Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • NEOGNONEOGNO Member Posts: 116

    Synergies with Hulk rags and Thor rags.
  • RedAndSlimRedAndSlim Member Posts: 3
    Please introduce 90’s Jean Grey & The Shiar. The perfect chance would be when you re-design Phoenix which is long overdue. Her awakened ability in comparison to Nick Fury is so bad and she desperately needs something new to bring to the party which reflects her psychic abilities etc
  • WhiningbaseballlerWhiningbaseballler Member Posts: 2

    Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell)
  • Wildblue333Wildblue333 Member Posts: 405 ★★
    Right now I want to see more Villians or reformed villians in the game.
    There are so many good characters but not too many bad guys. I'm going to name a hero and give at least three Villians that could be introduced.
    Captain America: Batroc, Machinesmith, Baron Blood, Machette, Flagsmasher, armadillo
    Iron man: Controller, Blizzard, Whiplash, Mandarin, Living laser,
    Thor: Executioner, Enchantress, absorbing man, Tyr, Man Beast, Mongoose, Quicksand.
    there are also groups like the U-Foes and the Exemplars that could be fun to bring in
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  • ArrowstreamArrowstream Member Posts: 178
    edited April 2022

    I k

    I know alot of these probably wont get added. But some character wishes of mine.
  • ArrowstreamArrowstream Member Posts: 178
    Some mashup ideas. Cant draw the best. But whatcha all think?
    Cursed Panther (Black panthered cursed or hexed)
    2. Man skrull (Manthing and superskrull character idea)
    3. Twisted Shark (Tiger shark, not ingame and Red skull mashup)
    4. Novaspirit (Ghost rider Nova mashup)
    5. Blastzone (Ironman and Captain america mash up).
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Thundra (Earth-715)


    Powers and Abilities

    Superhuman Condition: Thundra possesses a number of powers that are the result of genetic engineering such as:

    Superhuman Strength: Thundra is superhumanly strong. She possesses sufficient strength to lift approximately 60 tons. Furthermore, this strength also extends to her legs, enabling her to leap 45 feet.[4]
    Superhuman Durability: Thundra's body is more resistant to injury than that of an ordinary human. Her great skin density gives her a hardness of 7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, enabling her to resist the penetration of small caliber bullets.[4]
    Peak Human Speed: Thundra is capable of running at speeds of 32 miles per hour.[4]
    Peak Human Stamina: Thundra is able to exert herself at peak levels for about 50 minutes before accumulated fatigue-poisons in her bloodstream force her to reduce her activity or rest.[4]
    Skilled Combatant: Thundra has been extensively trained in boxing, wrestling, and the military arts of her century. She is experienced in the use of the broadsword. Thundra is a seasoned combat veteran of many anti-renegade raids. She had little experience with fire-arms because of their virtual elimination in her own time.[4]

    Physical Strength
    Thundra is superhumanly strong. She possesses sufficient strength to lift approximately 60 tons.[4]

    Thundra commonly uses a chain as a weapon.[4]

    Elizabeth Ross (Earth-616)

    Elizabeth "Betty" Ross Talbot Banner[1]
    Red She-Hulk[2]
    Other Aliases:
    Agent S-3,[4] Betsy Banner,[5] Betty Ross,[citation needed] Hellion,[6] Miss Curtis,[7] Mr. Blue,[8] Red Woman,[6] She-Hulk,[citation needed] Red Harpy[9]

    Powers and Abilities

    As herself, Betty has the regular strength, speed and endurance of the average human being with normal exercise.[citation needed]


    Superhuman Strength: As the Harpy, Betty had superhuman strength which was enough to take on the Hulk, but she couldn't get stronger as she got angrier. The exact limit of her strength as the Harpy was unknown.[citation needed]
    Flight: She could also fly at high speeds with big bird-like wings on her back, which she could use to perform aerial attacks from above.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Durability: While Betty was the Harpy she could withstand powerful impacts from both The Hulk and the Bi-Beast, and she had the stamina and endurance to back it up.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Stamina: Harpy had an advanced muscular structure which produced less fatigue and toxins during physical activity than the muscular stature of an ordinary human. which gave her energy reserves which could keep her alert, moving and still hold her own whether she fighting or flying.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Speed: Harpy was fast on the ground and especially in the air, which gave her the advantage during her fight with hulk, because of her great muscular strength, along with the development of her leg and wing muscles, combined with her wing span; she was capable of moving, running and flying at up to speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete or jet-plane.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Agility: When Betty was Harpy, her natural agility increased ten-fold, which was especially useful when performing her aerial attacks from above on her opponents.[citation needed] The Harpy's agility, balance and bodily coordination were enhanced beyond that of an ordinary human, not even the worlds finest non-powered humans could match them.[citation needed]
    Energy Blasts: Harpy could also fire powerful concussion blasts from her hands; which were so powerful that she hurt and knocked-out the Hulk when they fought.[citation needed]
    Claws and Talons: She also had razor-sharp claws and talons on her hands and feet, which could easy cut through Hulk's flesh.[53]
    Regenerative Healing Factor: After the return of her Harpy transformation, Betty developed an incredible healing ability, allowing her to survive a head wound that normally be fatal.[51][52]
    Enhanced Sense of Smell: Betty was able to track Bruce through smell alone.[70]

    Red She-Hulk
    Superhuman Strength: As Red She-Hulk, she possesses superhuman strength, lifting 75 tons.[71] This means that any extra strength gains as Betty Ross through intense physical training will be amplified, making her Red She-Hulk form that much stronger. However, the original She-Hulk easily defeated Red She-Hulk in direct combat. Her powerful leg muscles enable leaping over 600 ft high or 1,000 across.[71]
    Superhuman Speed: Due, at least partially, to the great muscular strength and development of her leg muscles, she is capable of running and moving at speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Stamina: Red She-Hulk's highly advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. She can exert herself at peak capacity for about 48 hours before fatigue begins to impair her performance.[citation needed]
    Superhuman Durability: Red She-Hulk's body is highly resistant to all forms of conventional injury. Her skin is capable of withstanding extreme pressures, temperatures, falls from great heights, field-artillery canon shells, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining any injury.[71]
    Superhuman Agility: Red She-Hulk's agility, balance and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.[citation needed]
    Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite her body's extremely high resistance to injury, it is possible to injure her. However, she is capable of rapidly regenerating injuries that result in great tissue damage and blood loss within a matter of minutes. However, she is not capable of regenerating missing limbs or organs. Red She-Hulk's highly efficient metabolism renders her immune to all drugs and toxins as well as total immunity to all known Earthly diseases.[71]
    Acidic Saliva: Red She-Hulk is able to spit saliva that burns like acid.[citation needed]
    Energy Absorption & Discharges: Red She-Hulk is able to absorb energy, such as radiation and power cosmic, to increase her power level, and can discharge energy by touch.[71]
    As the Red She-Hulk, Ross was classified as a Category 4 threat.[72]

    As the daughter and ex-wife of soldiers, Betty grew up with weapons. Aware of the dangers of being the Hulk's wife, she maintained her proficiency.[73] As Mr. Blue, Betty is skilled in espionage, armed and unarmed combat and marksmanship, notably in the use of small firearms and bladed weaponry.[71]

    Physical Strength
    As Betty, she possesses the normal human strength of a female that does regular exercise. As Harpy and Red She-Hulk, Betty possessed superhuman strength and able to lift 75 tons.[71] She had superhuman strength as the Harpy which made her strong enough to fight and even hurt the Hulk when they clashed; which was useful for one on one combat even though she couldn't increase her strength as she got angrier.[citation needed]

    With many of the other Hulks the Red She-Hulk's strength gives her an advantage during close quarter combat. Just like with the other members of the Hulk family Red She-Hulk has an exceptionally large physique and has been endowed with over sized muscles. Although it has yet to be established just what her maximum strength is she is visibly imbued with super strength beyond that of the average athletic body builder. In her handbook entry her strength is classified as a 7 on the power grid indicating she is able to lift in excess of 100 tons.[74]

    Sharp-Talons: As the Harpy she had razor sharp talons which cut and tear through materials such as rock and metal, as well as carrying heavy objects such as the Hulk himself when they fought; they were also useful as weapons when fighting in close combat against her enemies when she fought Hulk and tangled with the Bi-Beast.[citation needed]

    Other Weapons: As part of her first appearance as the Red She-Hulk, she was seen brandishing an automatic weapon. She holds her Uzi confidently, proving that she has had plenty of training & experience. Her bold confidence may affect the effectiveness of her marksmanship. She also can be seen wielding various kinds of energy weaponry, presumably designed and provided by Intel.[citation needed]
    Savage Sword of She-Hulk

    Mary MacPherran (Earth-616)

    Mary MacPherran[1]
    Skirn,[2] Thunder Girl[3]
    Red,[5] Skeeter,[4] 'sweet patootie'[6]

    Powers and Abilities

    Due to undergoing Doctor Doom's mutagenic alteration process, Titania possesses various superhuman physical attributes.[50]

    Superhuman Strength: Titania possesses vast superhuman strength that has increased over the years due to intensive weight training. Titania was originally strong enough to lift about 85 tons and she can now lift about 100 tons.[50]

    Superhuman Stamina: Titania's highly advanced musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins than ordinary humans. She can physically exert herself at peak capacity for about 24 hours, before the build up of fatigue toxins in her bloodstream begins to impair her.[50]

    Superhuman Durability: Titania's body is highly resistant to physical injury. She is capable of withstanding high caliber bullets, falls from great heights, tremendous impact force, and temperatures as high as 1,500 degrees Celsius and as low as -120 degrees Celsius without sustaining injury.[50]

    During the War of the Serpent, Titania obtained a mystical hammer forged by the Asgardian god of Fear, she as a result she had enhanced powers that come with wielding a mystical weapon from Asgard until she lost it.[51]
    Titania is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant, having undergone training from the Champion of the Universe. She is particularly experienced in using street fighting techniques that allow her to make full use of her great strength.[52]

  • GizzillaGizzilla Member Posts: 33
    Savage Dragon would be an awesome addition. Don't know if he's been suggested yet.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★


    Demon Fire God,[1] Father of All Cataclysms,[2] Fire Giant,[3] First of the Fire Giants,[4] Flame Colossus,[2] The Flame Giant,[5] God of Fire,[6] God of Flame,[7] Inventor of Flame,[4] Lord of Ragnarok,[4] Red Lord,[8] Surtur the Fire Giant[citation needed]

    Powers and Abilities

    Surtur was depicted as an immense and malevolent being whose possesses the power of a thousand blazing suns.[14] Surtur is an enormous Fire Giant, standing over 1,000 ft. in height. He is more of a force of nature than a physical foe.[40] He possesses superhuman strength, stamina, and durability far surpassing that of Thor. He is possibly a being composed of "living" flame so strong that he can affect the Earth's temperature from Asgard[7] and can manipulate cosmic energy for various effects. He is vulnerable to intense cold, and can be imprisoned by certain magical spells or by other beings wielding cosmic energy powers equaling his own; Surtur's powers are usually shown to equal those of Odin.[7][6] Surtur is a master warrior and swordsman, and has a prehensile tail. He possesses vast knowledge of ancient and arcane wisdom.[53][54][55]

    The Eternal Flame has an unknown connection to the Fire Giant Surtur. When in its vicinity, Surtur claimed it increased his powers. It is unknown to what extent this power increase leads to.[53][54][55]

    Superhuman Strength: Surtur possesses incalculable strength.
    Living Flame: Surtur is composed of living flame that is so strong that he can affect the Earth's temperature.
    Pyrokinesis: Surtur can create and manipulate intense heat and flames.
    Cosmic Energy Manipulation: Surtur can manipulate cosmic energy for various effects. These affects include generating intense heat, flames or concussive force, levitation, molecular manipulation of himself, inter-dimensional teleportation, and immortality.
    Immortality: Surtur is considered to be a long-living entity, bordering on immortality.
    Telekinesis: Surtur can levitate things using his mind.
    Physical Strength
    Class 100+ Surtur can easily lift well over 100 tons.[56]

    Surtur is vulnerable to intense coldness. He is also vulnerable to magical attacks.

    Twilight Sword
    Sword of Doom,[1] Sword of Surtur,[2] Surtur's Twilight,[1] Elderstahl[3]

    Twilight Sword: Surtur possesses the giant sword Twilight, also known as the Sword of Doom, composed of an unknown metal. The sword is magic, capable of manipulating vast amounts of mystical energy, such as shattering dimensional barriers and inhibiting Odin's powers. Loki has temporarily tapped into the power of the sword to change Thor into a frog (Thor is normally resistant to this type of magical transformation) and making the Asgardian populace sick (Asgardians are normally immune to disease). Morgan Le Fay tapped into the power of the sword to reshape the entire planet Earth from modern day into a medieval world after using the chaos magic of the Scarlet Witch to "bridge the gap" between her personal faerie powers and the Asgardian magics bound to the blade. When the sword is bonded with the Eternal Flame, its powers are further increased to an unknown level.[57]


    Aurgelmir,[1] Y'mir,[2] the Living Winter,[3] the Cosmic Giant,[citation needed]
    Ymik,[4] Imir[5] (possible typos)

    Powers and Abilities

    Ymir possesses vast superhuman strength, greater than that of any other Frost or Ice Giant. He is extremely long-lived, and possibly immortal. His body greatly resembles ice in various ways, and if it was not for his ability to generate intense cold from his body, Ymir would melt when exposed to high temperatures. Ymir's body is extraordinarily resistant to injury, and although it can be shattered, as ice can, Ymir can cause the fragments of his form to reassemble.[30]

    Ymir continually generates extreme cold from his body in an unknown, perhaps magical fashion. If he so chooses, Ymir can cause anything he touches, including the air, to freeze.[31]

    Superhuman Strength: Ymir can lift things up to 100 tons. His strength is greater than that of any other Frost or Ice Giant.[32]
    Frost Immunity: As the King of Jotuns, Ymir is immune to coldness. His body is made of thick ice.
    Cryokinesis: Ymir can generate intense cold from his body. Ymir can cause anything he touches, including the air, to freeze.[33]
    Cryokinesis Inhibition: Ymir proved to be able to prevent other from using their elemental powers.[17]
    Immortality: Ymir is extremely long-lived, bordering on immortality.[1]
    Regeneration: Ymir can cause the fragments of his form to reassemble.[1]
    Although intelligent and capable of speech, Ymir is not particularly cunning, and attempts to win his battles through brute force.

    Physical Strength
    The extent of Ymir's strength has never been measured, but it is at least in the Class 100 range; hence, he can lift (press) over 100 tons.[3]

    Ymir is vulnerable to extreme high temperature. It would caused him to melt down.

    Ymir carries an enormous, ice-covered club, which he uses as a weapon. Possibly the club is entirely composed of ice.

    Extra-dimensional teleportation, usually under his own power.

  • SpikemutamteSpikemutamte Member Posts: 1
    Spider man mystic suit
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,599 ★★★★★
    You know what could be really cool? Khonshu. Please add him! But make him look like in the Moon knight series
  • MirTural8MirTural8 Member Posts: 40
    Ghost Rider/Robbie Reyes 🔥💀🔥 in 6 different games. When you will add him?!
  • Super_Gamer_Boy518Super_Gamer_Boy518 Member Posts: 75
    MCOC Adam Warlock character draft
    By Super Gamer Boy

    About Adam Warlock
    Created by a group of people called the Enclave, Adam Warlock was created with the goal of making the perfect human being. Luckily for the people of Earth, the new being was a creature beyond the control of his creators. At first known as just “Him”, he would later go by the name of Adam Warlock. Later taking part in many different adventures with the infinity stones and even gaining a symbiotic bond with the soul stone.

    Class: cosmic

    Abilities: fury, armor up, soul stone, spells, ect…

    A symbiotic connection to the soul stone
    This bond with the infinity stone grants Adam Warlock lots of strong potential in the contest.

    Buff steal
    If an opponent could be able to steal Adam Warlock’s buffs, then Adam might not be the perfect man.

    Immune to fate seal, stagger, and nullify effects
    Start the fight with a regeneration buff. Healing 5% of health in 10 seconds.
    Well timed blocks have a 20% chance to grant an armor up buff. Increasing armor rating by 800. Maxing out at 5 stacks. Also, when attacked with 5 armor up buffs, gain a 30% chance to remove the armor up buffs and auto-block the attack. This auto-block also has a 70% chance to trigger parry. This chance is increased to 100% if the parry mastery is active.

    Soul Stone
    Since Adam Warlock has a symbiotic connection to the soul stone. He makes good use out of it in the contest.

    Adam Warlock has a timer at the start of the fight for 15 seconds where he searches for the soul stone. After the time runs out, it says soul stone found and this happens for 10 seconds. Then, when Adam Warlock dashes backwards and holds block for 5 seconds. He gains a soul stone buff lasting for 20 seconds granting different abilities. If he doesn't do this in the amount of time, the timer starts back at 15 seconds.
    Whenever Adam Warlock or his opponent activates a special attack, launching a heavy attack into a non-stunned opponent, or a debuff fails to trigger due to immunity, Adam Warlock gets a fury buff that lasts indefinitely, increasing attack by 35% and maxes out at 20. After the soul stone buff expires, all fury buffs are removed
    Gain 10 nullify buffs. Removing any debuff that tries to trigger and removes 1 nullify buff. These are removed if the time runs out.

    Dev note: heavy attacks have to land to get the fury. And special attacks don't. Also, the opponent only grants Adam Warlock a fury buff when activating a special attack and not the rest. Adam has to do the rest himself.

    Heavy Attacks
    Animation suggestion: Adam Warlock lands a punch with his right hand. Then he lands a second punch with his left hand.

    Dev note: each hit of the heavy attack grants a fury buff(‘s) when soul stone, increased soul stone, and/or super soul buff is active.

    Adam Warlock is also good at using spells since Warlock is in the name.

    After Adam Warlock activates his soul stone buff, he has 3 spells he can perform and these are removed if the soul stone timer runs out. Each buff gained from these spells lasts for 10 seconds
    Teleportation spell (when dashing backwards 3 times in a row): gain an evade buff. Giving Adam Warlock a 40% chance to evade incoming attacks.
    Cleverness spell (when landing a M, L, L, L, M attack): gain a precision buff. Increasing critical rating by 30%.
    Safety spell (when holding block for 5 seconds): gain a bulwark passive. granting 550 block proficiency.
    When all spells are completed, gain an increased soul buff for 20 seconds. Making all possible ways of gaining a fury buff grant 1 extra one. Also, gain a 20% chance to not lose a nullify buff when one would be lost.
  • Super_Gamer_Boy518Super_Gamer_Boy518 Member Posts: 75
    Special Attacks
    All attacks
    pause and refresh soul stone, increased soul, and super soul buffs.

    Special 1
    Animation suggestion: Adam Warlock makes a sword in his right hand and slashes it at the opponent. Then he makes another one in his left hand and slashes it at the opponent. Last, he makes 2 swords in both hands and slashes both down at the opponent.
    Each sword hit inflicts a power drain debuff. Each draining 10% of the opponents power.
    If the soul stone was active, the last hit inflicts a bleed lasting for 5 seconds. Dealing 6% of damage overtime.
    Special 2
    Animation suggestion: Adam Warlock flies towards and punches the opponent with his right hand. Then he launches a big energy beam from his left hand.
    The last hit inflicts a degeneration debuff lasting for 8 seconds. Dealing 6% of damage overtime.
    If the soul stone was active, the first hit grants an additional fury buff.
    Special 3
    Animation suggestion: Adam Warlock shoots a big energy beam from both hands. Then, he flies towards the opponent and smashes them into the wall.
    Stun the opponent for 5 seconds.
    Gain a super soul buff for 20 seconds, doubling the amount of fury buffs when gaining a fury buff, doubling the percentage to keep a nullify buff from increased soul, and removes the stack limit of fury buffs.

    Signature ability: Perfect and Powerful
    When gaining fury buffs
    10 - 60% chance to gain a prowess buff. increasing special attack damage by 5 - 15%. Prowess buffs are removed when activating special attacks.
    Nullify buffs
    When nullifying a damage overtime debuff, gain a 40 - 100% chance to gain a fury buff.
    When nullifying a non-damage overtime debuff, gain a 40 - 100% chance to not lose a nullify buff.

    I’ll put a spell on you
    All champions except Adam Warlock: when reaching certain points in a fight, gain a different ability. These abilities only activate once in a fight.
    100% health: gain an unblockable buff for 5 seconds
    75% health: gain a true accuracy buff, granting the ability to ignore all Evade and Auto-Block effects for 10 seconds.
    50% health: gain a power gain buff for 10 seconds, gaining a full bar of power
    25% health: gain an indestructible buff for 5 seconds
    If you start the fight with a lower amount of health, gain the abilities at the start of the fight.
    Dev note: for example, let's say you have 69% health at the start of the fight. Start the fight with an unblockable buff and a true accuracy buff.

    Kings of fury
    Adam Warlock: when the soul stone buff expires, each fury buff lasts for 2 seconds instead of being removed automatically
    Nick Fury: he can start each fight with 6 tactical advantage charges even if he is not fighting an avenger.
    Star Lord: the chance to gain a fury buff is increased to 20%
    Venom: start the fight with a random genetic memory buff

    A soul for a soul: with Red Skull, Gamora, or Black widow on the team
    All champions except Adam Warlock: if Adam Warlock is knocked out, the other champions on your team start each fight with a regeneration buff, healing 5% of missing health for 10 seconds.

    No shield required: with Captain America, Captain America (WWII), or Captain America (Infinity War) on the team
    All champions except Adam Warlock: if Adam Warlock is alive, the other champions start the fight with 3 perfect block buffs. Making the first 3 well timed blocks perfect blocks. 1 buff is removed for each well timed block.

    Can't stop us now: with kingpin or thing on the team
    All champions except Adam Warlock: if Adam Warlock is alive, whenever the other champions intercept an opponent, they have a 70% chance to go unstoppable for 2 seconds. This has a cooldown of 8 seconds.
  • ArrowstreamArrowstream Member Posts: 178
    Since netmarble and kabam are merging together is it possible to get mcoc characters in mff and mff characters in kabam. If so one of my favorite characters to play in mff is Luna Snow. I just think she would also make a really great champ in contest. If thats even possible.

    Luna Snow in mff do think it could happens.
  • ArrowstreamArrowstream Member Posts: 178

    Some venomized character versions.
    Ares and one of his enemies idc which one.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Thaddeus Ross (Earth-616) Venom/Ghostrider

    Venom/Ghost Rider: When he was fused with both the Venom Symbiote and the Spirit of Vengeance, Ross possessed a large variety of supernatural and symbiotic powers, and his own powers were greatly amplified by the Venom Symbiote and the Spirit of Vengeance. He had the following additional powers:

    Symbiotic Costume
    Superhuman Strength
    Superhuman Stamina
    Superhuman Durability
    Superhuman Speed, Agility, and Reflexes
    Accelerated Healing Factor
    ESP (Spider-Sense)
    Immunity to Spider-Man's Spider-Sense
    Camouflage Capabilities
    Constituent-Matter Generation
    Constituent-Matter Manipulation

    Demonic Transformation
    Superhuman Strength
    Superhuman Stamina
    Superhuman Durability
    Regenerative Healing Factor
    Hellfire Manipulation
    Mystical Chain Projection
    Penance Stare
    Hell-Mark: The Hell-Mark was given to Ross by Mephisto after being resurrected by him,[78] marking him as a potential candidate to become a Hell-Lord (current state of Ross' Hell-Mark is unknown).

    Formidable hand-to-hand combatant, skilled military tactician

    Physical Strength
    Ross possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise. As Red Hulk he is listed at exactly 100, when not enhancing his powers by absorbing energy.[99] However, this scale is only for comparing characters with each other, and not remotely to be taken literally. For example, Thor and Hercules received exactly the same rating.

    As Ross, he is as vulnerable as any human. However he can overcome this weakness with his will-powered transformation into Red Hulk. As Red Hulk, he displays a notable weakness against bladed and sharp objects. The Punisher was able to easily stab him with a knife through his chest causing excessive bleeding, and later Wolverine's cutting him open in the arm, back, chest and across the eyes, weakening and temporarily blinding him. Absorbing energy from the Negative Zone drains him. Red Hulk can overheat himself as the madder he gets the hotter he gets through the production of gamma radiation and is also vulnerable to mental attacks from powerful psychics.

    Formerly a S.H.I.E.L.D..-issue handgun; ergonomically designed for his giant hands as the Red Hulk, taken from the armory of the Tony Stark designed Helicarrier.[3]

  • Omega007HazeOmega007Haze Member Posts: 60
    I want only one addition in game that would be awesome, creative and possess synergy with Mojo and Longshot and Psylocke...


  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Morris Sackett (Earth-616)(Mosaic)

    Powers and Abilities

    Morris was a Human with latent Inhuman heritage whose powers were activated by the Terrigen Bomb. After Terrigenesis, he projected from his physical body as a being consisting primarily of a previously unknown form of energy.

    Intangibility: Outside of his body, Morris can phase through solid objects and walls, as well as avoid being grabbed by people.[2]
    Levitation: Morris' intangibility allows him to levitate while outside of a physical body.[5]
    Physical Possession: Morris can possess people, and while doing so gains access to every memory, skill, and ability of that person. Once he leaves the host, Mosaic retains some of that host's memories and skills, but not their powers.[2]
    Invisibility: Morris is seemingly invisible to whom he has not possessed,[5] as well as nearly all mechanical,[6] mystical,[7] and psychic scans. Under normal circumstances he is also invisible to telepaths, whether inside a host or not.[8] The Human Torch eventually taught him how to adjust his form to a visible, though unstable, energy range.[9]
    Dreamspace Manipulation: When inside someone's mind, Morris can change his shape to fight off 'antibodies.'[10]
    Athletic Prowess: Morris exhibited strength and agility superior to that of a college-aged Human athlete by the age of twelve, which Brand Corp testing attributed to his eugenically superior Inhuman lineage.[11]

    Multilingual: Morris learned six languages from Jae Yu, including Korean and Russian, and also learned Spanish from Beto.[2]

    Electrician: Morris garnered Beto's knowledge about electric devices from his vocational training.[2]

    Advanced Military Operator: Morris gained Kenny Gunning's knowledge of various armed forces disciplines including intelligence gathering, infiltration, disguise, and combat tactics.[5]

    Marksman: Morris is an exceptional marksman of various types of firearms, augmented by the extraordinary abilities of Agent May.[1]

    Martial Artist: Morris also picked up Kenny's knowledge of military-graded hand-to-hand combat.[5]

    Administrative Skills: Morris acquired Candilisa Chang's knack for organization and planning, allowing him to better focus and coordinate his thoughts.[6]

    Gifted Intellect: Morris learned to think more quickly and in a more scientific manner from his possession of Spider-Man, allowing him to better discern the nature of his own powers.[10]

    Expert Pilot: Morris is an expert pilot of fixed-wing aircraft, adroitness he acquired from Cyclops.[8]

    Physical Strength
    No longer in possession of a physical body, Mosaic can't physically interact with objects by himself.[2] After he possesses a person's body, he is as strong as the person he possesses.[10]

    Power Limitation: Morris is incapable of possessing someone whom he has previously possessed and attempting to do so induces electrical feedback which causes him physical pain.[6] He also struggles to maintain possession of hosts, such as Magneto, whose bodies contain an electromagnetic charge.[8]

    Energy Perception: Morris is usually within an invisible range of energy, but others in energy-based states, such as Johnny Storm, are capable of perceiving him without his knowledge.[12]

    Morris' primary mode of transportation is flight via his own innate ability to levitate when not possessing another person's body.[5]

    Magic Sorcerer Masters of Chaos
    Chthon (Earth-616)

    God of Chaos,[1] He Who Sleeps,[2][3] What Walked Once,[3] Who Has Slept Since Before Man Crawled From the Sea,[4] What Dwells Beneath,[5] the Sleeper,[3] Sleeper Beneath,[3] "Sleeping God",[3] Dark Majesty,[5] Dark Master,[5] Dark Mystic,[6] Demon of the Darkhold,[7] the Great Shadow,[8] Cthon (alternative spelling),[9] The Other,[10] He Who Holds the Darkness,[11] Keku;[12] possibly "Satan"[13]

    Powers and Abilities


    Elder God Physiology: Chthon is one of the most powerful Elder Gods of Earth, who has degenerated into a demonic state. He has the vast ability to manipulate magical energies for nearly any effect. He has manifested himself in humanoid form, but can take various forms; his true form, if he has one, has not been revealed.

    Dark & Chaos Magic Mastery: Chthon is a being of unimaginable mystical power, specifically that which can be called Black Magic & Chaos Magic. This magic can manipulate, warp and reconstruct the very fabric of existence and reality to the user's very whims and bring about total destruction to the cosmos.

    Other-realm Control: In the dimension he has created for himself he controls every aspect of reality.

    Telepathy: This ability enables him to read, control, and communicate with the minds of others, even across dimensional barriers.

    Mystic Patron: He can also send his power out of that dimension when invoked to do so by a spellcaster, though when this is done the spellcaster's soul is forfeit to the Elder God.

    Other Connection: Until Chthon finds a way to truly free himself from his other-dimensional realm, he can operate on Earth through his elemental host, known as the Other, which is summoned when someone uses the Darkhold. The Other can manifest itself in any appearance it wants, but its actions on the Earthly sphere are generally limited by the demands of the user of the Darkhold.

    Demonic Possession: If the proper rituals are performed, Chthon can also take over mortal host-bodies on Earth, but he can not easily transfer all of his totality to these forms, and often even the fraction he can is too much for the form to contain.


    Chthon has an extraordinary knowledge of the dark mystical forces of the cosmos, and cataloged the evil spells of the demonic Elder Gods of Earth in the Darkhold. He is the original author of the Darkhold, an indestructible collection of evil mystical knowledge and spells that he intended to serve as the medium through which he could return to Earth. The Darkhold can apparently change its form, since Chthon created it millions of years before the rise of humanity, to whom it appeared as a set of scrolls with human writing upon them. Most people who use the Darkhold's spells fall under Chthon's mental control as a result. Only humans with great spiritual strength (or aided by great mystical expertise), like Doctor Strange and the members of the Montesi family can successfully resist this mental enslavement. The Darkhold's power is so vast it took the combined strength and will of both Merlin (the most accomplished Earth sorcerer of all time) and Brendan to contain it, and even together, they were unable to destroy it or its power. Mordred also seemed to believe that use of the Darkhold would grant him sufficient strength to challenge Merlin himself. It is later revealed that the aforementioned Darkhold is actually a mere copy of a copy of the original Darkhold, the true Darkhold.[60]
    Genius Intelligence[64]


    Dimensional Entrapment: Without the Darkhold, Chthon is unable to move freely through dimensions and is trapped in his own because it would take an enormous mystical rift to convey the immense mystical power of the Elder God. Moreover, Gaea has erected magical screens, reinforced over millennia by hundreds of human sorcerers, which prevent him from traveling to Earth unless he undertakes highly elaborate preparations.

    Dependency on Extra-dimensional Living Vessel: As shown during several of Chthon's summonings on Earth, though the occupation of a human would enable Chthon to share the human's abilities, he would also be left more vulnerable, in both mind and body, even magically augmented. For example, it is through a physical mind that a human processes information and which a human mystic can utter incantations and thus cast spells to work magic; if the physical mind or its processes were somehow disrupted, even through non-mystical means, Chthon would be temporarily deprived of spell-casting ability.
    Eldritch Magic: Chthon and those augmented by his power are vulnerable to eldritch magic, including that of the Darkhold itself.[30][56]
    True Darkhold: The true Darkhold allowed Scarlet Witch to defeat and absorb Chthon.[61]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    Marvel Charaktere 2099

    Ravage 2099 (Paul-Phillip Ravage)

    Alter ego
    Paul-Phillip Ravage
    Team affiliations
    Green Berets
    Notable aliases
    First mutation:
    Bio-energy blasts from hands
    Second mutation:
    Enhanced strength, speed, durability, stamina, agility, and senses
    Possesses horns, fangs, and claws on hands and feet
    Healing factor

    Powers and abilities
    Ravage gained powers through surgery and being mutated by the radiation of Hellrock, where he battled Deathstryk to free Tiana. Initially, the powers consisted of the ability to fire kinetic bio-energy beams from his hands that were physically taxing on Ravage; however, these powers mutated and Ravage soon became a man-beast. In his new form, Ravage had enhanced strength, speed, senses, durability, and agility, and superhumanly acute senses; in addition to growing horns, fangs, and claws on his hands and feet. Ravage also possessed a healing factor.

    Ravage formerly wore a vest of unknown 21st century fabric lined with "ultimate" Kevlar (experimental blaster-proof fabric), molecular gloves (capable of containing the kinetic energy power of Ravage's hands for up to one hour), and an adjustable opti-lens (enabling long-range telescopic and infra-red sight).

    John Eisenhart (Earth-928)

    John Eisenhart
    Editorial Names:
    Hulk 2099
    Other Aliases:
    Future Hulk[1]

    Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability and leaping
    Near invulnerability
    Accelerated healing factor
    Razor sharp claws and fangs

    Powers and abilities
    The Hulk 2099, like his namesake, was one of the strongest characters in his fictional universe; and also like the original, the strength of the character would increase with his emotional state. His baseline strength is 150 tons and he is nearly invulnerable. In addition, Hulk 2099 had a high level of speed and stamina, a healing factor, and could leap great heights (he could easily leap hundreds of feet in height and hundreds of miles while in an enraged state). Eisenhart can willingly transform himself into Hulk 2099, the process adds 5' 9" in height and 1,423 lbs to his frame. Unlike his predecessor, this Hulk had razor sharp claws and fangs that could tear through steel.

    The most distinctive contrast of Hulk 2099 to his Earth-616 counterpart was his psyche. Initially, when turned into the Hulk, Eisenhart retained his intellect and personality (although significantly more aggressive, due possibly to his current emotional state). Eisenhart was even able to control his transformations. However, as the series progressed, Eisenhart and the Hulk became two distinct and separate personalities, Eisenhart more ruthless, while the Hulk heroic. As the mental separation became more distant, transformation would only occur during moments of rage.

    Powers and Abilities

    In his Hulk form, Eisenhart possessed various superhuman physical attributes similar to those possessed by his namesake.

    Transformation: Eisenhart transform himself into a being very similar to the Hulk of the 20th century. The process adds 5'9" inches in height and 1,423 lbs to his frame. While in his transformed state, Eisenhart retains his full intelligence and personality. He can also transform at will, though John will often resist the change.[4]

    Superhuman Strength: Eisenhart possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift 150 tons, which increases as he gets angry.[4]

    Superhuman Stamina: Eisenhart's musculature produced considerably less fatigue toxins than the musculature of an ordinary human. While the limits of his stamina are unknown, he could exert himself at peak capacity for at least 24 hours. It is unknown if his physical stamina increased during times of increased emotional stress as his strength did. He can run hundreds of miles without appreciably tiring.[4]

    Superhuman Durability: The tissues of Eisenhart's body were considerably harder and more resistant to damage than the body of an ordinary human. He is bulletproof, and can withstand tremendous impact forces such as powerful explosives, high caliber bullets and falls from great heights.[4] He could also withstand exposure to extremes in temperature and pressures without sustaining injury.

    Regeneration: Eisenhart has shown signs of his regeneration power. He stopped a reactor which did fairly damage to himself.[4]

    Eisenhart was a skilled attorney and, while he had no formal training, his sheer size, strength, and resistance to injury made him a formidable hand to hand combatant.
    Physical Strength
    Like his namesake, Eisenhart possessed a base strength level while in a functionally calm emotional state. His base strength level was much higher than that of any of the primary incarnations of his namesake and he could lift about 150 tons.[4] However, as he became more enraged, his strength dramatically increased as adrenaline surged throughout his body. The full limits of his strength were never revealed. His great strength extended into the massively developed muscles of his legs, enabling him to leap great distances. While the maximum height and distance he could jump were never revealed, he could easily leap hundreds of feet in height and hundreds of miles while in an enraged state.[citation needed]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    Marvel Charaktere 2099

    Doom 2099 ( Victor Von Doom )
    Victor von Doom (Earth-928)

    Alter ego
    Victor Von Doom
    Team affiliations
    Zefiro Gypsies
    Ministry of Doom
    S.H.I.E.L.D. 2099
    Notable aliases
    Doctor Doom, Erik Czerny

    Genius-level intellect
    Command of magic
    Nanomachines in blood that allow cyberpathy and healing
    Wears a custom-designed suit of powered armor that grants:
    Enhanced strength
    Flight via rocket pack
    Temporary intangibility
    Protective force fields
    Energy blast projection via gauntlets
    Wide array of sensors and scanners

    Powers and abilities
    After his defeat by Tyger Wylde, Doom underwent special surgery: nanotechnology was neurocybersurgically added to his nervous system, speeding up his neural and motor responses, allowing him to interface directly with technology and heal himself from serious injuries.

    Due to his fragmented memory, Doom's mystical abilities were drastically decreased. For mystical matters, Doom therefore had to rely on Vox. When his memory was restored, he had full access to his mystical abilities.

    Doom has extensive knowledge of all sciences, and is an expert in robotics, trans-Einsteinian physics, genetic engineering, weapons technology, time travel, bio-chemistry, and other fields.

    Doom wears an adamantium-lanxide laced armor over cybermesh circuitry enabling tactile interface with nanoids in his brain and bloodstream, that he designed with the help of Celia Quinones. The armor allows him such abilities as flight via rocket pack, phasing (thanks to the phase shifter linked with his armor system, enabling temporary intangibility), protective forcefields, increased strength, invisibility and gauntlet energy blasts. His armor also possesses a wide array of sensors and scanners.

    Powers and Abilities

    Doom can exchange minds with others. He possesses some mystical abilities, such as casting bolts of eldritch energy and invoking mystical entities (principalities) for additional support. However, Doom 2099's incomplete memories made him vulnerable to improperly casting spells, so he mostly refrained from mysticism upon his return.[8]

    Doom is a genius in physics, robotics, cybernetics, genetics, weapons technology, biochemistry, and time travel. He is also self-taught in the mystic arts. Doom is a natural leader, a brilliant strategist, and a sly deceiver. In 2099, using nanotechnology, Doom augmented his motor reflexes and neural responses far beyond average human levels.

    Doom wore a sophisticated nuclear-powered titanium battlesuit which granted him superhuman strength, contained jets for flight, housed a personal force field, and discharged concussive force blasts; he could also electrify his armor's surface. The armor contained a 4-hour air supply, and could be sealed for travel into outer space or underwater. Special attachments to the armor had included a molecular-expander, which can cause molecules to expand into the size of boulders, and various devices for absorbing the energies of others (such as the Silver Surfer). In 2099, Doom's armor was upgraded multiple times, but with many of the same abilities as his old suit, just more powerful and advanced. Some of the newer upgrades included a phase shifter, allowing him to become insubstantial and pass through solid objects, as well as a cyberspace link, allowing his mind to access cyberspace through his armor. During a fight with the copy Doctor Doom of 2099, he also upgraded his suit with a remote activator for his time platform. He also sealed off the eye slits which were previously open, covering them with red lenses.

    Doom's many inventions include a variety of robots, such as robot duplicates of himself (Doombots), Latveria's robot police force (Servo-Guards), an army of unstoppable robots designed only to destroy (Killer Robots), as well as robots designed for slave labor and non-humanoid models used for special posts; his time machine, with which he can travel through space and time; and a shrink ray.

    Primarily his suit's armaments.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    Marvel Charaktere 2099

    Ghost Rider 2099

    Powers, abilities, and equipment
    Ghost Rider 2099 is a Cybertek 101 robot. The reinforced carbon-steel silicon composite robotic body gave Ghost Rider superhuman strength, endurance, and durability. Both hands were capable of transforming, the right hand into a ceramic graphite composite bladed chainsaw that blasted bursts of energy; and the left hand into a polymimetic nanometer alloy claw, able to cut on a submolecular level. The robot also possessed a stealth system rendering Ghost Rider invisible to detection by both electronic systems and the naked eye; in addition, it possesses a "solid gram" camouflage system that could allow him to mimic the appearance of any individual (including Zero Cochrane), and create the illusion of his head being engulfed in flames. The robot also had optic lasers and was capable of self-repairing.

    During the series, the robot body needs to be recharged on a relatively regular basis, especially after draining power to operate its weapons systems (in several stories this is used as a dramatic device, with the Ghost Rider struggling against a foe when his power supply is almost exhausted). However, in the final issue, this becomes less of a problem, as Zero obtains a "Mr. Fusion" portable power generator. The same scene explains that the Ghostworks had previously blocked the Ghost Rider from thinking of this solution, as they did not wish to risk him becoming too independent.

    Zero is an expert computer hacker and cybersurfer, able to force his way both in and out of almost any system. As a digital psyche, Zero could surf cyberspace, access information, and exist without food, water or other sustenance.

    Ghost Rider rode a modified version of Zero Cochrane's original souped-up motorcycle,[1] a Ford Velociraptor 900 with thrusters and anti-gravity propulsion.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    Marvel Charaktere 2099

    Ravage 2099 (Paul-Phillip Ravage)

    Alter ego
    Paul-Phillip Ravage
    Team affiliations
    Green Berets
    Notable aliases
    First mutation:
    Bio-energy blasts from hands
    Second mutation:
    Enhanced strength, speed, durability, stamina, agility, and senses
    Possesses horns, fangs, and claws on hands and feet
    Healing factor

    Powers and abilities
    Ravage gained powers through surgery and being mutated by the radiation of Hellrock, where he battled Deathstryk to free Tiana. Initially, the powers consisted of the ability to fire kinetic bio-energy beams from his hands that were physically taxing on Ravage; however, these powers mutated and Ravage soon became a man-beast. In his new form, Ravage had enhanced strength, speed, senses, durability, and agility, and superhumanly acute senses; in addition to growing horns, fangs, and claws on his hands and feet. Ravage also possessed a healing factor.

    Ravage formerly wore a vest of unknown 21st century fabric lined with "ultimate" Kevlar (experimental blaster-proof fabric), molecular gloves (capable of containing the kinetic energy power of Ravage's hands for up to one hour), and an adjustable opti-lens (enabling long-range telescopic and infra-red sight).

    John Eisenhart (Earth-928)

    John Eisenhart
    Editorial Names:
    Hulk 2099
    Other Aliases:
    Future Hulk[1]

    Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability and leaping
    Near invulnerability
    Accelerated healing factor
    Razor sharp claws and fangs

    Powers and abilities
    The Hulk 2099, like his namesake, was one of the strongest characters in his fictional universe; and also like the original, the strength of the character would increase with his emotional state. His baseline strength is 150 tons and he is nearly invulnerable. In addition, Hulk 2099 had a high level of speed and stamina, a healing factor, and could leap great heights (he could easily leap hundreds of feet in height and hundreds of miles while in an enraged state). Eisenhart can willingly transform himself into Hulk 2099, the process adds 5' 9" in height and 1,423 lbs to his frame. Unlike his predecessor, this Hulk had razor sharp claws and fangs that could tear through steel.

    The most distinctive contrast of Hulk 2099 to his Earth-616 counterpart was his psyche. Initially, when turned into the Hulk, Eisenhart retained his intellect and personality (although significantly more aggressive, due possibly to his current emotional state). Eisenhart was even able to control his transformations. However, as the series progressed, Eisenhart and the Hulk became two distinct and separate personalities, Eisenhart more ruthless, while the Hulk heroic. As the mental separation became more distant, transformation would only occur during moments of rage.

    Powers and Abilities

    In his Hulk form, Eisenhart possessed various superhuman physical attributes similar to those possessed by his namesake.

    Transformation: Eisenhart transform himself into a being very similar to the Hulk of the 20th century. The process adds 5'9" inches in height and 1,423 lbs to his frame. While in his transformed state, Eisenhart retains his full intelligence and personality. He can also transform at will, though John will often resist the change.[4]

    Superhuman Strength: Eisenhart possesses superhuman strength enabling him to lift 150 tons, which increases as he gets angry.[4]

    Superhuman Stamina: Eisenhart's musculature produced considerably less fatigue toxins than the musculature of an ordinary human. While the limits of his stamina are unknown, he could exert himself at peak capacity for at least 24 hours. It is unknown if his physical stamina increased during times of increased emotional stress as his strength did. He can run hundreds of miles without appreciably tiring.[4]

    Superhuman Durability: The tissues of Eisenhart's body were considerably harder and more resistant to damage than the body of an ordinary human. He is bulletproof, and can withstand tremendous impact forces such as powerful explosives, high caliber bullets and falls from great heights.[4] He could also withstand exposure to extremes in temperature and pressures without sustaining injury.

    Regeneration: Eisenhart has shown signs of his regeneration power. He stopped a reactor which did fairly damage to himself.[4]

    Eisenhart was a skilled attorney and, while he had no formal training, his sheer size, strength, and resistance to injury made him a formidable hand to hand combatant.
    Physical Strength
    Like his namesake, Eisenhart possessed a base strength level while in a functionally calm emotional state. His base strength level was much higher than that of any of the primary incarnations of his namesake and he could lift about 150 tons.[4] However, as he became more enraged, his strength dramatically increased as adrenaline surged throughout his body. The full limits of his strength were never revealed. His great strength extended into the massively developed muscles of his legs, enabling him to leap great distances. While the maximum height and distance he could jump were never revealed, he could easily leap hundreds of feet in height and hundreds of miles while in an enraged state.[citation needed]

    Doom 2099 ( Victor Von Doom )
    Victor von Doom (Earth-928)

    Alter ego
    Victor Von Doom
    Team affiliations
    Zefiro Gypsies
    Ministry of Doom
    S.H.I.E.L.D. 2099
    Notable aliases
    Doctor Doom, Erik Czerny

    Genius-level intellect
    Command of magic
    Nanomachines in blood that allow cyberpathy and healing
    Wears a custom-designed suit of powered armor that grants:
    Enhanced strength
    Flight via rocket pack
    Temporary intangibility
    Protective force fields
    Energy blast projection via gauntlets
    Wide array of sensors and scanners

    Powers and abilities
    After his defeat by Tyger Wylde, Doom underwent special surgery: nanotechnology was neurocybersurgically added to his nervous system, speeding up his neural and motor responses, allowing him to interface directly with technology and heal himself from serious injuries.

    Due to his fragmented memory, Doom's mystical abilities were drastically decreased. For mystical matters, Doom therefore had to rely on Vox. When his memory was restored, he had full access to his mystical abilities.

    Doom has extensive knowledge of all sciences, and is an expert in robotics, trans-Einsteinian physics, genetic engineering, weapons technology, time travel, bio-chemistry, and other fields.

    Doom wears an adamantium-lanxide laced armor over cybermesh circuitry enabling tactile interface with nanoids in his brain and bloodstream, that he designed with the help of Celia Quinones. The armor allows him such abilities as flight via rocket pack, phasing (thanks to the phase shifter linked with his armor system, enabling temporary intangibility), protective forcefields, increased strength, invisibility and gauntlet energy blasts. His armor also possesses a wide array of sensors and scanners.

    Powers and Abilities
    Doom can exchange minds with others. He possesses some mystical abilities, such as casting bolts of eldritch energy and invoking mystical entities (principalities) for additional support. However, Doom 2099's incomplete memories made him vulnerable to improperly casting spells, so he mostly refrained from mysticism upon his return.[8]

    Doom is a genius in physics, robotics, cybernetics, genetics, weapons technology, biochemistry, and time travel. He is also self-taught in the mystic arts. Doom is a natural leader, a brilliant strategist, and a sly deceiver. In 2099, using nanotechnology, Doom augmented his motor reflexes and neural responses far beyond average human levels.

    Doom wore a sophisticated nuclear-powered titanium battlesuit which granted him superhuman strength, contained jets for flight, housed a personal force field, and discharged concussive force blasts; he could also electrify his armor's surface. The armor contained a 4-hour air supply, and could be sealed for travel into outer space or underwater. Special attachments to the armor had included a molecular-expander, which can cause molecules to expand into the size of boulders, and various devices for absorbing the energies of others (such as the Silver Surfer). In 2099, Doom's armor was upgraded multiple times, but with many of the same abilities as his old suit, just more powerful and advanced. Some of the newer upgrades included a phase shifter, allowing him to become insubstantial and pass through solid objects, as well as a cyberspace link, allowing his mind to access cyberspace through his armor. During a fight with the copy Doctor Doom of 2099, he also upgraded his suit with a remote activator for his time platform. He also sealed off the eye slits which were previously open, covering them with red lenses.

    Doom's many inventions include a variety of robots, such as robot duplicates of himself (Doombots), Latveria's robot police force (Servo-Guards), an army of unstoppable robots designed only to destroy (Killer Robots), as well as robots designed for slave labor and non-humanoid models used for special posts; his time machine, with which he can travel through space and time; and a shrink ray.

    Primarily his suit's armaments.

    Ghost Rider 2099

    Powers, abilities, and equipment
    Ghost Rider 2099 is a Cybertek 101 robot. The reinforced carbon-steel silicon composite robotic body gave Ghost Rider superhuman strength, endurance, and durability. Both hands were capable of transforming, the right hand into a ceramic graphite composite bladed chainsaw that blasted bursts of energy; and the left hand into a polymimetic nanometer alloy claw, able to cut on a submolecular level. The robot also possessed a stealth system rendering Ghost Rider invisible to detection by both electronic systems and the naked eye; in addition, it possesses a "solid gram" camouflage system that could allow him to mimic the appearance of any individual (including Zero Cochrane), and create the illusion of his head being engulfed in flames. The robot also had optic lasers and was capable of self-repairing.

    During the series, the robot body needs to be recharged on a relatively regular basis, especially after draining power to operate its weapons systems (in several stories this is used as a dramatic device, with the Ghost Rider struggling against a foe when his power supply is almost exhausted). However, in the final issue, this becomes less of a problem, as Zero obtains a "Mr. Fusion" portable power generator. The same scene explains that the Ghostworks had previously blocked the Ghost Rider from thinking of this solution, as they did not wish to risk him becoming too independent.

    Zero is an expert computer hacker and cybersurfer, able to force his way both in and out of almost any system. As a digital psyche, Zero could surf cyberspace, access information, and exist without food, water or other sustenance.

    Ghost Rider rode a modified version of Zero Cochrane's original souped-up motorcycle,[1] a Ford Velociraptor 900 with thrusters and anti-gravity propulsion.
  • Wildblue333Wildblue333 Member Posts: 405 ★★
    I'm all for Doom 2099 or Ghost Rider 2099 being introduced. Hulk 2099 always felt like a mistake. They are about to relaunch spidey 2099 in his own comic series in June so maybe take advantage of that.
  • WakeupWakeup Member Posts: 1


    Blue marvel

    Wonderful one
    Iceberg (Jack Pierce)

  • Omega007HazeOmega007Haze Member Posts: 60

    WAR TANK!!! Perfect symmetry to the Hulkbuster!
  • MirTural8MirTural8 Member Posts: 40
    Ghost Rider/Robbie Reyes 🔥💀🔥 in 6 different games. When you will add him?
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