KABAM WHAT DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND? You need to make new content for endgame players NOW. Like Last year would have been better. I’m so bored day in and day out and everything you come out with has awful rewards that literally don’t matter one bit. Where is a cavalier difficulty? Yall should HAVE BEEN put that out. Like what are yall doing up there at kabam hq? Just another little fyi, just 100% act6 and didn’t get anything i could use from rewards. Have plenty of champs i would r3 in every class but skill and tech, any guess what t5cc’s i got from act6 and abyss..? Thanks for not making the rewards a selector like the one you gave out for gifting event. Really appreciate that. Showing me how much yall care about the player is really making me want to stick around and keep spending.. 😐
I believe that Kabam is listening and will respond. Do I think that majority of players will be satisfied? No, I think it will be just good enough for us to continue playing longer but I see the impatience growing.
The game economy around gold is a huge problem. I grind arena and I still can't keep up with the game meta. I had to completely stop rank ups and opening up map crystals because I had too many things expiring and not enough gold to take them up. After further thought I will break down my list that Kabam must address to keep this game going for years to come. This is not in order because depending on where you are in the game it will mean more than others.
1) The game economy- This mainly surrounds 5 star signature stones availability, 6 star shards, and how much gold it takes to rank up champions. At this point we need to get 6 star shards in abundance. That will offset the disdain people have for RNG that is growing. 6 star availability should be the same that 5 star availability was 2 years ago. There is more than enough trash champions in the crystal to not break the game if we got the 6 star bump. 2) Masteries- We need 3 different masteries sets saved in game so we can swap at anytime with no effort. It should be free but the game will be okay if there is a unit cost associated with it. 3)AQ-A change in energy has to happen. Whether is 30 min timers, energy is capped at 8 instead of 5 but something has to change. 4) AW- Get rid of flow and siphon. Things that are penalizing to players on that level is just not fun. Boost the rewards as well. I'm talking 50% t5cc selector level for masters and properly scaling down from there. 5) Update all the solo event and alliance events that have been neglected for years this. Along with update the lesser solo and greater crystals, and quest crystals.
Surprised to see this thread on the third page. I wanted to give my gripes about the solo events associated with the MODOK quest. Why aren't there any revives and units like how it was in the Fantastic Four solo events? This is one of the issues many have with Kabam, you guys do something great (Like the Fantastic Four solo events) and then bring it back, but bring it back without what made it great to begin with, like how there are no sig stones for completion in the Labs anymore.
I mean we've pretty much done our part. We just need to wait for Kabam. No point in reiterating our grievances multiple times.
I'm still making lists once a week. I don't want any excuse for why their plan doesn't offer changes in the game that has been requested with the most frequency. Especially the ones that I bring up that can be done right away like removing Mastery costs or 30 min AQ timers.
Let's not turn this thread into one where we share our bad six star pulls unless you are offering constructive criticism and help with the photo.
Fair enough: the inclusion in the 6* pool of champs that are practically worthless in content beyond Act 4 is one of many things wrong with this game. Underscoring the message of my original post, the game has ready access to an abundance of ideas and suggestions here and in other online media, but somehow manages to either disregard them or implement them in the least enjoyable way possible.
I thought I would try a visual approach earlier today since the verbal one has elicited almost no response whatsoever from the team.
He IS just one player BUT YOU BETTER START CARING because the truth is the player pool is emptying out. There are litterally thousands of empty alliances out there! There are not near as many people playing as some of you think. This is fast becoming a dead zone. New players jump after a few weeks of grinding. Old players are fed up. One squeeze play after another has led to thousands quitting. If you doubt what i say randomly search alliances. You will find 90x more abandoned empty alliances than active ones. There is an old saying, "it is lonely at the top!" And some of the arrogant upper tier players are gonna find out what that means! And kabam will find it had to get anyone to play any of their games. And leaves fall off a tree one at a time till there are none left!
I mean we've pretty much done our part. We just need to wait for Kabam. No point in reiterating our grievances multiple times.
I'm still making lists once a week. I don't want any excuse for why their plan doesn't offer changes in the game that has been requested with the most frequency. Especially the ones that I bring up that can be done right away like removing Mastery costs or 30 min AQ timers.
You realize not all things on said list will be changed, right?
The clock is ticking... poor rewards from this monthly EQ, lack of communication from Kabam, solo crystal shards still being rewarded, flow being as big of a problem as ever, delaying of Variant 5, signature paywall at large...
It's about time to release the full Roadmap Kabam. People are losing faith, even leaving because they aren't satisfied with your game. We need more bang for our buck.
You should know our main issues by now:
•Lack of Grindable Signature Stones
•RNG shafting players after beating hard content
•Flow Wars sucking up player's resourceses and dollars
•6.2 champion preventing people from getting act 6 done
•Outdated Alliance Event and Solo Event Rewards
•Gold and ISO shortage becoming a hinderance to champion progression
•Incursions being too 5* focused and without 6* rewards. (Difficulty does not justify the rewards)
•Nodes in Endgame Content preventing players from using a wide roster and instead a limited pool of top tier champs
Let's not turn this thread into one where we share our bad six star pulls unless you are offering constructive criticism and help with the photo.
Fair enough: the inclusion in the 6* pool of champs that are practically worthless in content beyond Act 4 is one of many things wrong with this game. Underscoring the message of my original post, the game has ready access to an abundance of ideas and suggestions here and in other online media, but somehow manages to either disregard them or implement them in the least enjoyable way possible.
I thought I would try a visual approach earlier today since the verbal one has elicited almost no response whatsoever from the team.
Dr. Zola
Yes, sorry I just don't want this thread to get derailed.
It is utterly rediculous to ask for awakening gems and signature stones! What you should be asking for is more opportunities to open higher tier champion crystals. I have no desire to raise champs with 200 signatures 1 signature stone at a time! The very idea of that was rediculous when i warned that would be our only option if the community didn't stop demanding that all the 5 stars be dumped into the basic five crystals 4 years ago! I have also said over and over that when you start demanding stuff from kabam that you just might get it and regret it! Because when they give one thing they take another away! Duping the 5s all at once took away our chances of duping. The MODOK store is a good example! There is a 5 star awakening crystal, there are not any 5 star shards or 6 star shards. They giveth and taketh away! I would rather have more chances to dupe a 5 or a 6 up 20 signatures than to baby them along a signature stone at time. Any more i feel like i am THE WATCHER. I cannot effect things...only warn you! Consider yourselves warned!
The clock is ticking... poor rewards from this monthly EQ, lack of communication from Kabam, solo crystal shards still being rewarded, flow being as big of a problem as ever, delaying of Variant 5, signature paywall at large...
It's about time to release the full Roadmap Kabam. People are losing faith, even leaving because they aren't satisfied with your game. We need more bang for our buck.
You should know our main issues by now:
•Lack of Grindable Signature Stones
•RNG shafting players after beating hard content
•Flow Wars sucking up player's resourceses and dollars
•6.2 champion preventing people from getting act 6 done
•Outdated Alliance Event and Solo Event Rewards
•Gold and ISO shortage becoming a hinderance to champion progression
•Incursions being too 5* focused and without 6* rewards. (Difficulty does not justify the rewards)
•Nodes in Endgame Content preventing players from using a wide roster and instead a limited pool of top tier champs
•No Real value of being Cavalier
1. Completely agree. 2. Slightly agree 3. Yes. 4. Okay, now the 6.2 champion should stay, and it really shouldn't be toned down in terms of its mechanics. Of course some of the linked nodes should be taken away, mainly NR and Spite, but I feel that the Champion should act as a gate, keeping the less skilled players out of 6.3 and 6.4. 5. Yes. 6. Definitely. 7. Eh. 8. If nodes and fights weren't niche, Kabam wouldn't have any reason to create new champs. Think about it. If every fight was like the Grandmaster, there would be no need for new champs with new mechanics, because every fight could just be done with any character. It gets boring after a while. 9. Hey, better compensation, amirite?
It is utterly rediculous to ask for awakening gems and signature stones! What you should be asking for is more opportunities to open higher tier champion crystals. I have no desire to raise champs with 200 signatures 1 signature stone at a time! The very idea of that was rediculous when i warned that would be our only option if the community didn't stop demanding that all the 5 stars be dumped into the basic five crystals 4 years ago! I have also said over and over that when you start demanding stuff from kabam that you just might get it and regret it! Because when they give one thing they take another away! Duping the 5s all at once took away our chances of duping. The MODOK store is a good example! There is a 5 star awakening crystal, there are not any 5 star shards or 6 star shards. They giveth and taketh away! I would rather have more chances to dupe a 5 or a 6 up 20 signatures than to baby them along a signature stone at time. Any more i feel like i am THE WATCHER. I cannot effect things...only warn you! Consider yourselves warned!
The reason these things happen is that people aren't specific.
They say things like "Kabam needs to change".
Gurl, in what way?
I agree, you're going to regret it when you give vague directions for Kabam. You're giving them enough leeway to take your directions and then twist them.
I say this all the time regarding wishlist threads, namely the character ones. You've seen the Character Wishlist Thread. You know the people who just comment a list of characters that they want to see in the game and nothing else, while others list out their possible mechanics and specifics about those characters. If you just vaguely tell Kabam what you want, you really can't be angry at anyone else but yourself when they whip out a dud like Nova. Yeah, you said you wanted the champion, but you never went in detail about how you wanted the champion to work.
It's the same with this feedback thread. You want to be as specific as possible. If you want solutions to your problems, propose them. Be specific. Being vague will be the death of our efforts.
I mean we've pretty much done our part. We just need to wait for Kabam. No point in reiterating our grievances multiple times.
I'm still making lists once a week. I don't want any excuse for why their plan doesn't offer changes in the game that has been requested with the most frequency. Especially the ones that I bring up that can be done right away like removing Mastery costs or 30 min AQ timers.
You realize not all things on said list will be changed, right?
Absolutely but the point of the list is to make sure my requests are on the table. Not saying anything at all would remove my ammunition to complain about the state of the game. Unlike you who just bow downs to whatever Kabam does with your legendary track record.
And i got a disagree? Really?? So somewhere out there is a summoner who would rather pass on a possible 20 signature levels, 24 iso, gold! (Which i do not need but many of you seem to!) For a few extra single levels out of 200 which provide no extra materials for growth? No gold for the bank? Wow...color me amazed at the short sighteness! Oh wait! I know why! You get plenty of them through your alliance and they won't dupe??? Just as i warned??? So you will settle for hand feeding your Doom on signature one at a time? I cannot decide who is more responsible for this debacle! KABAM or us!
I'm going to take a break for 6 months or so, I'll come back around the holiday season and see if they've made improvements. 6.2, Lol, abyss aren't my thing so, not much to do in the game. This is still a great game that I have enjoyed playing but, time for me to find something else to pass my downtime with.
I mean we've pretty much done our part. We just need to wait for Kabam. No point in reiterating our grievances multiple times.
I'm still making lists once a week. I don't want any excuse for why their plan doesn't offer changes in the game that has been requested with the most frequency. Especially the ones that I bring up that can be done right away like removing Mastery costs or 30 min AQ timers.
You realize not all things on said list will be changed, right?
Absolutely but the point of the list is to make sure my requests are on the table. Not saying anything at all would remove my ammunition to complain about the state of the game. Unlike you who just bow downs to whatever Kabam does with your legendary track record.
Your ammunition to complain about the state of the game? Did I read that right?
I finally completed Act 6 100%. Let’s hope I don’t shafted on the rewards when I open them Friday. Now that I have done all of it, I can confidently say that man Act 6 sucked. So many of the paths were utter BS, but what irritated me the most was the insane attack values in 6.4. When I blocked (not parried) a hit, I’d often lose over 1K health, that’s just absurd. One suggestion that I saw in this thread earlier was to keep the attack values if you must but give all the defenders negative block penetration so we aren’t taking massive amounts of block damage.
And i got a disagree? Really?? So somewhere out there is a summoner who would rather pass on a possible 20 signature levels, 24 iso, gold! (Which i do not need but many of you seem to!) For a few extra single levels out of 200 which provide no extra materials for growth? No gold for the bank? Wow...color me amazed at the short sighteness! Oh wait! I know why! You get plenty of them through your alliance and they won't dupe??? Just as i warned??? So you will settle for hand feeding your Doom on signature one at a time? I cannot decide who is more responsible for this debacle! KABAM or us!
There’s a screenshot in a different thread of the old modok labs event (from a Couple years back) that offered 1 5* sig stone per run, and it was available to be run about 90 times that months, and of course people would rather earn sig stones to put towards their favourite champions than get 20 sigs towards something they don’t want, the iso doesn’t make up for getting 20 sigs on falcon. So yes people can complain about the artificial shortage of sig stones. And telling people that it’s our fault because we wanted the 5* pool expanded years ago is just wrong.
I mean we've pretty much done our part. We just need to wait for Kabam. No point in reiterating our grievances multiple times.
I'm still making lists once a week. I don't want any excuse for why their plan doesn't offer changes in the game that has been requested with the most frequency. Especially the ones that I bring up that can be done right away like removing Mastery costs or 30 min AQ timers.
You realize not all things on said list will be changed, right?
Absolutely but the point of the list is to make sure my requests are on the table. Not saying anything at all would remove my ammunition to complain about the state of the game. Unlike you who just bow downs to whatever Kabam does with your legendary track record.
Your ammunition to complain about the state of the game? Did I read that right?
You read right. I'm not taking back anything I said. Now if Kabam changes things for the better I will be on the forums thankign them for listening.
For goodness sake can we please update greater than and less than solo crystals or remove it completely. They're the most outdated part of the game. If I get another 40 or 50% level boost that I haven't needed for at least 4 years I don't know how I'm going to not throw my phone at the wall.
The game economy around gold is a huge problem. I grind arena and I still can't keep up with the game meta. I had to completely stop rank ups and opening up map crystals because I had too many things expiring and not enough gold to take them up. After further thought I will break down my list that Kabam must address to keep this game going for years to come. This is not in order because depending on where you are in the game it will mean more than others.
1) The game economy- This mainly surrounds 5 star signature stones availability, 6 star shards, and how much gold it takes to rank up champions. At this point we need to get 6 star shards in abundance. That will offset the disdain people have for RNG that is growing. 6 star availability should be the same that 5 star availability was 2 years ago. There is more than enough trash champions in the crystal to not break the game if we got the 6 star bump.
2) Masteries- We need 3 different masteries sets saved in game so we can swap at anytime with no effort. It should be free but the game will be okay if there is a unit cost associated with it.
3)AQ-A change in energy has to happen. Whether is 30 min timers, energy is capped at 8 instead of 5 but something has to change.
4) AW- Get rid of flow and siphon. Things that are penalizing to players on that level is just not fun. Boost the rewards as well. I'm talking 50% t5cc selector level for masters and properly scaling down from there.
5) Update all the solo event and alliance events that have been neglected for years this. Along with update the lesser solo and greater crystals, and quest crystals.
I thought I would try a visual approach earlier today since the verbal one has elicited almost no response whatsoever from the team.
Dr. Zola
There is an old saying, "it is lonely at the top!" And some of the arrogant upper tier players are gonna find out what that means! And kabam will find it had to get anyone to play any of their games.
And leaves fall off a tree one at a time till there are none left!
It's about time to release the full Roadmap Kabam. People are losing faith, even leaving because they aren't satisfied with your game. We need more bang for our buck.
You should know our main issues by now:
•Lack of Grindable Signature Stones
•RNG shafting players after beating hard content
•Flow Wars sucking up player's resourceses and dollars
•6.2 champion preventing people from getting act 6 done
•Outdated Alliance Event and Solo Event Rewards
•Gold and ISO shortage becoming a hinderance to champion progression
•Incursions being too 5* focused and without 6* rewards. (Difficulty does not justify the rewards)
•Nodes in Endgame Content preventing players from using a wide roster and instead a limited pool of top tier champs
•No Real value of being Cavalier
I have also said over and over that when you start demanding stuff from kabam that you just might get it and regret it! Because when they give one thing they take another away! Duping the 5s all at once took away our chances of duping.
The MODOK store is a good example! There is a 5 star awakening crystal, there are not any 5 star shards or 6 star shards. They giveth and taketh away!
I would rather have more chances to dupe a 5 or a 6 up 20 signatures than to baby them along a signature stone at time.
Any more i feel like i am THE WATCHER. I cannot effect things...only warn you!
Consider yourselves warned!
2. Slightly agree
3. Yes.
4. Okay, now the 6.2 champion should stay, and it really shouldn't be toned down in terms of its mechanics. Of course some of the linked nodes should be taken away, mainly NR and Spite, but I feel that the Champion should act as a gate, keeping the less skilled players out of 6.3 and 6.4.
5. Yes.
6. Definitely.
7. Eh.
8. If nodes and fights weren't niche, Kabam wouldn't have any reason to create new champs. Think about it. If every fight was like the Grandmaster, there would be no need for new champs with new mechanics, because every fight could just be done with any character. It gets boring after a while.
9. Hey, better compensation, amirite?
They say things like "Kabam needs to change".
Gurl, in what way?
I agree, you're going to regret it when you give vague directions for Kabam. You're giving them enough leeway to take your directions and then twist them.
I say this all the time regarding wishlist threads, namely the character ones. You've seen the Character Wishlist Thread. You know the people who just comment a list of characters that they want to see in the game and nothing else, while others list out their possible mechanics and specifics about those characters. If you just vaguely tell Kabam what you want, you really can't be angry at anyone else but yourself when they whip out a dud like Nova. Yeah, you said you wanted the champion, but you never went in detail about how you wanted the champion to work.
It's the same with this feedback thread. You want to be as specific as possible. If you want solutions to your problems, propose them. Be specific. Being vague will be the death of our efforts.
Thank you. Rant over.
First and foremost, raise the level 60 cap, seriously it's been there how many years now??
Start selling 60% revives for solo content, you can buy them for alliance.
Even if he is only a boss, please give us Apocalypse 🙏
This is still a great game that I have enjoyed playing but, time for me to find something else to pass my downtime with.
Now that I have done all of it, I can confidently say that man Act 6 sucked. So many of the paths were utter BS, but what irritated me the most was the insane attack values in 6.4. When I blocked (not parried) a hit, I’d often lose over 1K health, that’s just absurd. One suggestion that I saw in this thread earlier was to keep the attack values if you must but give all the defenders negative block penetration so we aren’t taking massive amounts of block damage.
So yes people can complain about the artificial shortage of sig stones.
And telling people that it’s our fault because we wanted the 5* pool expanded years ago is just wrong.
For goodness sake can we please update greater than and less than solo crystals or remove it completely. They're the most outdated part of the game. If I get another 40 or 50% level boost that I haven't needed for at least 4 years I don't know how I'm going to not throw my phone at the wall.