Game Crashing When Viewing AW Defense

BromegaBromega Member Posts: 65
edited January 2020 in Bugs and Known Issues
Anyone else having this issue? When I go to my BG defense page and select the tab the see the placement and view individual kills, I get an error message and the game crashes. I can view other BG placement rosters but not my own. Same for others in my ally.


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  • Woody141082Woody141082 Member Posts: 243 ★★
    Had this message and game hard closing when checking defence placement today and now when checking defence kills. Seems like a big since the update, never had it happen before. Running on iPhone XR and latest iOS update
  • OmegaDexionOmegaDexion Member Posts: 45
    Its happening to me as well, I thought it was a result of a member leaving during war but i guess it is for multiple people
  • OmegaDexionOmegaDexion Member Posts: 45

    Mine is on IOS where yours is on android so it looks to be happening multiple places
  • OmegaDexionOmegaDexion Member Posts: 45
    Device and Version: iPhone XS and iPhone 7

    Device Operating System: IOS 13.3 and IOS 13.3

    Mobile Carrier: Sprint and Sprint

    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi and WiFi

    Game Version Installed: 25.2.0 and 25.2.0

    Game Mode: Alliance War

    Champions Affected: All defensive champions in your own battlegroup

    Active Boosts: No

    Description of the Issue: You click on the tab that lets you see the champs you placed in defense, it crashes

    Screenshot or Video:
  • BromegaBromega Member Posts: 65
    iPhone X here on IOS.
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  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    edited January 2020
    Hey there, we're letting the team know so they can look into this issue. For anyone who hasn't already, could you please let us know what model of device you're using and what version of your OS you are using? Also does the crash occur as soon as the message pops up or after you hit "Ok"?
  • alxtoralxtor Member Posts: 17
    Same problem
    Android 9 - samsung Galaxy s9
    App crash .. can not even press the OK button and I can see the same '?' Icon in a team member but odd chars appears on his label name
  • Zer0bitsZer0bits Member Posts: 104
    @Kabam Zibiit
    It crashes when u hit ok button. Also doesn’t have the error pop up for the bg u have placed your awd in only the other 2 BGs.
    Device:iPhone 6 plus
    iOS: latest
    Game ver:latest

  • BromegaBromega Member Posts: 65

    Hey there, we're letting the team know so they can look into this issue. For anyone who hasn't already, could you please let us know what model of device you're using and what version of your OS you are using? Also does the crash occur as soon as the message pops up or after you hit "Ok"?

    iPhone X, IOS 13.3. Crash occurs after I hit Ok.

  • Noble034Noble034 Member Posts: 91
    Game crashes when trying to view defender kills in AW. Has happened to me, and multiple other players in my alliance
  • megamangmegamang Member Posts: 133
    When I push certain buttons in game. Samsung Note 8. Android.

  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    This started yesterday during placement when trying to view the defender lineups. Now apparently it extends to AW attack when attempting to view player by player/individual champ Defense Kills.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    This started yesterday during placement. Here's the initial thread I started on it

    Yes, occurs after you hit 'Ok'.

    Device : Samsung S9+
    OS : Android 9
    Game Version : 25.2.0
  • MenkentMenkent Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    Had it happen on galaxy s7 and a new iPad
  • Adamb208Adamb208 Member Posts: 152
    Same as the rest. Error pops up when viewing AW defense. Game crashes after hitting OK.

    iPhone 8
    iOS 13.3

  • MadcatMadcat Member Posts: 385 ★★★
    Same bug here. BG1 does not crash the game, but BG2 and BG3 do.
  • Tr_jorge_89Tr_jorge_89 Member Posts: 8
    iPhone SE
    iOS 13.3
    Same thing comes with the error message and crashes once you hit ok. My alliance only runs 1 BG wars in offseason so I can only confirm that it happens to my BG.
  • EzmyrEzmyr Member Posts: 14

    Cricket Wireless and WiFi
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  • dcw_dcw_ Member Posts: 130
    How are we supposed to properly assess the changes to the defensive tactics if we can’t even see who got a kill. Everyone in my alliance has this issue. @Kabam Miike
  • CodenamejimmyCodenamejimmy Member Posts: 6
    Definitely happening for me...
    Version 13.3
    The crash occurs when viewing defenders while scrolling down the list. So i can view the first 4 rows of defenders. But when scrolling down to view the others the error occurs. U cannot click ok as the game freezes.
  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 485 ★★★

    Hey there, we're letting the team know so they can look into this issue. For anyone who hasn't already, could you please let us know what model of device you're using and what version of your OS you are using? Also does the crash occur as soon as the message pops up or after you hit "Ok"?

    Any word on a fix. As it stands we can't see how many kills our defenders get so we can't adjust placements for upcoming wars.

    Not having ideal placement is costing Kabam money so please fix quickly to save your bottom line
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    No word yet! Hope to have more for y'all tomorrow! Apologies for the frustrations this is causing.
  • nolcuNnolcuN Member Posts: 159 ★★
    This is screwing up the preparation of our season placement spreadsheets. Any word on when we can expect a fix?
  • Irish_Chaos1222Irish_Chaos1222 Member Posts: 27
    iPhone 11
    IOS 13.3
    Occurs after I hit the OK button
  • NikoBravoNikoBravo Member Posts: 452 ★★★
    iPhone X
    Crashing/Force close when trying to view defenders in Alliance War.
  • Das_giDas_gi Member Posts: 320 ★★
    Obviously this is because of the new addition to the global node you can choose. Every champ that gets affected gets an attack and health boost, those not affected don’t get it.

    For instance: bulwark
    -> metal defenders get the boost, all the others defenders don’t
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    It seems to be working now for me. Although not everyone in my Alliance so it's intermittent now. Which only makes this a bigger pain.
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