I am in the Community Champions Competition for my contributions to the community in the form of game mechanic analysis and tools. Most notable would be my website https://auntm.ai .
I was glad to see the site finally come up. I want you to know that the only reason why I didn't vote for you was because I don't think you're gonna win. Otherwise, you'd definitely have been in my top three.
Once you submit your first screen shot, scroll down and hit continue... then select the next screen shot to enter... rinse and repeat. You are def able to submit three separate screenshots for the dules.
I am in the Community Champions Competition for my contributions to the community in the form of game mechanic analysis and tools. Most notable would be my website https://auntm.ai .
I was glad to see the site finally come up. I want you to know that the only reason why I didn't vote for you was because I don't think you're gonna win. Otherwise, you'd definitely have been in my top three.
Why is sweden not allowed to participate? I was really hyped about this contest and looking forward to it. Now I just want to logoff until after it’s over so I don’t feel left out.
Why Kabam won’t answer us from outside the contest!? Why that?
It will be great if each of the contestant could post
1/ a brief introduction of themselves (in game) 2/ why they choose the champ to compete 3/ why the community should vote for the contestant
Would help me on who to cast to vote for. Thanks.
Hi Winterthur, Duckslug here.
I am in the Community Champions Competition for my contributions to the community in the form of game mechanic analysis and tools. Most notable would be my website https://auntm.ai . My time in game has been concentrated on solo play with casual alliance participation, and again, focus on game mechanics.
I picked Venom the Duck, because he's pretty incredible artistically, mechanically and, well the namesake is too perfect. He fits my playstyle, as I'll happily invest the time upfront to build the correct buff bank and I prefer utility over raw damage numbers. I mean, just look at him.
It's hard for me to say you should vote for me, I'm enjoying the underdog status, I think that the biggest challenge in this competition is going to be practical concerns, like device familiarity and nerves, the game is so heavily dependent on having the right "feel" and being in the right groove or mindset.
Awesome introductions from each of you.
I live across the world and will not be able to catch the live stream.
Hope you have a great and fun time. All the best!
Sad we cant even participate..
Mcoc Starfighter
MCoC ChunkyB
My money is on Starfighter to win