Kabam is lucky they aren't on American soil, they would have been sued to the ground with all the violations and shady things they do, I'm really disappointed at marvel for allowing this unethical Group to run a game with their own characters
Kabam hasn’t been “sued into the ground” because they haven’t broken the law. They no doubt have an excellent team of corporate attorneys that tells them exactly what they can and cannot do.
it's more likely that kabam has a slew of weasels in suits guiding them on how to exploit loopholes within our US laws.
the new AQ maps and nodes are a bit much to say the least, some might even feel like they're outright BS, but i've never expected anything less from kabam. i do like the Ultron drones replacing the Sentinels, and that is the only silver lining for me in this new AQ (which imo is still better than AW).
Killed Wasp - wouldn’t throw a special went to SP3 dead
Luke Cage 5* R4 - 115 hits got him to about 70% health timed out - took one SP3 saved by indestructible
Luke Cage round 2 - wouldn’t throw a special oil SP3 saved by indestructible. Got him to about 50% health wouldn’t throw special again just backed in corner with hands crossed gaining power. SP3 again KO!
I almost never post in forums. Only reason I am today is to let Kabam know my frustration with Hyperion. I encourage others to do so as well. This fight is ridiculous and completely rng driven. They need to remove at least one of the local node buffs.
AQ MAP 2 SECOND MINI-BOSS AND MAIN-BOSS ARE MUCH MORE DIFFICULT NOW. The triggering of mini-boss #2 Unstoppable buff (and the duration of that buff) are much too often / too long. Nameless Thanos main boss is waaaaay tougher than Kingpin was. My Alliance has gone from being able to complete MAP 2 every day with the use of no revives / heals to "a few" revives / heals to using a TON of revives / heals and not even being able to complete day 1 of 5. Was the intent to increase the overall difficult of MAP 2 by 30-40% to knock weaker alliances back down to Map 1?
Regarding can’t stop won’t stop since my post was in that specific thread that was shut down.
Current issues: 1) passive and active unstoppable not working the same for the dmg reduction to be removed. 2) champs that can go unstoppable are fairly limited. 3) actually meeting the requirements puts you at a DISADVANTAGE. The power gain is overkill and forces you to waste your entire unstoppable baiting specials, not to mention true strike, fury etc.
Proposed fixes: 1) make all forms of unstoppable work. 2) maybe reduce the 90% dmg reduction to something more manageable, 50/60%? Being handicapped by bringing largely useless unstoppable champs is enough.... 3) remove the powergain per second that the defender gets once you reach unstoppable. If the point of the node is to be aggressive while unstoppable how can anybody do that when the defender has power gain that’s through the roof? 4) maybe also reduce the increased power gain on the base level nodes as well (this is a stretch but figured it was worth typing out ). 5) how about giving an actual ADVANTAGE to the attacker when they go unstoppable. Removing the 90% dmg reduction to only do your normal damage seems kind of weak, how about an increase to damage BUT that power gain a second has to go.
They are US west coast. It's only 8:15ish there. But it's a tech company so people won't roll into work until mid morning, then they'll have to work out the wording of a statement and decide how much of their latest failure to address and how much to ignore/deny, etc. Give them another hour or so.
Guys please do something for this Hyperion mini boss in AQ5 its’ impossible to do without losing 10 characters...i wrote a post 5 minute ago and I don’t know Why it war removed
just wondering if there are any kabam execs that would like to purchase an in game account....mines for sale, and you have already taken all the real money your ever going to get from me. you can contact me here on the forum privately with you exclusive CASH ONLY offer
Has kabam confirmed that the “cant stop won’t stop” is severely broken and that they meant to make passive unstoppable also trigger the increased damage or or is it “working as intend” or have they asked for the make/model of everyone’s phones or has it been total radio silence? The only thing that makes sense is that this was a massive screw up in development and they meant to allow passive unstoppable to trigger damage also.
Of course, this goes back to the bigger BS about “passive” vs “active” buffs which seem only to be a distinction in the game bc of mystic dispersion. Why else would this exist?
Also, please stop with increased power gain stuff. It’s not fun to sit there and bait specials for a minute bc you have created nodes to keep people from using a power control champ while simultaneously increasing the power the opponent gains. It’s just a lazy and stupid mechanic which is clearly designed to make us use items instead of test skill.
Map 5 mini boss nodes are not challenging , they are sabotage to the fight . Powerblocking our attackers for 20 seconds plus giving Hyperion the ability to take very little damage and output extreme damage is very unfair . I’m very unhappy to be treated like this as are the members of my alliance
Agreed. This level of difficulty was likely intended. They rolled out an "easy" version of map 7 for a few months to get people hooked on the map and rewards, then revamp knowing that many alliances will just spend their way through. 99.9% of the time, these threads serve only as sounding boards for the community with Kabam hoping that after a few days of complaints, things will die down.
Killed Wasp - wouldn’t throw a special went to SP3 dead
Luke Cage 5* R4 - 115 hits got him to about 70% health timed out - took one SP3 saved by indestructible
Luke Cage round 2 - wouldn’t throw a special oil SP3 saved by indestructible. Got him to about 50% health wouldn’t throw special again just backed in corner with hands crossed gaining power. SP3 again KO!
Great fun
Current issues:
1) passive and active unstoppable not working the same for the dmg reduction to be removed.
2) champs that can go unstoppable are fairly limited.
3) actually meeting the requirements puts you at a DISADVANTAGE. The power gain is overkill and forces you to waste your entire unstoppable baiting specials, not to mention true strike, fury etc.
Proposed fixes:
1) make all forms of unstoppable work.
2) maybe reduce the 90% dmg reduction to something more manageable, 50/60%? Being handicapped by bringing largely useless unstoppable champs is enough....
3) remove the powergain per second that the defender gets once you reach unstoppable. If the point of the node is to be aggressive while unstoppable how can anybody do that when the defender has power gain that’s through the roof?
4) maybe also reduce the increased power gain on the base level nodes as well (this is a stretch but figured it was worth typing out
5) how about giving an actual ADVANTAGE to the attacker when they go unstoppable. Removing the 90% dmg reduction to only do your normal damage seems kind of weak, how about an increase to damage BUT that power gain a second has to go.
Of course, this goes back to the bigger BS about “passive” vs “active” buffs which seem only to be a distinction in the game bc of mystic dispersion. Why else would this exist?
Also, please stop with increased power gain stuff. It’s not fun to sit there and bait specials for a minute bc you have created nodes to keep people from using a power control champ while simultaneously increasing the power the opponent gains. It’s just a lazy and stupid mechanic which is clearly designed to make us use items instead of test skill.
I’m very unhappy to be treated like this as are the members of my alliance
Nothing ????????????
There better be some beefy compensation going on.