Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • IronmindIronmind Member Posts: 1

    Sugar Man

    Amora the Enchantress

    Black Ant

    The Marquis of Death

  • DaylightDaylight Member Posts: 1




    Valkyrie Moonstar

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    William Kaplan (Earth-616)

    William "Billy" Kaplan-Altman[1]
    Asgardian,[2] Demiurge[3]
    Billiam,[4] Spazgardian,[5] Thor Jr.,[2] Wanda Junior[6]
    Other Aliases:
    Billy Maximoff,[citation needed] Magic Lad,[7] Warlock Boy,[7] Witch Boy[8]

    Powers and Abilities

    Wiccan has a wide range of superpowers, derived from an unconfirmed source. His origins make it possible Wiccan is both mage and mutant.[5][13] His abilities were first triggered when the Scarlet Witch (under the influence of the Life Force) used her powers to heal him.[15] However, even accepting that Wiccan is the reincarnated son of the Scarlet Witch, where exactly his powers come from is unclear. If his was purely a spiritual reincarnation, then he would not necessarily inherit his mother's mutant genes. Recent questions about the Scarlet Witch's parentage make it even less certain she had an X-gene to pass on.[65] Wiccan's power might also be a purely mystical birthright, or derived from Wanda's status as a nexus being.[66] Wiccan's destiny as the Demiurge resembles the fate that the Time Keepers worried about if Wanda ever had children.[67][40]

    Wiccan has demonstrated the following powers:

    Reality Warping: Quite similar to his spiritual mother The Scarlet Witch, Wiccan's main power is the superhuman ability to warp and manipulate reality, allowing him to tap into various forms of mystical energy within the universe. It was stated by Master Pandemonium that Billy's magic was similar to Wanda's, alluding that his magic could theoretically be Chaos Magic. As Wiccan has no standard spells usually improvising various incantations on the spot, this mechanism also alludes some similarity to Wanda's magic, due to the fact that their spells work on the same basis, by only saying what they want to happen into reality. While generally his spells are very effective, the spells can be degraded by a lack of willingness to perform them or stress. Wiccan can use magic to increase the powers of himself or others for long periods of time. Some notable spells being: sensing locations of others, levitation, thought-casting, psychokinesis, astral projection, and illusion casting. Wiccan initially cast his magic through a unique form of self-taught spell casting involving stating repeatedly an effect or action he wants to happen (i.e. "I want him to be OK, I want him to be OK!," or "Groundintogluegroundintogluegroundintoglue"), and has managed to precede from this method ever since, being capable of using his abilities without the need to repeat the desired effects.[49][55][57][23] When accessing his Demiurge powers, His reality altering and mystical powers are greatly amplified to near cosmic levels, enabling him to view different timelines, wipe beings from existence, and even quite possibly rewrite the laws that form magic itself.[34]

    Clairvoyance: Wiccan has shown the ability to gain information by other means than his physical senses. with brief periods of intense concentration, can gain knowledge of a subject's location and its current state. It is notably highly difficult, though not impossible for him to locate those he is unfamiliar with, or only loosely associated with. He can also track down and sense or read someone's energy or those of the environment.[68][23]

    Concussive Force Blast: Can generate and manipulate energy to project blasts of concussive force with different shapes and intensities, including, beams, bursts, bolts and waves.[citation needed]

    Creation: Wiccan can use his reality warping abilities in order to warp existence and create anything from nothing. He had created clothing, decor, objects, and food from seemingly nothing to make his "room" in the Avenger's facility more comfortable.[69][38]

    Erasure: Due to his reality warping powers Wiccan can disintegrate and erase anything from existence. He was able to erase The interdimensional parasite known as mother from existence. He has disintegrated a bunch of parents with a burst of energy.[70]
    Elemental Manipulation: Billy has shown the ability to influence and control several elements and aspects of nature.

    Electrokinesis: The primary form of elemental manipulation Wiccan is most used to is his electrokinetic powers. He can manipulate, generate, and discharge energy projections as either lightning or electricity from his hands or other parts of his body. Which gives him control over electric fields, electric charges, electric currents, electronics, and electromagnetism. This seems to not require the verbal components like his other "spells". Wiccan is capable of combining or performing his electrokinetic powers in unison with spells.[2]

    Cryokinesis: Wiccan has the ability to control, generate, or absorb ice.[citation needed]
    Hydrokinesis: Wiccan can manipulate and control water.[citation needed]
    Photokinesis: Wiccan can project intense light and heat.[citation needed]

    Pyrokinesis: Can generate and control fire.[citation needed]
    Flight: Wiccan can engage in self-propelled flight and has shown to be able to give others the ability to do so. He can also levitate.[71][68][29]

    Teleportation: Can teleport himself and others over undetermined distances with an untested maximum through his spells (e.g. I want to be someplace else) Thought he can teleport without a vocalized spell.[29] Can also travel to and open gates or portals accessing other worlds, places and dimensions.[72]

    Summoning: Wiccan has the ability to summon and transport anything or anyone to his location. He has able to combine his electrokinetic powers with his teleportation to summon a lighting in order to transport him along with his teammates to Wundagore Mountain. While he went as Asgardian, he used to summon his staff.

    Banishment: William has shown the ability to banish an object or being from a specific place to a certain place/area he chooses. When he Tried to banish the interdimensional parasite known as Mother, he fails due to the strain after bringing her to their dimension, the same happens when he tries to banish Laufey.
    Healing: Can quickly heal others through his spells (e.g. "I want to heal this man, I want to heal this man!"). However, the effectiveness of this healing can be greatly affected by his will to do it or if he has troubles focusing his mind on healing the target. When healing an enemy, the healing process could be considerably diminished than when healing someone he genuinely has an empathetic desire to heal. When trying to heal Teddy's Mother, he fails due to the stress of the situation making it difficult for him to completely focus on the task.[18][13]

    Mental Manipulation: Wiccan has shown the ability to influence and manipulate other's mind, achieving a variety of effects. He offered himself to erase Executioner's mind after he confesses to know Kate's secret identity.[73]
    Solid Energy Constructs: Wiccan can generate and manipulate energy to create solid constructs such as disks, orbs, shields, platforms, force fields, and other projectiles or constructions.[7]

    Telekinesis: Can levitate, propel and manipulate objects and matter with his mind.[33]

    Telepathy: Wiccan has shown to possess telepathic abilities. He was able to manifest the thoughts of someone's minds. He could read Teddy's mind and sense his doubts about his feeling. He also tried to detect Scarlet witch's mind, when he and Speed were looking for clues about their past.

    Transmutation: Wiccan has shown the ability to turn, transmute and alter anything into anything else. He has changed his and his teammates street clothes into their hero uniforms. He has also transformed a bunch of frogs back into humans, right after the Enchantress had transmuted them. His transmutation powers allows him to transform himself into anyone of his desire.[73]

    If Wiccan can't hear his spells, they don't work at all.[74]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Theodore Altman (Earth-616)

    Kaiser Hulkling ( Dorrek VIII , auch bekannt als Theodore " Teddy " Altman )
    Emperor Hulkling (Dorrek VIII, also known as Theodore "Teddy" Altman)

    Superhuman strength
    Accelerated healing factor
    Metamorphic adaptation
    Biological pheromone immunity

    Powers and Abilities
    Hulkling is the extraterrestrial hybrid offspring of an enhanced Kree warrior, Captain Marvel, and Skrull royalty, Princess Anelle, resulting in various abilities derived from the unique combination of his parents' genetic material. His powers exceed those of ordinary individuals of either race; they most likely are much stronger than those of other potential hybrids due to his father's various enhancements prior to Hulkling's conception. His shape-shifting and accelerated healing factor derive from his Skrull heritage, while his superhuman strength originates from his enhanced Kree background.

    His shape-shifting abilities allow him to impersonate others, independently alter parts of his body, and manifest different physical abilities. For example, he can form claws, extend his reach, create body armor, and grow wings (which enable him to fly). Hulkling can use his shapeshifting to increase his body's density and composition, giving him a very strong resistance to pain and injury. He is able to withstand great impact forces, such as falls from great heights, repeated bludgeoning from superhumanly strong beings, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining injury. High caliber bullets and bladed weapons are also unable to pierce his skin. Hulkling's shapeshifting also demonstrated the ability to operate without his conscious thought in order to protect himself from injury; his body shifted its biomass to protect vital organs, while the Warden of The Cube was attempting to vivisect him in Civil War: Young Avengers/Runaways.

    His healing factor allows him to heal wounds quickly, but not on a scale with Wolverine or Hulk. Hulkling's alien anatomy also prevents him from being controlled by pheromone-based powers, such as those used by Daken.[23]

    In recent stories Teddy has come into possession of Excelsior, a mystical cosmic sword owned by his ancestor Dorrek Supreme, which only passes down to those of Dorrek's line. Its wielder, as unmitigated ruler of both Kree and Skrull and Lord of the Knights of Infinity, is entitled to inherit rulership of the entire cosmos. Its skin alone has arcane abilities such as negating and absorbing magic as well as canceling out eldritch entities (i.e., an entity from the universe before the present one) using its knife edge.[24] In two comics written by Anthony Oliveira, Hulkling is also shown (mis)using Excelsior as background furniture — in Drag Brunch with Loki, Hulkling is depicted eating breakfast cereal using Excelsior as a table;[19] in Emperor Hulkling, Excelsior is leaning against his nightstand, with a dirty sock hanging over the hilt.[18]
    Wields Star Sword; Excelcior
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Venus (Mystic)

    Wolverine (Vampire) (Mystic)

    Kingpin (Matt Murdock) (Skill)

    She-Hulk (Lyra) (Science)

    Ms. Marvel (Sharon Ventura) (Science)

    Bloodstorm (Mystic)

    Toad (1602) (Mutant)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Thomas Shepherd (Earth-616)

    Thomas "Tommy" Shepherd

    Powers and Abilities

    Thomas Shepherd (Earth-616) 007.jpg
    Speed running super fast
    Speed is a mutant[3][4] with an enhanced physiology design for supersonic speed, including:

    Superhuman Speed: Speed can run, move and react at speeds far greater than the average human. His top running speed is 761 miles per hour, according to himself.[27]

    Molecular Acceleration: He can also generate hyper-kinetic vibrations that accelerate the molecules in matter, causing any solid object he directs his vibrations at to explode.
    Intangibility: He also can use molecular destabilization to walk through solid objects.[15]
    Superhuman Stamina: Speed's physiology grants him greater stamina when compared to an ordinary human, allowing him to operate at peak capacity for at least several hours before he begins to grow tired.

    Superhuman Agility: Speed's physiology grants him superhuman agility being more flexible and having greater balance.
    Superhuman Reflexes: He's capable of reacting fast, because he's moving at superhuman speeds everything moves slower for him.

    Superhuman Durability: Speed's physiology also provides him with limited protection against impact forces and the high levels of friction that are produced when he moves at superhuman speed.

    Superhuman Strength: Speed possesses a limited degree of superhuman strength, allowing him to lift about 800 lbs with his arms and 1 ton with his legs.

    Accelerated Perception: Speed's brain processes information at an accelerated rate to match his bodily speed, enabling him to perceive his surroundings while traveling at high velocities. To him, this makes it seems as if the world is going in slow motion.
    Physical Strength
    He can press between 800 pounds to 1 ton with his lower body and lift about 800 to 1000 pounds in his upper body.

    Despite possessing some level of superhuman durability, things such as bullets and energy blasts can injure him the same way they injure a regular person.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Jaycen (Earth-616)

    Jaycen [1]
    Jason,[3] Korvostax[3]


    Inhuman Physiology: As a Inhuman, Flint's physiology differs greatly from the average homo sapiens. When he transformed his body took on the consistency of the element he controls.[16]

    Geokinesis: Flint's power allows him to manipulate the earth around and within him to a degree. Anytime he uses his powers, what appears to be green lightning appears around his arms and connects to the earth he controls. He has the potential to control mountains[17] and even Pluto itself.[18]
    Rock Armor: Flint can use his geokinesis to call rocks to form a shell around to create armor.[19]

    Superhuman Strength/Durability: While covered in this armor, Flint possesses superhuman strength and durability.

    Flight: Flint can use earth under his power to fly himself and others to different locations, by standing on large stones.[20]

    Ground Rupturing: He can cause the earth he controls to rupture as if it were exploding.[21]
    Earth Constructs: He can manipulate dirt and soil into specific shapes.[22]

    Crystallokinesis: Under the enhancement of the Skyspear's Primagen, Flint's powers have been altered into something new.[12] As his body was steadily being converted into a crystalline substance, he found that he could change and alternate it from his own body at will.[15]

    Crystal Constructs: Jaycen can craft crystal from his own body into intricate shapes and forms.[13]

    Earth Mimicry: Due to his transformation flint takes on the properties of his powers, initially he had a lighter body weight before his transformation. Eventually he could learn to shift the stones on his face away to gain a more normalized appearance.[23]

    Crystal Mimicry: After making contact with the Primagen in the Proginator's skyspear, Jaycen began to steadily transform into an unknown crystal substance which exposes his skeleton through it.[24]
  • SuperiorsummonerSuperiorsummoner Member Posts: 1


    Silver samurai


    Trick shot



  • RedonesRedones Member Posts: 1

    Kevin Connor Starbrand

    Molten man



  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Clea (1602) (Mystic)

    Cyclops (1602) (Mutant)

    Black Widow (1602) (Skill)

    Silver Samurai (Shingen Harada II) (Skill)

    Dogpool (Science)

    Man-Spider (Science)

    Thang (Science)

    Spider-Man (1602) (Mystic)

    Faustia (Mystic)
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,444 ★★★★★

    When classic covers like this come across my timeline, I’m struck by how much fun it would be to have the Invaders in game.

    Namor and a pair of Caps are already in game, and both Caps could stand to get a synergy boost. Union Jack could be a terrific Skill or Science champ (with potential synergy links to other UK champs), the original Human Torch (who was an Android with ties to Vision) could tie in with the Visions as well as other robots, and Spitfire (whose blood transfusion from the original Torch after being bitten by Baron Blood, another potential champ—who could tie in with Dracula, if he ever makes his appearance in MCoC) makes for an interesting fire-based speedster combo. Add in the Roger Aubrey Destroyer for good mix and maybe even enhance Bucky’s synergies and you’re off to a great start. Plus there’s this Red Skull guy who might benefit from new synergies (maybe even introduce the WW2 Skull?).

    Need more? The Invaders potentially bring in ways to introduce everything from Kree characters to John Walker’s US Agent as well as a variety of HYDRA characters like Strucker and Zemo and last, but not least, the brilliant and incomparable Arnim Zola. The team links up with so many Marvel characters from way back as well as currently and present potentially fun and interesting templates for champ kit-building.

    Great opportunity. Hope someone takes a look (and I know this belongs in Suggestions, but the Suggestions page is more like the suggestions “pasture.”

    Dr. Zola
  • Wildblue333Wildblue333 Member Posts: 405 ★★
    DrZola said:

    When classic covers like this come across my timeline, I’m struck by how much fun it would be to have the Invaders in game.

    Namor and a pair of Caps are already in game, and both Caps could stand to get a synergy boost. Union Jack could be a terrific Skill or Science champ (with potential synergy links to other UK champs), the original Human Torch (who was an Android with ties to Vision) could tie in with the Visions as well as other robots, and Spitfire (whose blood transfusion from the original Torch after being bitten by Baron Blood, another potential champ—who could tie in with Dracula, if he ever makes his appearance in MCoC) makes for an interesting fire-based speedster combo. Add in the Roger Aubrey Destroyer for good mix and maybe even enhance Bucky’s synergies and you’re off to a great start. Plus there’s this Red Skull guy who might benefit from new synergies (maybe even introduce the WW2 Skull?).

    Need more? The Invaders potentially bring in ways to introduce everything from Kree characters to John Walker’s US Agent as well as a variety of HYDRA characters like Strucker and Zemo and last, but not least, the brilliant and incomparable Arnim Zola. The team links up with so many Marvel characters from way back as well as currently and present potentially fun and interesting templates for champ kit-building.

    Great opportunity. Hope someone takes a look (and I know this belongs in Suggestions, but the Suggestions page is more like the suggestions “pasture.”

    Dr. Zola

    I would love to see a World War II month, maybe next memorial day or Veteran's day. Spitfire would work but bring in a WWII villian as well. Baron Zemo or Baron Blood, the **** Vampire. 3rd Choice would be the Iron Cross, a WWII Iron man for the Nazis Would also be a great time in into Captian Carter for the game

  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,599 ★★★★★
    Pls add Purgatory (Herald of Galactus)

  • Eye90Eye90 Member Posts: 2



    Yellow Jacket (Rita DeMara)

    Scarlet Scarab (Abdul Faoul)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    Noh-Varr (Earth-200080)

    Marvel Boy
    Captain Marvel,[1] Ensign Marvel,[2] Mobile Defense Unit 564,[3] Protector[4]


    Enhanced Kree Physiology: Noh-Varr is an alternate universe Kree warrior, enhanced with cockroach DNA and nanobiology.[2] He has demonstrated enhanced physical capabilities well beyond that of either normal humans or standard Kree.

    Superhuman Strength: Noh-Varr is incredibly strong. His strength is greater than that of the average Kree male (whom can press lifting approximately 2 tons) and far exceeds that of a human being. Noh-Varr can lift 25 tons.[57]

    Superhuman Speed: He is very fast; his top speed is at around 150 mph,[58] exceeding most conventional vehicles, and enabling him to walk up walls defying gravity.[59]

    Superhuman Agility: Noh-Varr's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. this coupled with his speed and reflexes allowed him to outmaneuver Oubliette while riding her bullet bike. [3]

    Superhuman Durability: Noh-Varr has a triple jointed musculature structure, which is much more durable than that of an average human being or Kree. He is capable of withstanding injuries of all types and impacts that would kill both of either race. He is also capable of surviving severe full-body burns.[43]

    Superhuman Stamina: He is capable of running at peak capacity for an undefined period of time.[7]

    Superhuman Reflexes: Noh-Varr's reaction time is high enough to dodge bullets and laser fire with ease.[7]

    FTL Flight: On a few occasions Noh-Varr has shown the ability to achieve escape velocity levels of unassisted aviary propulsion.[18] Whether this is through technological function or inherent superhuman capability has not been disclosed.[60]

    Self-Sustenance: When Noh-Varr flew into outer space he did so without any life support system technology on hand. Indicating that Marvel Boy can survive indefinitely within the most hostile of environs without food, drink, rest or any real means of nourishment.[18]
    Nanobot Injection: Noh-Varr was injected by the Kree with nanobots in his bloodstream enabling him to reroute pain sensations.[2] His saliva triggers hallucinations to anyone that it comes into contact with. If interacting or physically interfaced with technology foreign to his system he can exert control over it at will.[3]

    Mental Control Over Body: He can control his body's growth, and adrenaline bursts enabling him to grow or solidify his hair at will,[7] and enter a "White Run" mode to where he is capable of ignoring any distractions while moving at his fastest doing whatever means necessary to accomplish his goals.[61] This mental control includes a total control over his brain: For example, he was able to redirect pain to his auditory cortex to avoid pain.[2]
    Wall-Crawling: Due to his insect DNA, he can walk on walls and ceilings with ease.[2]

    Super hearing: He also has a layer of tympanic membrane covering his skin, allowing to pick up sound more effectively.[58]

    Grenade and poisonous nails: Due to the nanotechnology in his system and the genetic augmentations he underwent, Noh-Varr can extend his fingernails singly or all digits into razor sharp bombs.[2] A single nail can shatter thick skinned adversaries as well as damage the surrounding environment.[14] He also used his nails to poison dimensional traveler Lyra when she attacked New York searching for Norman Osborn.[62]


    Skilled Combatant: Noh-Varr is very skilled in armed and unarmed combat utilizing extreme athletics and limited gymnastics. He is capable of fending off multiple opponents at once.[61]

    Skilled Marksman: He is an excellent sharpshooter.[63]

    Skilled Pilot: He can pilot all types of specially designed aircrafts, be they Kree or otherwise.[2]


    Pocket Battlefield: Noh-Varr's second most used device is called the Pocket Battlefield. It appeared as a pink square which would expand and take in anyone in the area. The battlefield is able to be one of 9 different settings each having its own physics. Noh-Varr explained to Lyra that while in the Battlefield, he controls all ten of its axes. It shifts whoever enters it into a pocket dimension with its own specialized physics.[62] He's seen using it again to keep the Asterion he and the Inhuman Royals commandeered from crashing into a fiery wreck with them still on it by treating the falling, screaming damaged heap like a superball.[64]

    Plex: Out of all his equipment, Noh-Varr's most helpful is his spaceship's Living Database, Plex. Plex could telepathically give Noh-Varr information to help him complete his missions. Plex also had the ability to release an "Omniwave" which would allow him to control the thoughts/emotions of large groups of people. Plex died when S.H.I.E.L.D. took Noh-Varr into custody. While Noh-Varr had control of the Cube, he created a digital version of Plex, but it was destroyed by the Skrull Invasion. Eventually recreating it and giving him over to Ronan The Accuser in order to ease his own guilt, given that Noh-Varr could part with this means he has more than one of the A.I.[41]

    His alien metals lined super-dense costume.[6]

    Jet-boots and Mini Jet: While leaving the Cube, Noh-Varr took with him a pair of jet-boots and a mini jet. When he entered the final battle, during the Secret Invasion, he crashed the minijet. He hasn't worn the jet-boots since the Invasion, but he still may have access to them.[13]

    Gauntlets: Noh-Varr has had various weapons and gadgets that he has gained from the ship, the Marvel. The most famous of his tools are a pair of bracelets that're able to transform into various shapes. He usually has it take the form of some sort of gun. It is able to fire various blast, most commonly, a plasma blast. This blast can be a simple concussive blast to a blast that can destroy buildings. Recently, Lindy Reynolds had taken Noh-Varr's gun and turned it on her husband, Sentry. The blast was strong enough to burn Sentry's face down to his bones. Once while fighting Lyra, he formed his gauntlet into a bladed weapon.[65] He has also used them to block attacks, like Kate Bishop's arrow.[61]

    Replicator Mines: A weapon Noh-Varr used in his assault on the world, their Kree weapons that duplicate across a wide radius casing untold destruction. it was used as a gun ammunition for his gauntlet blaster.[7]

    KreeTech Nunchaku: Kree modeled device based off an earth born armament, they are two weighted stick lengths tethered by an energized cable line which reach great distances. Noh-Varr mainly used them while in closed quarters during battle.Template:RDark Reign: The List - Wolverine Vol 1 1

    Composite Soul-Bow: Another armament molded after a man-made invention. Discharges violet hued energy in the shape of quivers.[27]

    Nega-Bands from Dark Avengers Annual Vol 1 1 001.jpg

    Noh-Varr obtaining the Nega-Bands
    After the desertion from the Dark Avengers, Noh-Varr received a pair of Nega-Bands that were created just for him by the Supreme Intelligence. Their power levels thus far are vast with these bands Noh-Varr gains a new costume further enhancing his strength and durability enabling him to physically injure heavily armored opponents and survive most sorts of impact and trauma, teleport, emit concussive blasts able to belt wonder man, erect powerful force fields that can deter Ultron, avoid most all forms of detection, pick up trace energy signatures for analysis, project interactive projected holograms and fly at high speeds. These bands are also more technical than previous iterations for example they can transform into advanced mechanical pieces (notably larger than the bands themselves) to fabricate useful pieces of equipment and weaponry used for constructing transdimensional apparatuses or creating weapons which can stop a divine powered Maestro. These new bands also seemed to bestow technopathic capabilities to him as well being able to commandeer multiple iron man armors from an alternate reality. Most recently they were destroyed when he turned on the Supreme Intelligence by Ronan.[25]


    The Marvel: A ship equipped with Kirby engines and the Plex omnichronal bio computer system, allowing to travel and navigate across the vast infinity of the Multiverse.[2] Internal defenses include the Helicoptera; insectoid shaped mini-bots with knife edged propeller like wings that could fly at incredible speeds eviscerating anything in their path.[10]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Charlie Cluster-7 (Earth-616)

    Charlie Cluster-7[1][2]
    Editorial Names:
    Mutant Man of Mystery[7]
    Other Aliases:
    Jean-Phillipe,[4][5] Weapon XIII,[6] "Jean-Phillipe Charles",[7][8] Uncle Cluster,[9] Man Made of Mirrors,[10] "Le Fantomex" (by himself),[11] "Fanto",[11] "Mex" (by E.V.A.),[11] "Astérix" (by Cable)[11]


    Fantomex is an artificially-evolved human, an engineered mutate with three brains for independent parallel processing and 'nano-active blood'.[20] Fantomex's primary nervous system is actually a detachable techno-organism called E.V.A.[1]

    After being killed, he was cloned in a way that his three brains each received a body, leading to the existence of Fantomex, Cluster, and Weapon XIII. Later, the clones were thought to have been reabsorbed back into his original body but this was not the case. He is also a mutant.[15]

    E.V.A.: An autonomous picotech entity manifesting his primary nervous system externally,[1] with retractable landing legs, hovering and propulsion capabilities, morphing doorways, passenger room, and a machine consciousness. He can see through E.V.A.'s point of view and can take control of her movement. However, this requires extreme concentrations on the part of Fantomex. Moreover, E.V.A can fly "herself" and can generate bio-electric charges to be used as weapons. Fantomex is both telepathically and symbiotically linked to E.V.A. As a result, whenever E.V.A. is traumatized or injured, Fantomex experiences the same pain.[52]
    Pain Suppression: While separated, Fantomex feels no pain and seems able to ignore most injuries.[1]
    Externalized Neuroweapons System: Fantomex recently showed he could eject E.V.A. as a ball of bio-electrostatic energy that can shock and immobilize enemy designates through the usage of her onboard picotech.[39]

    Cyber Mind: Similarly in the way Sage possesses more of a program in place of her own gray matter, Fantomex too possesses a technological thought processor for a cerebellum due in part to his sentinel like design.[39] It is what and where his original three minds stem from and enables him to swap between the multitudinous personas of Cluster and Weapon XIII.[12]

    Multiple Brains: Charlie has excess cognitive cerebral functioning in the form of two extra programs applied to his gestate design.[39] One is the charmer which gives Fantomx his incredible social ability and charisma, while the other is the deadly hunter killer of mutants he was designed to be who governs his abilities of deception.[12]

    Misdirection: Ability to 'misdirect' another person, including the use of illusions. Together, their combined consciousnesses can create extremely convincing illusions. It seems even powerful telepaths cannot truly tell if he is lying or not. This includes misdirecting someone's feelings.[53]
    Healing Trance: He can place himself in a trance-like state to recover from injuries. In this state he has been known to forcibly expel bullets and recover faster while placed in water.[4]

    Nano-Active Blood: The techno-active bodily fluids flushed throughout Fantomex's system program his conscious mind to believe in absolutely nothing greater than himself.[24] Not love, not god, not teamwork; making him the dysfunctional epitome of strength for the sake of strength. This makes him resistant to the godly influence and most conceivable forms of mind control out there giving him the depth of will needed to push through with his mission.[40]

    Body Supremacy: His techno brain gives Fantomex minor control over his physiological state of being. This was demonstrated by how he managed to reorder his damaged physiology by utilizing a digitized variant of the Volga Effect to essentially resurrect and modify himself after he was fatally shot in the head by Domino.[54]

    Regenerative Healing Factor: Fantomex boasts a limited healing factor, courtesy of his self mastery.[55] But it pales in comparison to Logan's as he could not regenerate lost or destroyed bodily organs such as his face or heart.[34]

    Superhuman Intelligence: Even despite his flamboyant and egocentric wiles, Fantomex boasts an impressive analytic tactile cunning when it comes to various subjects. Items such as psychology, anatomy, mathematics, and espionage are all within his purview. Through E.V.A.s help he was the only one amongst a hosts of geniuses and weapons engineers who figured out how to rewrite the Volga process of super empowerment after suborning a digitized copy of his formula from the pixilated mind of Hope.[39] After dying and getting his entire physiology reset by the enhancement process, not only did he cut out the fatalistic neural biophysical combustion cycle which plagued all other subjects affected by it. But through his cybernetic processing power, figured out a means to rewrite the codex integrated into his nervous system in order to gain all new powers at any given moment on the fly.[56]

    Secondary Nervous System: Fantomex possesses a secondary, internal nervous system that he can activate to prevent negative feedback from E.V.A., but its functions are limited, allowing him to see only in black & white.[20]
    Externalized Nervous System: Unlike typical humans designed with their neural network on the inside, Charlie's CNS is exposed to the wider world which vastly increases his sensory range beyond the norm.[57]

    Enhanced Senses: Cluster boasts vastly augmented sensory range compared to the finest human specimen, with these attributes he could even sense the presence of the regularly misbegotten ForgetMeNot.[58]
    Unnoticeability Immunity[58]

    Superhuman Agility
    Enhanced Strength:
    Inodorosity: His body doesn't create any scent, making it difficult for even the likes of Wolverine to track him.[8]
    A few hundred thousand volts? I'm not so easy to hurt, Mister Summers.

    Self-Power Bestowal/Volga Effect: After having pirated a copy of Hope Summer's affliction who in turn had copied the fatal chemical augment from her stricken father, Fantomex managed to fabricate a digitized version of what ails them both.[59] Rewriting it to enabling him use of its empowering effects without self-destructing but also bestowing and developing whole new powers on the fly onto himself whenever he pleases.[60]
    Techno-Organic Wings: Fabricated a pair of jet black aerial extremities resembling those of a former comrade after having re-purposed the Surrogate Phy/Psi. Nervous System as Doctor Nemesis calls it, beyond being able to use them as razor blades due to near monomolecular sharpness coupled with the discharging of razor flechettes.[54]

    Enhanced Speed: Having been ported into the sun itself and making it back to earth within mere moments showcasing he has escape velocity to virtual light speed motion.[42]
    Accelerating Regeneration: Fantomex's healing factor had been greatly augmented under the Volga Effect, being able to revive himself from a bullet to the head in mere moments. Even getting sliced to ribbons by a frenzied marrow and then blown apart in a massive explosion wasn't enough as his scattered bits culminated in order to rebuild himself once again.[60]

    Energy Manipulation: First manifesting this capability shortly after getting shot behind his skull, he lashes out with countless energized tendrils similar to Volga when he first appears before X-Force. After time and practice he shows to control and discharge various other energies in the form of fire balls or plasma.[40]
    Energy Blasts: can discharge potent quantities of red energy from various points of his body at will.[61]

    Force Fields:[61]
    Psychic Force Manipulation: can use the energies at his disposal under the Volga Effect to simulate telekinetic and telepathic feats, such as creating painful mind screams to disorientate or compress and crush a living being into nothing.[39]

    Size Shifting:[61]
    Enhanced Strength:[42]
    Enhanced Durability:: His toughness had been augmented greatly after he upgraded tanking a bomb blast to the face and shrug it off with ease, withstanding assaults from multiple X-Force-espionage and other such super-powered assailants with ease, even being teleported into the surface of the Sun so much as only slightly singed him as did re-entry into Earth's atmosphere.[62]

    Fantomex is a skilled marksman and a formidable hand-to-hand combatant. He can also read the body language of others with unparalleled precision. This, coupled with his superhuman abilities, makes him a master of misdirection. Fantomex is also able to place himself in a state of light auto-hypnosis to perform critical tasks, such as self surgery.[4]

    He speaks English. He does uses often French words and a French accent, but in fact doesn't speak french.[11]

    Psychological Imbalance: The programming of the faithlessness his nanites imbue can cause severe mental duress for Charlie. As the lack of faith in empathy can cause him to develop sociopathic tendencies due to being one-upped by people better than him in certain criteria.[11]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Angela (Earth-311) / (Angela of Earth-616) Amora (Earth-616)

    Editorial Names:
    Witch Hunter Angela
    Other Aliases:
    Angela of the Holy Order,[2] Dealmaker,[3] Faustian Queen,[3] Good Sister Angela,[2] Queen Faustia,[4] The Queen of All Dealmakers,[1] Queen of Faerie[1]

    Seemingly those of the Enchantress.

    Powers and Abilities


    EnchantressThe Enchantress possesses the conventional attributes of an Asgardian woman ("goddess"), as well as a mastery over certain sorcerous disciplines:

    Superhuman Strength: Amora is superhumanly strong, possessing physical strength roughly average for an Asgardian woman. At her peak, she is able to lift about 25 tons.

    Superhuman Speed: Amora can run and move at speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

    Superhuman Stamina: Amora's Asgardian musculature is considerably more efficient than that of a human being. Her muscles produce considerably fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than human muscles. At her peak, she can exert herself physically for about 24 hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in her blood begins to impair her.

    Superhumanly Dense Tissue: Amora's bodily tissues, like those of all Asgardians, possesses roughly three times the density of human bodily tissues. This contributes somewhat to her superhuman strength, her durability, and her weight.

    Superhuman Durability: Like all Asgardians, Amora's body is much more resistant to conventional physical injury than a human being. She can withstand great impacts, exposure to temperature extremes, and powerful energy blasts that would severely injure or kill a human being with no injury to herself.

    Regenerative Healing Factor: It is possible for Amora to sustain an injury, despite her body's resistance. In such an event, Amora's superior metabolism enables her to heal injuries much faster and more extensively than a normal human would be capable of. However, she is unable to regenerate missing limbs or organs without the aid of powerful magical assistance.

    Superhuman Longevity: Unlike some other god pantheons, such as the Olympians, the Asgardians do age, though it is at a pace vastly slower than a human. Although she is several millennia old in age, Amora has the appearance and vitality of an Asgardian woman in her prime. She is, however, immune to all known Earthly diseases and infections.

    Superhuman Agility: Amora's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

    Superhuman Reflexes: Amora's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.

    Allspeak: Thanks to the Allspeak Asgardians can communicate in all of the languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's dialects, and various alien languages.

    Sorcery: The Enchantress' magical powers are among the most powerful of all Asgardians. The Enchantress's strength and proficiency with magic is second only to Karnilla,[59][60][61] with enough power even in the Earthly realm to cloud the sight of Agamotto through his Orb for hours from the view of Doctor Strange. The Enchantress' powers derive from two main sources: her innate capacity to manipulate ambient Asgardian magical energy (of power-objects and entities found therein or merely Asgard's natural magic) honed through practice, and her acquired knowledge of spells and enchantments of Asgardian origin.

    Spell Casting: Amora is an exceptionally powerful sorceress capable of casting complex spells. She once cursed the entire earth, causing it to rain blood across the entire planet and animate every human corpse.[62] Even Odin seemed incapable of reversing it (although he cared little for it). She has also shown capable of casting spell's that slow down an opponents reactions and also cast a spell that prevented a small army from fighting.

    Energy Projection: Amora can use her sorcery to generate powerful blasts of concussive force, heat, or light.

    Teleportation: Amora can teleport within a single dimension, or across the various dimensional places of the Nine Worlds of Asgard.

    Levitation/Flight The Enchantress can levitate and fly.

    Disguise/Illusions: Either through illusion or physical transformation, the Enchantress can also alter her appearance, taking the shape of other humanoid beings, or change the appearance of her clothing.

    Transmutation: Amora can turn men into trees or statues with a kiss, or spell. This power is effective even from other dimensions.[24]

    Gold and Diamond Tears: Much like Freya who produced golden tears, the Enchantress' tear turned into gold and diamond.[6]

    Paralysis: The Enchantress can paralyze multiple enemies with a spell

    Energy Shields: The Enchantress can summon incredibly powerful force fields. She has withstood blows from the likes of Thor and the Hulk, and even the force of a small nuclear bomb going off.

    Life Force Absorption: The Enchantress can absorb the life force of other beings to temporarily enhance her own powers. For conscious beings, she requires consent to perform the act, however to those of lesser intelligence she can do so at will. It is unknown as to whether there are set boundaries, as she required Volcana's permission, yet could affect the Lizard at will.

    Time Disruption: The Enchantress can manipulate time with a subtle spell. She can reverse time, so as to prevent events from ever happening. She can protect others from the power of this spell at will.

    Telekinesis: Amora can magically move objects with the force of thought, with our without the aid of a runic or vocally-casted spell, though the limits of her abilities are unknown.

    Telepathy: The Enchantress can read minds, project her thoughts onto others, exchange her mind with another, perform mind control, sense when a telepath is trying to read her or her allies thoughts, and shield her and others' minds from telepathic intrusions and attacks, which are so powerful that even Charles Xavier could not penetrate her defenses.

    Hypnosis: Amora's gaze and voice are hypnotic, and prolonged focus on both can send mortals into a deep thrall, under which they are susceptible to any suggestion placed by her. A trained hypnotist, Amora can force her subjects to do or think anything she commands through verbal or telepathic suggestion, as well as placing post-hypnotic suggestions that can be unconsciously triggered by her even after the spell is lifted.

    Astral Projection: Amora can project her astral form from her body. It is not affected by the laws of physics and can combat other astral beings. She can also simply project her voice.

    Mystical Senses: Amora can sense the presence of magical energies nearby, impending danger, and others' inner feelings of love.

    Seduction: The main focus of the Enchantress' powers has been the enhancement of her natural beauty and allure so that men, mortal or otherwise, are overwhelmed with desire for her. Her powers are so great she could even affect beings as powerful as the Red Onslaught simply by speaking to him. She has enchanted her lips so that a single kiss is sufficient to make virtually any man a slave to her will, obedient to her every command, for about a week. Subsequent kisses enable her to enthrall someone's will indefinitely.


    Amora has amassed a great deal of mystical lore that rivals that of Loki and Karnilla, is an expert in the art of seduction, both natural and supernatural.

    Physical Strength

    Class 25, Amora can lift 25 tons.[7]


    Amora's spells derive their potency from Asgardian sources (such as power objects or entities) and thus are most potent when used in the dimension of Asgard itself. A prolonged absence from Asgard tends to diminish her powers altogether, though they never fade completely. Although she has a superhuman physique, Amora has little to no experience in hand-to-hand combat, typically relying on minions to fight for her. The Enchantress cannot access her spells with her hands bound and her mouth gagged.[63] Previously cast spells like her enhanced aura of seduction, however, can continue to function. She was once able to seduce a Frost Giant with her gaze alone while bound and gagged.[30]

    Seemingly those of the Angela of Earth-616.


    Asgardian Physiology: Like all Asgardians, Angela has:[40]

    Superhuman Strength:[40] As the daughter of Odin, she would naturally have far greater strength than the average Asgardian. Considering her ability to match an admittedly weary and wounded Thor blow for blow, noting that he had "a slight edge in raw strength."[4]

    Superhuman Stamina: Angela's advanced musculature is considerably more efficient than that of a human and most other Asgardians. Her virtually inexhaustible stamina enables her to hold her breath for an undefined period of time, and exert herself at peak capacity for months without tiring at all.

    Superhuman Durability:[40] Being an Asgardian Goddess, Angela possesses virtual invulnerability and immunity to all known Earthly diseases and infections. She has so far comfortably flown through the vacuum of space.

    Superhuman Speed: Angela is very fast, even for a Goddess. It was said that she is faster than the Dísir, who is faster than the speed of lightning.[14]

    Healing Factor: Angela is not invulnerable to all harm and it is possible sufficient blunt physical force can injure her. But due to her unique physiology she is able to heal from most injuries much faster than a human being could.[9]
    Longevity:[40] It is a common misconception that Angela and the other Gods of Asgard are truly immortal. Angela and the other members of her race do age but at a rate so slow that to other beings they give the appearance of immortality.
    Allspeak: Thanks to the Allspeak, Angela can communicate in all of the languages of the Ten Realms, Earth's dialects, and various alien languages.
    Enhanced Senses: Angela is capable of tracking her prey through scent.[40]

    Flight: Angela has shown the ability to fly, not only in the atmosphere but also in the vacuum of space. Through which means she is capable of doing so is currently unknown.[40]

    space. Through which means she is capable of doing so is currently unknown.[40]

    Self Sustenance: She is capable of surviving in the vacuum of space without needing to breathe. Whether or not she requires other sustenance, such as food or water, is unknown.

    Angela is a highly skilled hunter, soldier, and hand-to-hand combatant. She is also an expert with any bladed weapon.[40]

    Lightning: Angela was shown to be vulnerable to lightning at least on one occasion. That is presumably due to the time she spent on Heven.[40]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Brunnhilde (Earth-616)

    Brunnhilde [1] (also spelled Brunnhilda,[1][2] Brunhilde,[3] Brynhildr)[1]
    Bright Battle,[1] Val,[4] Sword-Girl,[4] Valk,[4] Valerie;[5] inhabited or shared the bodies of Barbara Norriss,[6] Samantha Parrington,[7] Sian Bowen,[8] Annabelle Riggs[9]


    Asgardian Physiology: Brunnhilde possesses all of the various superhuman attributes common among the Asgardians.

    Superhuman Strength: Brunnhilde, like all Asgardians, possesses superhuman strength. She is significantly stronger than any other Valkyrie, and most other Asgardian men and women for that matter. She can lift up to 45 tons whereas the average Asgardian male and female can lift 30 and 25 tons respectively.

    Superhuman Speed: Brunnhilde can run and move at speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
    Superhuman Stamina: Brunhilde's advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a human being. At her peak, she can exert herself physically at peak capacity for about 24 hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in her blood begins to impair her.

    Superhumanly Dense Tissue: Brunhilde's bodily tissue, like that of all Asgardians, possesses about 3 times the density of the bodily tissue of a human. As a result, she is much heavier than she appears and her denser tissue contributes somewhat to her physical strength.

    Superhuman Durability: Brunhilde's body is much harder and more resistant to conventional forms of physical injury than the body of a human. She can withstand falls from great heights, exposure to extremes in both temperature and pressure, high caliber bullets, and tremendous impact forces without sustaining injury.

    Superhuman Agility: Brunhilde's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete.

    Superhuman Reflexes: Brunhilde's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.

    Superhuman Longevity: Like all Asgardians, Brunnhilde is extremely long lived and ages at a pace much slower than that of a human being. However, unlike some other god pantheons like the Olympians, Asgardians do continue to age.

    Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite her body's great resistance, Brunnhilde can sustain physical injury just like any other Asgardian. If injured, her metabolism enables her to rapidly regenerate damaged bodily tissue faster and more extensive than a human being is capable of. Injuries such as slashes and puncture wounds can heal completely within a matter of hours and broken bones within a matter of days. However, she isn't able to regenerate a severed limb or missing organ.

    Death Perception: Like all Valkyries, Brunnhilde can perceive and sense the coming of Death. She can see a "death-glow" surrounding a person who is in serious danger of dying, although most Asgardians and human beings cannot see the glow. A person surrounded by the death-glow might still be saved from dying until he or she meets his or her inevitable end at some later time under different circumstances.

    Mystical Teleportation: Brunnhilde can transport herself and a dying or dead person from the Earth dimension to an other-dimensional realm of the dead, just by willing herself to do so. She can also return through an act of will.

    Allspeak: Thanks to the Allspeak Asgardians can communicate in all of the languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's dialects, and various alien languages.

    Brunnhilde has had extensive training in unarmed combat swordplay, and horseback riding. Her natural fighting ability is unsurpassed among Asgardian women, and is perhaps equaled only by Sif.


    Unnamed iron spear

    Dragonfang: an Oriental wizard named Kahji-Da was said to have carved the sword from the tusk of an extra-dimensional dragon. The sword eventually passed into the possession of the Ancient One, who in turn gave it to his disciple Doctor Strange. Strange awarded the sword to the Valkyrie after she had returned the current Black Knight's Ebony Blade, which she had been using, to its rightful owner. Dragonfang is virtually indestructible.

    * Captain America's Shield: When she and some of her allies were ambushed by the D.O.A., Valkyrie briefly wielded Captain America's shield.[40]
    Brunnhilde rides the artificially engineered winged horse, Aragorn, a gift from the Black Knight (Dane Whitman).[38][39]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Frederick Dukes (Earth-616)

    Frederick J. "Fred" Dukes
    Fredrick,[1] Fatso,[2] Tubby,[2] Big Man,[2] Brainless Lummox,[2] Horseman of Bounty,[citation needed] Freddie Dukes[3]


    The Blob's mutant powers relate to the mass, strength, resilience, and indestructibility of his obese body.

    Gravitational Mass Allocation: Blob's main superhuman ability was to become virtually immovable at will as long as he was in contact with the ground. He did this by bonding himself to the earth beneath him by force of will, which in effect created a mono-directional increase of gravity beneath him. This gravity field extended about five feet in radius from his center of balance.[37] Thus if there were sufficient power to uproot him, it would take the ground beneath his feet in an area corresponding to the radius of the field. Through intense concentration, the Blob was able to extend the gravity field beneath him farther than five feet. It can be presumed with the onset of various manipulations to his physiology that Fred's core mutation had been restored.[38][39]

    Superhuman Durability and Strength: The Blob's body possesses a high degree of resistance to injury. The fat tissues that comprise the Blob's epidermis are able to absorb the impact of rifle bullets, cannonballs, bazooka, and even torpedoes. The fat tissue of his epidermis is resilient enough to revert to its normal shape within seconds after deformation caused by impact. It is virtually impervious to physical injury. The Blob's skin cannot be punctured or lacerated by most known materials, frostbitten, or ravaged by any skin disease, due in part to the skin's great elasticity and toughness and in part to the highly accelerated rate at which his skin cells grow and replace themselves. It is not yet known if there is an upper limit to the Blob's ability to absorb impact. He could easily survive a head-on collision with a bus traveling at a hundred miles per hour,[citation needed] even a highly ferrous meteorite fifty feet in diameter on top of him at terminal velocity.[citation needed]

    Implosion Inducement: Through a few weeks of focus and concentration Blob is able to manipulate his gravitational aura outwards in order to trigger a localized collapse of solid matter by dragging it into himself. It is a skill in which Mystique showed him while imprisoned at the U.S. Maximum Security Penitentiary.[14]

    Pain Immunity: The Blob's nerve endings do not relay any tactile perception to his brain, which is near the threshold of pain, which makes it so that he is unable to feel pain.

    Trapping: Blob is able to capture anything that attacks him within his flesh, including limbs and projectiles. He is able to control how long he holds the object and releasing it with or without the recoil pressure. However, it takes the Blob’s full concentration on trapping an object or individual, and if he were to focus on something else or get distracted by an attack from another person, he would lose control of his muscles and release who or whatever he was holding with his body.

    Projectile Redirection: After Blob's body absorbs the kinetic energy of a projectile's impact, he can expel the object back. Fired projectiles would be embedded within the Blob’s body and, by flexing the muscles where the projectile hits, he can cause the projectile to recoil with half the force of impact, reflecting it back at half speed. The Blob can also recoil a punch thrown at him and throw the opponent back a good distance.

    Mass Shifting: Through training with Onslaught and Sledge, Blob is able to manipulate his mass to mimic shape-shifting, using it to enhance the size and extension of his limbs. He can make his fists the size of a human.[16]

    Body Deforming: Blob figured out he could elasticize his limbs in order to stretch & embiggen them an undetermined extent.[16]
    Secondary Mutation: After undergoing the Mothervine enhancement process, Blob developed a secondary mutation:

    Liquid Form: Blob possesses the ability to deliquesce his body to an undetermined extent.[27] When he first manifested this ability, he quickly lost control and liquified into a puddle.[38]

    The Blob is a formidable hand to hand combatant. Although he possesses no formal training, his great size coupled with his strength and resistance to injury render him a highly efficient and effective street fighter.

    While not superhuman, the Blob has higher speed, agility, and stamina than his size would indicate, which he often uses to surprise his opponents.

    Projected energy attacks, like Scott Summers' optic blasts, have been seen to penetrate his skin.
    The Blob's eyes and the interior of his ears, mouth, and nose are also vulnerable to injury.
    The Blob is vulnerable to a concussion, such as during his run-in with Daredevil during his days in Freedom Force. Daredevil had the girl Amanda, whom Blob and Pyro were ordered to capture, use her telekinetic powers to drop a large bell on Blob, which knocked Blob out after Daredevil lured him to the Bell Tower.[41]
    The Blob has a higher alcohol tolerance than a normal human due to his size, though he can still be intoxicated if he ingests huge amounts of alcohol.[41]
    Blob relies on Mutant Growth Hormone to maintain his powers.[23]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Kobik (Earth-616)


    Near-Omnipotence: Kobik was described as a being of near-absolute power. The way she uses her powers has been described as seeking what's pure and good in anything, and giving it life. Her abilities involved changing someone's appearance and reviving the dead.[2]

    Omnipresence: Kobik was able to be in the company of both S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Red Skull at the same time.[3]

    Kobik had the mentality of a child, making her susceptible to manipulation and trickery. She also had the misguided view that Hydra was good and would transform certain people into followers of Hydra, always against their will. Furthermore, if she became extremely emotional, her powers could go out of control and threaten everything and everyone around her and even reality itself.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Jonothon Starsmore (Earth-616)

    Jonothon "Jono" Evan Starsmore[1]
    Blue Banshee,[3] Blue Boy,[4] "Walking Band-Aid"[5]


    Chamber is a mutant.

    Jonothon Starsmore (Earth-616) and Gayle Edgerton (Earth-616) from Weapon X Vol 2 16 001.jpg

    Jono's power manifestation
    He was for a time depowered,[32] but Legion's reality warping later recreated his old appearance along with his powers.[13]

    He was stated by Pete Wisdom to be a potential Omega-Class mutant, after his repoweration by Apocalypse's blood.[6]

    Psionic Biokinesis: Chamber was a mutant who was naturally composed of pure psionic energy. In truth his physical body was just a shell for what he truly was.[53][54][1] The initial emergence of his powers blew a hole in his chest and lower face, completely incinerating most of his internal organs.[18][1] Because of this, Chamber no longer needed to eat, drink, or breathe.[53] Oddly enough, Chamber's blood did continue to flow through his extremities.[6][55]

    Biokinetic Flame: Chamber constantly created and unleashed psionic charges of energy that could strike with volatile force. This energy could be projected as a blast from his chest, a series of guided streams that struck specific targets, or as a massive eruption striking in all directions.[5][56]

    Telepathy: After the manifestation of his powers and the loss of half his face, Chamber could only speak via telepathy.[19] Chamber was seemingly not capable of probing thoughts, however, after a lot of training, he could use his abilities to hear someone's thoughts, if they intended to communicate with him.[20]


    Jonothon Starsmore (Earth-616) and Sofia Mantega (Earth-616) from New Warriors Vol 4 7 001.jpg

    Creating solid constructs
    Sonic powers technology: Jonothon, as Decibel, used advanced technology to create sound-based energy powers of an unknown degree.[57] He was shown flying, creating individual force fields around multiple targets (four shown),[58] creating solid-sound energy constructs,[57] and also energy blasts.[2]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    KIA (Earth-616)

    Michael van Patrick
    Ian,[1] Wernher Junior,[1] Captain Shirtless[2]


    KIA was the clone of Michael van Patrick, a peak human, implanted with Armory footage. While under the control of the Tactigon, he was stated to be an Omega Level threat.[8]

    Naturally Enhanced Physiology: Due to KIA being a clone of Michael Van Patrick he has the same powers as the original one, whose strength, endurance, and agility are comparable to Captain America.

    Peak Human Strength: Like MVP, KIA's physical strength is equal to the peak of human potential. His physical strength is above that of a normal human being.

    Peak Human Durability: KIA's body is more resistant to physical injury, to variable degrees, than that of an ordinary human. He seems capable of taking several gunshot and puncture wounds as well as beatings and still stand on his feet.

    Peak Human Agility/Reflexes: KIA's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete. He also reacts instantaneously to any attack.
    Regenerative Healing Factor: He is able to heal broken bones, torn muscles, several gunshot & knife wounds and other severe injuries within a day and most lesser injuries like cuts, scrapes, and burns within an hour or so.

    Decelerated Aging: KIA's rapid regeneration of extremely healthy cells allows him to age at a greatly decelerated rate.

    Peak Human Stamina: KIA's body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing poisons in his muscles and his musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins than the muscles of an ordinary human being, granting him superhuman levels of stamina in all physical activities.


    Formerly Armory's weapon, the Tactigon.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Jaycen (Earth-616)

    Jaycen [1]
    Jason,[3] Korvostax[3]


    Inhuman Physiology: As a Inhuman, Flint's physiology differs greatly from the average homo sapiens. When he transformed his body took on the consistency of the element he controls.[16]

    Geokinesis: Flint's power allows him to manipulate the earth around and within him to a degree. Anytime he uses his powers, what appears to be green lightning appears around his arms and connects to the earth he controls. He has the potential to control mountains[17] and even Pluto itself.[18]
    Rock Armor: Flint can use his geokinesis to call rocks to form a shell around to create armor.[19]

    Superhuman Strength/Durability: While covered in this armor, Flint possesses superhuman strength and durability.

    Flight: Flint can use earth under his power to fly himself and others to different locations, by standing on large stones.[20]

    Ground Rupturing: He can cause the earth he controls to rupture as if it were exploding.[21]
    Earth Constructs: He can manipulate dirt and soil into specific shapes.[22]

    Crystallokinesis: Under the enhancement of the Skyspear's Primagen, Flint's powers have been altered into something new.[12] As his body was steadily being converted into a crystalline substance, he found that he could change and alternate it from his own body at will.[15]

    Crystal Constructs: Jaycen can craft crystal from his own body into intricate shapes and forms.[13]

    Earth Mimicry: Due to his transformation flint takes on the properties of his powers, initially he had a lighter body weight before his transformation. Eventually he could learn to shift the stones on his face away to gain a more normalized appearance.[23]

    Crystal Mimicry: After making contact with the Primagen in the Proginator's skyspear, Jaycen began to steadily transform into an unknown crystal substance which exposes his skeleton through it.[24]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Andrew Maguire (Earth-616)

    Andrew Maguire


    Powers & Abilities
    Due to his exposure to the Parker Particles, Andy is now capable of continually recharging massive amounts of cosmic energy, which he can release in the form of energy blasts, super strength, super speed, force fields, and flight. He was previously only able to manifest one of these abilities at a time, but overcame this limitation in a recent team up with The Avengers. Andrew lost the vast majority of his powers after Peter depowered him, but has since regained them all.

    The accident granted Andy with a different type of superpowers, of which he has only a small proportions and can use only one at a time. Alpha's power is currently at ten percent.[4]

    Cosmic Energy Projection: Andy is able to project a powerful energy blast, bursts and beams from his hands. When under extreme emotional distress, He is able to immediate expel the cosmic energy within his body in a powerful explosion, capable of greatly damaging the area around him.[5]

    Superhuman Strength: Andy possesses superhuman strength, enabling him to be able to lift at least 10 ton.[5]

    Superhuman Speed: Andy can move at superhuman speed, approximately at 88 mph and react quickly to things.[5]

    Force-Field Projection: Andy can create a force field around his body to protect himself from impacts. With enough concentration, He has learned to extend this force-field around others, or even a small area.[5]

    Enhanced Sight: Andy can see objects on a sub-molecular level.[5]
    Enhanced Hearing: Andy can hear things happening anywhere within his immediate vicinity.[5]

    Matter Manipulation[4]

    Andy can use only one ability at a time. He only has limited access to his power, only capable of using it at 10 percent.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Dazzler ( Alison Blaire ) Herold of Galactus 👈👀

    Highly skilled athlete
    Trained singer, actress and dancer
    Highly accomplished roller-skater
    Ability to convert sound into light beams of various forms and intensity

    Powers and Abilities
    Dazzler is a mutant with the ability to transduce sonic vibrations which reach her body into various types of light. This ability seems to operate over a great range of frequencies, including the audible spectrum, and a great variation of sound pressure levels regardless of the complexity, dissonance, or randomness of the sound. Sounds as different as a car crash and a symphonic passage both produce convertible incoming acoustic vibrations.

    Dazzler prefers utilizing the sound of music, particularly that which is rhythmically sustained. Not only is music more pleasant to her ears, but the steady beat of contemporary music provides a more constant source of sound to convert. The precise means by which this conversion process works is as yet unknown. Dazzler has been shown to create a "null space" of sound in a certain radius of her person, as a result of "pulling" the sound in her area to her person, to either protect a crowd of people or to supercharge her power reserves.[71]

    Left undirected, Dazzler's light will radiate from her body in all directions, producing regular flashes of white light. By conscious control over the light she produces, she can control its direction, frequency (color), amplitude (intensity), and duration.

    Dazzler can produce numerous effects. She can create simple patterns out of rays of light or combinations of patterns which produce trance-like effects in her targets. She can create a pulse of light on the order of several thousand watts of power, which temporarily blinds people with its brilliance. She can create a chaotic cascade of sparkling lights and colors that severely upsets other people's equilibrium, or a pulsating strobe-light effect. She can also radiate light in gentle, soothing patterns to calm a person's mood. Dazzler can generate a coherent beam of light, approximating a laser beam. Dazzler can generate a shield from laser energy that can deflect projectiles or energy beams.

    Dazzler has polarizing eyes and cannot be blinded or dazzled by light.[72]

    With effort, she can create holograms of human beings and other three-dimensional beings and objects. With similar effort she can also turn herself temporarily invisible and inaudible.[73] She can also use light energy to generate some form of propulsion for flight or at least rapid ascent.[volume & issue needed]

    She generally directs lasers from a single finger when she requires precision. She most often uses her hands for directing her light effects, but she could also use other parts of her body. Since studying with the X-Men, she has become adept at directing her blinding strobe light blast from her eyes.

    The most powerful manifestation of her laser abilities is a concentrated stream of solid photons she usually fires from her index finger but can emit from her entire body. The beam is extremely powerful and as a consequence uses a great deal of her energy reserves. She has also demonstrated the ability to stretch the electromagnetic spectrum to produce devastating microwave energy.[volume & issue needed] She has since learned how to produce these blasts without draining herself, while still providing them with considerable power.[volume & issue needed]

    When Galactus enlisted her to retrieve his wayward herald Terrax from the heart of a black hole he had her exposed to unimaginable sounds, including the explosion of an entire galaxy, to boost her to sufficient levels.[21]

    Since the events of Dazzler: The Movie, Alison's body can store sound energy for future discharge as light. Thanks to Professor X, Dazzler's costume contains devices that enable her to store sonic energy more efficiently and to gauge and focus the light she generates with greater skill. She has also demonstrated on at least one occasion the ability to expel the stored sound into a devastating wave of sonic energy that destroyed her foe Silence.[74]

    Dazzler is immune to the injurious effects of her light transducing abilities. Her ability to transduce sound also protects her from being deafened by loud sounds; In Dazzler vol. 2 #1, it was indicated that her ears are highly developed allowing her to detect sounds on frequencies that others cannot register.[75] In X-Treme X-Men, Vol. 2, No. 4, she demonstrates the ability to use sound waves for echolocation before absorbing them for energy.[76] Dazzler has also been shown to be immune to the powers of her half-sister Mortis, which ordinarily kills living subjects instantly.[77]

    With considerable strain, Dazzler is capable of generating ultraviolet light in omnidirectional waves of such intensity that it will melt large metal structures.[77]

    Dazzler is a highly skilled athlete, and has become an excellent hand-to-hand combatant thanks to her training with the X-Men, and with the Gladiators.[78] In addition, she is a talented singer, actress, and dancer. She is also a highly accomplished roller skater and can move at high speed; she occasionally wears a pair of roller skates which magnetically adhere to her boots.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Barrage (Earth-616)


    Barrage had the power to transform his forearms into organic weapons capable of collecting ambient energy and firing it in powerful explosive blasts.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Red Shift (Earth-616)

    Red Shift


    Red Shift possesses the Power Cosmic. He can open dimensional rifts and portals across vast distances, summoning or banishing objects, beings, or energy at will, including black holes.

    Red Shift was deemed to have a "Village/city" threat level by the Nova Corps, after having formerly been an Universal-level threat.[3]

    The source of Red Shift's power is his swords; if he were to lose contact with them, he would lose his power.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Asteroth (Earth-616)

    Omega Ray,[7] Omega[7]


    Asteroth possessed vast cosmic powers, the limits of which are unknown; she displayed the ability to control & manipulate gravity.[4]; and, is great enough to easily strike down both Stardust and Beta Ray Bill. She resisted a full blow of Stormbreaker to the face, smiling, but was knocked out by a surprise eye-beam blast from Stardust.

    Asteroth can gain additional power by consuming planets, solar systems, galaxies, then the universe.

    Her arms can seemingly transmit energy on touch, with possibly some special effect on her larger right arm.

    She acquired all the knowledge from the Korbinite people by consuming the Korbinite in the Meta-Orb.[8]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Alpha Ray (Earth-616)

    Alpha Ray


    Alpha Ray was a bio-mechanical creature, though he apparently was lobotomized or otherwise treated so that he only followed orders. He could speak, but he couldn't be swayed from his programming by speech. Alpha Ray was superhumanly strong (Class 50-100) and durable; he was tough enough to go toe-to-toe with Beta Ray Bill, though Bill was not fighting with his full effort, and even then Alpha Ray began to overheat and would presumably be much less likely to breakdown. He could survive in a vacuum and fly at great speed (presumably sub-light speed).

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Avril Kincaid (Earth-616)

    Avril Kincaid


    Quantum Bands: The Quantum Bands draw energy from the Quantum Zone,[14] and its wielder is capable of a plethora of superhuman feats:

    Flight: The bands enable levitation and flight, protecting the wielder from friction and keeping an air reserve to allow interplanetary travel.[14][1]

    Energy Constructs: The bands can create solidified energy constructs of any shape.[14] Avril trained in doing so right from the beginning of her tutelage under Vaughn.[4]

    Energy Projection: Using the bands, Avril was capable of generating energy blasts stronger than Thor (Jane Foster), Blue Marvel, Monica Rambeau, Hyperion, and Starbrand combined.[7]
    Cosmic Awareness: When wearing the bands, Avril had visions of events happening on the other side of the globe or even in outer space.[1][5]

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