Cyber Monday / 4th July Deal History

So I scoured the inter-webs and YouTube videos and collected up the info related to the unit/cache deals that are offered on 4th of July and Cyber Monday. These are the 2 biggest unit offers all year and what I personally save my arena units for. I'm hoping for another R5 5* gem (or 6* R2 gem?!) and the first offering of a 6* awakening gem crystal. Have you saved up for Cyber Monday (December 2, 2019 this year) and what are you hoping to see offered?

Wonder what madness will come next week!
^this has all the unit deals as well besides the past July 4th... I made a spreadsheet for that I will share shortly (I did not make this one but can't recall who to give credit to)
This is a total of what you would end up with July 4th 2019 if you bought every unit deal and used them on the other deals (both cavalier offers as they had 2 10k offers)