Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,191 ★★★★★
    edited July 2017

    I'd love several more characters (more to follow). I'd be against having further powerhouses like Sentry; but one strong (with weaknesses) character I'd love to see would be Namor:

    Namor (Scion of Atlantis, the avenging son) would be a Mutant champion (no arguments: he is categorically 'Marvel's First Mutant', read his Wikipedia page before picking me up this!).

    Namor would have Good base physical resistance and damage; a low to medium critical rate and damage, and little energy resistance.

    Passive : Namor's hybrid mutant/Atlantean physiology reduces all debuffs duration by 20% except Incinerate.

    Passive: Atlantean Fury - The ruler of Atlantis is enraged when his opponent overpowers or evades him. Namor gains bonuses to his Attack and his block penetration based on opponent's Combo meter (5% and 2.5% respectively, per hit). He also flies into a Fury on being Evaded or on reaching 25% health for the first time in a fight (40% bonus to attack for 3-6 seconds, stackable up to twice).

    Weakness: Fire-wielding characters (currently Dormammu, Phoenix, Ghost Rider, Red Hulk) gain +10% attack when fighting Namor. This does not apply to characters who can use weapons to inflict Incinerate, but Incinerate has the additional effect of reducing Namor's attack by 20% for the duration.

    Special 1 (Crushing Blow): 60% chance to Armour Break for 6 seconds. 80% chance to inflict Concussion for 6 seconds.

    Special 2 (Strike from the air): 80 % chance to Armour Break for 6 seconds. 80% chance to inflict Stun for 2.5 seconds.

    Special 3 (Waterspout): Immediately nullifies all debuffs, heals Namor 5% health, and grants +1000 physical resistance for 5 seconds.

    Signature Ability: Imperius Rex - Namor begins to shrug off debuffs faster, reducing their duration by (up to) an additional 50%. His Fury also now triggers when he recovers from being Incinerated.

    Captain America/Thor - Friends
    Hulk/Juggernaut - Enemies
    Black Panther (both) - Nemesis
    Thanos - Enemy

  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,191 ★★★★★
    edited July 2017

    Kraven is the world's greatest Hunter; his phenomenal fighting and hunting skills augmented by a mystical potion granting him enhanced physical abilities and longevity. His greatest prey is the hero known as Spiderman, whom Kraven once caught and buried alive, whilst impersonating the trapped hero to prove that he was the better man.

    Kraven would be a skill champion with good base health, physical resistance (not armour) and damage, and moderately high critical rate/damage.

    Passive: Due to the mystical potions he has consumed, Kraven reduces the damage and duration of Poison and Degeneration effects by 60%.

    Passive: Kraven's heightened speed and senses grant him 3% base evasion (6% vs projectile attacks) and reduces enemy evasion chance by 60%.

    Critical hits: Kraven's critical strikes have a 60% chance to inflict either Fatigue or Weakness lasting for 5 seconds. These can stack up to twice.

    Specials: Kraven's special attacks cannot inflict his usual bonus effects for critical hits, but have alternate effects:

    Special 1 - Kraven unleashes his claws (80% chance to inflict up to two stacks of Bleed over 4s).

    Special 2 - Kraven clears space to use his blowgun and poison his opponent (70% chance to inflict Poison for 8s, which also inflicts Fatigue and Weakness, if the poison takes effect).

    Special 3 - Kraven summons his trained tiger to attack, whilst picking his target carefully for a rifle shot (90% chance to inflict up to two stacks of Bleed over 4s).

    Signature Ability: Nerve strike - Kraven's critical hits now have (up to) a 20-70% chance to inflict either Concussion (4s) or Stun (2s) in addition to Fatigue or Weakness. Stun and concussion effects cannot stack. Additionally, the duration of any debuff applied is extended by 0.3s for each debuff already in effect.

    Spiderman (Nemesis)
    Rhino (Enemy)
    Iron Patriot (Friend)
  • WarpathWarpath Member Posts: 15
    edited July 2017
    Still do not get it... make a Xforce campaign.... without Warpath..:-(
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,191 ★★★★★

    Kraven is the world's greatest Hunter; his phenomenal fighting and hunting skills augmented by a mystical potion granting him enhanced physical abilities and longevity. His greatest prey is the hero known as Spiderman, whom Kraven once caught and buried alive, whilst impersonating the trapped hero to prove that he was the better man.

    Kraven is a skill champion (villain, non-metal) with good base health, physical resistance (not armour) and damage, and moderately high critical rate.

    Passive: The effects of the mystical potions Kraven has consumed reduces the damage and duration of Poison and Degeneration effects by 60%.

    Passive: Kraven's heightened speed and senses grant him 3% base evasion (6% vs projectile attacks) and reduces enemy evasion chance by 60%.

    Critical hits: Kraven's critical strikes have a 65% chance to inflict either Fatigue or Weakness lasting for 5 seconds. These can stack up to twice.

    Specials: Kraven's special attacks cannot inflict any of his usual effects of critical hits, but do have alternate effects:

    Special 1 - Kraven unleashes his claws (80% chance to inflict up to two moderate stacks of Bleed over 4s).

    Special 2 - Kraven clears space to use his blowgun and poison his opponent (70% chance to inflict Poison for 8s, which also inflicts Fatigue and Weakness).

    Special 3 - Kraven summons his trained tiger to attack, whilst picking his target carefully for a rifle shot (90% chance to inflict up to two strong stacks of Bleed over 5s).

    Signature Ability: Nerve strike - Kraven's critical hits now have up to a 70% chance to inflict either Concussion (5s) or Stun (2.5s) in place of Fatigue or Weakness. Additionally, the duration of any debuff is extended by 0.3s for each debuff already in effect.

    Spiderman (Nemesis)
    Rhino (Enemy)
    Iron Patriot (Friend)
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★

    Kraven is the world's greatest Hunter; his phenomenal fighting and hunting skills augmented by a mystical potion granting him enhanced physical abilities and longevity. His greatest prey is the hero known as Spiderman, whom Kraven once caught and buried alive, whilst impersonating the trapped hero to prove that he was the better man.

    Kraven is a skill champion (villain, non-metal) with good base health, physical resistance (not armour) and damage, and moderately high critical rate.

    Passive: The effects of the mystical potions Kraven has consumed reduces the damage and duration of Poison and Degeneration effects by 60%.

    Passive: Kraven's heightened speed and senses grant him 3% base evasion (6% vs projectile attacks) and reduces enemy evasion chance by 60%.

    Critical hits: Kraven's critical strikes have a 65% chance to inflict either Fatigue or Weakness lasting for 5 seconds. These can stack up to twice.

    Specials: Kraven's special attacks cannot inflict any of his usual effects of critical hits, but do have alternate effects:

    Special 1 - Kraven unleashes his claws (80% chance to inflict up to two moderate stacks of Bleed over 4s).

    Special 2 - Kraven clears space to use his blowgun and poison his opponent (70% chance to inflict Poison for 8s, which also inflicts Fatigue and Weakness).

    Special 3 - Kraven summons his trained tiger to attack, whilst picking his target carefully for a rifle shot (90% chance to inflict up to two strong stacks of Bleed over 5s).

    Signature Ability: Nerve strike - Kraven's critical hits now have up to a 70% chance to inflict either Concussion (5s) or Stun (2.5s) in place of Fatigue or Weakness. Additionally, the duration of any debuff is extended by 0.3s for each debuff already in effect.

    Spiderman (Nemesis)
    Rhino (Enemy)
    Iron Patriot (Friend)

    much detail...
  • explorershaneexplorershane Member Posts: 35
    How about an homage to the 1982 comic and include winners like:

  • NihoyaNihoya Member Posts: 46
    Namor the Sub-Mariner is the ruler of undersea Atlantis. The offspring of a sea captain and an Atlantean princess, he has been both a hero and a villain to the surface world
    Passive:Namor has a X% to confuse the enemy by attacking
    When going back and blocking 2 secs Namor can go back to his golden age which giving him 50% more crit rate this effect can be only for 15 secs cooldown:30 secs
    Namor has access to the curator of Atlantis which gives him X% every 9 secs random buff
    At the start of the fight:
    Namor can be a villan when attacking him 3 fury stacks increase his attack by X
    Namor can be a Hero when attacked he can regen X by blocking
    Awakend ability: Namor was an old member of the Avengers so he has X% to recieve 5 armor stacks when attacked
    Namor can be Mutant,Science,Mystic

    Namor he is an old Marvel character i think alot of people would love to see Kabam brings Namor to the game this is my thoughts hopefully you will take a look!
  • Jac094Jac094 Member Posts: 198
    Please add Agent Phil Coulson!!! :#:#:#
  • 4fun4fun Member Posts: 58
    I think it would be cool to have the sinister 6 and the frightful 4, fantastic 4, and quick silver
  • 4fun4fun Member Posts: 58
    And just because it would be awsome spider-ham
  • DoctorAntManDoctorAntMan Member Posts: 18
    Star Lord's FATHER!!!!!
  • Neffy1994Neffy1994 Member Posts: 7
    Honestly I would like to see some of the children of the marvel universe. Like Wiccan, Hulking, Miss America, Hawkeye (girl), and Marvel Boy. Maybe see Anit-Venom or the whole Symbiote family. Would love to see a she venom
  • SummonerB2SummonerB2 Member Posts: 556
    I would love to see the young avengers. But make iron lad different. Kinda like how spiderman stark enhanced was different from classic spidey. Same goes for the rest of them.
  • SummonerB2SummonerB2 Member Posts: 556
    Star Lord's FATHER!!!!!

    But then he would be as powerfull, if not more then collecter and grandmaster. He is also a elder of the universe.
  • SummonerB2SummonerB2 Member Posts: 556
    Also is Ares ever going to be added? He was cool in the comics.
  • ImperatorDavianusImperatorDavianus Member Posts: 3
    Hello guys I'm new here. I just sent an email to kabam and told me that I needed to post a request here. Like I believe 50 minutes ago. Anyhow here's the list I sent them and hopefully they can see it.

    Sent Mail
    MARVEL Contest of Champions

    to contact
    38 minutes ago
    Hello there.
    I wonder if it'll be possible to have these characters included in the foreseeable future.
    1. Daken (Logan's son)
    2.Dog Logan (Logan's old brother)
    3.Knight (foe in spiderman in UK)
    4.Fog (foe in spiderman in UK)
    5.Silver Sable
    7.Hob goblin.
    8. Scream
    9. Agony
    10. Toni Shishido (gorgon or dark wolverine)
    12. Kraven the hunter
    13 Grim Hunter (kravens brother)
    14 David Haller (aka Legion/son of Professor X)
    15. Shocker
    16. Wendigo
    17. Grey hulk.
    18. Captain Britain
    19. The guardian (james hudson and cousin of Logan).
    20. Mr. Fantastic.
    21. The thing.
    22. Sabertooth (with adamantium skeleton)
    23.spider man 2099
    24. Werewolf by night.
    25. Morbius the living vampire
    26. Blade.
    27. Black Cat (Felicia hardy)
    28. Squirrel Girl
    29. Doctor Doom
    30. Spider woman
    31. Spider girl

    Well I hope that this could happen. Sure it may be wishful thinking. But an fan can try a bit.
  • NebulaNebula Member Posts: 163
  • SummonerB2SummonerB2 Member Posts: 556
  • SummonerB2SummonerB2 Member Posts: 556

    Kraven is the world's greatest Hunter; his phenomenal fighting and hunting skills augmented by a mystical potion granting him enhanced physical abilities and longevity. His greatest prey is the hero known as Spiderman, whom Kraven once caught and buried alive, whilst impersonating the trapped hero to prove that he was the better man.

    Kraven is a skill champion (villain, non-metal) with good base health, physical resistance (not armour) and damage, and moderately high critical rate.

    Passive: The effects of the mystical potions Kraven has consumed reduces the damage and duration of Poison and Degeneration effects by 60%.

    Passive: Kraven's heightened speed and senses grant him 3% base evasion (6% vs projectile attacks) and reduces enemy evasion chance by 60%.

    Critical hits: Kraven's critical strikes have a 65% chance to inflict either Fatigue or Weakness lasting for 5 seconds. These can stack up to twice.

    Specials: Kraven's special attacks cannot inflict any of his usual effects of critical hits, but do have alternate effects:

    Special 1 - Kraven unleashes his claws (80% chance to inflict up to two moderate stacks of Bleed over 4s).

    Special 2 - Kraven clears space to use his blowgun and poison his opponent (70% chance to inflict Poison for 8s, which also inflicts Fatigue and Weakness).

    Special 3 - Kraven summons his trained tiger to attack, whilst picking his target carefully for a rifle shot (90% chance to inflict up to two strong stacks of Bleed over 5s).

    Signature Ability: Nerve strike - Kraven's critical hits now have up to a 70% chance to inflict either Concussion (5s) or Stun (2.5s) in place of Fatigue or Weakness. Additionally, the duration of any debuff is extended by 0.3s for each debuff already in effect.

    Spiderman (Nemesis)
    Rhino (Enemy)
    Iron Patriot (Friend)

    Not sure about the iron patriot thing but I like it!
  • CJSWAT93CJSWAT93 Member Posts: 1
    I would like to see Silver Surfer (cosmic) and Dr Doom (tech)
  • CiglusjrCiglusjr Member Posts: 28
    Yeah add nova. And Quicksilver
  • AlakazamAlakazam Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2017
    Kabam pleaseeeeeeeee Make a 5 Symbionts saga (Separation Anxiety) with:


  • BadabingBadabing Member Posts: 8
    The Inhumans!

    As we already have a few of the characters in the battle realm. Why not add the rest, as it could lead to renewed interest in Karnak and black bolt as well as adding Medusa, Crystal, Maximus, Gorgon and maybe Triton

    This would make for a great month event as well as some interesting arenas
  • ByBARON541ByBARON541 Member Posts: 2
    Bence spawn da olması lazım mistik çok merak ediyorum
  • ByBARON541ByBARON541 Member Posts: 2
  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137
    Class:Mutant /Science (Cinematic universe)

    Passive: Quicksilver's enhanced metabolism allows him to Shug off debuffs 50% faster

    When attacked: 5% chance for Quicksilver to automatically dodge incoming attacks, causing them to miss. Chance to dodge attacks increases by upto 15% based on lost health.

    Passive: Velocity charge
    Everytime Quicksilver is struck by a critical hit or strikes with a critical hit he gains a velocity charge. Upto a maximum of 11
    Velocity charges increase the chance to dodge incoming attacks by 2% and are ALL consumed when an incoming attack misses
    (Not like Miles Morales, who loses one at a time)

    All attacks: Rapid strike
    Quicksilver's immense speed gives him a 5% chance to strike twice in a single hit ( effectively deals bonus damage, In an M- L -L- L -M combo, Quicksilver does MM -LL-LL-LL-MM if all are Rapid strike, the opponent doesn't get power from the bonus hit) Chance to rapid strike increases by 4
    % per Velocity charge active.
    (Rapid strike doesn't consume Velocity charges)

    Special Attacks: Sonic Boom
    Quicksilver breaks through the sound barrier creating a Sonic explosion to disorient his opponents. For each Rapid strike triggered during a special attack Quicksilver inflicts a concussion on his opponent lasting 1 seconds, reducing their ability accuracy by 100%.(If special 1 has ... Let's say 8 hits and all of them are Rapid strike, then a 8 second concussion)
    When the concussion expires 10% of the opponent's power is drained per second in the concussion (8 second concussion, 80% power drain)

    Signature Ability: Supersonic(99)
    Each Velocity charge now increases the chance to dodge by 7%
    The base chance to Rapid strike increases by a flat 5% per 10 hits in the combo meter. Maxes out at 100 hits.

    Quicksilver rewards you and allows you to play very offensively.The chance for an attack to miss increases based on how many critical hits you land. Just gain enough velocity charges and you can chain combo and after combo and drain the opponent's power using the Sonic boom.

    Low critical hit rate, high critical damage, medium attack, medium to low health

    P.S this is my first champion suggestion
  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137
    Rapid strike allows for very cool animations, Sorry for any typos in the above.
    Please feel free to give an suggestions
  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137
    Sorry, the power drain is 5% per second in the concussion, And the chance to gain charges is 75% on critical hits
  • CavalierCavalier Member Posts: 246
    I thought about Quicksilver and how to do his powers before. I think you did a better job then what I came up with, but will throw in my idea. Give him the ability to evade all projectiles like Daredevil, but with a dodging animation sort of like from the Matrix Movies when they dodge bullets. Could be his awaken ability.
  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137
    I think he doesn't need the power drain(it will make him OP). Sonic Boom can be just a concussion and reduced power gain. Maybe instead of the the power drain the opponent gains 40% less power from incoming attacks during the concussion.
    Cavalier, I appreciate your idea, but IMHO allowing him to evade projectiles will make him overpowered. Like the Matrix evade animation idea
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