What even is this Thread? Is it an ode to Seatin, or a mass vent?
Could it not be both? A major figure in the game's history is on the verge of leaving, bringing up some really good points about what's wrong with the game right now.
A major figure of the game's history? No offense to Seatin, but that's a bit fanboyish. He's not even in the CC anymore. He's had his good points and his bad just like anyone else.
Him being in the Content Creator program isn't relevant. As an individual he has the same amount of subscribers as the rest of the program combined. Insofar as there can be celebrities in a mobile video game, he is that celebrity. If someone who's entire financial independence is earned through playing and producing MCoC related content - be it through crystal openings or showcasing new champions - is on the verge of quitting due to boredom then that should be a massive concern for Kabam as a company. In purely financial terms the rate that he has opened crystals since Featured Cavalier Crystals were released he's easily averaging $1000/month, which isn't an insignificant amount, no matter how many other whales are in the game.
Him saying live to the 1000s who watched his streams over the last couple of days that the content is awful/BS/bad is enough for the 100s of thousands who actively follow him to take stock of whether they consider the game still worth pushing, or investing in financially.
What even is this Thread? Is it an ode to Seatin, or a mass vent?
Could it not be both? A major figure in the game's history is on the verge of leaving, bringing up some really good points about what's wrong with the game right now.
A major figure of the game's history? No offense to Seatin, but that's a bit fanboyish. He's not even in the CC anymore. He's had his good points and his bad just like anyone else.
he's the biggest mcoc youtuber. The only person that I know of that plays mcoc with more subs than seatin is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIte3Z0WHhlzOijfvOUFpHQ this guy. and he's in act1. Who do you think is considered a major figure of the game's history?
To say we shouldn’t talk about the state of the game and what someone who, whether you like it or not, is one of the more larger figureheads of the game for the community is kind of bull headed. As player we have a say in the game we play.
He communicates what he sees as the problem well on the video now that I’ve watched it and many are fairly relevant. Think discussions around these is productive because it is true that many have similar opinions across the community and those opinions are valid because the community relies on all the player for the game to exist.
The community members can disagree but let’s not be toxic about it just dismissing it as if it isn’t a thing. It is a thing. We should talk these issues. And we should hope the feedback is taken from our discussion.
But do it productively. Offer alternatives to how you experienced are. Don’t just dismiss and say that dumb. Let’s have the conversation.
I mostly agree with his comments after watching the video. If you don’t explain why... with info and facts from your experience. Let’s get the data out there so we can fix the issues many are having.
The point is, whether it's Seatin or someone we don't know, threatening to quit to get our own way is an old and worn-out tactic. There are discussions going on about all of the issues presented and you can only pull on that rope long enough before it snaps and doesn't haul anything.
Same can be said about kicking a dying horse...but at some point you must realise nothing lasts forever
It's honorable you trying to stick up for Kabam always..sincerely hope you're on their paysheet, santa's nice list or something
I don't get anything for speaking on here. I speak for my own views, not theirs.
The point is, whether it's Seatin or someone we don't know, threatening to quit to get our own way is an old and worn-out tactic. There are discussions going on about all of the issues presented and you can only pull on that rope long enough before it snaps and doesn't haul anything.
So we should just accept that the game is going to remain in this state and not bring these issues up at all? Because Kabam will fix it and make it all better? That hasn’t worked in the past and it most definitely will not work now if Kabam are even making and theorising such unreasonable content like Act 7.
It's in Beta. That's the point of having a Beta, to give feedback. The other issues are being discussed, at least War.
What even is this Thread? Is it an ode to Seatin, or a mass vent?
Could it not be both? A major figure in the game's history is on the verge of leaving, bringing up some really good points about what's wrong with the game right now.
A major figure of the game's history? No offense to Seatin, but that's a bit fanboyish. He's not even in the CC anymore. He's had his good points and his bad just like anyone else.
I'm not trying to be fanboyish, I'm trying to be realistic. Regardless of what you feel about his content, he's the most subscribed MCOC YouTuber, any of the other MCOC content creators aren't even close in terms of subscribers (no offense to them, all of them are great). The closest is BG and there's still a gap of 150k people.
Almost all the new players come across him when they start MCOC, he's the first thing that shows up when you search up MCOC on YouTube. Like it or not, even without being a part of CCP, his opinion holds up big time, both for the community and for how the game progresses.
Now, is this technically a good thing? I don't know, but it is what it is.
What even is this Thread? Is it an ode to Seatin, or a mass vent?
Could it not be both? A major figure in the game's history is on the verge of leaving, bringing up some really good points about what's wrong with the game right now.
A major figure of the game's history? No offense to Seatin, but that's a bit fanboyish. He's not even in the CC anymore. He's had his good points and his bad just like anyone else.
I'm not trying to be fanboyish, I'm trying to be realistic. Regardless of what you feel about his content, he's the most subscribed MCOC YouTuber, any of the other MCOC content creators aren't even close in terms of subscribers (no offense to them, all of them are great). The closest is BG and there's still a gap of 150k people.
Almost all the new players come across him when they start MCOC, he's the first thing that shows up when you search up MCOC on YouTube. Like it or not, even without being a part of CCP, his opinion holds up big time, both for the community and for how the game progresses.
Now, is this technically a good thing? I don't know, but it is what it is.
Having Subscribers doesn't make you an integral part of the game. I've seen some really helpful things come from his channel, and I've seen some pretty self-serving and manipulative things as well. If I'm being totally honest.
Just finished act 6 and i want to quit too ,so hard content ,not a fun at all ,i’ll go play pupg instead of this game , until this game will be more f2p and fun!
Just finished act 6 and i want to quit too ,so hard content ,not a fun at all ,i’ll go play pupg instead of this game , until this game will be more f2p and fun!
I think GW is salty that Seatin roasted him a while back lol
Not at all. It's not personal. I didn't care that he said what he did. I cared that he abused the platform he has. I think he has good points and bad points just like anyone else. Like I said.
@GroundedWisdom we aren’t even all talking about the beta...act 6 is full is bs and it’s already been released
Act 6 has been released for some time and it's not changing. What's the expectation with that?
Well actually there was mention of 6.2.6 champion potentially being altered in the thread discussing the fix for bwcv and MS but sure.
The issue in the Known Issues is MS, not The Champion. The fix might be regarding how The Champion is operating, but MS can't Life Steal if she's not doing any Damage. That much is obvi.
Kabam, you need to hear your players. I’m not even going through Act 6 yet, but I heard it’s not worth the time past caviler. Now Act 7 is looking like a giant missed opportunity. Six stars are still super difficult to get and you addd champs like iron patriot, abomination, and cyclops? What’s the point. War has became unstable by several awful nodes and more difficult champions being released. Not to mention the balance changes making everyone question when they should rank someone up or not. Also my personal problems lie with bugs that have been in the game for years and haven’t even been patched yet (Pure Skill/Corvus Physical Damage Bug). I love this game like many others do, please take our feedback with care.
@GroundedWisdom your feeling about Seatin aside, you can’t deny the many problems present in act 6. I’ve broken it down, as well as 95% of the players agreeing that act 6 is a huge step down from act 5 in terms of fairness and what counters there are
@GroundedWisdom we aren’t even all talking about the beta...act 6 is full is bs and it’s already been released
Act 6 has been released for some time and it's not changing. What's the expectation with that?
Well actually there was mention of 6.2.6 champion potentially being altered in the thread discussing the fix for bwcv and MS but sure.
The issue in the Known Issues is MS, not The Champion. The fix might be regarding how The Champion is operating, but MS can't Life Steal if she's not doing any Damage. That much is obvi.
... and you complain that other people don’t read what you say. I know that they’re changing fixing Morningstar, whatever, they announced it before I had a chance to rank her specifically for that fight so doesn’t bother me. But in the thread they also said that they will relay the feedback given about the champion back to the team also. Will it result in nothing? Probably, but it atleast implies they’re considering changes.
What even is this Thread? Is it an ode to Seatin, or a mass vent?
Could it not be both? A major figure in the game's history is on the verge of leaving, bringing up some really good points about what's wrong with the game right now.
A major figure of the game's history? No offense to Seatin, but that's a bit fanboyish. He's not even in the CC anymore. He's had his good points and his bad just like anyone else.
I’m pretty sure someone with over 200k subs and who you’re hard pushed to find a player who’s played for over a week who doesn’t know him is a pretty major figure
What even is this Thread? Is it an ode to Seatin, or a mass vent?
Could it not be both? A major figure in the game's history is on the verge of leaving, bringing up some really good points about what's wrong with the game right now.
A major figure of the game's history? No offense to Seatin, but that's a bit fanboyish. He's not even in the CC anymore. He's had his good points and his bad just like anyone else.
I'm not trying to be fanboyish, I'm trying to be realistic. Regardless of what you feel about his content, he's the most subscribed MCOC YouTuber, any of the other MCOC content creators aren't even close in terms of subscribers (no offense to them, all of them are great). The closest is BG and there's still a gap of 150k people.
Almost all the new players come across him when they start MCOC, he's the first thing that shows up when you search up MCOC on YouTube. Like it or not, even without being a part of CCP, his opinion holds up big time, both for the community and for how the game progresses.
Now, is this technically a good thing? I don't know, but it is what it is.
No offensive, but why people praised him too much ? I understand how popular he is but people treat him like god, whenever he said something, you all said something. If he said that champ is god tier, it's god tier,he say something, you all like have the same idea.He complain, you all complain. This happen same as morning star and claire problem which is obviouslly a bug, some people follow seatin's opinion and call it a nerf.and this forum have 5+ posts about seatin's opinion at the time he upload his video.Why have to be Seatin lead your own opinion ? Why you all have to wait for him to make the world burn ? Why him making tier list got acknowledge and other youtuber don't ? Why you start post your complain A LOT when seatin said so ?
I was surprised to see Seatins video because I’ve been feeling very similar myself recently. - Flow has me wanting to quit AW - AQ is tedious - Act 6 is just BS but I think we’ve established that - I haven’t pulled a usable champion in months - Some of my favourite champions aren’t coming as 6*s - Arena is a complete drag - Incursions were fun initially but the novelty has worn off and now it’s just grindy - EQ is completely stale - And to cap it all off, Act 7 looks like utter complete bull****. It might just be a beta but when all the feedback from the Act 6 betas basically fell on deaf ears, I don’t have much hope
If something doesn’t change, I’ll finish reading this book. But I certainly won’t read Book 2.
@GroundedWisdom your feeling about Seatin aside, you can’t deny the many problems present in act 6. I’ve broken it down, as well as 95% of the players agreeing that act 6 is a huge step down from act 5 in terms of fairness and what counters there are
Of course he can deny it. He has no clue. All hearsay. Opinions don't matter if you are inexperienced. Keep posting though GW.
As much as you want to, don’t antagonise him, bro. The thread will be ‘derailed’ and the overall point ignored.
@slacker i agree that the community should have come out and said this earlier. Seatin isn’t a god by any means whatsoever, but I feel like Seatin voicing his opinion also inspired others to come on here and do the same. I just referenced Seatin in my post. By no means am I speaking through him. I speak for myself, but I share some of the same concerns
What even is this Thread? Is it an ode to Seatin, or a mass vent?
Could it not be both? A major figure in the game's history is on the verge of leaving, bringing up some really good points about what's wrong with the game right now.
A major figure of the game's history? No offense to Seatin, but that's a bit fanboyish. He's not even in the CC anymore. He's had his good points and his bad just like anyone else.
I’m pretty sure someone with over 200k subs and who you’re hard pushed to find a player who’s played for over a week who doesn’t know him is a pretty major figure
Him saying live to the 1000s who watched his streams over the last couple of days that the content is awful/BS/bad is enough for the 100s of thousands who actively follow him to take stock of whether they consider the game still worth pushing, or investing in financially.
He communicates what he sees as the problem well on the video now that I’ve watched it and many are fairly relevant. Think discussions around these is productive because it is true that many have similar opinions across the community and those opinions are valid because the community relies on all the player for the game to exist.
The community members can disagree but let’s not be toxic about it just dismissing it as if it isn’t a thing. It is a thing. We should talk these issues. And we should hope the feedback is taken from our discussion.
But do it productively. Offer alternatives to how you experienced are. Don’t just dismiss and say that dumb. Let’s have the conversation.
I mostly agree with his comments after watching the video. If you don’t explain why... with info and facts from your experience. Let’s get the data out there so we can fix the issues many are having.
I know that they’re changing fixing Morningstar, whatever, they announced it before I had a chance to rank her specifically for that fight so doesn’t bother me.
But in the thread they also said that they will relay the feedback given about the champion back to the team also.
Will it result in nothing? Probably, but it atleast implies they’re considering changes.
- AQ is tedious
- Act 6 is just BS but I think we’ve established that
- I haven’t pulled a usable champion in months
- Some of my favourite champions aren’t coming as 6*s
- Arena is a complete drag
- Incursions were fun initially but the novelty has worn off and now it’s just grindy
- EQ is completely stale
- And to cap it all off, Act 7 looks like utter complete bull****. It might just be a beta but when all the feedback from the Act 6 betas basically fell on deaf ears, I don’t have much hope
If something doesn’t change, I’ll finish reading this book. But I certainly won’t read Book 2.
See what I did there
I’ll leave