Human Torch Map5 AQ needs to be toned down......hes too powerful as a sub boss!

Hes bleed immune which .makes most skill champs that would be counters like Blade less effective. He has buffet so he gains HP EVERY time you dodge and use dex! If u dont dex his Level 1 he gains heat then u die from incinerate! Then u give him boosts to make his incenerate worse.....seriously hes too powerful. There are limited incenerate immune champs at least Hyperion didnt have buffet and you could power lock him. This boss is harder than the final! At very least take off the buffet node so he doesnt penalize us for using dexterity. The Buffet with all rest of his abilities is too much.
Use Void if you have him, I don't.
-Void is an obvious one. Let the petrifies stack and hold off on firing too many L1's so he doesn't go Nova. Then fight him normally and let buffet work against him.
-Cap IW: again, use petrify to nullify/reverse buffet. At this point, he's a normal fight.
-King Groot: Use the despair mastery. Stack 7 armor breaks on him and he won't regen from buffet anymore. Take advantage of the Poison on the L2. Even if you time out, you can likely regen quite a bit on the next attempt. Plus side here is that King Groot is super sustainable for clearing lines in AQ.
-Invisible Woman: Stack 7 vulnerability debuffs with despair and he won't heal anymore. At this point, it's a normal fight. Your dex game has to be on point.
-Night Thrasher: He's incinerate immune and doesn't rely on bleed. Stick to disorient debuffs and try to trigger a taunt to stack furies and really go to down on him.
-Mr. Fantastic: Use his pre-fight debuffs to weaken his healing and incinerate abilities. Torch will spam L1's so you should get a careful study passive up pretty readily.
-Aegon: when built up, I have to assume he'd be amazing for this fight.
-Ghost: convert incinerates to furies and take him down quickly
-Quake: No contact, no problem.
-Star Lord: He doesn't need to rely on energy attacks to build up a high attack rating. Maintain your combo and you'll outpace his buffet healing.
I don't know what other nodes are on him, but maybe there are some less convention options that are worth a shot. What are his exact nodes? What are his stats (health pool)?
Definitely good choices above from Mirage_Turtle, although I've found it a little hard to solo using Void because his specials are energy based attacks.
I'd be surprised if the IP debuff damage, reversed buffet damage, and normal attacks all together wouldn't be enough for a solo here. Especially once the buffet was fully reversed, you should actively be trying to trigger that dexterity buff to bring the pain. If used in conjunction with despair, reversed buffet damage alone should be enough to take him down in about 6 triggers even if there weren't other damage coming in.
Again, this is all said with the caveat of me not playing this version of Human Torch. Maybe there's something I'm missing. If anyone has a video, please share it.
The people who can petrify arent incinerate immune. Void who is incinerate immune just degens to death. nobody is degen immune. theres just a lot of skill involved for a map 5 sub mini. We have decided to just do map 6 days 2 thru 5 whenever HT is the mini. we hadnt slipped up on a map 5 or 6 in months and the first time we get the HT mini weve not made it past section 2 twice in the same week. Theres a problem and its not our skill level. He should be the map 6 mini.
@Mirage_Turtle he has a few other nodes besides buffet
Please replace one of the two
Once 2 petrifies are up, the buffet will no longer be healing him. If you have despair, it'll be actively harmful to Torch. Use that to your advantage. When the buffet cooldown timer is done, intentionally trigger a dexterity for the precision buff to add some extra damage. Once Fear of the Void triggers and you have petrify debuffs, he'll start taking a ton of damage for each buffet triggered.
Void is naturally incinerate immune, so his block proficiency will never be reduced. Torch is not stun immune and doesn't even have limber. Torch is typically eager to throw his L1 as well, so you likely won't have to work hard to bait specials. And the L1 is punishable, so you get a lot of openings to attack. Plus, if you held off on throwing additional specials, he'll be at 2 Smolder charges. That means you can block 5 L1's before he goes Nova. You should be evading his L1's, but you've got a cushion of messing up 5 times before anything really bad happens.
I'm not trying to talk down to anyone. I'm just trying to help. Based on what I see, I think Void would be my preferred counter for this fight and I don't see it taking longer than 2.5 minutes to get him down (I'd estimate less than 2 minutes with good petrify RNG). Buffet works in Void's favor. Why does Void require "perfect play" to get the job done?
My best guess is Torch's L1 is the problem. Is that it? If you're having trouble evading and punishing it, I'd highly suggest dueling him a lot until you get it down. It makes Torch everywhere else very manageable.
Please, if I'm missing something, let me know.