Is it possible to evade/dex every single special move in the game?

I've been wondering this for a while as there are some specials that are so easy to dex and some that are super hard to dex. Can you dex every single special move in the game with enough skill? I struggle to understand how you can dex War Machine's L1 or Winter Soldier's L2 for example, among others.
With some Champions, most attacks are possible, but not all.
For ex, GMs special 2 is impossible to fully dodge. Hell of a light show tho
Phasing, invisibilty etc. Doesn't count?
Even punisher's specials (both versions) if timed right. But in most cases it will just fail on you
Other champions such as Spidergwen and Sparky particularly, as well as the other Spiderverse champions have power evades that can help you. Sparky’s 65% chance to evade can let you manually evade the first part of a special and let his inbuilt evade mechanic do the 2nd half (if you’re willing to roll that particular dice).
You could also argue certain champion’s mechanics allow them to ‘dodge’ sp3 too - Luke Cage/KM’s indestructible, Ghost hiding in phase with Hood, for example. Just hope there’s no stun and in Ghost’s case armour break.
If I see anyone manually dex War Machine, 2099 Sp2, DH sp1 and The Grandmaster Sp2 I’ll eat my hat.
For Darkhawk, I've tried several time and the last hit always clips me somehow. But is probably possible as well.
I can consistently dodge all but the 3rd hit of it, though, that’s easily possible
For example, take Bishop SP2. That attack has a very counter-intuitive evade point: it occurs after it seems you've already been hit by the leading edge of the blast. Well Yellowjacket SP1 might be similar to that one: everyone knows that if you keep your distance that attack is easily dexable. But I've also sometimes dexed it while standing right next to him. It seems that attack has a similar Bishop-like evade point where if you evade right as the attack reaches you it is possible to dex it even if you're up close. I can't do it reliably, but I can do it maybe one third of the time if I try (usually, I'm not trying because one out of three is not worth the risk).
I think all of the hard specials are like that. We can't dex them not because they can't be dexed, but because no one has figured out the window and timing perfectly yet, and it is hard enough that not enough people are trying persistently enough to figure it out. Some might also require timing so tight that most people can't do it.