Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★

    Considering that we haven't had a SINGLE mutant in over a year now - and if you take away all the Wolverine and Deadpool and Cyclops duplicates, the mutant class is the most lacking... now that we know that we're FINALLY getting at least one (hopefully two) mutants this summer in June, I'm hoping for:

    Jean Grey. Not Phoenix (arguably worst cosmic in the game) but just a good ol' proper Mutant Jean Grey. Make her ultra powerful. Give her any costume (besides the "cleaning maid green dress"). Heck, give her the costume she's in now which she debuted in the original Hellfire Gala which looks fantastic!

    Also - Dani Moonstar/Mirage. We don't have any Cheyenne characters (do we have ANY Native American at all?) She would be such a cool and unique addition, especially with her "fear" illusions powers. Fingers crossed we get at least one if not both.

    I agree with these options entirely .

    I would also like Polaris and Cannonball to rank up the mutant champs.

    For Tech: Would you want Mandarin or Machine smith?
    I honestly think that Mandarin/Wenwu is more like Mystic, but Machinesmith is more Tech. :smile:

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited April 2023

    Spider Noir

    Spider Carnage

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    White Rabitt


  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Hope Summers

    Rachel Summers

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    Red Widow

    Iron Skull

  • rogueKlyntarrogueKlyntar Member Posts: 268
    1. No more Spider-Man characters.
    2. Everybody quit asking for Mystique. As much as I would love to see her added, she's just not likely to happen. Given her mutant ability, there's not much for the devs to work with. Having her change her specials is an idea but there are two main reasons that would be bad:
    1. For enemies with Energy damage specials, idk if that would be reasonable for her to be able to have those
    2. Even if they allowed that, it still has the problem of accompanying (de)buffs, which are the real power behind specials. These are not always of much use, if any, against the champion that uses them (King Groot or Agent Venom for example), and for any effects that rely on unique buffs or pre-fight abilities, they are not even usable without them.
    3. When is Dazzler going to be added? She's been hovering around since launch practically and it's not like it's that hard to come up with any ideas for her: I did it myself some years back soon after Emma Frost was added (don't think I posted it but from what I remember it involved absorbing energy damage and then releasing it with a Blind debuff to reduce accuracy)
    4. Give Kitty Pride some way to debuff champions with tech (not Tech, but tech) because she literally shorts it out in the comics. Maybe only quarter-effectuveness against Tech champions and double against Skill.
    5. Legion, Typhoid Mary, Onslaught
  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    King of Hell - Supposed Class: Mystic

    Rune King Thor - Supposed Class: Cosmic

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Mystique - Supposed Class: Mutant

    Destiny - Supposed Class: Mutant

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    edited April 2023

    1. No more Spider-Man characters.
    2. Everybody quit asking for Mystique. As much as I would love to see her added, she's just not likely to happen. Given her mutant ability, there's not much for the devs to work with. Having her change her specials is an idea but there are two main reasons that would be bad:
    1. For enemies with Energy damage specials, idk if that would be reasonable for her to be able to have those
    2. Even if they allowed that, it still has the problem of accompanying (de)buffs, which are the real power behind specials. These are not always of much use, if any, against the champion that uses them (King Groot or Agent Venom for example), and for any effects that rely on unique buffs or pre-fight abilities, they are not even usable without them.
    3. When is Dazzler going to be added? She's been hovering around since launch practically and it's not like it's that hard to come up with any ideas for her: I did it myself some years back soon after Emma Frost was added (don't think I posted it but from what I remember it involved absorbing energy damage and then releasing it with a Blind debuff to reduce accuracy)
    4. Give Kitty Pride some way to debuff champions with tech (not Tech, but tech) because she literally shorts it out in the comics. Maybe only quarter-effectuveness against Tech champions and double against Skill.
    5. Legion, Typhoid Mary, Onslaught

    1. No, because Spider-Verse is so vast that there will be many characters here that would be needed in MCOC, such as; Spider-Man Noir, Superior Spider-Man, Silk, Spider-Woman, Chasm, Kaine Parker (also known as Scarlet Spider or Tarantula), Mutant Spider, Captain Universe (Spider-Man), etc.
    2. No, no one has stopped asking about her. Everyone who knows Mystique and plays MCOC wants her in MCOC!!!
    3. I have no idea when Dazzler will be added to the game, even though it would be bombastic!
    4 and 5. Okay, here I agree, Kitty could have something like that, she'd be even better, I don't know, and Legion, Typhoid Mary and Onslaught definitely need to be in the game.

    This is my opinion, if I offended anyone, then I'm sorry, but I said what I thought and that's it.
  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Gibbon - Supposed Class: Mutant or Skill

    Kangaroo - Supposed Class: Skill or Tech

  • RiasGremoryRiasGremory Member Posts: 240
    All missing Heralds of Galactus please , im waiting years now , and hope every month that we become another one :/
  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★

    All missing Heralds of Galactus please , im waiting years now , and hope every month that we become another one :/

    Stardust - Supposed Class: Cosmic

    Firelord - Supposed Class: Cosmic

    Nova (Frankie Raye) - Supposed Class: Cosmic

    Did you mean something like this?
  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    edited April 2023
    Gator Grant - Supposed Class: Mystic

    D-Man - Supposed Class: Skill

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Chemistro - Supposed Class: Science

    Living Laser - Supposed Class: Tech

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Elias Wirtham (Earth-616)
    Elias "Eli" Wirtham
    The Yuppie Butcher[1]


    Beta Particle Reactor: Cardiac's heart has been replaced by this device, giving him access to powers and abilities incapable of being performed by normal humans. The Beta Particle Reactor even enables him to channel the energy for a variety of purposes. With the reactor acting as his heart it's capable of operating at efficiencies far greater than a real heart.
    Vibranium Mesh Skin: Cardiac's skin and muscle tissue has been grafted with a mesh composed of Vibranium, which allows him to move without making a sound. It also channels his beta particles.
    Superhuman Strength: By channeling Beta Particles into his Vibranium mesh, Cardiac is able to grant himself superhuman strength sufficient to lift about 15 tons under optimum conditions.
    Superhuman Speed: Cardiac is capable of running and moving at speeds greater than even the finest human athlete, assisted by his Beta Particle Reactor pumping his blood.
    Superhuman Stamina: As with his strength and speed, Cardiac can channel Beta Particles throughout his body, causing his muscles to produce considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the muscles of an ordinary human. He can exert himself at peak capacity for several hours before fatigue begins to affect him.
    Superhuman Durability: Due to a combination of the Vibranium mesh grafted to his body and has control of Beta Particles, Cardiac's body is much more resistant to physical injury than that of an ordinary human. He is capable of withstanding great impact forces and even small caliber bullets without sustaining physical injury.
    Beta Particle Blasts: Cardiac is able to project Beta Particles through either end of a specially designed staff that he carries, creating powerful blasts of energy.
    Super-Genius Intelligence: Elias Wirtham is considered to be one of the smartest people on the planet.[18]
    Bio-Technics Expert: From all of his gadgets and experience using biological cybernetics, Elias is one of the foremost experts on bio-technics.
    Skilled Surgeon: Elias is a skilled surgeon, having taken medical school.
    Reactor/Heart Failure: Elias' heart requires regular recharging to sustain his life. Over taxing the reactor, or going for long periods of time without recharging it, can prove fatal.

    Pseudoskin: In order to avoid people noticing his cybernetic enhancements, Elias wears a layer of artificial "pseudoskin" over his re-engineered parts to disguise them.
    Beta Staff: Cardiac wields an extendable metal staff. It can project electric bolts and be used for acrobatic maneuvers. The staff also connects to a cybernetically controlled, ultra-light, hang-glider that supports his weight during flight for short distances.
    Stingray Hang-Glider ("Hawk-Glider"): Controlled by Beta particles, the Stingray Hang-Glider links to Cardiac's beta staff to engage in flight.
  • I was suggesting that please bring morbius in the game
  • ReedRichards423ReedRichards423 Member Posts: 92
    I know we have quite a bit of Thor's in the game, but as a massive Fantastic Four fan, I would love to see Thor (Herald of Thunder) in the game. By far my favorite version of Thor.
  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited April 2023

    Thor (Herald of Thunder)

    Juggernaut (Hammer of Kuurth)

  • Bazooka_1Bazooka_1 Member Posts: 53
    I write a ticket and they tell me to post on the forums, which I did and it didn't do anything. What is the point, when I want to have a discussion with kabam but end up just talking to some idiots that play the game. It's pointless. As a customer I am disgusted with the blatant disregard that kabam shows and the tactics that they employ to avoid any and all discussions with customers. Get your **** together kabam!
  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★


    Radioactive Man

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited April 2023

    Spy Master

    Red Hulk (Robert Maverick)

  • ReedRichards423ReedRichards423 Member Posts: 92
    Even though he lost the Summoner's Choice 2022, Beta Ray Bill will be an amazing character to have in game.
  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited April 2023



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited April 2023


    Black Racer

    Death Adder

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited April 2023

    Rasputin IV

    Master Mold

  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★

    Iron Man (Sorcerer Supreme)

    Madame Masque




    Fin Fang Foom

    Nano Iron Man

    Justine Hammer

    Detroit Steel
  • Wildblue333Wildblue333 Member Posts: 405 ★★


    Black Racer

    Death Adder

    I personally want to see the Serpent society introduced all in the same year. So Jan would be Death adder, Mar rattler, May Anaconda, July Black Racer, September Sidewinder, November Black Mamba, and December King Kobra
  • Runnly1Runnly1 Member Posts: 15
    Since Marvel now publishes Predator comics, maybe something could be worked out to bring in the Yautja. He could be cosmic.
    He could utilize invisibility, set traps to root enemies, cause bleed, and Cautarize-(similar to Ultron).
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    edited April 2023
    I think this could be pretty sick:

    Yes, another Wolverine, why not? Also it's kinda a mutant Spidey... he can have regan, evade but with a counter attack, special bleeds, Prowess... and! An sp2 that he utilizes his admantium spider arms on his back a lot just like Claire voyant's sp2

    Also his admantium spider arms should he used in his heavy attack and stuff too cuz they r sick, and also after he evades he should shoot webs from them as a counter attack
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