Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • GentlemeninspectorGentlemeninspector Member Posts: 2
    I have an idea for some Kabam original characters. I think it would be cool if we could get playable versions of the falling characters. Like how The Overseer is a playable version of maestro. I think it would be cool if we could get Kabam original versions of the following characters, The grandmaster, The collector & Carina
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    James Howlett (Earth-616)

    Original Wolverins Weiterentwicklung mit erwachten Besserker Modus heiße Klauen

    Original Wolverins evolution with awakened Beserker Mode with hot Claws

    James Howlett[1]
    Editorial Names:
    Savage Wolverine, Wolverine: The Best There Is, Wolverine Weapon X
    Other Aliases:
    Wolvermean,[2] Agent Logan,[3] Agent Ten,[4] The Amazing Immortal Man,[5] Angel,[6] The Animal Man,[5] Badger,[7] Bear-Man of Swan Hills,[8] Black Dragon,[9] 'Bub',[10] Canada,[11] The Canadian Cannibal,[12] Canucklehead,[13] Captain Logan,[14] Captain Terror,[15] Chi,[16] Chupacabra,[17] Claw[18] Claw-Lad,[19] Claw-Man,[20] Claws,[21] Corporal Logan,[14] Dark Phoenix,[22] Death,[23] Defender Of The Common Man,[9] Emilio Garra,[24] The Eternal Nemesis of the Hand,[25] Experiment X,[26] Ferret,[7] Fist of Legend,[27] Hand of God,[28] Iron Man,[29] Jimbo,[30] Jim Logan,[31] Jimmy-Boy,[32] Little Uncle,[33] Logan,[34] Mai'keth,[28] The Man From Up North,[35] Master of the Chinatown Underworld,[9] Midget,[34] Midget Maniac,[36] Mister Claremont,[37] The Mutant Menace,[12] Mutate #9601,[38] Old Son,[39] Patch,[40] Patient X,[41] Patient Zero,[42] Peter Richards,[43] Phoenix,[44] Pipsqueak,[45] Revolto the Clown,[46] Runt,[47] Short Stack,[48] Shorty,[49] Shrimp,[39] Skunk,[7] Skunk-Bear,[50] Squirrel,[51] Stench,[21] Subject X,[3] Tater,[52] Tenth Man,[53] Uncle Logan,[54] The Unkillable Ronin of the West,[25] Warthog Boy,[55] Weapon Chi,[16] Weapon Ten,[56] Weapon X,[57] Wildboy,[58] Wild Man,[5] Wolf-Boy,[59] Wolvereen/Wolverein,[59] Wolver-Mean,[36] Wolvie,[36] Wolvy[36]


    Wolverine's powers, abilities and strength level can vary due to a broad degree of artistic license employed by various comic book writers and artists. Below is a broad list of powers and feats Wolverine has shown over his more than four decades of comic appearances. If you wish to add more or discuss improvements to this section, please head to his power's discussion page.
    Fallen Son The Death of Captain America Vol 1 1 page 00 James Howlett (Earth-616).jpg
    Wolverine's powers in action
    Mutant Physiology: Logan is a mutant who had been given an Adamantium skeleton by the Weapon X Program.[119] Nick Fury's intel classified him as Power Level 9,[327] while the O*N*E classified him as a Severe Threat.[328]

    Regenerative Healing Factor: Wolverine's body naturally regenerates most (if not all) damaged or destroyed tissues and organs at a rate which exceeds that of any normal human. The rate of regeneration is proportional to the damage caused.[69] This process is automatic and Wolverine seems to have no control over it.[329] His healing factor, however, does not seem to stop Wolverine from feeling the pain of his wounds nor the pain of his body regenerating itself. The speed at which he heals has fluctuated considerably in recent years. After first losing his Adamantium, Wolverine's healing factor recovered and increased to a level far above his previous norm.[330][331] However, it was significantly reduced after his last encounter with Lazaer, the Angel of Death.[332] Its current effectiveness (after losing the healing factor, dying, and being resurrected with it intact) has not yet been compared to past values.[333][334]

    Contaminant Immunity: Wolverine's natural healing also affords him virtual immunity to poisons, viruses, diseases, and most drugs. For example, it is extremely difficult for him to become intoxicated from alcohol.[69] It can be accomplished with extraordinary amounts of alcohol,[147] and even then the entire cycle of intoxication and hangover can be completed in mere minutes.[335] Wolverine's healing factor has cured him of the mystical curse of lycanthropy after he had been bitten and turned into a werewolf,[336] and from vampirism;[337] though it should be noted that the time it took to cure the werewolf curse was longer than the time it took to cure him of vampirism, when he was infected with vampirism he had also been infected with nanites to temporarily deactivate his healing factor and use him as a 'booby-trap' on the vampires.

    Fatigue Resistance: Wolverine is partially resistant to fatigue poisons produced from physical activity.[69]

    Decelerated Aging: In addition, Wolverine's healing factor provides him with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process; Wolverine was born sometime during the late 19th Century.[1]} Although well over 100 years of age, Wolverine retains the health, appearance and physical vitality of a man in the physical prime of his life.[69]

    Telepathic Resistance: Wolverine has stated to Emma Frost that he is resistant to telepathic probing, from both level 9 psi-shields implanted by Professor Charles Xavier[338] and his healing factor creating “mental scar tissue” blocking it,[339] although he is not completely immune to telepathy as he does appear to be vulnerable to extremely powerful telepaths such as Quentin Quire.[315]
    Retractable Bone Claws: Wolverine's skeleton includes six retractable foot-long bone claws, three in each arm, that are housed beneath the skin and muscle of his forearms. Wolverine could, at will, release these slightly curved claws through his skin between the knuckles on each hand. The bone claws are naturally sharp and tougher than normal human bone; even before they were infused with Adamantium, they could penetrate most flesh and many natural materials.[69] After augmentation, his bones became indestructible and his claws are capable of piercing any material (relative to its thickness and the force Wolverine can exert).[69] The Adamantium bonding process which affected his bones effectively transformed them into a new alloy called "Adamantium-Beta"[340] which, combined with his healing factor, prevents his Adamantium skeleton from interfering with his bone marrows production of blood cells.[69] Wolverine can unsheathe any number of his claws at once, although he needs to keep his wrists straight at the moment his claws pass from his forearms into his hands. When unsheathed, the claws are entirely within his forearms, allowing him to bend his wrists when they are extended.[329]

    Hot Claws: A new facet of his Adamantium tipped claws upon his resurrection is to cause them to heat up several thousand degrees in seconds.[341][342] A trait which is seemingly tied to Wolverine's berserker rage, how hot they can get remains a mystery but they can reach high enough temperatures to cause gasoline to ignite on contact with it.[343]

    Superhumanly Acute Senses: Wolverine's super-human senses are a combination of a separate mutant ability and his Healing Factor since his sense organs atrophy at a much slower rate than normal humans.[329] His most improved senses are sight, hearing and smell. Due to these enhanced senses, Wolverine has claimed he can function in complete darkness as though it were daylight.[155]

    Superhuman Hearing: Wolverine is capable of hearing sounds from a far greater distance than any human,[69] and is said to be less developed than Daredevil.[329]
    Superhuman Sight: Wolverine sight is improved, allowing him to see further than a normal human.[69]

    Superhuman Smell: Wolverine's sense of smell is even more magnified and allows him to recognize and track objects and people just by smell alone.[69] Daredevil once posited that Wolverine's sense of smell is slightly more developed than his.[344]

    Superhuman Taste: Wolverine can distinguish individual ingredients in food or drink he consumes at a smaller part per volume than a normal person.[345]

    Superhuman Touch: Wolverine's sense of touch gives him greater sensitivity to air direction and temperature differentials in his environment. He is able to sense Cyclops's incoming power beam based on the shift in air pressure that precedes its arrival.[146]

    Superhuman Strength: Wolverine's reinforced skeleton allows him to withstand high levels of physical pressure. His strength is also boosted to enhanced levels, allowing him to lift more than 800 lbs but no more than 2 tons.[69][346][52]

    Superhuman Speed: Wolverine is able to move at low level superhuman speeds. He has attacked faster than the eye could follow and even Spider-Man briefly thought Wolverine was faster than he was in their first fight. His combat speed seems more enhanced then anything else, as he has frequently kept up with Spider-Man in combat, and blitzed people before they pull their trigger fingers.

    Superhuman Stamina: Wolverine's healing factor grants him superhuman stamina and is partially immune to fatigue toxins generated by physical exertion and thus has greater endurance than actual humans.[69] His stamina has been described as metahuman, indicating the ability to continually exert himself for several days at peak efficiency.[346]

    Superhuman Durability: Wolverine has superhuman durability due a combination of his healing factor and Adamantium skeleton.[69][346]

    Enhanced Reflexes and Agility: Wolverine's reflexes and agility are enhanced beyond the capabilities of the normal human body.[69][346] On several occasions, he was able to dodge Cyclops' optic blasts with ease,[262][97] although this is partly due to his enhanced senses.[146]

    Animal Empathy: Wolverine has been seen to be able to understand the emotions of animals around them and communicate with them on a very basic level. Wolverine has been seen to be able to show animals his intentions and actions so he would not be perceived as a threat to them.[347][348]

    Solipsistic Manipulation: For the briefest of times, Logan had been touched by the power belonging to the Crystal of Ultimate Vision when he and his compatriots were forced into seeking it out for the extraterrestrial plunderer Horde. When after said assailant killed Wolverine by tearing out his heart and the relic had supercharged his healing factor to the point that a few drops of his blood could regrow him a whole new body from nothing.[147] Mr. Howlett was infused with all the knowledge, therefor, all the power of the cosmos and it's various denizens. For in actuating the Crystal's power one becomes all knowing and seeing; making the user all powerful through the law of EVERYTHING being related to the user through absolute knowledge of everything. Therefore enabling the manipulation of anything related to them through shared knowledge & experiences.

    Omniscience: The crystal of ultimate vision grants it's handler absolute knowledge of all subjects and understanding, making them at one with the cosmos, expanding their senses and experiential understanding out and beyond the natural range of physical olfactory input.

    Omnipotence: Backed by the power of the Crystal of Ultimate Vision; Wolverine was capable of just about anything he could vividly imagine. Psychically snatching away the fragment of the crystal that kept Horde longlived and everpowerful with a thought, envisioning the whole of the universe as if he were one in the same with it and even being able to reach out and reorder the cosmos in any way he saw fit too.

  • Wildblue333Wildblue333 Member Posts: 405 ★★

    James Howlett (Earth-616)

    Original Wolverins Weiterentwicklung mit erwachten Besserker Modus heiße Klauen

    Original Wolverins evolution with awakened Beserker Mode with hot Claws

    James Howlett[1]
    Editorial Names:
    Savage Wolverine, Wolverine: The Best There Is, Wolverine Weapon X
    Other Aliases:
    Wolvermean,[2] Agent Logan,[3] Agent Ten,[4] The Amazing Immortal Man,[5] Angel,[6] The Animal Man,[5] Badger,[7] Bear-Man of Swan Hills,[8] Black Dragon,[9] 'Bub',[10] Canada,[11] The Canadian Cannibal,[12] Canucklehead,[13] Captain Logan,[14] Captain Terror,[15] Chi,[16] Chupacabra,[17] Claw[18] Claw-Lad,[19] Claw-Man,[20] Claws,[21] Corporal Logan,[14] Dark Phoenix,[22] Death,[23] Defender Of The Common Man,[9] Emilio Garra,[24] The Eternal Nemesis of the Hand,[25] Experiment X,[26] Ferret,[7] Fist of Legend,[27] Hand of God,[28] Iron Man,[29] Jimbo,[30] Jim Logan,[31] Jimmy-Boy,[32] Little Uncle,[33] Logan,[34] Mai'keth,[28] The Man From Up North,[35] Master of the Chinatown Underworld,[9] Midget,[34] Midget Maniac,[36] Mister Claremont,[37] The Mutant Menace,[12] Mutate #9601,[38] Old Son,[39] Patch,[40] Patient X,[41] Patient Zero,[42] Peter Richards,[43] Phoenix,[44] Pipsqueak,[45] Revolto the Clown,[46] Runt,[47] Short Stack,[48] Shorty,[49] Shrimp,[39] Skunk,[7] Skunk-Bear,[50] Squirrel,[51] Stench,[21] Subject X,[3] Tater,[52] Tenth Man,[53] Uncle Logan,[54] The Unkillable Ronin of the West,[25] Warthog Boy,[55] Weapon Chi,[16] Weapon Ten,[56] Weapon X,[57] Wildboy,[58] Wild Man,[5] Wolf-Boy,[59] Wolvereen/Wolverein,[59] Wolver-Mean,[36] Wolvie,[36] Wolvy[36]


    Wolverine's powers, abilities and strength level can vary due to a broad degree of artistic license employed by various comic book writers and artists. Below is a broad list of powers and feats Wolverine has shown over his more than four decades of comic appearances. If you wish to add more or discuss improvements to this section, please head to his power's discussion page.
    Fallen Son The Death of Captain America Vol 1 1 page 00 James Howlett (Earth-616).jpg
    Wolverine's powers in action
    Mutant Physiology: Logan is a mutant who had been given an Adamantium skeleton by the Weapon X Program.[119] Nick Fury's intel classified him as Power Level 9,[327] while the O*N*E classified him as a Severe Threat.[328]

    Regenerative Healing Factor: Wolverine's body naturally regenerates most (if not all) damaged or destroyed tissues and organs at a rate which exceeds that of any normal human. The rate of regeneration is proportional to the damage caused.[69] This process is automatic and Wolverine seems to have no control over it.[329] His healing factor, however, does not seem to stop Wolverine from feeling the pain of his wounds nor the pain of his body regenerating itself. The speed at which he heals has fluctuated considerably in recent years. After first losing his Adamantium, Wolverine's healing factor recovered and increased to a level far above his previous norm.[330][331] However, it was significantly reduced after his last encounter with Lazaer, the Angel of Death.[332] Its current effectiveness (after losing the healing factor, dying, and being resurrected with it intact) has not yet been compared to past values.[333][334]

    Contaminant Immunity: Wolverine's natural healing also affords him virtual immunity to poisons, viruses, diseases, and most drugs. For example, it is extremely difficult for him to become intoxicated from alcohol.[69] It can be accomplished with extraordinary amounts of alcohol,[147] and even then the entire cycle of intoxication and hangover can be completed in mere minutes.[335] Wolverine's healing factor has cured him of the mystical curse of lycanthropy after he had been bitten and turned into a werewolf,[336] and from vampirism;[337] though it should be noted that the time it took to cure the werewolf curse was longer than the time it took to cure him of vampirism, when he was infected with vampirism he had also been infected with nanites to temporarily deactivate his healing factor and use him as a 'booby-trap' on the vampires.

    Fatigue Resistance: Wolverine is partially resistant to fatigue poisons produced from physical activity.[69]

    Decelerated Aging: In addition, Wolverine's healing factor provides him with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process; Wolverine was born sometime during the late 19th Century.[1]} Although well over 100 years of age, Wolverine retains the health, appearance and physical vitality of a man in the physical prime of his life.[69]

    Telepathic Resistance: Wolverine has stated to Emma Frost that he is resistant to telepathic probing, from both level 9 psi-shields implanted by Professor Charles Xavier[338] and his healing factor creating “mental scar tissue” blocking it,[339] although he is not completely immune to telepathy as he does appear to be vulnerable to extremely powerful telepaths such as Quentin Quire.[315]
    Retractable Bone Claws: Wolverine's skeleton includes six retractable foot-long bone claws, three in each arm, that are housed beneath the skin and muscle of his forearms. Wolverine could, at will, release these slightly curved claws through his skin between the knuckles on each hand. The bone claws are naturally sharp and tougher than normal human bone; even before they were infused with Adamantium, they could penetrate most flesh and many natural materials.[69] After augmentation, his bones became indestructible and his claws are capable of piercing any material (relative to its thickness and the force Wolverine can exert).[69] The Adamantium bonding process which affected his bones effectively transformed them into a new alloy called "Adamantium-Beta"[340] which, combined with his healing factor, prevents his Adamantium skeleton from interfering with his bone marrows production of blood cells.[69] Wolverine can unsheathe any number of his claws at once, although he needs to keep his wrists straight at the moment his claws pass from his forearms into his hands. When unsheathed, the claws are entirely within his forearms, allowing him to bend his wrists when they are extended.[329]

    Hot Claws: A new facet of his Adamantium tipped claws upon his resurrection is to cause them to heat up several thousand degrees in seconds.[341][342] A trait which is seemingly tied to Wolverine's berserker rage, how hot they can get remains a mystery but they can reach high enough temperatures to cause gasoline to ignite on contact with it.[343]

    Superhumanly Acute Senses: Wolverine's super-human senses are a combination of a separate mutant ability and his Healing Factor since his sense organs atrophy at a much slower rate than normal humans.[329] His most improved senses are sight, hearing and smell. Due to these enhanced senses, Wolverine has claimed he can function in complete darkness as though it were daylight.[155]

    Superhuman Hearing: Wolverine is capable of hearing sounds from a far greater distance than any human,[69] and is said to be less developed than Daredevil.[329]
    Superhuman Sight: Wolverine sight is improved, allowing him to see further than a normal human.[69]

    Superhuman Smell: Wolverine's sense of smell is even more magnified and allows him to recognize and track objects and people just by smell alone.[69] Daredevil once posited that Wolverine's sense of smell is slightly more developed than his.[344]

    Superhuman Taste: Wolverine can distinguish individual ingredients in food or drink he consumes at a smaller part per volume than a normal person.[345]

    Superhuman Touch: Wolverine's sense of touch gives him greater sensitivity to air direction and temperature differentials in his environment. He is able to sense Cyclops's incoming power beam based on the shift in air pressure that precedes its arrival.[146]

    Superhuman Strength: Wolverine's reinforced skeleton allows him to withstand high levels of physical pressure. His strength is also boosted to enhanced levels, allowing him to lift more than 800 lbs but no more than 2 tons.[69][346][52]

    Superhuman Speed: Wolverine is able to move at low level superhuman speeds. He has attacked faster than the eye could follow and even Spider-Man briefly thought Wolverine was faster than he was in their first fight. His combat speed seems more enhanced then anything else, as he has frequently kept up with Spider-Man in combat, and blitzed people before they pull their trigger fingers.

    Superhuman Stamina: Wolverine's healing factor grants him superhuman stamina and is partially immune to fatigue toxins generated by physical exertion and thus has greater endurance than actual humans.[69] His stamina has been described as metahuman, indicating the ability to continually exert himself for several days at peak efficiency.[346]

    Superhuman Durability: Wolverine has superhuman durability due a combination of his healing factor and Adamantium skeleton.[69][346]

    Enhanced Reflexes and Agility: Wolverine's reflexes and agility are enhanced beyond the capabilities of the normal human body.[69][346] On several occasions, he was able to dodge Cyclops' optic blasts with ease,[262][97] although this is partly due to his enhanced senses.[146]

    Animal Empathy: Wolverine has been seen to be able to understand the emotions of animals around them and communicate with them on a very basic level. Wolverine has been seen to be able to show animals his intentions and actions so he would not be perceived as a threat to them.[347][348]

    Solipsistic Manipulation: For the briefest of times, Logan had been touched by the power belonging to the Crystal of Ultimate Vision when he and his compatriots were forced into seeking it out for the extraterrestrial plunderer Horde. When after said assailant killed Wolverine by tearing out his heart and the relic had supercharged his healing factor to the point that a few drops of his blood could regrow him a whole new body from nothing.[147] Mr. Howlett was infused with all the knowledge, therefor, all the power of the cosmos and it's various denizens. For in actuating the Crystal's power one becomes all knowing and seeing; making the user all powerful through the law of EVERYTHING being related to the user through absolute knowledge of everything. Therefore enabling the manipulation of anything related to them through shared knowledge & experiences.

    Omniscience: The crystal of ultimate vision grants it's handler absolute knowledge of all subjects and understanding, making them at one with the cosmos, expanding their senses and experiential understanding out and beyond the natural range of physical olfactory input.

    Omnipotence: Backed by the power of the Crystal of Ultimate Vision; Wolverine was capable of just about anything he could vividly imagine. Psychically snatching away the fragment of the crystal that kept Horde longlived and everpowerful with a thought, envisioning the whole of the universe as if he were one in the same with it and even being able to reach out and reorder the cosmos in any way he saw fit too.

    IF YOU are going to bring in another Wolverine, I want him in his Brown and Orange Uniform. If you want to give that version, the Heat claws, Go to town but He needs to look drastically different
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Lin Li (Earth-616)

    Lin Li[1]
    Nature Girl[1]

    Powers and Abilities

    Nature Manipulation: Nature Girl's powers are directly connected to the natural world and thus she can communicate, influence, manipulate, and control nature: all living beings, plants, natural phenomena (such as the weather and geology of the Earth), and the matter and energy of which all these things are composed.[17]

    Animal Manipulation: Eye Boy once stated that she has the power to control and bond with every living species of animal on Earth.[17]
    Botanopathy: She possesses the ability to communicate with and manipulate all plant life. She is able to cause plants to grow, move, attack, rise from the soil and "walk", mutate plants by rearranging DNA structure, and revive withered or dead plants.[17]
    Elemental Manipulation: She possesses the ability to control and manipulate the elemental forces of nature.[17]
    Weather Control: She can control and affect the weather in a certain area.[17]
    Healing: She possesses the ability to purify, heal, and generally influence the health of nature.[17]
    Microbial Communication: While a part of the Age of X-Man plane of existence, Lin decided to focus her powers on something new. Reaching out to the microcellular life forms that set in when bodily necrosis occurs to glean information on the cadavers maker. Only to see the shared historical feedback of both the victim and killer's memories.[18]
    Nature Bonding: Shown to be able to quell and unify with even some of the more feral entities, like the Bamfs.[1] Despite being silent to people in general, Lin is able to communicate with both animals and plants.[6] Her persuasive power allows her to control animals and put them in action against enemies[19], as she did when Faithful John arrived at the Jean Grey School to kill Evan Sabahnur. In this situation, Nature Girl used her command over animals to distract John, leaving him vulnerable to other attacks.[20]
    Flight: She has the ability to fly for a limited time.[17][13]
    World Connection: Lin's abilities establish a binding link with the planet and all of its denizens, particularly the floral & faunal kingdom.[21]

    Krakoan Cudgel: Before departing the mutant homeland forevermore, Cypher bequeathed the young mutant a cudgel with structuring similar to a Krakoan gate, although its powers were left a mystery.[3]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    James Howlett (Earth-616)

    Neuer Wolverine in seiner Orange/Braunen Uniform & dem Berserker Modus Heisse Krallen

    New Wolverine in his orange/brown uniform & the berserk mode Hot Claws

    James Howlett[1]
    Editorial Names:
    Savage Wolverine, Wolverine: The Best There Is, Wolverine Weapon X
    Other Aliases:
    Wolvermean,[2] Agent Logan,[3] Agent Ten,[4] The Amazing Immortal Man,[5] Angel,[6] The Animal Man,[5] Badger,[7] Bear-Man of Swan Hills,[8] Black Dragon,[9] 'Bub',[10] Canada,[11] The Canadian Cannibal,[12] Canucklehead,[13] Captain Logan,[14] Captain Terror,[15] Chi,[16] Chupacabra,[17] Claw[18] Claw-Lad,[19] Claw-Man,[20] Claws,[21] Corporal Logan,[14] Dark Phoenix,[22] Death,[23] Defender Of The Common Man,[9] Emilio Garra,[24] The Eternal Nemesis of the Hand,[25] Experiment X,[26] Ferret,[7] Fist of Legend,[27] Hand of God,[28] Iron Man,[29] Jimbo,[30] Jim Logan,[31] Jimmy-Boy,[32] Little Uncle,[33] Logan,[34] Mai'keth,[28] The Man From Up North,[35] Master of the Chinatown Underworld,[9] Midget,[34] Midget Maniac,[36] Mister Claremont,[37] The Mutant Menace,[12] Mutate #9601,[38] Old Son,[39] Patch,[40] Patient X,[41] Patient Zero,[42] Peter Richards,[43] Phoenix,[44] Pipsqueak,[45] Revolto the Clown,[46] Runt,[47] Short Stack,[48] Shorty,[49] Shrimp,[39] Skunk,[7] Skunk-Bear,[50] Squirrel,[51] Stench,[21] Subject X,[3] Tater,[52] Tenth Man,[53] Uncle Logan,[54] The Unkillable Ronin of the West,[25] Warthog Boy,[55] Weapon Chi,[16] Weapon Ten,[56] Weapon X,[57] Wildboy,[58] Wild Man,[5] Wolf-Boy,[59] Wolvereen/Wolverein,[59] Wolver-Mean,[36] Wolvie,[36] Wolvy[36]


    Wolverine's powers, abilities and strength level can vary due to a broad degree of artistic license employed by various comic book writers and artists. Below is a broad list of powers and feats Wolverine has shown over his more than four decades of comic appearances. If you wish to add more or discuss improvements to this section, please head to his power's discussion page.
    Fallen Son The Death of Captain America Vol 1 1 page 00 James Howlett (Earth-616).jpg
    Wolverine's powers in action
    Mutant Physiology: Logan is a mutant who had been given an Adamantium skeleton by the Weapon X Program.[119] Nick Fury's intel classified him as Power Level 9,[327] while the O*N*E classified him as a Severe Threat.[328]

    Regenerative Healing Factor: Wolverine's body naturally regenerates most (if not all) damaged or destroyed tissues and organs at a rate which exceeds that of any normal human. The rate of regeneration is proportional to the damage caused.[69] This process is automatic and Wolverine seems to have no control over it.[329] His healing factor, however, does not seem to stop Wolverine from feeling the pain of his wounds nor the pain of his body regenerating itself. The speed at which he heals has fluctuated considerably in recent years. After first losing his Adamantium, Wolverine's healing factor recovered and increased to a level far above his previous norm.[330][331] However, it was significantly reduced after his last encounter with Lazaer, the Angel of Death.[332] Its current effectiveness (after losing the healing factor, dying, and being resurrected with it intact) has not yet been compared to past values.[333][334]

    Contaminant Immunity: Wolverine's natural healing also affords him virtual immunity to poisons, viruses, diseases, and most drugs. For example, it is extremely difficult for him to become intoxicated from alcohol.[69] It can be accomplished with extraordinary amounts of alcohol,[147] and even then the entire cycle of intoxication and hangover can be completed in mere minutes.[335] Wolverine's healing factor has cured him of the mystical curse of lycanthropy after he had been bitten and turned into a werewolf,[336] and from vampirism;[337] though it should be noted that the time it took to cure the werewolf curse was longer than the time it took to cure him of vampirism, when he was infected with vampirism he had also been infected with nanites to temporarily deactivate his healing factor and use him as a 'booby-trap' on the vampires.

    Fatigue Resistance: Wolverine is partially resistant to fatigue poisons produced from physical activity.[69]

    Decelerated Aging: In addition, Wolverine's healing factor provides him with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process; Wolverine was born sometime during the late 19th Century.[1]} Although well over 100 years of age, Wolverine retains the health, appearance and physical vitality of a man in the physical prime of his life.[69]

    Telepathic Resistance: Wolverine has stated to Emma Frost that he is resistant to telepathic probing, from both level 9 psi-shields implanted by Professor Charles Xavier[338] and his healing factor creating “mental scar tissue” blocking it,[339] although he is not completely immune to telepathy as he does appear to be vulnerable to extremely powerful telepaths such as Quentin Quire.[315]
    Retractable Bone Claws: Wolverine's skeleton includes six retractable foot-long bone claws, three in each arm, that are housed beneath the skin and muscle of his forearms. Wolverine could, at will, release these slightly curved claws through his skin between the knuckles on each hand. The bone claws are naturally sharp and tougher than normal human bone; even before they were infused with Adamantium, they could penetrate most flesh and many natural materials.[69] After augmentation, his bones became indestructible and his claws are capable of piercing any material (relative to its thickness and the force Wolverine can exert).[69] The Adamantium bonding process which affected his bones effectively transformed them into a new alloy called "Adamantium-Beta"[340] which, combined with his healing factor, prevents his Adamantium skeleton from interfering with his bone marrows production of blood cells.[69] Wolverine can unsheathe any number of his claws at once, although he needs to keep his wrists straight at the moment his claws pass from his forearms into his hands. When unsheathed, the claws are entirely within his forearms, allowing him to bend his wrists when they are extended.[329]

    Hot Claws: A new facet of his Adamantium tipped claws upon his resurrection is to cause them to heat up several thousand degrees in seconds.[341][342] A trait which is seemingly tied to Wolverine's berserker rage, how hot they can get remains a mystery but they can reach high enough temperatures to cause gasoline to ignite on contact with it.[343]

    Superhumanly Acute Senses: Wolverine's super-human senses are a combination of a separate mutant ability and his Healing Factor since his sense organs atrophy at a much slower rate than normal humans.[329] His most improved senses are sight, hearing and smell. Due to these enhanced senses, Wolverine has claimed he can function in complete darkness as though it were daylight.[155]

    Superhuman Hearing: Wolverine is capable of hearing sounds from a far greater distance than any human,[69] and is said to be less developed than Daredevil.[329]
    Superhuman Sight: Wolverine sight is improved, allowing him to see further than a normal human.[69]

    Superhuman Smell: Wolverine's sense of smell is even more magnified and allows him to recognize and track objects and people just by smell alone.[69] Daredevil once posited that Wolverine's sense of smell is slightly more developed than his.[344]

    Superhuman Taste: Wolverine can distinguish individual ingredients in food or drink he consumes at a smaller part per volume than a normal person.[345]

    Superhuman Touch: Wolverine's sense of touch gives him greater sensitivity to air direction and temperature differentials in his environment. He is able to sense Cyclops's incoming power beam based on the shift in air pressure that precedes its arrival.[146]

    Superhuman Strength: Wolverine's reinforced skeleton allows him to withstand high levels of physical pressure. His strength is also boosted to enhanced levels, allowing him to lift more than 800 lbs but no more than 2 tons.[69][346][52]

    Superhuman Speed: Wolverine is able to move at low level superhuman speeds. He has attacked faster than the eye could follow and even Spider-Man briefly thought Wolverine was faster than he was in their first fight. His combat speed seems more enhanced then anything else, as he has frequently kept up with Spider-Man in combat, and blitzed people before they pull their trigger fingers.

    Superhuman Stamina: Wolverine's healing factor grants him superhuman stamina and is partially immune to fatigue toxins generated by physical exertion and thus has greater endurance than actual humans.[69] His stamina has been described as metahuman, indicating the ability to continually exert himself for several days at peak efficiency.[346]

    Superhuman Durability: Wolverine has superhuman durability due a combination of his healing factor and Adamantium skeleton.[69][346]

    Enhanced Reflexes and Agility: Wolverine's reflexes and agility are enhanced beyond the capabilities of the normal human body.[69][346] On several occasions, he was able to dodge Cyclops' optic blasts with ease,[262][97] although this is partly due to his enhanced senses.[146]

    Animal Empathy: Wolverine has been seen to be able to understand the emotions of animals around them and communicate with them on a very basic level. Wolverine has been seen to be able to show animals his intentions and actions so he would not be perceived as a threat to them.[347][348]

    Solipsistic Manipulation: For the briefest of times, Logan had been touched by the power belonging to the Crystal of Ultimate Vision when he and his compatriots were forced into seeking it out for the extraterrestrial plunderer Horde. When after said assailant killed Wolverine by tearing out his heart and the relic had supercharged his healing factor to the point that a few drops of his blood could regrow him a whole new body from nothing.[147] Mr. Howlett was infused with all the knowledge, therefor, all the power of the cosmos and it's various denizens. For in actuating the Crystal's power one becomes all knowing and seeing; making the user all powerful through the law of EVERYTHING being related to the user through absolute knowledge of everything. Therefore enabling the manipulation of anything related to them through shared knowledge & experiences.

    Omniscience: The crystal of ultimate vision grants it's handler absolute knowledge of all subjects and understanding, making them at one with the cosmos, expanding their senses and experiential understanding out and beyond the natural range of physical olfactory input.

    Omnipotence: Backed by the power of the Crystal of Ultimate Vision; Wolverine was capable of just about anything he could vividly imagine. Psychically snatching away the fragment of the crystal that kept Horde longlived and everpowerful with a thought, envisioning the whole of the universe as if he were one in the same with it and even being able to reach out and reorder the cosmos in any way he saw fit too.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Victor von Doom (Earth-928)

    Victor von Doom
    All-Father Doom[1]
    Doom, Doom 2099, The Master, Erik,[2] Victor,[2] Nate,[2] Erik Czerny

    Doom can exchange minds with others. He possesses some mystical abilities, such as casting bolts of eldritch energy and invoking mystical entities (principalities) for additional support. However, Doom 2099's incomplete memories made him vulnerable to improperly casting spells, so he mostly refrained from mysticism upon his return.[8]

    Doom is a genius in physics, robotics, cybernetics, genetics, weapons technology, biochemistry, and time travel. He is also self-taught in the mystic arts. Doom is a natural leader, a brilliant strategist, and a sly deceiver. In 2099, using nanotechnology, Doom augmented his motor reflexes and neural responses far beyond average human levels.

    Genius-level intellect
    Command of magic
    Nanomachines in blood that allow cyberpathy and healing
    Wears a custom-designed suit of powered armor that grants:
    Enhanced strength
    Flight via rocket pack
    Temporary intangibility
    Protective force fields
    Energy blast projection via gauntlets
    Wide array of sensors and scanners

    Powers and abilities

    After his defeat by Tyger Wylde, Doom underwent special surgery: nanotechnology was neurocybersurgically added to his nervous system, speeding up his neural and motor responses, allowing him to interface directly with technology and heal himself from serious injuries.

    Due to his fragmented memory, Doom's mystical abilities were drastically decreased. For mystical matters, Doom therefore had to rely on Vox. When his memory was restored, he had full access to his mystical abilities.

    Doom has extensive knowledge of all sciences, and is an expert in robotics, trans-Einsteinian physics, genetic engineering, weapons technology, time travel, bio-chemistry, and other fields.

    Doom wears an adamantium-lanxide laced armor over cybermesh circuitry enabling tactile interface with nanoids in his brain and bloodstream, that he designed with the help of Celia Quinones. The armor allows him such abilities as flight via rocket pack, phasing (thanks to the phase shifter linked with his armor system, enabling temporary intangibility), protective forcefields, increased strength, invisibility and gauntlet energy blasts. His armor also possesses a wide array of sensors and scanners.

    Doom wore a sophisticated nuclear-powered titanium battlesuit which granted him superhuman strength, contained jets for flight, housed a personal force field, and discharged concussive force blasts; he could also electrify his armor's surface. The armor contained a 4-hour air supply, and could be sealed for travel into outer space or underwater. Special attachments to the armor had included a molecular-expander, which can cause molecules to expand into the size of boulders, and various devices for absorbing the energies of others (such as the Silver Surfer). In 2099, Doom's armor was upgraded multiple times, but with many of the same abilities as his old suit, just more powerful and advanced. Some of the newer upgrades included a phase shifter, allowing him to become insubstantial and pass through solid objects, as well as a cyberspace link, allowing his mind to access cyberspace through his armor. During a fight with the copy Doctor Doom of 2099, he also upgraded his suit with a remote activator for his time platform. He also sealed off the eye slits which were previously open, covering them with red lenses.

    Doom's many inventions include a variety of robots, such as robot duplicates of himself (Doombots), Latveria's robot police force (Servo-Guards), an army of unstoppable robots designed only to destroy (Killer Robots), as well as robots designed for slave labor and non-humanoid models used for special posts; his time machine, with which he can travel through space and time; and a shrink ray.

    Primarily his suit's armaments.

  • WonderingoneWonderingone Member Posts: 1

    Daredevil (Electra)

    Doctor Druid

    Adam X

    Death’s Head
  • BigOreocakester3BigOreocakester3 Member Posts: 1


    Ex Nihilo

    Ex Nihila


    Nova (Frankie Raye)

    Winter Soldier 2099

    Crossbones 2099



  • This content has been removed.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Douglas Ramsey (Earth-616)

    Douglas Aaron "Doug" Ramsey
    Douglock,[1] Selfsoulfriend,[1] soft boy,[2] Truefriend[1]


    Omnilingual Translation: Cypher is a hyper-linguist,[44] and has a superhuman facility for translating any languages, spoken or written, human or alien in origin. His superhuman skill also extends to his great facility in deciphering codes and computer languages as well as understanding hidden intentions and body language. Cypher's skills are such that he was once able to make great headway in translating the written language of an extraterrestrial race in a matter of minutes. Cypher's mutant talent for translating differs from the translating ability that a human who is a genius in this field, yet not a mutant, possesses, even though both people might achieve the same results with any given translation problem. Cypher's mutant talent is an intuitive one which works on a subconscious level, whereas others will have to work out a translation consciously, step by step. Rather than working the problem out step by step, in his conscious mind, Cypher instead subconsciously solves the problem. Hence, Cypher can reach the correct solution by means that appear to be leaps of logic, and he himself may not have been consciously aware of the entire process by which he reaches the right answer.

    His recent return from death has abnormally widened his perspective. Everything he sees is now interpreted into information, everything is language to him now.[45] He can read the information flow from technological components emitting such.[46]

    Training in hand-to-hand combat - Since his resurrection, his language power has extended to combat, making him able to interpret his opponents moves as language. This has vastly increased his combat effectiveness, to the point where he was able to defeat the rest of the New Mutants by himself.
    Gifted intelligence

    Internet Addiction: After trying to use his powers to decode the Internet, Cypher became addicted to being online. He let himself go and almost starved himself because he couldn't stay away from the numerous devices he was using to surf the web.[29] He acted like an addict, and even pilfered a corpse once to get a phone with Internet access.[30]

    Warlock: While merged with Warlock, Cypher could use him to form armor, blasters and connect to machinery.[47]


  • Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 504 ★★★

    Mr.0-8-4 said:

    We need more Atlanteans

    Which ones do you want?? There aren't that many

    We already have Namor. The only ones left are :
    Namora, his cousin
    Namorita, Namora's clone
    Krang, Altantean general
    Attuma, an atlantean warlond
    Orka, an atlantean soldier
    Llyra, an Lemurian Rebel

    I have no problem with Namora as long as you bring in other agents of Atlas like:
    Jimmy Wu,
    Gorrilla man
    the Uranian,
    Those are good champs to start with but I would also like to see some custom made Atlantean warriors.

    Nara the Atlantean would be awesome to have in the contest!
  • Wildblue333Wildblue333 Member Posts: 405 ★★
    Mr.0-8-4 said:

    Mr.0-8-4 said:

    We need more Atlanteans

    Which ones do you want?? There aren't that many

    We already have Namor. The only ones left are :
    Namora, his cousin
    Namorita, Namora's clone
    Krang, Altantean general
    Attuma, an atlantean warlond
    Orka, an atlantean soldier
    Llyra, an Lemurian Rebel

    I have no problem with Namora as long as you bring in other agents of Atlas like:
    Jimmy Wu,
    Gorrilla man
    the Uranian,
    Those are good champs to start with but I would also like to see some custom made Atlantean warriors.

    Nara the Atlantean would be awesome to have in the contest!
    Nara is very obscure. Not sure how she would fly.

    I'll give you Tigershark as well
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Doyle Dormammu (Earth-616)

    Doyle Dormammu

    Faltine Physiology: Like his father, Doyle appears to be composed of pure mystic energy.[3][12]

    Pyrokinesis: He's able to create and control fire.[3][1]
    Magic Manipulation: He has been shown to channel and generate raw mystical power from his body, allowing him to cast and counteract powerful spells as well as travel inter-dimensionally by creating portals through the Dark Dimension.[2]
    Cloaking Spell: He is able to hide himself and his allies from the optical sight of his enemy.[5]
    Time Walking: He can open portals to the past or future.[9]
  • furyoncrackfuryoncrack Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2022
    My wishlist with synergies
    Captain Universe; Spider-Man
    Peggy Carter; Captain America
    Ulysses Klaue; Black Panther; M’baku
    M’baku(Man-Ape); Black Panther; Klaue
    Baron Zemo; Captain America(Sam Wilson); Captain America(Steve Rogers); Winter Soldier
    Amadeus Cho; Hulk; Spider-Man
    Beta Ray Bill; Thor
    Zeus; Thor; Hercules
    Devil Dinosaur; Moon Girl
    White Tiger; Spider-Man
    Moon Girl; Devil Dinosaur
    Crimson Dynamo; Guardian
    Black Knight(Dane Whitman); Sersi; Ikaris; Morgan Le Fay
    Stingray; Attuma
    Living mummy; Horus
    Chipmunk Hunk; Squirrel Girl
    Attuma; Stingray
    Horus; Living Mummy
    Cloak; Dagger
    Dagger; Cloak
    Surtur; Thor; Odin; Loki; Hela; Valkyrie
    Electro 2099; Spider-Man 2099; Green Goblin 2099
    Green Goblin 2099; Spider-Man 2099; Electro 2099
    Maximus the Mad; Medusa; Black Bolt; Karnak
    Morgan Le Fay; Black Knight(Dane Whitman)
    Tinkerer; Spider-Man
    Hobgoblin; Spider-Man
    Morbius; Hellcow
    Hellcow; Morbius
    Two-Gun Kid; Ring Master
    Ring Master; Spider-Man; Two-Gun Kid
    Fin Fang Foom; Iron Man

  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 65
    I hope that in November that when we get BP Wakanda Forever that we get both MCU Attuma & whoever the new Black Panther is as champs. As well as the compelling story behind the rivalry Wakanda & Atlantis have with eachother. Down the line I’d also like to see more Atlantis themed heroes/villains enter the contest. Besides Attuma my biggest one is Stingray & his brother-in-law Tiger Shark. 2 very solid champs that are relatively obscure. I’d also like to see more love for BP since he has classic villains like Man-Ape & Klaw waiting to be used. I’d also like to see a year of villains where only villains from marvel are added throughout the year. Notable villains I would like to see are:
    - Baron Zemo (MCU or Classic)
    - Radioactive Man
    - The Mandarin (MCU or Classic)
    - Whiplash (MCU or Classic)
    - Iron Monger (MCU or Classic)
    - Batroc the Leaper (MCU or Classic)
    - Flagsmasher (MCU or Classic)
    - Klaw (MCU or Classic)
    - Man-Ape (MCU or Classic)
    - Surtur (MCU or Classic)
    - Malekith (MCU or Classic)
    - Leader
    - Zzzax
    - Bullseye
    - Steel Serpent
    - The Serpent Society (All; mostly King Cobra & Diamondback)
    - Baron Von Strucker (MCU or Classic)
    - The Zodiac (mainly Scorpio)
    - Silver Samurai
    - Gorgon (mutant)
    - Lady Deathstrike
    - Dakken
    - Titania
    - Absorbing Man
    - The Wrecking Crew (mainly Wrecker & Thunderball)
    - Jigsaw
    - Blob
    - Pyro
    - Madame Masque
    - Whirlwind
    - Shocker
    - Boomerang
    - Diamondhead
    - Shadow King
    - Thundra
    - & Dr. Bong
  • Wildblue333Wildblue333 Member Posts: 405 ★★

    I hope that in November that when we get BP Wakanda Forever that we get both MCU Attuma & whoever the new Black Panther is as champs. As well as the compelling story behind the rivalry Wakanda & Atlantis have with eachother. Down the line I’d also like to see more Atlantis themed heroes/villains enter the contest. Besides Attuma my biggest one is Stingray & his brother-in-law Tiger Shark. 2 very solid champs that are relatively obscure. I’d also like to see more love for BP since he has classic villains like Man-Ape & Klaw waiting to be used. I’d also like to see a year of villains where only villains from marvel are added throughout the year. Notable villains I would like to see are:
    - Baron Zemo (MCU or Classic)
    - Radioactive Man
    - The Mandarin (MCU or Classic)
    - Whiplash (MCU or Classic)
    - Iron Monger (MCU or Classic)
    - Batroc the Leaper (MCU or Classic)
    - Flagsmasher (MCU or Classic)
    - Klaw (MCU or Classic)
    - Man-Ape (MCU or Classic)
    - Surtur (MCU or Classic)
    - Malekith (MCU or Classic)
    - Leader
    - Zzzax
    - Bullseye
    - Steel Serpent
    - The Serpent Society (All; mostly King Cobra & Diamondback)
    - Baron Von Strucker (MCU or Classic)
    - The Zodiac (mainly Scorpio)
    - Silver Samurai
    - Gorgon (mutant)
    - Lady Deathstrike
    - Dakken
    - Titania
    - Absorbing Man
    - The Wrecking Crew (mainly Wrecker & Thunderball)
    - Jigsaw
    - Blob
    - Pyro
    - Madame Masque
    - Whirlwind
    - Shocker
    - Boomerang
    - Diamondhead
    - Shadow King
    - Thundra
    - & Dr. Bong

    I think Attuma and Okoye or Shuri are most likely in November. I think Titania is coming in september with the Masters of evil story line and She's released in She Hulk on Disney + same month.
    We can't get Bullseye or Zemo until 2023.cause they were in this years summoner's Choice.
  • QuackersQuackers Member Posts: 1

    Death’s head 2

    Deacon Frost

    David north (agent zero)

    Hannibal King

  • M4nu31M4nu31 Member Posts: 5
    • Weapon H

    • Sandman

    • Dracula

    • Hellcat

    • Sif

    • Tombstone

    • Typhoid Mary

    • Viv Vision

    • Morbius

    • Bullseye

    • Hobgoblin

    • Prowler

  • Wildblue333Wildblue333 Member Posts: 405 ★★





    Morbius could come this year. Odds are that could be October which is a Spider Month and that is the month of Halloween. Kabam would love to give us a monster for that month.
    Bullseye, Hobgoblin , and Prowler can't come earlier that 2023. Because they were options that didn't win in the most Recent Summoner's choice. You can include Sif, and VIV in the next Summoners Choice which should hit October of November this year. There is a thread where we are suggesting candidates. You should look it up.
  • TheTattoedOne1TheTattoedOne1 Member Posts: 8

    Holocaust from age of apocalypse
  • TheTattoedOne1TheTattoedOne1 Member Posts: 8

  • TheTattoedOne1TheTattoedOne1 Member Posts: 8

  • AltairMUP96AltairMUP96 Member Posts: 126 ★★

    RaimiVerse Doctor Octopus

    I know people would hate a reskin, but I'd love to see as a late No Way Home collab.
  • Planet9Planet9 Member Posts: 1

    Daredevil 2099

    Odain 1,000,000 BC

    Phoenix 1,000,000 BC

    Ghost Rider 1,000,000 BC

    Apocalypse 1,000,000 BC
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Magneto (Heroes Reborn) (Mutant)

    Jackal (Flash Thompson) (Skill)

    Falcon (Miles Morales) (Skill)

    Neutron (Brood) (Cosmic)

    Starbolt (Brood) (Cosmic)

    Tom Thumb (Tech)
  • Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Member Posts: 600 ★★★
    Check the top left corner. Just saying

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Golden Oldie (Cosmic)

    Princess Python (Skill)

    Spyder-Knight (Mystic)

    Captain America (Nichelle Wright) (Skill)

    Zaran (Skill)

    Demogoblin (Mystic)

    Nuke (Science)

    Protector (Isaac Ikeda) (Tech)

    Ransak (Cosmic)
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Spider-Man (Dark Ages) (Science)

    Shang-Chi (Carnagized) (Cosmic)

    Apocalypse (Dark Ages) (Mutant)

    Spider-Man (Darkhold) (Science)

    Big Man (Henry Pym Jr.) (Science)

    Ikaris (Carnagized) (Cosmic)

    Kingpin (Technopolis) (Tech)

    Ladyhawk (Skill)

    Blade (Carnagized) (Cosmic)

    Nightcrawler (Dark Ages) (Mutant)

    Freebooter (Skill)

    Dark Ages Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (Cosmic)
  • GFDH830GFDH830 Member Posts: 1

    Fallen One

    Living tribunal

    The Beyonder


    Helmut Zemo
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