Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Simon Williams (Earth-616)


    Simon Williams


    Wonder Man


    JQ-272712-K (Superhuman Registration Number),[1] Mr. Muscles,[2] Mr. Wonderful,[3] Professor Higgins,[4] Wondy,[5]

    Powers and Abilities


    Ionic Energy Form: The tissue and bones of his entire body have been augmented in strength and to a certain extent supplanted by Pym Particle charged iota in the "ionic ray" bombardment procedure.[57] Despite Wonder Man's statements that he is composed of "ionic energy," he is actually composed of organic matter that is permeated with this form of energy. Since his last revival, his physiology has changed a great deal and it's not clear if his external form is ionic energy or flesh. He stated during an incident in which all the living things in New York had been morphed into symbiotes that he was an ion being and not flesh and blood. This was the prime reason he himself had not been infected. He does not house blood in his body and cannot impregnate women.

    Superhuman Strength: Williams possesses vast superhuman strength, the limits of which aren't known, and he is listed at the class 100 limit.[58] He was considered to have a Sentry-level strength.[59]

    Leaping (latent): His strength extends into his legs, as he is capable of superhuman leaps covering several hundred feet in long strides. In his solo series, while his jetpack was being repaired, Simon needed a way to get around town that was faster, and cheaper, than a taxi. He thought about the Hulk's method of transportation and realized that, while he cannot leap as far as the Hulk, he can get around much faster than walking.[citation needed]

    Superhuman Speed: He can run and move and react at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete. Easily able to close the distance between himself, a trained assassin and her target from the street to the local restaurant she was with lightning pace.[60]

    Superhuman Stamina: Williams' ionic body grants him unlimited stamina and is therefore immune to fatigue.

    Invulnerability: His bodily tissues are much harder due to being ionized organic matter instead of normal flesh and far more resistant to physical injury than the bodily tissues of a normal human. Williams is highly resistant to penetration wounds, even from high-caliber machine gun shells. He can also withstand tremendous impact forces such as falling from great heights, being repeatedly struck by superhumanly strong opponents or breaching planetary orbit and making re-entry without being hurt. Also showcasing high resistance to extreme changes in temperatures.

    Superhuman Agility: His agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.

    Superhuman Reflexes: Williams' reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.

    Superhuman Senses: Simons's powers attune him to a higher observational field than the typical human being. With further practice from Hank and Nadia, he was taught to feel and sense the ambient energy; physical, radiological or otherwise. And interact with it through sheer focus.[61]

    Superhuman Hearing: His hearing has been enhanced to a superhuman degree.

    Energy Vision: Williams can see beyond the usual spectrum visible to the human eye.

    Flight: He originally required the use of a sophisticated and advanced rocket pack attached to his costume to fly. However, following his resurrection and metamorphosis Williams is now able to fly through the air at great speeds, the exact limit of which isn't known. He could originally fly at subsonic speeds. After his metamorphosis Williams can fly at speeds in excess of 700 mph.[62]

    Immortality: Williams is functionally immortal. Because of the ionic energy that empowers him, he no longer ages and is immune to disease and infection. This same energy sustains Williams' physical vitality far more efficiently than the biochemical process that sustain ordinary human life.

    Self-Sustenance As a result of his transformation he no longer requires food, sleep, water or oxygen to survive. Simon is now a fully energized entity who can sustain himself indefinitely without nourishment, easily able to live outside habitable planet orbit.[63]

    Ionic Regenerative Healing: Williams' ionic form can heal itself from gunshot wounds, surgery, and even severed limbs. This allowed him to constantly survive death more often. This may be so because he has no bones, blood or organs; he is a being of pure ionic energy, allowing him to reform after any injury.

    Energy Manipulation (latent): In his energy form, Williams learned he had the ability to emit ionic energy blasts of devastating force from his hands and eyes.[64][65] This was shown before his death at the hands of the Kree Empire, Since his resurrection he has done so very rarely.[63][66]

    Solid Energy Constructs: Over time Williams would learn he could tangibilize his internal energy solid forms, using his powers to fashion a protective force energy bubble to defend against attacks.[66]

    Electromagnetic Manipulation: Williams, under instruction by Wasp and Beast, learned he could sense, siphon and/or disperse lingering radial fields by using the unique properties of his ionic energy to interact with the EM Fields or any form of energy in the world if he so chooses.[61]

    Shapeshifting (Latent): As a being of raw energy, Simon's physical form is purely subjective. What shape or form he takes is ruled by conscious thought as much as the Id and Ego.[64] Once turning the hand the soul of his dead brother gave him into an organic sickle, then taking on the physical form of a ferocious demon to battle the assembled villains under Mephisto.[65]

    Size Alteration (latent): Another power his energy form granted him is the ability to alter his size, becoming even larger and (possibly) stronger than his adversary Goliath.[65] He hasn't displayed this power since his resurrection, save the time while his energy form was tethered to Wanda as they battled Morgan Le Fay.[67]

    Power Recycling (latent): When his energy form was inexplicably destabilized by his own guilt and self-doubt. Simon's powers were left unstable, as an effect he accidentally let off a massive ionic discharge giving friends and neighbors similar powers he may potentially possess. These abilities were either temporary or he could recall them back at will, the effected went on to form a short lived superhero team called The Crazy Eight.[68]

    Teleportation (latent): In later comics, Simon has shown to be able to warp between unknown distances by sheer will alone. Once teleporting out of a containment bubble created by Stark and Hank.[42] And again when after he fought and bested Thaddeus Ross as the Red Hulk outside Avengers Tower.[69]


    Gifted Intellect: Williams has a gifted intellect.
    Actor: He is good actor whose talents earned him a spot on Hollywood's Walk of Fame. His acting gives him a strong edge in undercover work.
    Stuntman: Before he was an actor, Williams was an expert stuntman who worked in many big action movies.
    Expert Combatant: Williams is a skilled unarmed combatant with training under Captain America in Aikido.[70]

    Physical Strength

    Class 100+. It has been suggested throughout his career that he is almost as strong as the Sentry; Captain America himself makes this comparison in might.[59] it has also been suggested that his strength is equal to that of Thor, though Williams has acknowledged that Thor is stronger than him.[71] For example, originally both were listed as class 95 in the handbook, although this scale is only for comparisons between characters, and not to be taken anywhere near literally. Since his return his strength has only increased, being physically able to best and restrain the Red Hulk with little to no difficulty.[69]


    Energy Weaponry: As he is an ionic energy being, Williams is susceptible to attacks that disrupt his unique energy pattern. Dispersion would be hazardous, as he might not be able to reform without further assistance from the Scarlet Witch. During the Kang Dynasty however, he was dispersed by one of Kang's weapons and was plenty capable of reforming himself on his own after traveling a great distance to avoid being discovered alive and making a grand escape, so this is unlikely. Williams can however, be rendered unconscious and it is possible for him to be injured.

    Mental Illness: He has shown some mental breakdowns that lead to him attacking the Avengers multiple times after he began to believe that everything bad was caused by the team.

    Anionics: uniquely charged items fueled by his own energies opposite signature can cause lasting damage even to his invulnerable energy state.

    Ionic Lock: A weapon of last resort Madame Masque had devised as a deterrent which has one of two effects on beings touched by ionic energies. Without the Intensifier device it only seals a their abilities reducing them to normal for a time, while with the Intensifier it causes their energies to drain away at an accelerated rate. Causing those effected to eventually dissipate into nothing.

    Extreme Pacifism: Ever since recovering from his latest breakdown, Simon has refused to resort to violence even when absolutely necessary. This makes him virtually useless in combat.

  • FUB4R101FUB4R101 Member Posts: 8
    I had to do a google search to see if this character fell under the Marvel umbrella and thankfully he does. But I think Captain Planet would make a great champion to add to the game especially if you did it as a tie in to like Earth Day or some Holiday like that.
  • AquestioningForceAquestioningForce Member Posts: 1


    Morgan Le Fay


    Agent Phil Coulson

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Michael Moran (Earth-18)

    Michael Moran
    Micky Moran, Marvelman

    Superhuman Strength:
    Superhuman Stamina
    Superhuman Speed
    Self-Propelled Flight
    Superhuman Senses
    Force Fields
    Concussive Energy Blasts: Moran has the potential to gain greater energy manipulation powers.
    Marvelman's powers will steadily get stronger and more powerful over time.

    Scientific Genius-Level Intellect

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Roma (Otherworld)

    Lady Roma
    Roma Regina,[1] Lady of the Northern Skies, Lady Roma of the Fae[2]


    Powers: Roma possesses the ability to use both magic and highly advanced science to do virtually anything she desires. She has shown herself capable of reconstructing the dead from the tiniest remains, resurrecting people. She can teleport across inter-dimensional space at will, communicate telepathically, and is virtually immortal. She is an accomplished swordswoman, having led the defense of Camelot against the hordes of Necromon.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Mastermind (Computer) (Earth-616)

    Braddock Manor Computer[1]
    Computer, Braddock Manor Computer, Jeeves, impersonated Roma


    Mastermind is a sentient computer system with the power of holographic image creation and mind control. The holographic images can become solid or make multiple images at the same time and on some occasions take on the appearance of multiple people, such as a crew of construction workers to repair Braddock Manor.

    Mastermind can also discharge a lethal current of electricity, which is how it murdered his creator, James Braddock and his wife Lady Elizabeth Braddock.

    Mastermind also has the power to imbue other people with paranormal powers, such as Dr. Synne.

    When Mastermind uses the power of controlling minds it can have a detrimental effect on the victims. This was the case for Emma Collins, when she had been enthralled by Mastermind for several years, which led to her poor health and eventual death.

    Mastermind has been defeated several times by merely pulling a plug out or flipped a switch to the off position.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Griever at the End of All Things (Multiverse)

    Griever at the End of All Things
    Entropy,[1] Heat Death,[1] Griever[1]
    The Ravager of All Reality [2]

    As an Abstract Entity, the Griever possesses a power to destroy dimensions, reality, and multiple universes at once. She was able to kill the Molecule Man and defeat Franklin Richards with little effort.[1]

    The Griever can't create anything herself since she is the embodiment of destruction and entropy. While she is knowledgeable in using technology, she doesn't appear to understand its functions as she failed to understand if technology is broken but repairable or is completely unsalvageable. She's also less than immediately capable of turning her universe-destroying power on individuals, analogized by Reed as a person being less capable of destroying a single germ rather than sanitizing an area.[3]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Shogo Lee (Earth-616)

    Shogo Lee

    Shogo Lee
    Dragon Form: While in Otherworld, Shogo's imagination was combined with the Fairies' magic, which allowed him to transform into a dragon.[5]
    Shogo is one of the only humans living on Krakoa.[6]
    Jubilee once asked Kyle Jinadu to babysit Shogo because he needed "more 'positive human influences' in his life."[7]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Julio Richter (Earth-616)

    Julio Esteban "Ric" Richter[1]
    R,[2] Ric[3]
    Joaquin "Jake" Murrieta[4]
    Other Aliases:
    Druid,[5] J.E.,[6] Mutate #527[7]


    Julio Rictor (Earth-616) from Ultra X-Men (Trading Cards) 1995 Set 001.jpg
    Rictor using his powers
    Rictor was a mutant who lost his mutant powers due to the effects of M-Day.[43][44] However, Rictor's powers were later restored by the personal intervention of the Scarlet Witch.[64] Rictor's power once again include:

    Julio Richter (Earth-616) from X-Factor
    Rictor explaining his connection to Earth

    Geo Connectivity: Like Storm, Rictor's mutant powers have created a psychic/empathic bond between himself and the primal life force of Earth's biosphere.[44]

    Clairvoyance: Rictor can gain a direct visual information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the his physical sight and allows him to act when he are unable to use his eyes.[41] He can 'see' spiritual/psychic beings and perceive the emotions, thoughts, and memories of others. As well as, being able to project himself onto the spiritual world.[89][10][41]

    Geokinesis: After seeking council with his own damaged nature, Richter now has the ability to remotely terraform the ground around him in a more tactile manner than simply causing it to explode via vibration emission.[8] He can seemingly change and morph the very earth itself in a telekinetic fashion, from flinging rocks around with a thought to opening passageways into the ground without shattering earth & soil but by willing it to part.[8]

    Chlorokinesis: Richter apparently has an affinity for plant life as well as the Earth itself, being able to manipulate vines & reeds in order to entangle adversaries if need be.[90]

    Magmakinesis: After being left trapped below the molten bedrock of a dormant volcano to either die or thrive by En Sabah Nur (Earth-616) new name from Excalibur Vol 4 1 001.png for a time, Rictor rose from beneath the surface in a geyser of lava, bending it in whatever direction he so chose.[91]

    Thermal Resilience: Being stuck underground in a semi-dormant lava pit did little-to-no lasting damage to Richter even upon rising from beneath its encrusted surface.[91]

    Seismic Energy Manipulation: Rictor is capable of generating and releasing seismic energy and tremendously powerful waves of vibrations in any object he came into physical contact with, the vibrations starting in his body, and then emanating outwards, mostly through his fingers, causing objects to shatter or crumble and also using it to create earthquakes, shock-waves or otherwise transport earth matter. When used against objects with a larger surface, the effects were much like an earthquake.[89][10][41]

    Seismic Energy Immunity: Rictor is immune to the harmful effects of the vibrations he created.[89]

    Rictor is a competent hand-to-hand combatant, and is very skilled with computers.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Gaveedra Seven (Mojoverse)

    Gaveedra Seven
    Ben Gaveedra,[1] Benjamin Russel,[2] Gaveedra-7,[3] Pretty-Boy,[4] The Prince of Blades,[citation needed] "Shatty-buns",[citation needed] Star,[citation needed] Star Face,[5] Willie Garvin[6]


    Shatterstar is a mutant,[53] the naturally born son of the mutant Dazzler and the artificially-engineered Biped Longshot.[9] As a result, he was born with many of the superhuman traits Longshot was engineered to possess, in addition to his own unique mutant abilities. Shatterstar also merged with the individual named Benjamin Russell, with whom he shares an unexplained connection. Russell was also reportedly a mutant.[54] Russell's mutant powers are unknown, but Shatterstar did not appear to gain or lose any abilities when the two merged. (Although his teleporting ability surfaced after he bonded with Russell, the two events happened 13 years apart and were not noticeably connected.[55])

    Superhuman Senses: Shatterstar possesses superhuman senses beyond the natural limits of the finest human specimen.
    Superhuman Strength: Shatterstar possesses superhuman strength beyond the natural limits of the finest human specimen.

    Superhuman Speed: Shatterstar possesses superhuman speed beyond the natural limits of the finest human specimen.

    Superhuman Reflexes: Shatterstar possesses superhuman reflexes beyond the natural limits of the finest human specimen.

    Superhuman Agility: Shatterstar possesses superhuman agility beyond the natural limits of the finest human specimen.

    Superhuman Dexterity: Shatterstar possesses superhuman dexterity beyond the natural limits of the finest human specimen.

    Superhuman Coordination: Shatterstar possesses superhuman coordination beyond the natural limits of the finest human specimen.

    Superhuman Balance: Shatterstar possesses superhuman balance beyond the natural limits of the finest human specimen.

    Superhuman Endurance: Shatterstar possesses superhuman endurance beyond the natural limits of the finest human specimen.

    Superhuman Durability: Shatterstar possesses superhuman durability beyond the natural limits of the finest human specimen.
    Hollow Bones: Shatterstar's bones are hollow, making him far lighter than he looks and further increasing his athletic and acrobatic skills.

    Enhanced Learning Capabilities: Shatterstar possesses enhanced learning capabilities, thus making him able to quickly learn and master languages and technology.[14]

    Regenerative Healing Factor: Shatterstar is able to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue much faster than an ordinary human. Injuries such as slashes and stabbings heal completely within a matter of hours.
    Vibratory Shockwave Generation: Shatterstar possesses the mutant ability to channel powerful vibratory shock waves through his swords. This ability, called his "force of will", can function even when Shatterstar is not in physical contact with his swords.[56] However, Shatterstar rarely uses this ability as it tends to exhaust him, thus he prefers to depend instead on his martial prowess.[57]

    Empathically-Driven Teleportation: After Shatterstar returned from the Mojoverse, he demonstrated the ability to open an "X" shaped portal allowing him to instantly transport himself. This is accomplished by having a living "anchor", with whom he must have a connection, visualize their destination before opening a portal. After this is done, Shatterstar must rest at least four hours before teleporting again, as he would otherwise risk the death of himself and anyone he is transporting. Known anchors include Rictor, Longshot, and Layla Miller.

    Excellent Strategist: Shatterstar is an excellent strategist.[58]
    Mojoworld Martial Arts Mastery: Shatterstar has had extensive training in many forms of the martial arts of Mojoworld.[13]
    Mojoworld Swordsmanship Mastery: Shatterstar is a master swordsman.[13]
    Adaptability: Shatterstar is able to adapt and learn skills quickly.[58]
    Intellect: Shatterstar is incredibly intelligent and can repair advanced technology.[4]
    Multilingual: Shatterstar is fluent in English, German and Spanish.[14]

    Sending Vibrations: Sending vibrations through his sword exhausts him.[56]
    Emphatically-Driven Teleportation: Shatterstar's teleportation, has the following limitations:

    Anchor: According to Shatterstar, he needs another mind to envision the destination, which serves as an anchor. Additionally, the anchor needs to be someone Shatterstar is connected to. Without that, he would risk getting "lost between". As an anchor he can use Rictor,[55] Longshot,[59] and Layla Miller.[26]

    Focus: According to Shatterstar, he generates the energy for his teleportation, but he requires his swords to focus it.[citation needed]

    Teleportation Shock-Wave: The energies released require that the teleport take place outdoors, or he risk blowing up whatever building he is in.[citation needed]

    Exhaustion: After a teleport, Shatterstar needs at least two to four hours to recharge his energies.[citation needed]


    Costume: Shatterstar's costume is made of bullet-proof armor from Mojo-World.[citation needed]

    Shatterstar's Swords: Shatterstar's original swords were strong enough to severely injure Micromax, can be split into two swords and has a bioelectric current that makes it very hard for people besides him to wield it.[60] His latter swords retracted from wrist gauntlets hidden in the arms of his coat.[citation needed]

    Throwing Knives: Shatterstar has been known to wield throwing knives.[citation needed]

    Guns: Shatterstar is proficient with futuristic heavy arms blaster-type weapons.[citation needed]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Gaunt (Earth-29283)

    Gaunt [1]


    Enhanced by a mild TOV strain controlled by nanotechnology in his blood, Gaunt possessed superhuman strength (Class 10 or higher) and durability; the TOV rapidly replaced damaged tissue with "living steel", rendering him virtually immortal. Even under mutagenic dampeners, he could create psionic chains, which vanished when he was distracted.

    He was an accomplished hand-to-hand combatant, swordsman and strategist, with advanced technology access throughout his life. He was able to outmatch Cable, one of Earth-616's greatest warriors.

    Gaunt had access to advanced mind-control technology which we was able to use to enslave Rachel Summers.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Mordred (Earth-616)

    Sir Mordred
    Mordred the Evil, Black Druid, Demon Druid, Dark Druid, Lore-Master, Medraut, Modred,[1] Mordred of the Northern Isles,[2] Mordred the Magnificent


    Mordred has the particular gift to know the weakness in all things, including a person's mentality. He has used this to gain a psychological advantage against his foes.[23]

    He is a skilled swordsman and horse rider.

    Mordred was shown using a gem referred to as a "Bloodstone" in his attempt to recover the Starstone items. The nature and origin of this item has not been revealed. It may be a Bloodgem, as Elsa Bloodstone was interested in obtaining it.

    Ebony Crown: A crown reforged from Ebony Treasures.[24]
    Ebony Dagger: A dagger carved from the same meteor fragment as the Ebony Blade.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Colin McKay (Earth-616)

    Colin McKay


    Acoustikinesis: Kylun has the mutant power to exactly duplicate any sound he hears using his vocal chords.

    Feline Form: As Kylun matured and his mutant talents developed, his physical appearance gradually took on a feline appearance.

    Kylun is a highly skilled swordsman and hand-to-hand combatant and gymnast.

    Kylun wields the twin Blades of Zz'ria, swords which are capable of cutting through virtually any substance. Thanks to an enchantment, they cannot harm those of pure heart, rather instead pass through them without causing any damage. The blades are also highly resistant to magic and are capable of deflecting magical attacks, destroying magical creations and wounding otherwise impervious magical beings (such as Necrom). The blades are incredibly strong and sufficiently sharp to cleave rock in half,
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Bei (Earth-616)

    Bei the Blood Moon

    Her mutant power is described as "the Doom Note".[2] The exact meaning of this is unclear.

    Acoustikinesis: Bei has been reported to be able to use "the Doom Note" to create a powerful concussive blast that has leveled a mountain.[citation needed]
    Psionic Speech: Bei's power instantly translates her speech to each person it comes in contact with psionically.[citation needed]

    Bei's powers can be understood by all due to its psychic nature, except for Cypher, whose power cannot interact with hers properly because she isn't speaking a true language, but rather making a psychic connection with the people she interacts with.[3] This could mean she cannot be understood by cybernetic beings as well.

    Seducer: Bei the Blood Moon wields the blade named Seducer.[2]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Meggan Puceanu (Earth-616)

    Meggan Puceanu Braddock[1]
    Chicken,[1] Meg[3]
    Other Aliases:
    Goblin Princess,[3] Tapestry[4]

    Mutant/Faery Hybrid


    Meggan is a mutant empath, metamorph, and elemental of great power, with faery heritage.

    Superhuman Strength: Meggan mostly keeps her strength at a decent 50 tons but since she has a deep connection with the earth she actually draws strength from the planet. So she can augment her to 100+ tons to even incalculable levels.

    Superhuman Durability: Meggan has survived energy-based attacks, blunt force based attacks, and weapon based attacks even attacks like demonic/holy based attacks and magic attacks.

    Empathy: A telepathic talent which enables Meggan to sense the emotions and feelings of all living creatures (from people, to animals, to plants) and can broadcast her own feelings in order to influence other people's emotions.
    Natural Perception: Meggan has the ability to “See” and “hear” natural/biological patterns of force in the world around her, linking her with these patterns in the world around her. This power links with her own empathy/shapeshifting. Meggan can sense electromagnetic forces, air currents, chemical reactions and even detect “visibly” telepathic communications. Meggan can also see and sometimes talk to ghosts.

    Empathic Metamorph: A shapeshifter who can assume the form of any living creature, even those who only exist in legends (once she became a Godzilla-like dragon and actually breathed fire, and another occasion she became a werewolf that looked like fellow mutant Wolfsbane, and had all of a wolf's natural abilities). Meggan can assume the form of other people as well. Thanks to her empathic ability, Meggan's body will actually change in response to the emotions around her, becoming beautiful when she feels loved, or hideous when she feels fear or anger. Her elemental powers also cause Meggan to change in response to her surroundings, such as growing fur in extreme cold, or gills when she is submerged underwater. She has also demonstrated the abilities to turn into sentient sand or water.

    Power Duplication: If she takes on the appearance of another superhuman, Meggan can also gain their powers. This also worked when she turned into a female version of the Silver Surfer.

    Intuitive Multilingualism: She was able to understand the dialect of Mbangawi without effort.[36]

    Elemental Manipulation: In her true form, Meggan can manipulate, absorb or release elemental energy - this includes earth, fire, water, air and even ether(energy). Thanks to Meggan's empathy, she has a psionic link to the natural forces of the Earth. By "speaking" to the elements, Meggan can command the environment around her, and her emotional state can affect the local ecosystems. She can extinguish forest fires with a thought, summon gale force winds or part the waters of a lake with wave of her hand, or even cause earthquakes in a flash of anger. Meggan has even been observed causing electromagnetic pulses by commanding the magnetic fields around her, freezing opponents by rapidly dropping the air temperature around them, or increasing the powers of elemental mutants (such as increasing the temperature of her teammate Peter Wisdom's heat blasts). Meggan has used her elemental powers to affect man-made objects, such as actually making the atoms in a building's roof move apart, creating a hole in the roof that resealed itself (without a trace of ever having had a hole in it) once Meggan had passed through it (which suggests that Meggan's elemental powers may have a Telekinetic quality).

    Energy Blasts: Meggan can focus the elemental energies around her into devastating energy blasts. When she absorbs power, she begins to glow.

    Earth Energy Manipulation: Meggan has the ability to manipulate the energy from the Earth. She can use this power to augment her abilities to shape change, generate bio-blasts, or fly.

    Flight: Meggan has the ability to propel herself through the air at high speeds by force of will. While she does so, her hair streams out behind her to a length far longer than it usually is. Whether this is a conscious use of her shapeshifting power is unknown. Meggan can apparently support great weights even when flying.

    Environmental Adaptation: Meggan can adapt to her physical environment, becoming impervious to cold without changing shape to adapt.

    Magical Energy Manipulation: In her true form, Meggan can manipulate magical energy, i.e. deflecting spells.

    Magical Affinity: Meggan's powers grow more fluid and manageable and stronger while she is in magical realms.

    Reality Warp Resistance: Because of her shape changing power, Meggan has some resistance to the reality-warping powers of others. She was able to break free of the power of Jamie Braddock, and was one of the few to remember the effects of the Jaspers Warp.

    Meggan is an experienced hand-to-hand combatant, though she has little formal training in that area. She is apparently a skilled swordswoman, having disarmed the other dimensional Captain Britain Chevalier Bretagne in a fencing match (although her skill conceivably could have just been a mimicry of his own).[37]

    Meggan's mind does not have the same level of psychic 'blocks' that most humans and especially beings with psionic power do. This can make her impulsive and impressionable; often acting on the present with little concern for the past or future.[40]
    Megan did not learn how to read until she was an adult, even after learning she still struggled and would come across words she did not know how to say aloud.[41]

    Flight under her own power.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Idie Okonkwo (Earth-616)

    Idie Okonkwo
    Third Light, Girl Who Wouldn't Burn, Black Queen[1]

    Idie Okonkwo using her temperature control powers
    Idie is one of post-M-Day mutant activations. Her powers include:

    Thermokinesis: Idie has the ability to alter temperatures around her. However, she cannot simply create heat and cold; she can only rechannel temperature,[20][21] thus, she needs presence of heat to generate cold, and vice versa.[22] These temperature manipulation powers result in:
    Pyrokinesis: Idie is capable of generating flames from thin air, not requiring the consumption of oxygen or combustible objects to maintain the flames.
    Cryokinesis: Idie is able to reduce the kinetic energy of atoms and thus reduce temperature, often used to generate ice.
    That status of post-M-Day activated mutant gave her also the following characteristic:

    Lights Bonding: The Lights were shown to be linked each other, to Hope and to the new activation's, with some low level control from Hope over them. They were also affected by the suicide of Zeeshan.[23] That situation was witnessed by Transonic and Zero,[24] and later by Kitty Pryde.[25] Also, when the Sixth Light activated, all of the Lights were able to sense it.[26]

    Opposing Temperature Dependence: She needs fire to make ice and she needs ice to make fire.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Opal Luna Saturnyne (Earth-9)

    Opal Luna Saturnyne
    Her Royal Whyness,[1] Omniversal Majestrix,[1] White Witch[2]


    Omniversal Majestrix and a powerful witch, Saturnyne is the ruler of Otherworld a realm of ancient magic beyond space and time after succeeding Roma as the Omniversal Majestrix.She has become nearly omnipotent through a combination of magic and highly advanced science. When a trans-temporal tsunami of chaos was caused Saturnyne was tempted to erase 616 universe with a machine.[27] Through power, trickery, and manipulation, she monitors and acts against threats to the omniverse. She has stated to have even defeated Merlin.[28]

    Witchcraft: Opal is a human of magical birthright which means she possesses the ability to manipulate magic from birth.

    Divine Sources: As the Omniversal Guardian, Opal sits in the space between multiverses and is in control of the Nexus of realities. Like Merlyn and Roma Saturnyne is able to pull technology and Magic from all over time, space, and reality, putting her on a near level of god.

    Reality Manipulation: Opal Luna Saturnyne can warp, alter, and bend reality to her will, accomplishing almost anything she wishes. Rules don't have to make sense to anyone but her. It was stated she had the power to erase someone with a snap, erasing them to the point where they weren't anywhere ever. She can also create anything from nothing.[29]

    Clairvoyance: Saturnyne has the ability to perceive future events and can detect people even inside of others minds. She is shown to be adept with using Tarot cards. She can also create or predict prophecies through artistry or other means without knowing.

    Scrying: Opal is able to hear, view, and observe people's location and condition by making projection image that shows events happening in faraway places. She was shown watching Polaris through a bowl of water and she is known to be able to scry through looking glass.[1]

    Energy Constructs: Saturyne can shape her energy into tools, objects, and weapons. She created a thread around a dragon that could hold it in place effortlessly.[30]

    Energy Projection: Opal can project her energy as various shapes and intensities. She is most commonly seen creating large runic symbols. She can also Utilize it offensively such as bolts, beams, burst and waves that can knock, destroy, slice, and annihilate her targets.

    Creation: Saturnyne can create anything from nothing. she created a star in the palm of her hand.[29] she also forged the Starlight Sword from the walls of the Starlight citadel itself.
    Portal Creation: Opal can create portals to transfer herself and others instantly. As the Omniversal Guardian she has the ability to move into different Universes as well.
    Size Alteration: Saturnyne can alter the size of organic and inorganic matter making it larger or smaller.

    Chronokinesis: The White witch was able to stop time instantly with a snap of her finger freezing everyone around her in place.
    Transmutation: Opal is able to transmute matter, changing anything into anything else. She has liquified a golden helmet in the palm of her hand then turned it into a spear.

    Telekinesis: Saturnyne power to move, stop, manipulate and even destroy objects with this ability.

    Telepathy: Saturnyne has displayed the telepathic ability to alter a person's memory freely and the ability to communicate with people through mindscapes as well as implant information into others heads. She was shown to be able to implant information into both Rachel Summers' and Cable's mind. She is also able to transfer her consciousness into the mind of Banshee and displayed the ability effortless mind control.

    Psychic Firewall: Saturnyne is capable of setting up physic traps being able to overpower any telepathic usage and in turn mess with the telepaths mind. When Rachel Summers attempted to use her telepathy a pre recorded Saturnyne overpowered her. This shows that Saturnyne ability is passive and doesn't need her awareness.[26]
    Witch Sight:
    Omniversal Awareness: Opal is aware when large events affecting a universe happens as it is her job to prevent out of control situations.
    Restoration: Saturnyne possesses the ability to restore anything back to its original state. Shown when she restored a Tarot card ruined by Apocalypse.

    Telepathic resistance: She is immune to most forms of telepathic attacks and could even set up firewalls to protect her mind.

    Opal is a cunning strategist, a powerful sorceress, and a good hand-to-hand combatant. She also forged the Starlight sword from the very walls of the Starlight Citadel.

    Leadership: Saturnyne rules over the balance of the Omniverse maintaining its integrity at any cost. She also is the Leader of the Captain Britain corps.
    Manipulation: Opal is a highly skilled manipulator. She is so skilled at manipulation that she can twist others perspectives to the point where they do anything she wants, turning others into pawns in her game.
    Occultism an Magical Knowledge: Being a White Witch of Otherworld and Omniversal Guardian, she is experienced and knowledgeable over magic both new, ancient, and mutiversal.

    Universal, Multiversal, Omniversal Influences: As the Omniversal Guardian she watches over the Omniverse. Large enough threats against it could force her to interfere, such as when Scarlet witch altered reality to create "House of M". She also had to resort to erasing a entire universe because of Jaspers' reality warp on Earth-283.

    Crystal Ball: Saturnyne has multiple crystal balls she uses to scry.

    Scrying Glasses: Opal has Many scrying glasses to spy on others from great distances.

    Psychecom Crystal: A diamond device that projects a pre-recorded hologram message.

    Life Enhancing Fluid: Also known as Push Fluid' has the ability to forcefully evolve people minds and forms as long as making them a bit stronger as well. Captain Britain was evolved back to human form after being reduced to a monkey like primate using this fluid.[31]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Brian Braddock (Earth-616)


    Dr. Brian Braddock


    Captain Avalon


    Editorial Names:
    Formerly Daredevil[16]
    Other Aliases:
    Bee,[1] "Britain",[2] Britanic,[3] Black Bishop,[4][5] Black Knight,[5] Cap,[6] Captain Britain,[7] Captain Britain-616,[1] Captain Wakanda,[1] C.B.,[6] Custodian,[1] Fast Buck,[1] "Jungle Man",[8] King of Otherworld,[9] Lionheart of Avalon,[1] "Lord Fancy-Crack, Ponce Protector Of The Shire",[10] Merlinson,[11] Prince Brian,[12] "Stranger",[13] Squire,[14] The Young Lion Of London[15]

    Powers and Abilities


    Interdimensional Energy Conduit: His abilities are powered by interdimensional energies which are concentrated around the British Isles of each reality and also in Otherworld; moving too far away from the field will cause eventual power loss unless a power-enhancing costume is worn. After being lost in the timestream for a while, Brian briefly had precognitive flashes, though these eventually abated. For a time, all of his abilities were localized to Britain; if he went abroad for too long a time without wearing his costume, his powers eventually diminished to nothing. His costume acts as an antenna and battery, allowing him to retain his powers wherever he goes. When he and Meggan destroyed the Otherworld energy matrix at Roma's prompting, however, the energies that allowed him to retain his power within the UK without his costume were dissipated. Hence, to retain his powers anywhere on Earth, he must wear the costume at all times. Recently, Brian has gained the ability to use his powers even without his suit. They are now based on his confidence. With greater confidence comes more power, and he weakens as his confidence does.
    Originally, his powers were linked to the Amulet of Right, worn around his neck, and he depended on a mace-like Star Scepter to fly. Later on, Merlyn changed his costume just before he entered an alternate Earth (Earth-238), removing the Amulet and the Scepter placing the powers in his new costume. Not long after that he was killed by the Fury and had his body remade by Merlyn, who chose this point to make his powers innate and stronger, with his costume merely serving as a "battery" and amplifier. Currently, Brian's powers are sustained by his own confidence and heritage as the son of a denizen of Otherworld. Thus, the more confident he is, the greater his powers are and vice versa.

    Superhuman Strength: While wearing his costume, Braddock's strength is increased to high superhuman levels. At his peak, he's able to lift approximately 100 tons.

    Superhuman Stamina: Braddock's advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a normal human. At his peak, he can exert himself physically for about 24 hours before the build-up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.

    Superhuman Durability: While wearing his costume, Braddock's body is surrounded by an invisible force field that renders him highly resistant to physical injury. The field allows him to sustain powerful energy blasts, great impact forces such as bazooka shells or being repeatedly struck by superhumanly strong opponents, temperature extremes, and falls from great heights without being injured. However, repeated impacts from sufficiently powerful forces or weaponry will weaken and, eventually, penetrate the field. The field's density, however, is specially designed to allow oxygen and light to pass through it. This force field is now sustained by his own confidence.

    Superhuman Agility: Braddock's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

    Superhuman Reflexes: Braddock's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.

    Superhuman Senses: Braddock can purposely draw upon the energies that give him his other powers to temporarily increase the efficiency of his senses, enhancing them to superhuman levels. He can see objects with perfect clarity at much greater distances than a normal human can. His hearing is similarly enhanced, allowing him to hear further than a human and to detect sounds normal humans can't.

    Flight: Braddock can also channel these energies for the purpose of flying through the air at great speeds. At his peak, he is capable of surpassing the Speed of Sound, 770 miles per hour. The force field that grants him his superhuman durability enables him to withstand the rigors of traveling at such high velocities would have on human tissue without harm, as well as allowing him to breathe normally.


    Genius Intelligence: Braddock is brilliant scientist with expertise in physics and engineering.[18]

    He is a acrobat and excellent fighter.[citation needed]

    Physical Strength

    While wearing his costume, Brian Braddock's strength is increased to high superhuman levels. At his peak, he is able to lift (press) approximately 100 tons.


    Currently, Captain Britain's powers are based on his own confidence. The more he believes in himself and what he is doing, the stronger he is, and the less susceptible to damage he becomes. Formerly, Braddock's powers were dependent upon his costume. If he wasn't wearing it, then he could not gain access to the interdimensional energies that granted him his powers. Also, though the force field protects him from conventional physical injury, it does leave him vulnerable to attack from "knock out" gases as they can pass through his force field as easily as oxygen can.



    Captain Britain's Uniform: stores interdimensional energies, acting as a battery for when he is away from the matrix which surrounds the British Isles. His costume has also at times been able to generate a protective force field (originally, this power came from his quarterstaff) and a more recent version is also able to adopt a 'stealth mode' which helps him operate more unobtrusively.

    Amulet of Right: Braddock originally possessed this amulet before it was destroyed by his sister Betsy.[65]


    Braddock currently wields the Sword of Might as Captain Avalon and one of the Swordbearers of Krakoa.[65]

    Captain Britain originally wielded a Quarterstaff (which could produce a force field),[7] and later the Star Sceptre (which allowed flight, as well as the force field).[23] Merlyn eventually moved these powers into Brian's costume, and eventually into Brian himself.

    Brian temporarily wielded the sword Excalibur during the adventure which saw him ascend the throne of Otherworld.

  • Nightshroud84Nightshroud84 Member Posts: 22

    I would like to ask to make Venom and the other Symbiotes poison immune. As you see in the comic Venom beeing poisoned by Kraven does nothing to Venom as he replies that poison won’t work on him! Just a suggestion Thanks for reading :)
  • SpaceCorpSpaceCorp Member Posts: 73
    Lady Sif (Cosmic) would be an amazing character to bring to the game

  • Wildblue333Wildblue333 Member Posts: 405 ★★
    SpaceCorp said:

    Lady Sif (Cosmic) would be an amazing character to bring to the game

    Sif could be Cosmic or Skill. She is one of the few Asgardian females that have qualified to be a warrior. She is goddess of fertility and the earth. She definitely wouldn't cast her as Mystic.

    Since we are bringing up asgardians, This is the One I want to see most. Amora the Enchantress.

    She would be a great mystic champ to be added

    and if you bring in Amora, You also have to bring Skurge the executioner.

  • ThechosenJediThechosenJedi Member Posts: 1


    The Termite

    Evan Sabahnur

    Black Crow

  • Stone110Stone110 Member Posts: 1

    USAgent (John Walker)



    Sliver Samurai


  • Punky_Slayer1Punky_Slayer1 Member Posts: 7
    Cuando le haran una mejora al ciclope, ya necesita una mejora es de los pocos personajes que no sirven para nada y estaria bien una mejora para poder tener mas diversidad de personajes
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Captain America (Carol Danvers) (Cosmic)

    Electro (Robot) (Tech)

    Emily Preston (Tech)

    Rictor (Mutant)

    Belladonna (Mutant)

    Magma (Mutant)

    American Dream (Skill)

    Hulkpool (Science)

    Lord Tyger (Science)
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Iron Destroyer (Mystic)

    Shaman (Mystic)

    Bug (Cosmic)

    Triathlon (Cosmic)

    Iron Man (Fantastic Four) (Tech)
  • SpaceCorpSpaceCorp Member Posts: 73
    Skurge the Executioner (Skill) would be an amazing character especially if he has a synergy with Hela. In my opinion
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Mustang (Skill)

    Raven the Hunter (Skill)

    Badger (Mystic)
  • FisichellaFisichella Member Posts: 97
    edited June 2022


    Princess Zanda



  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Sea-Spider (Skill)

    Web-Witch (Mystic)

    Amber Hunt (Science)
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