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  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    ESF said:

    ESF said:

    Not every character needs a full rework.

    I understand this game just fine — they release Synergies every months, two characters every month. There’s no Beta before they drop. Just internal testing.

    I am an old gamer with real-world corporate management experience, and I say this with all sincerity: If buffs were valued, they would get done as quickly as I said

    For example, just say that Kabam knew that 25 percent of the player base would quit by June 15 if Magento wasn’t buffed

    Just say that was something they knew

    What do you think would happen?

    Yeah they do internal testing for new champs because they're NEW. The public hasn't had those champs yet, so they have no expectations. But with reworks, the champion has been used and some issues have been highlighted. That's why there's both internal testing and betas, because 1) they want to make sure that the champ works, and 2) they want to see if the player base enjoys the new rework.

    What you don't understand is that if there is no beta, Kabam could just drop another Joe Fixit on you in the rework because the players aren't testing it.

    And buffs ARE valued. That's why they're still doing reworks.

    Also, they can't just whip a rework out of nowhere, and "as quickly as [you] said" because they take time, just like anything, they take time. In your "real-world corporate management experience", how long does a project take to 1) be thought up as an idea 2) to be fully realized 3) to have components start to work 4) to begin assembling 5) to present a prototype 6) to troubleshoot 7) to advertise or test run 8) to troubleshoot again 9) to determine presentation 10) to roll out the final product?
    The concept of creative problem-solving is a bedrock of corporate management.

    This isn’t a crisis, yet. It’s Day 1 of a YouTube post that caused a lot of people to vent.

    But if a percentage of those people venting stop playing and/or spending over the next month and never return? Two months?

    People get fired for failure to recognize fixable problems and not fixing them.

    In my world, a quick Magneto buff would make the player base happy. You announce it tomorrow and you prioritize it and get it done in 30 days.

    You don’t risk losing a single spender over basic dissatisfaction.

    In your world, you let the fire burn until it destroys everything until it gets to your desk.

    It’s a kit for a mobile game, man. I would literally fire someone who told me the only solution is to take eight more months to fix a Day 1 character, but maybe your workplace is different
    So instead of any content at all you want just one think to happen which is a magneto buff? I’m sorry to say that is a terrible idea having not content at all for one month is a terrible idea just to rework ONE character do I think magento needs a rework? Absolutely but cancelling content just for magneto is beyond ridiculous
  • BenQcSlayerBenQcSlayer Member Posts: 867 ★★★
    walkerdog said:

    Well, Seatin is the biggest influencer MCOC have on YouTube..... He built himself a 250k+ fan base, he have a average of 65-100k views per vid... which is small in comparison with bigger influencer like Jeffree Star and it's 18m+ followers and over 9m views per video... Nevertheless, Seating's could capitalize on this fan base, and grow his brand name with new content related to other online Games.

    If this would happen, MCOC would still go on, but how would this affect their "earned Media"? Let's not forget that MCOC will not be put on life saving respiratory device if Seating's decides to jump ship and go jump on the bandwagon named "fortnite"....

    With Seating's gone, this would open the position of no1 MCOC influencer on YouTube, and others will want a bigger piece of the pie, competition is always good, because it brings the best out of people.

    I can't think of any other upbeat, positive whales that stream a lot. It's the combination of the three that Kabam profits from - Seatin openly spends lots of $$ (both tempting people to open crystals and normalizing whaling/gambling), which is a positive for Kabam... and he also is part of our enthusiasm for the game - if a person who has spent 10s of thousands of $ is thinking about walking away, it opens his viewers' eyes both to the possibility (it helped me not spend on the $5 unit card this month or on the summoner sigil, for example) of not spending or walking away. If Seatin, who has a decent year's salary for the US/UK invested in the game, then I could too - I've "only" spent hundreds and while I haven't cleared/"Beaten" the game the way he has, I've done enough that I'm pretty satisfied.
    I agree, if Seatin's decide to walk away from this game for the reason he mentioned in is recent vid, this move could land a big blow to MCOC, because loyal gamer's, fans of Seatin, could follow him. That is something Kabam has to start wrapping their head around right now. A lot of insight's from this post that can't be ignored! The ball is in Kabam's hands!

  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Mixalis said:

    Mixalis said:

    You're wrong. They take their time bringing in fresh content and reworks, because they make their money from people buying crystals. I work for Google and know I incursions could be done in three months. It's just a rework of an already set format.

    You do realize that around 50% was the set format right? Also, it's not like they only had Incursions to work on. In those eight months, what did Kabam bring us? A lot.
    You pretty much said the same thing as I did regarding incursions lol. I never said they didn't bring us other content, other that Abyss of legends, everything else is stale.
    I wouldn't say everything was stale, I quite enjoyed the Baron's War. Rifts are stale though, but the Chronometer is nice
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,939 ★★★★★

    ESF said:

    This issue is so important — nobody wants more betas, no more eight-month waits

    Give Cyclops and OG Storm and OG Captain America and OG Iron Man a Leadership passive exactly like CapIW, and boom, done

    Make a Magneto buff Priority No. 1. Then a StarkTech characters buff Priority No. 2.

    All stop. Implement in 30 days. Period. Full stop

    They just don’t understand how much people want this kind of stuff to happen QUICKLY

    And players like you don't understand how much time is needed for these reworks. It takes more than 30 days. You can't just halt everything for reworks. And how are you going to get the champs without betas?
    ESF said:

    ESF said:

    Not every character needs a full rework.

    I understand this game just fine — they release Synergies every months, two characters every month. There’s no Beta before they drop. Just internal testing.

    I am an old gamer with real-world corporate management experience, and I say this with all sincerity: If buffs were valued, they would get done as quickly as I said

    For example, just say that Kabam knew that 25 percent of the player base would quit by June 15 if Magento wasn’t buffed

    Just say that was something they knew

    What do you think would happen?

    Yeah they do internal testing for new champs because they're NEW. The public hasn't had those champs yet, so they have no expectations. But with reworks, the champion has been used and some issues have been highlighted. That's why there's both internal testing and betas, because 1) they want to make sure that the champ works, and 2) they want to see if the player base enjoys the new rework.

    What you don't understand is that if there is no beta, Kabam could just drop another Joe Fixit on you in the rework because the players aren't testing it.

    And buffs ARE valued. That's why they're still doing reworks.

    Also, they can't just whip a rework out of nowhere, and "as quickly as [you] said" because they take time, just like anything, they take time. In your "real-world corporate management experience", how long does a project take to 1) be thought up as an idea 2) to be fully realized 3) to have components start to work 4) to begin assembling 5) to present a prototype 6) to troubleshoot 7) to advertise or test run 8) to troubleshoot again 9) to determine presentation 10) to roll out the final product?
    The concept of creative problem-solving is a bedrock of corporate management.

    This isn’t a crisis, yet. It’s Day 1 of a YouTube post that caused a lot of people to vent.

    But if a percentage of those people venting stop playing and/or spending over the next month and never return? Two months?

    People get fired for failure to recognize fixable problems and not fixing them.

    In my world, a quick Magneto buff would make the player base happy. You announce it tomorrow and you prioritize it and get it done in 30 days.

    You don’t risk losing a single spender over basic dissatisfaction.

    In your world, you let the fire burn until it destroys everything until it gets to your desk.

    It’s a kit for a mobile game, man. I would literally fire someone who told me the only solution is to take eight more months to fix a Day 1 character, but maybe your workplace is different
    If it were as simple as adding a few Abilities and pumping them out in the next Update, you think it would take as long as it does?
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Mixalis said:

    You pretty much said the same thing as I did regarding incursions lol. I never said they didn't bring us other content, other that Abyss of legends, everything else is stale.

    Yeah, but you can't expect them to be trying to pump out everything as quickly as they can. Companies plan. They work on different projects at once. This means that although the projects take longer to show up, they can do more and give us more content along with the project itself.

    And regarding your opinion that the content is "stale", Kabam knows we feel this way. That's why they're working on Cavalier EQ. They've had it on their radar for months now, and they're still working on it. Out of everyone here, I would assume that you would understand what Kabam's doing, but I guess not.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    tafre said:

    I think what everybody is trying to say is: If you are adding meme tier champs, do not put them all at once. This featured has Iron Patriot, Kamala, CW, Falcon, Magneto marvel now and Joe fixit if I am not mistaken. Why put all of these useless guys in the most expensive crystal in the game all at once? That is the problem with it. I doubt that if they added champions like Xbones, Iceman, OG BW etc in place of any of 3 of those champions people would complain far less.

    I get that the champs in the featured are sub-par, but the whole point of the featured crystal is to get the featured champs, not anything else.
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    Catmanndo said:

    Another thought. Kabam needs to prioritize buffs on legacy champs, so that painful Groot or Juggernaut pull isn’t ruining your weekend. We spend more on a game we love, and opening great champs are a tremendous motivator. One buff every 6 months is depressingly underwhelming. Even DC LEGENDS reworks 2 a month and that game seems very subpar compared to mcoc.

    They can’t stop pumping out new champs I’m guessing they have a deal where they must release at least 2 new champs a month to make sure the game keeps going and reworks are not nearly as easy a making new champs they need to see why the champs are bad and how they preform then make new abiltys then beta test and wait a month to make last minute fixes overall that takes about 6 months reworking champs are not as easy as we forum members might think it is
  • LosspikLosspik Member Posts: 253 ★★
    Incursions is fun but not worth doing for end game players that don't need anymore 5*s or gold rewards should scale with game completion eg cavilier, uncollected.

    actual character reworks are great: venom/spider Gwen etc but are far to few and far between. If you can't find the time to buff them remove them from the game refund resources and ad them back in after a buff instead of making us suffer through another 6* groot or magneto.

    Their "reworks" namor, cull etc are a waste of time make little difference to the champs that need them eg: ebony maw and champs that really need them are ignored: Diablo comes to mind.

    The facts of the matter are the disparity between champion usability is far to large with 90% being useless in the crazy specific content they are putting out.

    Seriously they already make so much money from cavs/deals etc do they really have to make new content so roster specific and punishing that it drains the fun out of it.

    I'd be much more willing to spend money trying for a new average champ that I enjoy playing if I could actually use them somewhere where they are challenged uncollected monthly doesn't achieve this story quests don't achieve this....

    I still think a game mode similar to the ladder game mode in a famous console fighter with a name similar to kortal wombat 😉 would be great for mcoc.
    Everyday is a ladder of a different class with random champs from that class and a pool of set buffs you start with an easy fight with it getting progressively harder the further you get the better the end rewards are.
    Let us choose if we'd prefer Shards are rank up materials before starting the ladder (rewards scale with game completion cavilier etc)
    Have a team of 3 champs no pots no revives just skill.
    Gives another reason to Rank up champs and allows you to do it at your own pace can be monetized by costing unit to do a multiple daily runs with the cost increasing with extra run.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    ESF said:

    No, that’s not what I said.

    What I said, and have said consistently, is that today’s outburst by the Brit exposed a lot of player frustration with Act 6, AQ, AW, old characters, random stuff.

    Some people are frustrated. Angry.

    The Brit has influence. I don’t think that’s good or bad...unless people say “he’s right” and “I have played this game long enough. Not spending or playing anymore.”

    Not understanding that frustration, then waiting and waiting to address it....I would not do that for a five-year old game.

    I would be proactive. We just disagree

    I recognize that there's lots of frustration, but people have to realize that stuff takes time to do. Champs, content, that all takes time. You can't leave cake batter in the oven for a minute and expect it to be done.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,939 ★★★★★
    Zuko_ILC said:

    ESF said:

    This issue is so important — nobody wants more betas, no more eight-month waits

    Give Cyclops and OG Storm and OG Captain America and OG Iron Man a Leadership passive exactly like CapIW, and boom, done

    Make a Magneto buff Priority No. 1. Then a StarkTech characters buff Priority No. 2.

    All stop. Implement in 30 days. Period. Full stop

    They just don’t understand how much people want this kind of stuff to happen QUICKLY

    And players like you don't understand how much time is needed for these reworks. It takes more than 30 days. You can't just halt everything for reworks. And how are you going to get the champs without betas?
    ESF said:

    ESF said:

    Not every character needs a full rework.

    I understand this game just fine — they release Synergies every months, two characters every month. There’s no Beta before they drop. Just internal testing.

    I am an old gamer with real-world corporate management experience, and I say this with all sincerity: If buffs were valued, they would get done as quickly as I said

    For example, just say that Kabam knew that 25 percent of the player base would quit by June 15 if Magento wasn’t buffed

    Just say that was something they knew

    What do you think would happen?

    Yeah they do internal testing for new champs because they're NEW. The public hasn't had those champs yet, so they have no expectations. But with reworks, the champion has been used and some issues have been highlighted. That's why there's both internal testing and betas, because 1) they want to make sure that the champ works, and 2) they want to see if the player base enjoys the new rework.

    What you don't understand is that if there is no beta, Kabam could just drop another Joe Fixit on you in the rework because the players aren't testing it.

    And buffs ARE valued. That's why they're still doing reworks.

    Also, they can't just whip a rework out of nowhere, and "as quickly as [you] said" because they take time, just like anything, they take time. In your "real-world corporate management experience", how long does a project take to 1) be thought up as an idea 2) to be fully realized 3) to have components start to work 4) to begin assembling 5) to present a prototype 6) to troubleshoot 7) to advertise or test run 8) to troubleshoot again 9) to determine presentation 10) to roll out the final product?
    The concept of creative problem-solving is a bedrock of corporate management.

    This isn’t a crisis, yet. It’s Day 1 of a YouTube post that caused a lot of people to vent.

    But if a percentage of those people venting stop playing and/or spending over the next month and never return? Two months?

    People get fired for failure to recognize fixable problems and not fixing them.

    In my world, a quick Magneto buff would make the player base happy. You announce it tomorrow and you prioritize it and get it done in 30 days.

    You don’t risk losing a single spender over basic dissatisfaction.

    In your world, you let the fire burn until it destroys everything until it gets to your desk.

    It’s a kit for a mobile game, man. I would literally fire someone who told me the only solution is to take eight more months to fix a Day 1 character, but maybe your workplace is different
    If it were as simple as adding a few Abilities and pumping them out in the next Update, you think it would take as long as it does?
    I can be that simple to go into the code and change a 5% fury to a 10% fury. Or a static number of 231 to 462. Lots of these champs don't need big buffs, just tiny tweaks to their current numbers to be useful.
    There's more than just the addition of Abilities and bumping up a few numbers. The game is a complex integrated and interdependent system, and changes have to be calculated overall and coincide with a number of other goals and systems that are affected. These effects need to be considered and factored in as well. Am I saying the process is perfect? No. Obviously there are times this misses the mark. However, it's necessary. Everything you change affects many other things. Not only in the present, but for future content as well.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020
    @GroundedWisdom That might've been the wisest thing you've said all day. People have to recognize that Kabam can't just pull things out of nowhere. Everything that Kabam does impacts the player base in some way.
  • edited May 2020
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  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Mixalis said:

    You know very well Cavalier different should of been here already. I know in Dave's interview with the devs they mentioned a Cav difficulty towards the end of the year, but that'd still seven months away. Therefore, it will continue to piss people off till then. No urgency,, like I said previously, they're content because they make a boatload of money off crystals. If you had a business and made big money off existing goods, would you be in a rush to spend money and time to add/change your product? No you wouldn't.

    You're right, I wouldn't. No one would. So I don't get why people are frustrated.
  • cookiedealercookiedealer Member Posts: 260 ★★

    Yes, it keeps decreasing but at what point do you stop decreasing the ratio of bad champs:good champs? The point is it should stay pretty high, about 70-80%. You can't just be giving away good champs because then players aren't motivated to open more crystals to get better champs because they already have good champs.

    Good point. I agree with you it doesn't make sense to reach a point of basically giving champions away. But we aren't there yet.

    What percent of outstanding, great, good, bad, and awful champs is in the 6* pool is up to Kabam's discretion to keep players interested. realize there is a different feeling between pulling a decent champ vs. a unusable champ.

    For one, percentages of outstanding, great, good champs should depend on how available/expected frequency that crystal is, whether players are able to open 20 crystals a month, 5 crystals a month, or 1 crystal a month.

    If it's a crystal that can only be opened once every month, if it's 90-95% undesired champs, that's just too much.

    What should be accounted for is:

    As players get more champs, their desired champ pool decreases. So better is to NOT introduce more bad champs to the pool (they can still pull the current bad 6* champs, just not any new ones), and reward players for getting a max sig 6 star (especially with it being worth so much money per 6* crystal, so it'll at least encourage past whales to be willing to spend even if they have a few max sig 6* and be a good setup for future players who reach that level, since who wants to pull a already max sig 6* and effectively lose 10k or 15k six star shards).

    I'm arguing against the current model, even late end game players (especially the ones with money to throw around) only desire 1-6 champs.

    FOR EXAMPLE. Beginners 70/120 champs being great pulls. As they pull good champs, pulling them after the 2nd time makes them less desired/not desired at all.

    Joe (represents the average end game player) has an average 15/120=12.5% champs he can use in the 6* pool. Game design team is releasing 2 featured champs a month, but the problem is 5 new awful champs are also added. So now Joe's desired champ 6* basic pool not only decreases from pulling duplicates, but also from new awful champs (old, or even featured at times).

    If both featured are cool: 17/127 = 13.39%

    If one featured is cool: 16/127 = 12.60%

    If both featured are bad: 15/127 =11.81% (the percentage of a good champ decreases without the player opening any crystals! So at least make them above average)

    AND it affects not only this 1 month iteration, but also future iterations.

    Better would be: putting new features into the pool, and less or NO bad new (ie. Red cyclops, blue cyclops, magneto, magneto yellow, Joe fixit).

    If both featured are cool: 17/122 = 13.93%

    If one featured is cool: 16/122 = 13.11%

    If both featured are bad: 15/122 =12.30%
    You might think this doesn't change much, but after 6 months from the initial it'd be:

    If both features are cool with 5 added bad champs: (15+12)/(120+42)= 27/162 = 16.66%

    Then if Joe pulled 3/12 new featured total in 6 months time: 24/162= 14.81%

    Or spenders pulled 8/12 new featured: 19/162= 11.73%


    If both features are cool with no 5 added bad champs, even if Joe whiffs all new feature champs, crystal odds are now: (15+12)/(120+12)= 27/132 = 20.45%

    Then if Joe pulled 3/12 new featured total in this 6 months time: 24/132= 18.18%

    Or spenders pulled 8/12 new featured: 19/132= 14.39%

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  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Mixalis said:

    Mixalis said:

    Mixalis said:

    You're wrong. They take their time bringing in fresh content and reworks, because they make their money from people buying crystals. I work for Google and know I incursions could be done in three months. It's just a rework of an already set format.

    You do realize that around 50% was the set format right? Also, it's not like they only had Incursions to work on. In those eight months, what did Kabam bring us? A lot.
    You pretty much said the same thing as I did regarding incursions lol. I never said they didn't bring us other content, other that Abyss of legends, everything else is stale.
    I wouldn't say everything was stale, I quite enjoyed the Baron's War. Rifts are stale though, but the Chronometer is nice
    I was referring to the game changing events, such as Abyss and incursions, not side quests
    Oh okay, that makes more sense
  • Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Member Posts: 600 ★★★
    I’ve been playing 2 years and am getting burned out personally. It’s not the the game is bad. It’s too Grindy for me. And my definition of challenging nodes is different from what the content creators believe is challenging I guess.

    I don’t know the demographics but If I base it on generalities there’s a core audience. And then there’s casual players. And new players. The latter 2 usually outnumber the core. The core stays no matter what. The other 2 can fluctuate greatly.

    I say this as the game seems to have skewed to the core. AW, Act 6 and 7. Etc.

    The problem with that is pigeonholing. I don’t mind challenging content. But I have to say. If you have to grind for several hours or every fight is 100-200 hits I would posit the vast majority of people don’t have that kind of time to devote (pandemic circumstances not withstanding )
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    As players get more champs, their desired champ pool decreases. So better is to NOT introduce more bad champs to the pool (they can still pull the current bad 6* champs, just not any new ones), and reward players for getting a max sig 6 star (especially with it being worth so much money per 6* crystal, so it'll at least encourage past whales to be willing to spend even if they have a few max sig 6* and be a good setup for future players who reach that level, since who wants to pull a already max sig 6* and effectively lose 10k or 15k six star shards).

    I'm arguing against the current model, even late end game players (especially the ones with money to throw around) only desire 1-6 champs.

    I agree that it's best not to put in many bad champs, but also we have to keep in mind that the main purpose of the featured crystal is to pull featured champions. Every time one rolls out, it's been six featured heroes, so the ratio of featured is still the same. But, if you didn't want any of the featured champs, it's just better to go basic, where there's a larger pool. Also, I guess Kabam could just rotate champions to put into the featured pool and not repeat them until they've gone through all the champs, that way there's a higher chance that you could get something good out of a featured.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    The problem with that is pigeonholing. I don’t mind challenging content. But I have to say. If you have to grind for several hours or every fight is 100-200 hits I would posit the vast majority of people don’t have that kind of time to devote (pandemic circumstances not withstanding )

    I would agree with saying that it's becoming a tad bit grindy, but to say that it's a grind when every fight is 100-200 hits is not true. You can't expect big fights in Act 6 to last 30 hits. That's not challenging at all.
  • cookiedealercookiedealer Member Posts: 260 ★★

    As players get more champs, their desired champ pool decreases. So better is to NOT introduce more bad champs to the pool (they can still pull the current bad 6* champs, just not any new ones), and reward players for getting a max sig 6 star (especially with it being worth so much money per 6* crystal, so it'll at least encourage past whales to be willing to spend even if they have a few max sig 6* and be a good setup for future players who reach that level, since who wants to pull a already max sig 6* and effectively lose 10k or 15k six star shards).

    I'm arguing against the current model, even late end game players (especially the ones with money to throw around) only desire 1-6 champs.

    I agree that it's best not to put in many bad champs, but also we have to keep in mind that the main purpose of the featured crystal is to pull featured champions. Every time one rolls out, it's been six featured heroes, so the ratio of featured is still the same. But, if you didn't want any of the featured champs, it's just better to go basic, where there's a larger pool. Also, I guess Kabam could just rotate champions to put into the featured pool and not repeat them until they've gone through all the champs, that way there's a higher chance that you could get something good out of a featured.
    Yes that's exactly what I'm for. Featured 6* can have bad champs, just not NEW bad champs, diluting the 6* pool even more. If no NEW bad champs are added, then it'll work against the dropping odds that long term players face (once they pull a good champ twice, their desire for it basically drops to 0)
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    Zuko_ILC said:

    Zuko_ILC said:

    ESF said:

    This issue is so important — nobody wants more betas, no more eight-month waits

    Give Cyclops and OG Storm and OG Captain America and OG Iron Man a Leadership passive exactly like CapIW, and boom, done

    Make a Magneto buff Priority No. 1. Then a StarkTech characters buff Priority No. 2.

    All stop. Implement in 30 days. Period. Full stop

    They just don’t understand how much people want this kind of stuff to happen QUICKLY

    And players like you don't understand how much time is needed for these reworks. It takes more than 30 days. You can't just halt everything for reworks. And how are you going to get the champs without betas?
    ESF said:

    ESF said:

    Not every character needs a full rework.

    I understand this game just fine — they release Synergies every months, two characters every month. There’s no Beta before they drop. Just internal testing.

    I am an old gamer with real-world corporate management experience, and I say this with all sincerity: If buffs were valued, they would get done as quickly as I said

    For example, just say that Kabam knew that 25 percent of the player base would quit by June 15 if Magento wasn’t buffed

    Just say that was something they knew

    What do you think would happen?

    Yeah they do internal testing for new champs because they're NEW. The public hasn't had those champs yet, so they have no expectations. But with reworks, the champion has been used and some issues have been highlighted. That's why there's both internal testing and betas, because 1) they want to make sure that the champ works, and 2) they want to see if the player base enjoys the new rework.

    What you don't understand is that if there is no beta, Kabam could just drop another Joe Fixit on you in the rework because the players aren't testing it.

    And buffs ARE valued. That's why they're still doing reworks.

    Also, they can't just whip a rework out of nowhere, and "as quickly as [you] said" because they take time, just like anything, they take time. In your "real-world corporate management experience", how long does a project take to 1) be thought up as an idea 2) to be fully realized 3) to have components start to work 4) to begin assembling 5) to present a prototype 6) to troubleshoot 7) to advertise or test run 8) to troubleshoot again 9) to determine presentation 10) to roll out the final product?
    The concept of creative problem-solving is a bedrock of corporate management.

    This isn’t a crisis, yet. It’s Day 1 of a YouTube post that caused a lot of people to vent.

    But if a percentage of those people venting stop playing and/or spending over the next month and never return? Two months?

    People get fired for failure to recognize fixable problems and not fixing them.

    In my world, a quick Magneto buff would make the player base happy. You announce it tomorrow and you prioritize it and get it done in 30 days.

    You don’t risk losing a single spender over basic dissatisfaction.

    In your world, you let the fire burn until it destroys everything until it gets to your desk.

    It’s a kit for a mobile game, man. I would literally fire someone who told me the only solution is to take eight more months to fix a Day 1 character, but maybe your workplace is different
    If it were as simple as adding a few Abilities and pumping them out in the next Update, you think it would take as long as it does?
    I can be that simple to go into the code and change a 5% fury to a 10% fury. Or a static number of 231 to 462. Lots of these champs don't need big buffs, just tiny tweaks to their current numbers to be useful.
    There's more than just the addition of Abilities and bumping up a few numbers. The game is a complex integrated and interdependent system, and changes have to be calculated overall and coincide with a number of other goals and systems that are affected. These effects need to be considered and factored in as well. Am I saying the process is perfect? No. Obviously there are times this misses the mark. However, it's necessary. Everything you change affects many other things. Not only in the present, but for future content as well.
    You don't have to add abilities to make the champions useful. Just increase some of the numbers like attack rating and numbers on abilities. That is not complex at all. I say this with full confidence as I have a hobby of coding. Additionally that is the reason for Betas which they now have. They can easily set up 2 champs a month put that champ on every node in act 1-6 and test out the interactions with different nodes.

    Changing an attack rating from 100 to 200 won't break the game when the champion has pillow hands. Changing a fury from 5% to 10% isn't going to break the game when you have pillow hands as everyone can throw on a boost and see that pillow hands are still pillows. Small micro changes to the attributes is very easy and won't break the game for characters like groot who is utterly useless in any content.
    As seen by champs who gain a 5%/10% Attack rating buff fury it’s not enough damage I’d rather have not lazy attack buffs to old champs I’d rather wait 6 months and get a fresh new champ because look how everyone praises Colossus now and they have him a full rework of 8 months people didn’t like how long it took but people loved his buff
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