent AI change is serverly affecting ghost players. Any updates on where this is going? I'd love to know what to expect when i take ghost into aw after using a ton of resources on her. Any new news would be appriciated.
  • jbmastjbmast Member Posts: 21
    Mike12867 said:
    And there it is...

    @Mike12867 your videos are awesome and thank you for capturing these moments. We need an explanation now @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit
  • Sk1ant0Sk1ant0 Member Posts: 4
    This is kabam, just emailed yesterday to support and sent them all the material asked me but they only told me I have not sent anything.
    I resent all twice again but nothing, noone answer me.

  • ZebartinZebartin Member Posts: 32
    I am not quite sure about this, but I found that the AI in LOL(labyrinth of legend) just acts like what it previously acts, instead of how it is acting now.
    You can try that, maybe AI in LOL and ROL isn't updated or influenced. BTW, I think AI in ROL is of older version than LOL.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,715 ★★★★★
    Mike12867 said:
    Like I’m said it the AI ther has carcne not ghost I self.
  • DrAwkwardPhDDrAwkwardPhD Member Posts: 234 ★★
    edited March 2019
    Seems to me now, the more often I use Ghost - the more frequently an opponent will just dash back as soon as I phase, and then just wait it out. I just 4/55 Ghost maybe a week before the update, and now I feel like the champion is not performing at all like she has been for the past 9 months or so. This is very obvious in all areas of gameplay, and has been since the first time I played her on the day of the new update. I will not be spending a penny more on this game until it’s been addressed and/or resolved.
  • St333lllSt333lll Member Posts: 278
    Come on Kabam. Are you really telling us that this is just something that miraculously is happening to everyone? You just change a huge thing about one of the best champions and pretend not to? Some of us worked our asses off for this champion. I payed money to get her and then to rank her up. Then now you take our top champ and Nerf em without even admitting to it? It's costing us revives which I get that you don't care about. But I personally spent cash, not credit, but hard earned cash to get a chance to open her and awaken her. Not counting the amount of money spent getting Class Cats, Basics, and T2 Alpha. This isn't like the 12.0. no one had a 5* SW, Wolverine, Thor, or Dr. Strange. This wasn't as much MONEY spent to getting this champion ranked to be as strong as Ghost. Someone that took real skill to master. At least fess up to what happened here. And if you guys honestly don't know what happened then at least tell us you're trying to fix it. This is my top champ you're messing with here.
  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    St333lll said:

    Come on Kabam. Are you really telling us that this is just something that miraculously is happening to everyone? You just change a huge thing about one of the best champions and pretend not to? Some of us worked our asses off for this champion. I payed money to get her and then to rank her up. Then now you take our top champ and Nerf em without even admitting to it? It's costing us revives which I get that you don't care about. But I personally spent cash, not credit, but hard earned cash to get a chance to open her and awaken her. Not counting the amount of money spent getting Class Cats, Basics, and T2 Alpha. This isn't like the 12.0. no one had a 5* SW, Wolverine, Thor, or Dr. Strange. This wasn't as much MONEY spent to getting this champion ranked to be as strong as Ghost. Someone that took real skill to master. At least fess up to what happened here. And if you guys honestly don't know what happened then at least tell us you're trying to fix it. This is my top champ you're messing with here.

    She was my third ever 5 star which I pulled 2 months ago and was the first one I got to rank 3. They're just ignoring us until this blows over, but it won't.
  • DoctorJDoctorJ Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    Zebartin said:

    I am not quite sure about this, but I found that the AI in LOL(labyrinth of legend) just acts like what it previously acts, instead of how it is acting now.
    You can try that, maybe AI in LOL and ROL isn't updated or influenced. BTW, I think AI in ROL is of older version than LOL.

    Nah theres weirdness going on in LoL. Ive got some videos showing the evades and blocks. Also getting a special to face mid combo
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,944 ★★★★★
    This is not a problem with Ghost. This it about the AI, and "affects" every champion in the game.

    Try to do a combo on the enemy block a couple of times. You will see a bigger time interval between the first and the second hit (medium and light), and sometimes the opponent is able to throw a special attack while blocking our combo
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,508 ★★★★★
    Gamer said:

    Mike12867 said:
    Like I’m said it the AI ther has carcne not ghost I self.
    Great video this must be fixed b4 Act 6. This is a huge bug in the game right now.
  • Bozz156Bozz156 Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2019
    Maybe, just maybe, kabam wanted to improve AI for act6 to make it a greater challenge and this happened
  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    Bozz156 said:

    Maybe, just maybe, kabam wanted to improve AI for act6 to make it a greater challenge and this happened

    Then only implement it in act 6? They had no problem making the collector a harder fight so why not do that but only in act 6
  • MostWantedMostWanted Member Posts: 351 ★★
    edited March 2019
    @Kabam Miike thanks to AI super reflexes, I Lost a war, even intercepting 1st dash with a medium or a light, the enemy parried me. It's the 2nd war we lose because of this.
  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★

    @Kabam Miike thanks to AI super reflexes, I Lost a war, even intercepting 1st dash with a medium or a light, the enemy parried me. It's the 2nd war we lose because of this.

    Same. Was fighting Kill Monger with my Ghost and got rekt due to getting parried
  • St333lllSt333lll Member Posts: 278

    @Kabam Miike thanks to AI super reflexes, I Lost a war, even intercepting 1st dash with a medium or a light, the enemy parried me. It's the 2nd war we lose because of this.

    Seems like this is going further than we thought, parrying when they're the ones dashing in? That's unheard of.
  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    St333lll said:

    @Kabam Miike thanks to AI super reflexes, I Lost a war, even intercepting 1st dash with a medium or a light, the enemy parried me. It's the 2nd war we lose because of this.

    Seems like this is going further than we thought, parrying when they're the ones dashing in? That's unheard of.
    I know! He was in the middle of a medium attack and he parried me lol
  • CsuttonCsutton Member Posts: 224 ★★
    I run ghost in 2Loki. This is not an issue where the WHOLE GHOST PLAYER BASE has changed their timing - the AI response to Ghost is obviously changed with respect to intercepting out of phase. Champs are also staring the fight with a medium attack then dash back.....This has never happened before - not with any other champs either - only while using ghost.

    This needs to be fixed. We aren’t asking for a buff or change to the champ. Simply asking YOU [kabam] not to change our champ without announcing.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,702 ★★★★★
    Uppercut said:

    I bet it’s related to Nick Fury. They just added a champ that can counter/ignore miss. Only now all champs have that ability, not just Fury 😂

    Wouldn't surprise me if you're onto something there.
  • DoctorJDoctorJ Member Posts: 842 ★★★

    Kabam, if you didn't change the AI's response time then maybe your update did. There have been plenty instances where the update has broken concepts in this game. All we are asking you, is that you fix this broken AI, with the same swiftness you use to fix things that benefit players. Thank you.

    Good luck on that.
  • MordMord Member Posts: 135 ★★
    Well, probably they think it's all set and nothing will be fixed.

    However, I think it is in their best interest to investigate this, and that they will. There are multiple reports about AI recovering too fast and being able to counter during your combo, either with parry, specials etc. You name it. Regardless the champ you use.

    Of course we notice it more with Ghost, because we rely on a tight timing during the AI combo sequence to interrupt it jumping out of phase. (by the way, how cool is that!, gotta love her).

    In other fighting games, big changes in character mechanics like available openings to counter different attacks (core game play, very important in competitive gaming), are documented and announced before they go live. They need to, because we as players and customers are picky as hell, and they depend on us be successful.

    Call me optimistic, I think Kabam will make this right. If they don't, well, then the ball is in our court.

    Have a good Monday y'all
  • MostWantedMostWanted Member Posts: 351 ★★
    edited March 2019
    As many of you said, It's not a Ghost bug, but it's the AI reading our moves too fast!
    Here is a duel with juggernaut where I used the same Ghost technique to hit the opponent.... I got parried! AI behaviour is a bit different against juggernaut, because this time he is dealing damage, but my point is that this super reflexes from the opponent are annoying to any champion. As soon as I started my medium hit, he immediately "read" my move and prepared the block. If the opponent can read my move after 0.x sec, is a big problem! Maybe in future the AI will be so fast that we won't be able to "special intercept" opponent dash:
    The enemy dashes in front of me, I evade and shot my special... If the AI reads my aim, it holds immediately the block.
  • BirdReynoldsBirdReynolds Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    edited March 2019

    Hey there everyone, just wanted to let everyone know that we have not made any changes to Ghost and we do not make any changes to the AI for fighting against specific Champions. We're also double-checking with the rest of the team to make sure that nothing is impacting her in unexpected ways.

    For what it's worth, I believe Zibiit is completely correct in this statement.

    If I may, I believe I know the issue. It is not Ghost-specific, however Ghost players noticed it first because it hugely impacts the unique way that she is played.

    I believe that the AIs can now act out of their actions earlier than before; earlier than possible for player-controlled champions. I'll be submitting a standalone thread shortly where I break down a few problems caused by this issue, along with frame-by-frame analysis showing this to be the case. That said, if this helps you find the root source I'd like to provide my thoughts earlier rather than later.
    THIS. This has been an issue for some time now, at least a year. It seems they have been progressively tuning it to make the game more difficult to muscle memory your way through. Now it has gotten to the point where they are able to respond and react beyond reasonable limits, and it is affecting the functionality of certain champions. They’ve danced around this issue for months and have made every effort to avoid directly addressing it. I’ve actually gotten a more direct response on it from a support ticket, if you can believe it.
    Related issues:
    Specials getting blocked
    Immediate recovery and attack after attacker sp3
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