Mystic the worst class in the game?

VOLK1902VOLK1902 Member Posts: 264
Just curious what do you think about mystic class

Mystic the worst class in the game? 154 votes

NonuRagamugginGunnerAlfa_PigeonFreakydFizzzzzybloodyCainCrkwestSpity68Ace_03mmmbanyasLieto92ForwardFeeney234quando213Emil_LimsonAlCapone2727nameplasFingfangfoomfanesSamdroxtaarCliffordcan 59 votes
ArcDeAngelusGamerthetaman23Timone147AjavedTheManMythLegendDrenlinpaps666phillgreenTerraTJ82BajjsbwuqjwMqc19Patchie93Savio444PizzabeatRasiloverThesurvivlistZlatn1qtntsl 56 votes
Not sure
KittenPrimecx23433Maldroit2Mathking13HedronLufasodawID_83 7 votes
What is mystic?
Zayo_278 1 vote
I don't care i am (write other class) boiii
Fighter092Fhfjghhggggjfhfjg 2 votes
I am a potato salad with ketchup
razielVceedr_nish777Lvernon15Sixshot1WîndšpävePanchulon21Datman257LordRaymond3MeebletonQacobmishfuDonrefreKachiFred_JoeityVOLK1902DarkEternityFjolnirDrooped2Noob371 29 votes


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,654 ★★★★★
    Who in their right mind puts ketchup on a potato salad
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  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,654 ★★★★★
    VOLK1902 said:

    Terra said:

    Who in their right mind puts ketchup on a potato salad

    You're a madman. I respect that
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★

  • Marlo_Mike33Marlo_Mike33 Member Posts: 193
    Easily Mystic. Scarlett Witch, Magik and Sym Supreme.... not enough to save the class.
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★
    VOLK1902 said:

    Kerneas said:

    Perfect counters for the overused cosmic class

    There is only one counter Symbiot Supreme.And if somebody don't have him they will use other non-mystic champion to counter opponent.For example Cap IW vs Champion of the Universe or Hyperion vs Medusa,or "Ghost" the way through opponent (or use any other god-tier champion (Blade,Corvus,Omega etc)).
    He is not the only counter. SW is still pretty powerful as a 4*. Magik counters power gain. So on and so on.
  • EvisceratorEviscerator Member Posts: 350 ★★
    edited May 2019
    For those who said no, what is the worst class and why?
  • Marlo_Mike33Marlo_Mike33 Member Posts: 193

    Easily Mystic. Scarlett Witch, Magik and Sym Supreme.... not enough to save the class.

    Dormamu, Dr Voodoo and GR?
    They're heavy hitters too lol. I think Dormamus power control is better than Magiks, maybe best in game to me. Just was trying to mention the more popular ones, but still I think there's more useful champs in every other class
  • edited May 2019
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  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
    I am a potato salad with ketchup

    Easily Mystic. Scarlett Witch, Magik and Sym Supreme.... not enough to save the class.

    Dormamu, Dr Voodoo and GR?
    They're heavy hitters too lol. I think Dormamus power control is better than Magiks, maybe best in game to me. Just was trying to mention the more popular ones, but still I think there's more useful champs in every other class
    Dormammu has insane power control, maybe even better then Magik but he's overlooked by a lot of people because he lacks damage. I guess you can't blame them
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  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★

    For those who said no, what is the worst class and why?

    I'd say the classes are pretty even and it be nearly impossible to call one the worst since all of them have a plethora of good champs.

    For mystics you have

    Magik, Symbiote Supreme, Dr. Voodoo, Ghost Rider, Scarlett Witch,

    Utility wise Dorm has the easiest power control in the game with double mediums.

    Mephisto with Champion synergy can hit pretty hard as well especially at 6 souls

    Can't forget the strength of the fully stacked Morningstar

    And even Guilotine with her new synergies can stack souls with no problem for a strong sp3
  • Narwhal52xNarwhal52x Member Posts: 513 ★★★
    Meant to hit no cause there is no worst class
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★

    Easily Mystic. Scarlett Witch, Magik and Sym Supreme.... not enough to save the class.

    Dormamu, Dr Voodoo and GR?
    Who’s the worst in your opinion? I say it’s either mystic or skill, but skill is coming on stronger these days with nick fury, ronin etc
  • edited May 2019
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  • AlbertABAlbertAB Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2019
    Come on guys! with the current champs, there is not a worst class anymore! enjoy the game...
  • Marlo_Mike33Marlo_Mike33 Member Posts: 193
    VOLK1902 said:

    Patchie93 said:

    For those who said no, what is the worst class and why?

    I'd say the classes are pretty even and it be nearly impossible to call one the worst since all of them have a plethora of good champs.

    For mystics you have

    Magik, Symbiote Supreme, Dr. Voodoo, Ghost Rider, Scarlett Witch,

    Utility wise Dorm has the easiest power control in the game with double mediums.

    Mephisto with Champion synergy can hit pretty hard as well especially at 6 souls

    Can't forget the strength of the fully stacked Morningstar

    And even Guilotine with her new synergies can stack souls with no problem for a strong sp3
    First thing you can throw away Voodoo as a good champion he definitely had become mediocre champion and very outdated and irrelevant for the new content.I know because I have a 4/55 sig 120 which i want to rank down right now because he was easily replaced by others.Other mystics are ok but everyone uses SS the most.

    Secondly yes,Dormammu is the easiest power control champion but he lacks damage.

    Thirdly nobody uses both Mephisto and Champion as attackers.

    Fourthly nobody stacks Morningstar nowadays and i am not sure if someone uses her in 2019

    Fifthly no one will waste his 5 places in quest team or 3 places in AW AQ team to collect Guillotine synergies and use her.
    Morningstar was my 1st 5* and I refuse to take her past R3. Not awakened she's so useless to me. I know other like her but I don't like getting the charges. Its not satisfying like it is with Corvus
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  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    All classes have a fairly comparable top end, but mystic runs out of decent depth fast.
  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    IKON said:

    All classes have a fairly comparable top end, but mystic runs out of decent depth fast.

    That's cause mystic has easily 10 less champs than any other class.
    VOLK1902 said:

    Patchie93 said:

    For those who said no, what is the worst class and why?

    I'd say the classes are pretty even and it be nearly impossible to call one the worst since all of them have a plethora of good champs.

    For mystics you have

    Magik, Symbiote Supreme, Dr. Voodoo, Ghost Rider, Scarlett Witch,

    Utility wise Dorm has the easiest power control in the game with double mediums.

    Mephisto with Champion synergy can hit pretty hard as well especially at 6 souls

    Can't forget the strength of the fully stacked Morningstar

    And even Guilotine with her new synergies can stack souls with no problem for a strong sp3
    First thing you can throw away Voodoo as a good champion he definitely had become mediocre champion and very outdated and irrelevant for the new content.I know because I have a 4/55 sig 120 which i want to rank down right now because he was easily replaced by others.Other mystics are ok but everyone uses SS the most.

    Secondly yes,Dormammu is the easiest power control champion but he lacks damage.

    Thirdly nobody uses both Mephisto and Champion as attackers.

    Fourthly nobody stacks Morningstar nowadays and i am not sure if someone uses her in 2019

    Fifthly no one will waste his 5 places in quest team or 3 places in AW AQ team to collect Guillotine synergies and use her.
    Absolutely nothing wrong with voodoo. As long as you can poison them he is a monster mix that with his power burn and he is a stellar champion. Maybe you just aren't using him properly.

    Yes dorm lacks damage but played right you can power control forever, and heal up well chipping away at an opponent.

    True but if it isnt used how do you know its not good

    Actually MS is considered a good option for 615 xbones and seen 1 in war offense the other week so still a thing.

    And guilotines synergies are a solid team with both MS and Ronin being members of that 5 man team
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    Dormmamu can actually have quite a bit of damage if played right. I love him. The whole guillotine synergy team (Morningstar, Gamora, ronin, night thrasher etc.) are my favorite people to just play. Very underrated. You don’t even have to use Morningstar, but she’s way easier because she can be at 3 souls by the end of the first fight with full synergies. KT1 has some guillotine team stuff up, awesome stuff.
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  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    Sure, the reason mystic has no good depth is it has fewer champs as a class, but that doesn't change that it lacks depth.
  • bob59300bob59300 Member Posts: 32
    Mystic has good champs but they are old (outside SS), while other classes have been quite improved lately. So i guess mystic is the worst class
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★

    Easily Mystic. Scarlett Witch, Magik and Sym Supreme.... not enough to save the class.

    Dormamu, Dr Voodoo and GR?
    Who’s the worst in your opinion? I say it’s either mystic or skill, but skill is coming on stronger these days with nick fury, ronin etc
    @Mitchell35 It's really hard to say. I think it also depends on what you are basing it off of. If we are looking at strictly most useful champs in that class i'd day Skill lacks the most. Blade, Aegon, Nick Fury, Ronin?, KM and Korg (Defense only really). Mystic would be a close 2nd.
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