Nice! I'd love to dupe mine. She'd be my first r2 if I did.
Fluffy_paws, I know its off topic, but just wondering if you would rank up 5* Red Guardian sig30 just because you have 6* BWDO awaken... thanks
I don't have much experience with RG as mine is unduped but I would rank him yeah bc I think his no buff gain would be so useful in certain scenarios. As far as i know he benefits from high sig tho
Well it's much harder to accumulate 6* shards as I expected and since I open less cavalier crystal.. Anyways I got the (uncollected) 'Bloodlines' story quest done.. Was able to form 10k 6* basic champion crystal and... I wanted Apocalypse but.. 6* Dragonman (awaken).. good I guess.
Well it's much harder to accumulate 6* shards as I expected and since I open less cavalier crystal.. Anyways I got the (uncollected) 'Bloodlines' story quest done.. Was able to form 10k 6* basic champion crystal and... I wanted Apocalypse but.. 6* Dragonman (awaken).. good I guess.
"Fortune Favors the Lucky" - Longshot.
What is the concensus on Dragonman?
He’s great
I’m both sad and not sad you didn’t pull Apocalypse
SpideyFunko, Apocalypse actually appeared on the reel 4x (I know the champions on the reel are for show only); so far the champions that appear before the champion I got (pretty good ones): Prof-X, BWCV, Aegon, VTD, Apocalypse, Dragonman, Apocalypse.. I would be happy with Prof-X (awaken) or BWCV (new), but Dragonman (awaken) is pretty 🔥 too, double immune champion might be good for AW or AQ.
I update the post on the 6* champions I got from 10k basic champion crystal and awesome run of luck with 6* champion pulls from basic cavalier and featured cavalier crystals.. I've been whalin started Mar2020 to Jan2021.. and recently decided to go f2p.
6* champions I pull from regular cav and featured cav crystals: 1. Taskmaster 2. Psylocke 3. Mordo 4. Colossus 5. Psylocke (awaken) 6. Dormammu 7. Bishop 8. Green Goblin 9. VTD (awaken) 10. Magneto Now (House of X) 11. Sorcerer Supreme 12. Longshot 13. Masacre 14. Dragon man 15. Human Torch 16. Prof-X 17. Gambit (awaken) 18. Vision Aarkus 19. Longshot (awaken) 20. Apocalypse 21. Thor Jane Foster (awaken) 22. Night Thrasher (awaken) 23. Spider-Gwen 24. Ronin (cav 6* nexus) 25. Moleman (cav 6* nexus) 26. Phoenix 27. Man-thing 28. Immortal Abomination 29. Black Bolt (cav 6* nexus) 30. Spider-ham 31 Nick Fury (cav 6* nexus) 32. Falcon 33. Bishop (awaken) 34. Masacre (additional sigs) 35. DareDevil Hell's Kitchen 36. Symbiote Supreme 37. Aegon 38. Groot (awaken) 39. Black Widow Deadly Origins 40. Darkhawk 41. Black Widow Deadly Origins
I believe I have pretty good 6* champion ratio from cavs compared to other summoners who whalin.
SpideyFunko, you were mentioning something but it appears as a blank post.. what was it.. would you rank2 6* Dragonman over Longshot over Kingpin or Moleman?
SpideyFunko, you were mentioning something but it appears as a blank post.. what was it.. would you rank2 6* Dragonman over Longshot over Kingpin or Moleman?
I’ll write out my answer again (please work this time)
Over Longshot? Yes Over Kingpin? …Yes Over Mole Man? …Maybe. Depends on your other skills
He’s definitely great though, and the dupe is pretty neat.
SpideyFunko, would you rank2 Magneto Now/HoX (sig55) or Nick Fury (unduped) or Moleman (unduped), I have other champions but these are some champions I wanted to rank2 (before Dragonman)
I tried to get 6* shards from the side quest.. and since I lack the 6* 68shards.. I was scrambling where to get it.. could wait till next week side quest or gamble on basic cav crystals (200units), pull 3* and 4*, few 5*, and no 6* yet. low and behold, 3rd time I pull 5* CGR.. YAY! got the 6* shards I neededand pull the champion I wanted.. got to 10k 6* basic and got 6* War Machine.. pretty happy since he got buffed. Does he need to be awaken?
Hello, not sure how everyone's luck is with the Iron Tomb Cav Crystals.. I did get following 5*s, Namely: Capt America IW, Capt America WW2, Hood, 2x Dr Doom (max sig crystal) and finally pull a 6* champion.. 42. 6* Symbiote Supreme (dupe)
Although I seldom see him used much, it's still feels awesome to pull a 6* from basically a free cav crystal.
Haven't pull 6* CGR (yet) even if I have numerous BGT champions rank4 @ sig200.. like: Guillotine 2099 or Warlock or Nick Fury or AA or Aegon or SilverSurfer or Omega Red. I chose 5* CGR Hopefully in time his signature level will reach 200.
Haven't pull 6* CGR (yet) even if I have numerous BGT champions rank4 @ sig200.. like: Guillotine 2099 or Warlock or Nick Fury or AA or Aegon or SilverSurfer or Omega Red. I chose 5* CGR Hopefully in time his signature level will reach 200.
His sig level is pretty pointless to be honest. Really not much difference between sig 1 and 200. Just needs the dupe and he's done. The minor difference in damnation damage he does with sig level is pretty pointless for a champ that does 15-30k mediums.
Ok no new 6* to show.. not sure why in my gut I feel I'm gonna pull a 6* from cav crystals.. and usually if I feel it.. I get really lucky. There are 81 6* champions unless my math is really bad.. lol
6* champions I pull from regular cav and featured cav crystals: 1. Taskmaster 2. Psylocke 3. Mordo 4. Colossus 5. Psylocke (awaken) 6. Dormammu 7. Bishop 8. Green Goblin 9. VTD (awaken) 10. Magneto Now (House of X) 11. Sorcerer Supreme 12. Longshot 13. Masacre 14. Dragon man 15. Human Torch 16. Prof-X 17. Gambit (awaken) 18. Vision Aarkus 19. Longshot (awaken) 20. Apocalypse 21. Thor Jane Foster (awaken) 22. Night Thrasher (awaken) 23. Spider-Gwen 24. Ronin (cav 6* nexus) 25. Moleman (cav 6* nexus) 26. Phoenix 27. Man-thing 28. Immortal Abomination 29. Black Bolt (cav 6* nexus) 30. Spider-ham 31 Nick Fury (cav 6* nexus) 32. Falcon 33. Bishop (awaken) 34. Masacre (additional sigs) 35. DareDevil Hell's Kitchen 36. Symbiote Supreme 37. Aegon 38. Groot (awaken) 39. Black Widow Deadly Origins 40. Darkhawk 41. Black Widow Deadly Origins (awaken) 42. Symbiote Supreme (awaken)
Most 6* pulls were when I was whaling in 2020 and the 6* % from cavalier crystals were low.
Anyways I'm not elite summoner level just mid tier lucky.
Ok no new 6* to show.. not sure why in my gut I feel I'm gonna pull a 6* from cav crystals.. and usually if I feel it.. I get really lucky. There are 81 6* champions unless my math is really bad.. lol
6* champions I pull from regular cav and featured cav crystals: 1. Taskmaster 2. Psylocke 3. Mordo 4. Colossus 5. Psylocke (awaken) 6. Dormammu 7. Bishop 8. Green Goblin 9. VTD (awaken) 10. Magneto Now (House of X) 11. Sorcerer Supreme 12. Longshot 13. Masacre 14. Dragon man 15. Human Torch 16. Prof-X 17. Gambit (awaken) 18. Vision Aarkus 19. Longshot (awaken) 20. Apocalypse 21. Thor Jane Foster (awaken) 22. Night Thrasher (awaken) 23. Spider-Gwen 24. Ronin (cav 6* nexus) 25. Moleman (cav 6* nexus) 26. Phoenix 27. Man-thing 28. Immortal Abomination 29. Black Bolt (cav 6* nexus) 30. Spider-ham 31 Nick Fury (cav 6* nexus) 32. Falcon 33. Bishop (awaken) 34. Masacre (additional sigs) 35. DareDevil Hell's Kitchen 36. Symbiote Supreme 37. Aegon 38. Groot (awaken) 39. Black Widow Deadly Origins 40. Darkhawk 41. Black Widow Deadly Origins (awaken) 42. Symbiote Supreme (awaken)
Most 6* pulls were when I was whaling in 2020 and the 6* % from cavalier crystals were low.
Anyways I'm not elite summoner level just mid tier lucky.
How would you rate my 6* roster?
Filthy. I rate it a filthy.
What is the point of not whaling anymore once you’ve gone this deep tbh
For one.. I don't have sponsors.. I spent my hard earn money and one champion in particular escaped my grasp (as 6*).. I admit some of the new 2021 are cool but I like this 2020 champion and its someone's fault.. anyways.. I rank5 the 5* version.. maybe I will pull him afterwards.
SpideyFunko, I believe you have filthy luck too since you got your 6* without whalin (I just had some luck getting 6*).
Well thanks to the Side Quest: Assault on Olympus recruit.. for 6* shards. 6* Mephisto (new champion) - has some synergy that help my other champions. poison, incinerate and frostbite immune..
On a different matter.. I finally got the missing PlatinumPool body part I needed to get 5* PlatinumPool need the torso.. and some units Got the thumbs down profile pic 'Fabulous One' title
Ok no new 6* to show.. not sure why in my gut I feel I'm gonna pull a 6* from cav crystals.. and usually if I feel it.. I get really lucky. There are 81 6* champions unless my math is really bad.. lol
6* champions I pull from regular cav and featured cav crystals: 1. Taskmaster 2. Psylocke 3. Mordo 4. Colossus 5. Psylocke (awaken) 6. Dormammu 7. Bishop 8. Green Goblin 9. VTD (awaken) 10. Magneto Now (House of X) 11. Sorcerer Supreme 12. Longshot 13. Masacre 14. Dragon man 15. Human Torch 16. Prof-X 17. Gambit (awaken) 18. Vision Aarkus 19. Longshot (awaken) 20. Apocalypse 21. Thor Jane Foster (awaken) 22. Night Thrasher (awaken) 23. Spider-Gwen 24. Ronin (cav 6* nexus) 25. Moleman (cav 6* nexus) 26. Phoenix 27. Man-thing 28. Immortal Abomination 29. Black Bolt (cav 6* nexus) 30. Spider-ham 31 Nick Fury (cav 6* nexus) 32. Falcon 33. Bishop (awaken) 34. Masacre (additional sigs) 35. DareDevil Hell's Kitchen 36. Symbiote Supreme 37. Aegon 38. Groot (awaken) 39. Black Widow Deadly Origins 40. Darkhawk 41. Black Widow Deadly Origins (awaken) 42. Symbiote Supreme (awaken)
Most 6* pulls were when I was whaling in 2020 and the 6* % from cavalier crystals were low.
Anyways I'm not elite summoner level just mid tier lucky.
How would you rate my 6* roster?
I'd say that your roster is solid but that it must have been very frustrating for you in the beginning. Actually, I'm very thankful for this list b/c it puts my roster into perspective. I've been so disappointed with my 6 star pulls esp when I see other players with Ghost, Torch and/or Doom among their first pulls. But your list has encouraged me to just stay the course. These are my pulls so far: 1. Karnak 2. Beast 3. Sinister 4. Doc Ock 5. Electro 6. Hit Monkey (I'm ofc happy about this) 7. Elektra 8. KM 9. Gulk 10. Dorm 11. Rocket
The good thing about my roster is that I have a lot of buff candidates. Buffs have actually been my most reliable way of getting useful champs. (I"m very thankful for Ultron and Diablo.)
Thanks for commenting thanks4playing, in truth my first four 6* were pretty good.. Ironman IW, Domino, Doc Ock, Miles Morales I didn't really focus on them until I started getting a larger 6* pool.. haven't really tried doing much of the content like some Variant and Act6 chapters 1 to get Cavalier and pretty much stopped.. you will get better 6* in time assuming you are still enthusiastic playing.. the parry bug and random heavy attack are some bugs I encountered.. weird thing is AI will walk into range and get hammered by the heavy (at least I didn't get countered).
So with the side quest: Assault on Olympus Trainee (rank up resources) or Recruit (shards to form 5* and 6* champion crystal).. chose Recruit for 6* shards.
Open 6* basic for 6* Ironman Infinity War (awaken) still limited tech champions.. he is a good tech but not not awesome.
So with the side quest: Assault on Olympus Trainee (rank up resources) or Recruit (shards to form 5* and 6* champion crystal).. chose Recruit for 6* shards.
Open 6* basic for 6* Ironman Infinity War (awaken) still limited tech champions.. he is a good tech but not not awesome.
how do you feel about him? not a meta champ, but can be useful so I can see you having mixed feelings.
by the way, since my rocket, i've pulled: 12. red guardian 13. juggs 14. psylocke 15. longshot 16. ebony maw 17. havok
I'll be honest, after #14, i was pretty dejected. After #16, I was feeling desperate, so I actually bought the 3k unit dual crystal even though I knew I shouldn't. I wasn't sure how I should feel about Havok b/c I really just want my first meta 6 star champ. But I now stopped caring about being good in AW and just be content with what I have. I am skilled enough to clear AW lanes and do endgame content so I should be content with that.
But I think I found a rotation for Havok, Longshot, and Maw that might make them better than most realize. Still testing. I'd rather be a meta player with okay champs than an okay player with meta champs.
So with the side quest: Assault on Olympus Trainee (rank up resources) or Recruit (shards to form 5* and 6* champion crystal).. chose Recruit for 6* shards.
Open 6* basic for 6* Ironman Infinity War (awaken) still limited tech champions.. he is a good tech but not not awesome.
how do you feel about him? not a meta champ, but can be useful so I can see you having mixed feelings.
by the way, since my rocket, i've pulled: 12. red guardian 13. juggs 14. psylocke 15. longshot 16. ebony maw 17. havok
I'll be honest, after #14, i was pretty dejected. After #16, I was feeling desperate, so I actually bought the 3k unit dual crystal even though I knew I shouldn't. I wasn't sure how I should feel about Havok b/c I really just want my first meta 6 star champ. But I now stopped caring about being good in AW and just be content with what I have. I am skilled enough to clear AW lanes and do endgame content so I should be content with that.
But I think I found a rotation for Havok, Longshot, and Maw that might make them better than most realize. Still testing. I'd rather be a meta player with okay champs than an okay player with meta champs.
Meta player with okay champs is far better than being the other way around.
Nothing wrong with it, mind you, but it’s more accomplishing when you get stuff done with champs that maybe aren’t the best for certain content.
Anyways I got the (uncollected) 'Bloodlines' story quest done..
Was able to form 10k 6* basic champion crystal and...
I wanted Apocalypse but..
6* Dragonman (awaken).. good I guess.
"Fortune Favors the Lucky" - Longshot.
What is the concensus on Dragonman?
I’m both sad and not sad you didn’t pull Apocalypse
I would be happy with Prof-X (awaken) or BWCV (new), but Dragonman (awaken) is pretty 🔥 too, double immune champion might be good for AW or AQ.
The first post is from 2 years
I update the post on the 6* champions I got from 10k basic champion crystal and awesome run of luck with 6* champion pulls from basic cavalier and featured cavalier crystals.. I've been whalin started Mar2020 to Jan2021.. and recently decided to go f2p.
6* champions I pull from regular cav and featured cav crystals:
1. Taskmaster
2. Psylocke
3. Mordo
4. Colossus
5. Psylocke (awaken)
6. Dormammu
7. Bishop
8. Green Goblin
9. VTD (awaken)
10. Magneto Now (House of X)
11. Sorcerer Supreme
12. Longshot
13. Masacre
14. Dragon man
15. Human Torch
16. Prof-X
17. Gambit (awaken)
18. Vision Aarkus
19. Longshot (awaken)
20. Apocalypse
21. Thor Jane Foster (awaken)
22. Night Thrasher (awaken)
23. Spider-Gwen
24. Ronin (cav 6* nexus)
25. Moleman (cav 6* nexus)
26. Phoenix
27. Man-thing
28. Immortal Abomination
29. Black Bolt (cav 6* nexus)
30. Spider-ham
31 Nick Fury (cav 6* nexus)
32. Falcon
33. Bishop (awaken)
34. Masacre (additional sigs)
35. DareDevil Hell's Kitchen
36. Symbiote Supreme
37. Aegon
38. Groot (awaken)
39. Black Widow Deadly Origins
40. Darkhawk
41. Black Widow Deadly Origins
I believe I have pretty good 6* champion ratio from cavs compared to other summoners who whalin.
"Fortune Favors the Lucky" - Longshot
Over Longshot? Yes
Over Kingpin? …Yes
Over Mole Man? …Maybe. Depends on your other skills
He’s definitely great though, and the dupe is pretty neat.
low and behold, 3rd time I pull 5* CGR.. YAY! got the 6* shards I neededand pull the champion I wanted.. got to 10k 6* basic and got
6* War Machine.. pretty happy since he got buffed. Does he need to be awaken?
'Fortune Favors the Lucky' - Longshot
42. 6* Symbiote Supreme (dupe)
Although I seldom see him used much, it's still feels awesome to pull a 6* from basically a free cav crystal.
'Fortune Favors the Lucky' - Longshot
Hopefully in time his signature level will reach 200.
There are 81 6* champions unless my math is really bad.. lol
6* champions I pull from regular cav and featured cav crystals:
1. Taskmaster
2. Psylocke
3. Mordo
4. Colossus
5. Psylocke (awaken)
6. Dormammu
7. Bishop
8. Green Goblin
9. VTD (awaken)
10. Magneto Now (House of X)
11. Sorcerer Supreme
12. Longshot
13. Masacre
14. Dragon man
15. Human Torch
16. Prof-X
17. Gambit (awaken)
18. Vision Aarkus
19. Longshot (awaken)
20. Apocalypse
21. Thor Jane Foster (awaken)
22. Night Thrasher (awaken)
23. Spider-Gwen
24. Ronin (cav 6* nexus)
25. Moleman (cav 6* nexus)
26. Phoenix
27. Man-thing
28. Immortal Abomination
29. Black Bolt (cav 6* nexus)
30. Spider-ham
31 Nick Fury (cav 6* nexus)
32. Falcon
33. Bishop (awaken)
34. Masacre (additional sigs)
35. DareDevil Hell's Kitchen
36. Symbiote Supreme
37. Aegon
38. Groot (awaken)
39. Black Widow Deadly Origins
40. Darkhawk
41. Black Widow Deadly Origins (awaken)
42. Symbiote Supreme (awaken)
Most 6* pulls were when I was whaling in 2020 and the 6* % from cavalier crystals were low.
Anyways I'm not elite summoner level just mid tier lucky.
How would you rate my 6* roster?
What is the point of not whaling anymore once you’ve gone this deep tbh
SpideyFunko, I believe you have filthy luck too since you got your 6* without whalin (I just had some luck getting 6*).
6* Mephisto (new champion)
- has some synergy that help my other champions. poison, incinerate and frostbite immune..
I'm ok with him.. total 82 champions.
need the torso.. and some units
Got the thumbs down profile pic
'Fabulous One' title
1. Karnak
2. Beast
3. Sinister
4. Doc Ock
5. Electro
6. Hit Monkey (I'm ofc happy about this)
7. Elektra
8. KM
9. Gulk
10. Dorm
11. Rocket
The good thing about my roster is that I have a lot of buff candidates. Buffs have actually been my most reliable way of getting useful champs. (I"m very thankful for Ultron and Diablo.)
Ironman IW, Domino, Doc Ock, Miles Morales
I didn't really focus on them until I started getting a larger 6* pool.. haven't really tried doing much of the content like some Variant and Act6 chapters 1 to get Cavalier and pretty much stopped.. you will get better 6* in time assuming you are still enthusiastic playing.. the parry bug and random heavy attack are some bugs I encountered.. weird thing is AI will walk into range and get hammered by the heavy (at least I didn't get countered).
Open 6* basic for
6* Ironman Infinity War (awaken)
still limited tech champions.. he is a good tech but not not awesome.
by the way, since my rocket, i've pulled:
12. red guardian
13. juggs
14. psylocke
15. longshot
16. ebony maw
17. havok
I'll be honest, after #14, i was pretty dejected. After #16, I was feeling desperate, so I actually bought the 3k unit dual crystal even though I knew I shouldn't. I wasn't sure how I should feel about Havok b/c I really just want my first meta 6 star champ. But I now stopped caring about being good in AW and just be content with what I have. I am skilled enough to clear AW lanes and do endgame content so I should be content with that.
But I think I found a rotation for Havok, Longshot, and Maw that might make them better than most realize. Still testing. I'd rather be a meta player with okay champs than an okay player with meta champs.
Nothing wrong with it, mind you, but it’s more accomplishing when you get stuff done with champs that maybe aren’t the best for certain content.