General Game Feedback [Merged Threads]



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★

    I finally completed Act 6 100%. Let’s hope I don’t shafted on the rewards when I open them Friday.

    Now that I have done all of it, I can confidently say that man Act 6 sucked. So many of the paths were utter BS, but what irritated me the most was the insane attack values in 6.4. When I blocked (not parried) a hit, I’d often lose over 1K health, that’s just absurd. One suggestion that I saw in this thread earlier was to keep the attack values if you must but give all the defenders negative block penetration so we aren’t taking massive amounts of block damage.

    Well I got completely shafted. Pulled my second mutant t5cc (first one was from abyss) and a cosmic awakening gem who I have literally no one to use it on unless I want to awaken The Champion or Superior Iron Man or Annihilus. My Nexus was actually one of the best ones I have seen, it was either 20 more sigs on ghost, awakening Sym Supreme, or getting a new Agent Venom, so I chose to awaken Sym. Decided to go for the featured and got Guillotine for the first time, not a bad champ but not worth 15K shards, that’s on me though, shouldn’t have gone for the featured, they are always a bad value. Mostly I’m incredibly irritated because I got nothing of real value for my account after months of time, effort, units, and money. Remind me why the awakening wasn’t generic at least? Act 5 exploration gave a generic 5 star and it was a lot easier than Act 6 exploration.
    So what if you pull a 6* you can use it on? Waiting to use Gems should be something we're used to by now.
    Well if it was a generic like it should have been, I could have used it right now on Void. I can’t think of any Cosmic six star that really needs their awakened ability. I already have Corvus awakened. I’ll use it on Sparkles if I ever pull her, but I already have five star one at 5/65 and since I can’t r3 her, she wouldn’t get used.
    Not right now, no. There's only one Gen Gem in the game, and you get it for 100% Abyss. I'm sure you'll find a use for it later on. No one said you have to be able to use everything you earn right away.
    Yeah, but doing act 6 100% should get you a generic since it’s a hell of a lot harder than Abyss 100%
    That wasn't necessarily the plan. Abyss was meant to be the follow up to LoL. The fact that people did it as easily as they did wasn't the goal, I don't believe. I can't say if either was harder because I haven't done them, but what I do see is that 6* Gems are much more rare than 5* Gems were at the time of Act 5. They're very rare. The most rare Resource, to be precise.
    And Act 6 was meant to be a follow up to Act 5.
    Just because Act 5 included a Generic doesn't mean Act 6 should as well.
    Ok but you said that since Abyss was a follow up to LoL that’s why it had a generic. Act 6 is a follow up to Act 5, so by the same reasoning it should have been a generic.
    That's not what I said. I said it was supposed to be hard. Really hard. I referenced following LoL to explain just how hard it was supposed to be. I wasn't referencing it because the previous one had X so it should have X. I'm not sure where that idea of continuity of Rewards came from, but that's never been a given.
    surely you gotta agree with what @DNA3000 had to say and that is:
    Replayability should equate to randomness.
    content you can do over and over again for ore rewards can be as random as anything.
    but content that is one and done needs to be less random.
    this should be more and more true and more and more important the harder the content is purely due to the fact that you need to be rewarded for what you have achieved. the fact that one person can do something and get god tier rewards while another puts in the same work and does the same content and gets complete utter garbage is total BS.

    Randomness in AQ crystals great. you do it every week.
    Even randomness in EQ rewards great, cus every month there is a new eq with a new chance to have better luck.
    but obsene levels of randomness in story content is just not right.
    its really not fair on the playerbase that two people who do the same content get rewarded so differently.
    some level of randomness is fine but only to an extent. a player that opens a 6* nexus crystal from act 6 exploration should not get a choice between Groot, Iron Patriot and Juggernaut while another gets a choice between Aegon, Ghost and Quake
    No, I don't agree that just because it's Storymode, and one and done, that it automatically should be a Generic Gem. RNG has played a part in Rewards for all of Storymode. That IS the Reward structure of the entire game, from the acquisition of Champs, to the Resources to Rank them. It's true at Act 1, and it's true at Act 6. As much as people complain about RNG, that is the game. Been that way all along.
    There are several assumptions taking place here. That the Rewards must be completely symmetrical, that higher difficulty should mean less RNG, that you must be able to use everything you get for completing it, that it must be everything you need to carry you through, just to name a few. Things don't always line up like that. In fact, they seldom do. We're going to pull Resources we will have to sit on in order to make the most of them.
    The point I'm trying to make that is missed, is the game itself has its own rate of progress for the rarity of Items. A 6* Gem is the rarest. How many are there in the game? Not many at all. How many people have one to sit on? Not many, really. Having a Gem you can hold on to that is extremely rare, which can be used when you pull something you want to use it on, is not a flaw in the design.
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 880 ★★★★

    H3t3r said:

    I finally completed Act 6 100%. Let’s hope I don’t shafted on the rewards when I open them Friday.

    Now that I have done all of it, I can confidently say that man Act 6 sucked. So many of the paths were utter BS, but what irritated me the most was the insane attack values in 6.4. When I blocked (not parried) a hit, I’d often lose over 1K health, that’s just absurd. One suggestion that I saw in this thread earlier was to keep the attack values if you must but give all the defenders negative block penetration so we aren’t taking massive amounts of block damage.

    Well I got completely shafted. Pulled my second mutant t5cc (first one was from abyss) and a cosmic awakening gem who I have literally no one to use it on unless I want to awaken The Champion or Superior Iron Man or Annihilus. My Nexus was actually one of the best ones I have seen, it was either 20 more sigs on ghost, awakening Sym Supreme, or getting a new Agent Venom, so I chose to awaken Sym. Decided to go for the featured and got Guillotine for the first time, not a bad champ but not worth 15K shards, that’s on me though, shouldn’t have gone for the featured, they are always a bad value. Mostly I’m incredibly irritated because I got nothing of real value for my account after months of time, effort, units, and money. Remind me why the awakening wasn’t generic at least? Act 5 exploration gave a generic 5 star and it was a lot easier than Act 6 exploration.
    So what if you pull a 6* you can use it on? Waiting to use Gems should be something we're used to by now.
    Well if it was a generic like it should have been, I could have used it right now on Void. I can’t think of any Cosmic six star that really needs their awakened ability. I already have Corvus awakened. I’ll use it on Sparkles if I ever pull her, but I already have five star one at 5/65 and since I can’t r3 her, she wouldn’t get used.
    Not right now, no. There's only one Gen Gem in the game, and you get it for 100% Abyss. I'm sure you'll find a use for it later on. No one said you have to be able to use everything you earn right away.
    Yeah, but doing act 6 100% should get you a generic since it’s a hell of a lot harder than Abyss 100%
    That wasn't necessarily the plan. Abyss was meant to be the follow up to LoL. The fact that people did it as easily as they did wasn't the goal, I don't believe. I can't say if either was harder because I haven't done them, but what I do see is that 6* Gems are much more rare than 5* Gems were at the time of Act 5. They're very rare. The most rare Resource, to be precise.
    And Act 6 was meant to be a follow up to Act 5.
    Just because Act 5 included a Generic doesn't mean Act 6 should as well.
    LoL included a generic and a class same with AOL but with 6* versions.
    As I just said, AoL wasn't meant to be that easy. People didn't blast through LoL that easily when it was released.
    Any evidence to back this up?
  • Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★
    Thecurler said:

    H3t3r said:

    I finally completed Act 6 100%. Let’s hope I don’t shafted on the rewards when I open them Friday.

    Now that I have done all of it, I can confidently say that man Act 6 sucked. So many of the paths were utter BS, but what irritated me the most was the insane attack values in 6.4. When I blocked (not parried) a hit, I’d often lose over 1K health, that’s just absurd. One suggestion that I saw in this thread earlier was to keep the attack values if you must but give all the defenders negative block penetration so we aren’t taking massive amounts of block damage.

    Well I got completely shafted. Pulled my second mutant t5cc (first one was from abyss) and a cosmic awakening gem who I have literally no one to use it on unless I want to awaken The Champion or Superior Iron Man or Annihilus. My Nexus was actually one of the best ones I have seen, it was either 20 more sigs on ghost, awakening Sym Supreme, or getting a new Agent Venom, so I chose to awaken Sym. Decided to go for the featured and got Guillotine for the first time, not a bad champ but not worth 15K shards, that’s on me though, shouldn’t have gone for the featured, they are always a bad value. Mostly I’m incredibly irritated because I got nothing of real value for my account after months of time, effort, units, and money. Remind me why the awakening wasn’t generic at least? Act 5 exploration gave a generic 5 star and it was a lot easier than Act 6 exploration.
    So what if you pull a 6* you can use it on? Waiting to use Gems should be something we're used to by now.
    Well if it was a generic like it should have been, I could have used it right now on Void. I can’t think of any Cosmic six star that really needs their awakened ability. I already have Corvus awakened. I’ll use it on Sparkles if I ever pull her, but I already have five star one at 5/65 and since I can’t r3 her, she wouldn’t get used.
    Not right now, no. There's only one Gen Gem in the game, and you get it for 100% Abyss. I'm sure you'll find a use for it later on. No one said you have to be able to use everything you earn right away.
    Yeah, but doing act 6 100% should get you a generic since it’s a hell of a lot harder than Abyss 100%
    That wasn't necessarily the plan. Abyss was meant to be the follow up to LoL. The fact that people did it as easily as they did wasn't the goal, I don't believe. I can't say if either was harder because I haven't done them, but what I do see is that 6* Gems are much more rare than 5* Gems were at the time of Act 5. They're very rare. The most rare Resource, to be precise.
    And Act 6 was meant to be a follow up to Act 5.
    Just because Act 5 included a Generic doesn't mean Act 6 should as well.
    LoL included a generic and a class same with AOL but with 6* versions.
    As I just said, AoL wasn't meant to be that easy. People didn't blast through LoL that easily when it was released.
    Any evidence to back this up?
    Actually he is right on that one.
    Kabam did not intend AOL to be beaten for many many months. They literally said so in their initial announcement.
    the fact people open wallets and blow 5000 units to complete it was not the intent. The intent was for it to take time to get it completed.
    Just as LOL did.
    Whether it be a design mistake on Kabams behalf, or an underestimation of the determination of players on Kabams behalf the fact is they did not intend it to be beaten for quite some time.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★

    I finally completed Act 6 100%. Let’s hope I don’t shafted on the rewards when I open them Friday.

    Now that I have done all of it, I can confidently say that man Act 6 sucked. So many of the paths were utter BS, but what irritated me the most was the insane attack values in 6.4. When I blocked (not parried) a hit, I’d often lose over 1K health, that’s just absurd. One suggestion that I saw in this thread earlier was to keep the attack values if you must but give all the defenders negative block penetration so we aren’t taking massive amounts of block damage.

    Well I got completely shafted. Pulled my second mutant t5cc (first one was from abyss) and a cosmic awakening gem who I have literally no one to use it on unless I want to awaken The Champion or Superior Iron Man or Annihilus. My Nexus was actually one of the best ones I have seen, it was either 20 more sigs on ghost, awakening Sym Supreme, or getting a new Agent Venom, so I chose to awaken Sym. Decided to go for the featured and got Guillotine for the first time, not a bad champ but not worth 15K shards, that’s on me though, shouldn’t have gone for the featured, they are always a bad value. Mostly I’m incredibly irritated because I got nothing of real value for my account after months of time, effort, units, and money. Remind me why the awakening wasn’t generic at least? Act 5 exploration gave a generic 5 star and it was a lot easier than Act 6 exploration.
    So what if you pull a 6* you can use it on? Waiting to use Gems should be something we're used to by now.
    Well if it was a generic like it should have been, I could have used it right now on Void. I can’t think of any Cosmic six star that really needs their awakened ability. I already have Corvus awakened. I’ll use it on Sparkles if I ever pull her, but I already have five star one at 5/65 and since I can’t r3 her, she wouldn’t get used.
    Not right now, no. There's only one Gen Gem in the game, and you get it for 100% Abyss. I'm sure you'll find a use for it later on. No one said you have to be able to use everything you earn right away.
    Yeah, but doing act 6 100% should get you a generic since it’s a hell of a lot harder than Abyss 100%
    That wasn't necessarily the plan. Abyss was meant to be the follow up to LoL. The fact that people did it as easily as they did wasn't the goal, I don't believe. I can't say if either was harder because I haven't done them, but what I do see is that 6* Gems are much more rare than 5* Gems were at the time of Act 5. They're very rare. The most rare Resource, to be precise.
    And Act 6 was meant to be a follow up to Act 5.
    Just because Act 5 included a Generic doesn't mean Act 6 should as well.
    Ok but you said that since Abyss was a follow up to LoL that’s why it had a generic. Act 6 is a follow up to Act 5, so by the same reasoning it should have been a generic.
    That's not what I said. I said it was supposed to be hard. Really hard. I referenced following LoL to explain just how hard it was supposed to be. I wasn't referencing it because the previous one had X so it should have X. I'm not sure where that idea of continuity of Rewards came from, but that's never been a given.
    surely you gotta agree with what @DNA3000 had to say and that is:
    Replayability should equate to randomness.
    content you can do over and over again for ore rewards can be as random as anything.
    but content that is one and done needs to be less random.
    this should be more and more true and more and more important the harder the content is purely due to the fact that you need to be rewarded for what you have achieved. the fact that one person can do something and get god tier rewards while another puts in the same work and does the same content and gets complete utter garbage is total BS.

    Randomness in AQ crystals great. you do it every week.
    Even randomness in EQ rewards great, cus every month there is a new eq with a new chance to have better luck.
    but obsene levels of randomness in story content is just not right.
    its really not fair on the playerbase that two people who do the same content get rewarded so differently.
    some level of randomness is fine but only to an extent. a player that opens a 6* nexus crystal from act 6 exploration should not get a choice between Groot, Iron Patriot and Juggernaut while another gets a choice between Aegon, Ghost and Quake
    No, I don't agree that just because it's Storymode, and one and done, that it automatically should be a Generic Gem. RNG has played a part in Rewards for all of Storymode. That IS the Reward structure of the entire game, from the acquisition of Champs, to the Resources to Rank them. It's true at Act 1, and it's true at Act 6. As much as people complain about RNG, that is the game. Been that way all along.
    There are several assumptions taking place here. That the Rewards must be completely symmetrical, that higher difficulty should mean less RNG, that you must be able to use everything you get for completing it, that it must be everything you need to carry you through, just to name a few. Things don't always line up like that. In fact, they seldom do. We're going to pull Resources we will have to sit on in order to make the most of them.
    The point I'm trying to make that is missed, is the game itself has its own rate of progress for the rarity of Items. A 6* Gem is the rarest. How many are there in the game? Not many at all. How many people have one to sit on? Not many, really. Having a Gem you can hold on to that is extremely rare, which can be used when you pull something you want to use it on, is not a flaw in the design.
    Just because RNG in rewards is always the case doesn't make it right. and in fact it is not always the case there are many examples of rewards that are generic gems. A generic 6* gem only falls in line with that.
    One of the most common complaints is the extreme of RNG in rewards. small RNG is fine it creates diversity and it gives a something too look forward to, but the extreme differences between what good RNG and bad RNG do to your account is where the problem is.

    Of course you are entitled to whatever opinion you want.
    But that does not make it right.
    But even if you do believe your opinion is right and everyone else is wrong does the fact that the majority of comments and players dislike and disagree with you not tell you something? Does that not tell you that you are out of touch with the majority of the player base?
    of course it must. You just choose to take this as a you are right and we are wrong situation. What it boils down to however is not a simple black and white right or wrong, but what is right is actually whatever the majority of the players want, as that is healthy for the game. Aslong as it doesn't break the game which nothing that is being spoken about here would do.
    Believe your opinions and thoughts to be correct as much as you want but you are not changing anyone's viewpoints here and the fact that you are in constant disagreement with the majority of players shows that most people want something different to you.
    If everything got made in the game the way you wanted it would be against what the majority of the players want.
    I suggest that you allow people to voice their opinions and concerns without stepping in every 2 seconds to add your point.
    Everyone here knows your standpoint and almost everyone here disagrees with it. That will continue to remain the fact no matter how much you say it.
    i feel it is in the best interests of the longevity of the game that the majority of the player base is satisfied as that makes sense.

    Believe what you want, but stop attempting to force that upon others. everyone already knows that you stand at polar opposites to the bulk of the community with your viewpoints.
    I stand with common sense. We all don't like pulling something we don't want or can't use right away, and after a large chunk of very hard content, it sucks. No doubt. I'm just not agreeing that the problem is that the design is not fair. It IS fair. RNG is fair. I've had that view as long as I've been on here. Everyone has the exact same chances as everyone else. Which means you have a chance to pull everything you want, and you have a chance to pull nothing you want. Had someone pulled an Aegon from the Nexus, a couple Skill Cats, and a Skill Gem, I have great doubts we'd hear them say the game is broken. We're not guaranteed something we want. That comes with RNG. Do I like it when I don't get what I want? None of us do. It just happens.
  • Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★
    also too i think you are forgetting they just increased the rewards in act 1 even to help early accounts.
    now 2* nexus crystals are there to lessen the RNG.
    there are now GENERIC 2* rank up gems there.
    So if they are increasing the rewards in act 1 and lessening the impact of RNG on newer players who already have the early game easier than it was 3 years ago why would it be different late game? if anything late game should be even less RNG dependent
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    You people realize you are arguing with someone who thought the side event was too difficult? No one is going to change another persons opinion, especially his. I honestly think Kabam should have included a 6 star generic gem in Act 6 exploration and a 5 star generic or a class based gem fir act 6 completion.
  • Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★

    Thecurler said:

    H3t3r said:

    I finally completed Act 6 100%. Let’s hope I don’t shafted on the rewards when I open them Friday.

    Now that I have done all of it, I can confidently say that man Act 6 sucked. So many of the paths were utter BS, but what irritated me the most was the insane attack values in 6.4. When I blocked (not parried) a hit, I’d often lose over 1K health, that’s just absurd. One suggestion that I saw in this thread earlier was to keep the attack values if you must but give all the defenders negative block penetration so we aren’t taking massive amounts of block damage.

    Well I got completely shafted. Pulled my second mutant t5cc (first one was from abyss) and a cosmic awakening gem who I have literally no one to use it on unless I want to awaken The Champion or Superior Iron Man or Annihilus. My Nexus was actually one of the best ones I have seen, it was either 20 more sigs on ghost, awakening Sym Supreme, or getting a new Agent Venom, so I chose to awaken Sym. Decided to go for the featured and got Guillotine for the first time, not a bad champ but not worth 15K shards, that’s on me though, shouldn’t have gone for the featured, they are always a bad value. Mostly I’m incredibly irritated because I got nothing of real value for my account after months of time, effort, units, and money. Remind me why the awakening wasn’t generic at least? Act 5 exploration gave a generic 5 star and it was a lot easier than Act 6 exploration.
    So what if you pull a 6* you can use it on? Waiting to use Gems should be something we're used to by now.
    Well if it was a generic like it should have been, I could have used it right now on Void. I can’t think of any Cosmic six star that really needs their awakened ability. I already have Corvus awakened. I’ll use it on Sparkles if I ever pull her, but I already have five star one at 5/65 and since I can’t r3 her, she wouldn’t get used.
    Not right now, no. There's only one Gen Gem in the game, and you get it for 100% Abyss. I'm sure you'll find a use for it later on. No one said you have to be able to use everything you earn right away.
    Yeah, but doing act 6 100% should get you a generic since it’s a hell of a lot harder than Abyss 100%
    That wasn't necessarily the plan. Abyss was meant to be the follow up to LoL. The fact that people did it as easily as they did wasn't the goal, I don't believe. I can't say if either was harder because I haven't done them, but what I do see is that 6* Gems are much more rare than 5* Gems were at the time of Act 5. They're very rare. The most rare Resource, to be precise.
    And Act 6 was meant to be a follow up to Act 5.
    Just because Act 5 included a Generic doesn't mean Act 6 should as well.
    LoL included a generic and a class same with AOL but with 6* versions.
    As I just said, AoL wasn't meant to be that easy. People didn't blast through LoL that easily when it was released.
    Any evidence to back this up?
    Actually he is right on that one.
    Kabam did not intend AOL to be beaten for many many months. They literally said so in their initial announcement.
    the fact people open wallets and blow 5000 units to complete it was not the intent. The intent was for it to take time to get it completed.
    Just as LOL did.
    Whether it be a design mistake on Kabams behalf, or an underestimation of the determination of players on Kabams behalf the fact is they did not intend it to be beaten for quite some time.

    You don't offer legends rewards without the knowledge that some people are going to brute force through something as fast as possible no matter how difficult you think you've made it
    There were rewards for the first 100 to complete ROL and the first 300 to complete LOL and IIRC they took months to happen.
  • SatsuiNoHadouSatsuiNoHadou Member Posts: 753 ★★★

    Thecurler said:

    H3t3r said:

    I finally completed Act 6 100%. Let’s hope I don’t shafted on the rewards when I open them Friday.

    Now that I have done all of it, I can confidently say that man Act 6 sucked. So many of the paths were utter BS, but what irritated me the most was the insane attack values in 6.4. When I blocked (not parried) a hit, I’d often lose over 1K health, that’s just absurd. One suggestion that I saw in this thread earlier was to keep the attack values if you must but give all the defenders negative block penetration so we aren’t taking massive amounts of block damage.

    Well I got completely shafted. Pulled my second mutant t5cc (first one was from abyss) and a cosmic awakening gem who I have literally no one to use it on unless I want to awaken The Champion or Superior Iron Man or Annihilus. My Nexus was actually one of the best ones I have seen, it was either 20 more sigs on ghost, awakening Sym Supreme, or getting a new Agent Venom, so I chose to awaken Sym. Decided to go for the featured and got Guillotine for the first time, not a bad champ but not worth 15K shards, that’s on me though, shouldn’t have gone for the featured, they are always a bad value. Mostly I’m incredibly irritated because I got nothing of real value for my account after months of time, effort, units, and money. Remind me why the awakening wasn’t generic at least? Act 5 exploration gave a generic 5 star and it was a lot easier than Act 6 exploration.
    So what if you pull a 6* you can use it on? Waiting to use Gems should be something we're used to by now.
    Well if it was a generic like it should have been, I could have used it right now on Void. I can’t think of any Cosmic six star that really needs their awakened ability. I already have Corvus awakened. I’ll use it on Sparkles if I ever pull her, but I already have five star one at 5/65 and since I can’t r3 her, she wouldn’t get used.
    Not right now, no. There's only one Gen Gem in the game, and you get it for 100% Abyss. I'm sure you'll find a use for it later on. No one said you have to be able to use everything you earn right away.
    Yeah, but doing act 6 100% should get you a generic since it’s a hell of a lot harder than Abyss 100%
    That wasn't necessarily the plan. Abyss was meant to be the follow up to LoL. The fact that people did it as easily as they did wasn't the goal, I don't believe. I can't say if either was harder because I haven't done them, but what I do see is that 6* Gems are much more rare than 5* Gems were at the time of Act 5. They're very rare. The most rare Resource, to be precise.
    And Act 6 was meant to be a follow up to Act 5.
    Just because Act 5 included a Generic doesn't mean Act 6 should as well.
    LoL included a generic and a class same with AOL but with 6* versions.
    As I just said, AoL wasn't meant to be that easy. People didn't blast through LoL that easily when it was released.
    Any evidence to back this up?
    Actually he is right on that one.
    Kabam did not intend AOL to be beaten for many many months. They literally said so in their initial announcement.
    the fact people open wallets and blow 5000 units to complete it was not the intent. The intent was for it to take time to get it completed.
    Just as LOL did.
    Whether it be a design mistake on Kabams behalf, or an underestimation of the determination of players on Kabams behalf the fact is they did not intend it to be beaten for quite some time.

    You don't offer legends rewards without the knowledge that some people are going to brute force through something as fast as possible no matter how difficult you think you've made it
    There were rewards for the first 100 to complete ROL and the first 300 to complete LOL and IIRC they took months to happen.
    You seem to have forgotten the might of the ALMIGHTY UNIT MAN!
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★

    I finally completed Act 6 100%. Let’s hope I don’t shafted on the rewards when I open them Friday.

    Now that I have done all of it, I can confidently say that man Act 6 sucked. So many of the paths were utter BS, but what irritated me the most was the insane attack values in 6.4. When I blocked (not parried) a hit, I’d often lose over 1K health, that’s just absurd. One suggestion that I saw in this thread earlier was to keep the attack values if you must but give all the defenders negative block penetration so we aren’t taking massive amounts of block damage.

    Well I got completely shafted. Pulled my second mutant t5cc (first one was from abyss) and a cosmic awakening gem who I have literally no one to use it on unless I want to awaken The Champion or Superior Iron Man or Annihilus. My Nexus was actually one of the best ones I have seen, it was either 20 more sigs on ghost, awakening Sym Supreme, or getting a new Agent Venom, so I chose to awaken Sym. Decided to go for the featured and got Guillotine for the first time, not a bad champ but not worth 15K shards, that’s on me though, shouldn’t have gone for the featured, they are always a bad value. Mostly I’m incredibly irritated because I got nothing of real value for my account after months of time, effort, units, and money. Remind me why the awakening wasn’t generic at least? Act 5 exploration gave a generic 5 star and it was a lot easier than Act 6 exploration.
    So what if you pull a 6* you can use it on? Waiting to use Gems should be something we're used to by now.
    Well if it was a generic like it should have been, I could have used it right now on Void. I can’t think of any Cosmic six star that really needs their awakened ability. I already have Corvus awakened. I’ll use it on Sparkles if I ever pull her, but I already have five star one at 5/65 and since I can’t r3 her, she wouldn’t get used.
    Not right now, no. There's only one Gen Gem in the game, and you get it for 100% Abyss. I'm sure you'll find a use for it later on. No one said you have to be able to use everything you earn right away.
    Yeah, but doing act 6 100% should get you a generic since it’s a hell of a lot harder than Abyss 100%
    That wasn't necessarily the plan. Abyss was meant to be the follow up to LoL. The fact that people did it as easily as they did wasn't the goal, I don't believe. I can't say if either was harder because I haven't done them, but what I do see is that 6* Gems are much more rare than 5* Gems were at the time of Act 5. They're very rare. The most rare Resource, to be precise.
    And Act 6 was meant to be a follow up to Act 5.
    Just because Act 5 included a Generic doesn't mean Act 6 should as well.
    Ok but you said that since Abyss was a follow up to LoL that’s why it had a generic. Act 6 is a follow up to Act 5, so by the same reasoning it should have been a generic.
    That's not what I said. I said it was supposed to be hard. Really hard. I referenced following LoL to explain just how hard it was supposed to be. I wasn't referencing it because the previous one had X so it should have X. I'm not sure where that idea of continuity of Rewards came from, but that's never been a given.
    surely you gotta agree with what @DNA3000 had to say and that is:
    Replayability should equate to randomness.
    content you can do over and over again for ore rewards can be as random as anything.
    but content that is one and done needs to be less random.
    this should be more and more true and more and more important the harder the content is purely due to the fact that you need to be rewarded for what you have achieved. the fact that one person can do something and get god tier rewards while another puts in the same work and does the same content and gets complete utter garbage is total BS.

    Randomness in AQ crystals great. you do it every week.
    Even randomness in EQ rewards great, cus every month there is a new eq with a new chance to have better luck.
    but obsene levels of randomness in story content is just not right.
    its really not fair on the playerbase that two people who do the same content get rewarded so differently.
    some level of randomness is fine but only to an extent. a player that opens a 6* nexus crystal from act 6 exploration should not get a choice between Groot, Iron Patriot and Juggernaut while another gets a choice between Aegon, Ghost and Quake
    No, I don't agree that just because it's Storymode, and one and done, that it automatically should be a Generic Gem. RNG has played a part in Rewards for all of Storymode. That IS the Reward structure of the entire game, from the acquisition of Champs, to the Resources to Rank them. It's true at Act 1, and it's true at Act 6. As much as people complain about RNG, that is the game. Been that way all along.
    There are several assumptions taking place here. That the Rewards must be completely symmetrical, that higher difficulty should mean less RNG, that you must be able to use everything you get for completing it, that it must be everything you need to carry you through, just to name a few. Things don't always line up like that. In fact, they seldom do. We're going to pull Resources we will have to sit on in order to make the most of them.
    The point I'm trying to make that is missed, is the game itself has its own rate of progress for the rarity of Items. A 6* Gem is the rarest. How many are there in the game? Not many at all. How many people have one to sit on? Not many, really. Having a Gem you can hold on to that is extremely rare, which can be used when you pull something you want to use it on, is not a flaw in the design.
    The point is that finishing exploring Act 6 should leave you feeling accomplished and rewarded. Now, I already didn’t feel accomplished when I finished Act 6 due to the amount sheer BS nodes that were not skill based but rather unit and revive based. The feelings of accomplishment came from beating the Grandmaster 6 times and beating the Champion however many times I fought him. Now I don’t even feel rewarded because I got nothing of real value. When I 100% Act 5, it was a huge reward and feeling of accomplishment, I was able to awaken my Ægon and I felt excited about my future in the game. When I finished 100% Act 6, my first thought after opening my rewards was “Wow that was a complete waste of my ******** time, units, and money. Why do I even play this game still?” If it weren’t for the fact that I have good friends in my alliance, I was going to quit. Having RNG based rewards is fine, but having all the rewards be RNG based for the most difficult content in the game is not. Nothing killed my motivation more to play and spend on this game than the moment I saw that t5cc crystal land on my second mutant t5cc. I still have one in the stash from abyss from months ago. I had a 5/6 chance of getting something I could use and I got the 1/6 chance instead. Same with the awakening gem, I had immediate use for 4/6 of the gems but got one of the two I have no use for. What that did to my motivation to spend and play the game is obliterate it. Unless the roadmap is spectacular, I’ll be going completely free to play now.
    So what's the difference between that and people that say they're quitting because they pulled KK?
  • DragonBloodÆDragonBloodÆ Member Posts: 28
    edited June 2020
    I do believe the road map will be cool (Hopping for arena fix and a new rewording game mode :) )
    However i think you shouldn't waste your time arguing with grounded wisdom.
    Because reading his comments i never saw him/her talk bad about kabam not even ONCE.
    So just save your time pal.

  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★

    lol another post deleted.

    ill post my thoughts on this cavalier difficulty here, doubt they even read this thread.

    It’s actually great that they’re announcing it the way they are. This way we can give lots of feedback about difficulty and rewards before Cavalier EQ is finalized.
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Thecurler said:

    H3t3r said:

    I finally completed Act 6 100%. Let’s hope I don’t shafted on the rewards when I open them Friday.

    Now that I have done all of it, I can confidently say that man Act 6 sucked. So many of the paths were utter BS, but what irritated me the most was the insane attack values in 6.4. When I blocked (not parried) a hit, I’d often lose over 1K health, that’s just absurd. One suggestion that I saw in this thread earlier was to keep the attack values if you must but give all the defenders negative block penetration so we aren’t taking massive amounts of block damage.

    Well I got completely shafted. Pulled my second mutant t5cc (first one was from abyss) and a cosmic awakening gem who I have literally no one to use it on unless I want to awaken The Champion or Superior Iron Man or Annihilus. My Nexus was actually one of the best ones I have seen, it was either 20 more sigs on ghost, awakening Sym Supreme, or getting a new Agent Venom, so I chose to awaken Sym. Decided to go for the featured and got Guillotine for the first time, not a bad champ but not worth 15K shards, that’s on me though, shouldn’t have gone for the featured, they are always a bad value. Mostly I’m incredibly irritated because I got nothing of real value for my account after months of time, effort, units, and money. Remind me why the awakening wasn’t generic at least? Act 5 exploration gave a generic 5 star and it was a lot easier than Act 6 exploration.
    So what if you pull a 6* you can use it on? Waiting to use Gems should be something we're used to by now.
    Well if it was a generic like it should have been, I could have used it right now on Void. I can’t think of any Cosmic six star that really needs their awakened ability. I already have Corvus awakened. I’ll use it on Sparkles if I ever pull her, but I already have five star one at 5/65 and since I can’t r3 her, she wouldn’t get used.
    Not right now, no. There's only one Gen Gem in the game, and you get it for 100% Abyss. I'm sure you'll find a use for it later on. No one said you have to be able to use everything you earn right away.
    Yeah, but doing act 6 100% should get you a generic since it’s a hell of a lot harder than Abyss 100%
    That wasn't necessarily the plan. Abyss was meant to be the follow up to LoL. The fact that people did it as easily as they did wasn't the goal, I don't believe. I can't say if either was harder because I haven't done them, but what I do see is that 6* Gems are much more rare than 5* Gems were at the time of Act 5. They're very rare. The most rare Resource, to be precise.
    And Act 6 was meant to be a follow up to Act 5.
    Just because Act 5 included a Generic doesn't mean Act 6 should as well.
    LoL included a generic and a class same with AOL but with 6* versions.
    As I just said, AoL wasn't meant to be that easy. People didn't blast through LoL that easily when it was released.
    Any evidence to back this up?
    LOL was blasted through immediately it was released that Kabam had to nerf SW and increase the difficulty. People completed like 1-2 paths and Kabam put a lock on the content
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★

    I finally completed Act 6 100%. Let’s hope I don’t shafted on the rewards when I open them Friday.

    Now that I have done all of it, I can confidently say that man Act 6 sucked. So many of the paths were utter BS, but what irritated me the most was the insane attack values in 6.4. When I blocked (not parried) a hit, I’d often lose over 1K health, that’s just absurd. One suggestion that I saw in this thread earlier was to keep the attack values if you must but give all the defenders negative block penetration so we aren’t taking massive amounts of block damage.

    Well I got completely shafted. Pulled my second mutant t5cc (first one was from abyss) and a cosmic awakening gem who I have literally no one to use it on unless I want to awaken The Champion or Superior Iron Man or Annihilus. My Nexus was actually one of the best ones I have seen, it was either 20 more sigs on ghost, awakening Sym Supreme, or getting a new Agent Venom, so I chose to awaken Sym. Decided to go for the featured and got Guillotine for the first time, not a bad champ but not worth 15K shards, that’s on me though, shouldn’t have gone for the featured, they are always a bad value. Mostly I’m incredibly irritated because I got nothing of real value for my account after months of time, effort, units, and money. Remind me why the awakening wasn’t generic at least? Act 5 exploration gave a generic 5 star and it was a lot easier than Act 6 exploration.
    So what if you pull a 6* you can use it on? Waiting to use Gems should be something we're used to by now.
    Well if it was a generic like it should have been, I could have used it right now on Void. I can’t think of any Cosmic six star that really needs their awakened ability. I already have Corvus awakened. I’ll use it on Sparkles if I ever pull her, but I already have five star one at 5/65 and since I can’t r3 her, she wouldn’t get used.
    Not right now, no. There's only one Gen Gem in the game, and you get it for 100% Abyss. I'm sure you'll find a use for it later on. No one said you have to be able to use everything you earn right away.
    Yeah, but doing act 6 100% should get you a generic since it’s a hell of a lot harder than Abyss 100%
    That wasn't necessarily the plan. Abyss was meant to be the follow up to LoL. The fact that people did it as easily as they did wasn't the goal, I don't believe. I can't say if either was harder because I haven't done them, but what I do see is that 6* Gems are much more rare than 5* Gems were at the time of Act 5. They're very rare. The most rare Resource, to be precise.
    And Act 6 was meant to be a follow up to Act 5.
    Just because Act 5 included a Generic doesn't mean Act 6 should as well.
    Ok but you said that since Abyss was a follow up to LoL that’s why it had a generic. Act 6 is a follow up to Act 5, so by the same reasoning it should have been a generic.
    That's not what I said. I said it was supposed to be hard. Really hard. I referenced following LoL to explain just how hard it was supposed to be. I wasn't referencing it because the previous one had X so it should have X. I'm not sure where that idea of continuity of Rewards came from, but that's never been a given.

    Randomness in AQ crystals great. you do it every week.
    Even randomness in EQ rewards great, cus every month there is a new eq with a new chance to have better luck.
    but obsene levels of randomness in story content is just not right.
    its really not fair on the playerbase that two people who do the same content get rewarded so differently.
    The 3 stars I pulled from my Act 6 cavalier crystals agree.
  • TheMightyJonTheMightyJon Member Posts: 52
    I'm sure someone else will have suggested this throughout all these pages but solo event rewards really need to be either updated for everyone or probably more appropriate progression based. The current solo crystals and lvl 1 health pots have no relevance to a large portion of the player base. An uncollected and a cavalier solo crystal could have rewards that were relevant and didn't just sit in overflow until they expired.
  • LunaeLunae Member Posts: 371 ★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    Cavalier difficulty will probably disappoint all those who are looking for just rewards.

    I hope it has engaging content. Rewards quantum do not matter as long as $ deals are not overly excessive as compared to the content rewards.

    Thinking about this earlier I don’t know why people go and do difficult content with high hopes of getting amazing rewards. That shouldn’t be the only and main incentive because the rng in this game can be brutal, having any crazy expectations out of something even like a 6* nexus crystals is just setting up for disappointment.

    Doing the content for the content itself instead of just the rewards seems more realistic. I’m also not arguing against improving rewards because I’ve seen player suggesting more concrete rewards then rng based one for difficult content, but still the expectations players have when it comes to rng is way too high. If your going for the rewards go for the rank up material, not the crystals. Lol I only finally decided to do 100% lol and complete act 6 mostly to get the t2a and came out satisfied.
  • BAMBAM232BAMBAM232 Member Posts: 22

    lol another post deleted.

    ill post my thoughts on this cavalier difficulty here, doubt they even read this thread.

    100% agree
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