General Game Feedback [Merged Threads]



  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,063 Guardian

    Bidzy7 said:

    Bidzy7 said:

    Akumaccb said:

    Bidzy7 said:

    xNig said:

    Gates were bad idea to test roster breadth. So Kabam went with niche champ as roster breadth check as seen in 6.3/4. With the backlash, both methods were bad ideas.

    Did you stop to think that it might not have been Kabam’s issue, but the over-entitlement of the playerbase? And Kabam being a for-profit entity, is forced to cave in to keep their revenue stream ongoing?

    Anyway, I would like to hear some constructive criticism from you on how fights can be challenging, and yet provides a roster breadth check, ie if your roster isn’t sufficiently deep enough, you won’t be able to get past the fight without spending a lot of units.

    I can say the same to you. Did you stop to think that its your issue that you have played and grinded the game so much that content doesn't challenge you because you have so many champions ?

    Trying to say the player base is self entitled also holds no merit. Just because you get a handful of people who complain. Majority of players don't even come to forums.

    Its pretty simple really don't create these fights which have extremely small counters . E.g. Acid wash Mysterio has 2 counters. KG and Man Thing and i believe Howard the Duck has the ability to apply poison and armor break with his sp2 but its purely random. How is this a good roster check design.
    - Swap out Mysterio for some other champion that can be poisoned without Armor break and you now have 12 possible counters.
    - You can also change the node to be similar to the do you bleed but poison instead along with the enhanced poison damage node.

    Not only does this force players to use a champion that can poison but also isn't overly punishing on RNG and adequately checks a players roster.

    Gimme path in 6.4 why have have the 200% power gain on this path. You want players to use regeneration champs which i believe there is around 15 of them that can constantly heal through out a fight ( Not like Voodoo). The power gain literally forces players to now use a a even smaller pool of champs. Magic ( Awakened maybe work unawakened not sure) being by far the best choice. Other champs that others have made work are Sorcerer Supreme BWCV and blade and just parry and regen. Again how is this actually a roster check when the counters are 4 champs out of 176.

    Same path whats the point in putting spectre on the VTD ? what champion heals and ignores spectre that can manage power gain ( as regen buff will also trigger prey on the weak plus 200% power gain).

    there is countless type of these fights with node combinations through out act 6 and i'm not going to list them all.

    Now tell me how these fights/paths don't serve to punish players on poor RNG to get past. Tell me how this is good content design
    This is where you’re so wrong. With suicides and willpower, as long as you’re healing any champ can do proper amounts of active damage on gimme. Have you ever heard of the Corvus cheese? He’s not an uncommon champ in the rosters of those who are attempting act 6 either.

    Lol this is so laughable.

    I only pulled Corvus like a month ago. Guess i'm now ready for act 6 right

    Oh wait

    I have 100% 6.1
    70% 6.2
    100% 6.3
    19% 6.4

    all without Corvus.

    You guys are basically using the same champs to complete content. Then complaining about difficulty. Corvus, Aegon, Ghost, Quake are in a league of their own in terms of dealing with most stuff in game compared to other champs

    Also your suggestion is to abuse a bug to complete this path ?

    It clearly says in the node description that it Reduces all damage from other sources by 75% yet because of Suicides and Willpower it allows you to do normal damage because you are healing and striking. Well done you found a way to go around a node design without dealing with the node.

    I bet you probably did the Mysterio fight with the cosmic buff being bugged too right. Just Corvus steam rolling through it.

    How did you deal with VTD ? Probably just used the Nick fury cheese. Wow guys this content is so easy just let VTD kill you and you can totally bypass the fight and not deal with it.

    personally don't use suicides and never bothered to unlock them. But i guess i'm not ready for act 6 content right >.>

    To be fair, mastery investments are not an unreasonable expectation of players by that point in the game.
    i didn't say it was, but its also not a mandatory thing to have them unlocked. Just like Coagulate and many other mastery's.

    Also i don't need them to get past this content. I Have Magic.

    But the advice to use a bug to get around content just leads to issues such as MS and BWCV where people who have no interest in unlocking said masteries doing so and finding out this method no longer works. Is that really what should be promted as the way to deal with this path
    How are you planning on using magik without them?

    Saying you have no interest in unlocking them is just being stubborn really. Also if you don't think bwcv and Ms should have been fixed then I really am wasting my time here
    Magik works by using the limbo heal from the powersting thing put on you. Thats what i used.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Pulyaman said:

    xNig said:

    Hm.... kids are supposed to have fun in school right?

    I guess a good takeaway from all these demands is that a good majority of parents will storm into the principal’s office and complain that a test was too hard, resulting in their kid failing the test. They then demand that the test be made easier so that their kid can pass the test with his current knowledge.

    Oh and the questions set should not be too specific as well, otherwise it’ll be too demanding on the child.


    That's a ridiculous comparison. If each student is given a random book and is asked to take the same test. Then grade the papers and give out marks randomly instead of the judging the effort put it, your analogy would be perfect.
    Sadly, everyone is given the exact same book and the same opportunities to acquire the required results. Some might take more time than others due to skill, knowledge, and readiness to spend, but eventually everyone will get there. It's just the impatient ones who are complaining.

    Also, sorry for the reality check. Effort put in =/ Results. Effort is the LEAST worth mentioning component that should be used as a reason because that is the bare minimum anyone is putting in. It takes a combination of effort, knowledge, skill and luck to be successful at anything.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020

    xNig said:

    Pulyaman said:

    xNig said:

    Hm.... kids are supposed to have fun in school right?

    I guess a good takeaway from all these demands is that a good majority of parents will storm into the principal’s office and complain that a test was too hard, resulting in their kid failing the test. They then demand that the test be made easier so that their kid can pass the test with his current knowledge.

    Oh and the questions set should not be too specific as well, otherwise it’ll be too demanding on the child.


    That's a ridiculous comparison. If each student is given a random book and is asked to take the same test. Then grade the papers and give out marks randomly instead of the judging the effort put it, your analogy would be perfect.
    Sadly, everyone is given the exact same book and the same opportunities to acquire the required results. Some might take more time than others due to skill, knowledge, and readiness to spend, but eventually everyone will get there. It's just the impatient ones who are complaining.

    Also, sorry for the reality check. Effort put in =/ Results. Effort is the LEAST worth mentioning component that should be used as a reason because that is the bare minimum anyone is putting in. It takes a combination of effort, knowledge, skill and luck to be successful at anything.
    Sorry, but the probability of that happening to everyone is ridiculous. Sure they make content hard for a reason, all games have a upward curve. But random things can change player experiences

    Mic drop.
    The probability of that happening to everyone is 100% given enough time has passed. People who spend shorten this “time” with more crystal openings, people who grind shorten it as well through shards acquired from arena, and from war and quests etc other aspects of the game.

    People who don’t grind, don’t spend and pray that they get lucky with their once-in-2-week 5*s are those who are in for disappointment.

    I’ll use myself as an example again. I grind for milestones and shards every arena (4*B/4*F/5*F) with the occasional 3 day off when my work schedule gets too busy or I go on vacation with my familiar. I do all quests (Beginner/Normal/Heroic included), play war in Tier 2/3 where item expenditure is relatively minimal, DON’T spend on crystals.

    As a result, I open 1-2 5*s on a weekly basis, and have almost all the “god/beyond god” tiers in the game.

    Once again, effort is the bare minimum.

    Mic drop.
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  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    @xNig being true to character once again, aye. Ever pompous and condescending. Your opinion is your own, the skill you have need not be the standard, maybe consider that?

    Just stating very basic facts that are hard for most people to understand.

    When I recruit for my alliance, skill is one of the less important parts for consideration. It can be trained and improved upon, unlike attitude and commitment to the team.

    So if people are less skilled, they should be working on improving that aspect, no? Rather than complain and try to make things easier for them at their current skill level. If this isn’t an “entitled” mentality, what is?
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    xNig said:

    Pulyaman said:

    xNig said:

    Hm.... kids are supposed to have fun in school right?

    I guess a good takeaway from all these demands is that a good majority of parents will storm into the principal’s office and complain that a test was too hard, resulting in their kid failing the test. They then demand that the test be made easier so that their kid can pass the test with his current knowledge.

    Oh and the questions set should not be too specific as well, otherwise it’ll be too demanding on the child.


    That's a ridiculous comparison. If each student is given a random book and is asked to take the same test. Then grade the papers and give out marks randomly instead of the judging the effort put it, your analogy would be perfect.
    Sadly, everyone is given the exact same book and the same opportunities to acquire the required results. Some might take more time than others due to skill, knowledge, and readiness to spend, but eventually everyone will get there. It's just the impatient ones who are complaining.

    Also, sorry for the reality check. Effort put in =/ Results. Effort is the LEAST worth mentioning component that should be used as a reason because that is the bare minimum anyone is putting in. It takes a combination of effort, knowledge, skill and luck to be successful at anything.
    Sorry, but the probability of that happening to everyone is ridiculous. If everyone then went and beat all content, why would they then say “ohh that was the most hardest content in the game but I beat it easy”. Sure they make content hard for a reason, all games have a upward curve but it isn’t impossible.

    Mic drop.
    xNig said:

    xNig said:

    Pulyaman said:

    xNig said:

    Hm.... kids are supposed to have fun in school right?

    I guess a good takeaway from all these demands is that a good majority of parents will storm into the principal’s office and complain that a test was too hard, resulting in their kid failing the test. They then demand that the test be made easier so that their kid can pass the test with his current knowledge.

    Oh and the questions set should not be too specific as well, otherwise it’ll be too demanding on the child.


    That's a ridiculous comparison. If each student is given a random book and is asked to take the same test. Then grade the papers and give out marks randomly instead of the judging the effort put it, your analogy would be perfect.
    Sadly, everyone is given the exact same book and the same opportunities to acquire the required results. Some might take more time than others due to skill, knowledge, and readiness to spend, but eventually everyone will get there. It's just the impatient ones who are complaining.

    Also, sorry for the reality check. Effort put in =/ Results. Effort is the LEAST worth mentioning component that should be used as a reason because that is the bare minimum anyone is putting in. It takes a combination of effort, knowledge, skill and luck to be successful at anything.
    Sorry, but the probability of that happening to everyone is ridiculous. Sure they make content hard for a reason, all games have a upward curve. But random things can change player experiences

    Mic drop.
    The probability of that happening to everyone is 100% given enough time has passed. People who spend shorten this “time” with more crystal openings, people who grind shorten it as well through shards acquired from arena, and from war and quests etc other aspects of the game.

    People who don’t grind, don’t spend and pray that they get lucky with their once-in-2-week 5*s are those who are in for disappointment.

    Once again, effort is the bare minimum.

    Mic drop.
    I don't grind arena .. not a penny spent
    I have still finished Act 6.. 100 per cent
    Haha yeah bro. Awesome. Chat on line la. 😂
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    andbarpar said:

    I wonder why Kabam has been so silently lately. It would be very beneficial if any further feedback from them was available.

    What do you want to hear from them that they haven't already said? that they are still discussing things?
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Pulyaman said:

    xNig said:

    Hm.... kids are supposed to have fun in school right?

    I guess a good takeaway from all these demands is that a good majority of parents will storm into the principal’s office and complain that a test was too hard, resulting in their kid failing the test. They then demand that the test be made easier so that their kid can pass the test with his current knowledge.

    Oh and the questions set should not be too specific as well, otherwise it’ll be too demanding on the child.


    That's a ridiculous comparison. If each student is given a random book and is asked to take the same test. Then grade the papers and give out marks randomly instead of the judging the effort put it, your analogy would be perfect.
    As a schoolteacher, I find this comparison to be pretty damn accurate.
  • This content has been removed.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,063 Guardian
    Bidzy7 said:

    Haji_Saab said:

    This thread gives me such a deja vu feeling. Before variant 1 was released, I was pleading to Kabam to introduce some challenging content in the game.

    I will never understand the opposition to content that your current roster cannot overcome. That just gives you a goal to aim for. Currently, after Act 6, it's a sad time in the game. I don't have anything interesting to look forward to. :/

    I think it is really a difference of two distinct group. One plays the game for content like old school games, where you get kick from overcoming a challenge. And the second group, that just wants to collect more and more champions at a higher and higher level for some unexplained reason. Again, it is difficult for me to wrap my head around the rationale of the second group.

    The thread, once it went into the difficulty of Act 6, is going in circles where both groups cannot get through to the other. More like a liberal vs conservative debate at a family dinner :D

    I mean the game is centered more around assembling a team and collecting champions. This isn't a game where you have a single character and have to play your way through content. A lot of the draw from the game comes from playing your favorite marvel characters, which is one of the reason why this game is popular and has done well over the years.

    You also seem to be missing the point of alot whats been said in here and assume pople are complaining about difficulty. Its not people are opposed to challenging content. However there is difference to that challenge based on certain champions you pull therefore creating an uneven playing field which is determined not by effort or time invested but by RNG. Ofc the more you play and longer you play improves upon that by having more crystals but even then RNG could just not fall in your favor.

    Example 6.2.5 Global node that requires a heavy or intercept to Remove charges.
    Generally this isn't a issue every player can parry and heavy if they can't intercept with any champ.
    Now the stun immune nodes. This forces players to either intercept or heavy counter adding an extra layer of difficulty based on skill to the fights. That's fine in itself. However you then have champions like Namor(sig 200), Corvus(duped), Ghost that can just ignore the global and fight normally thus making the difficulty of having to intercept or heavy counter irrelevant . Given the choice how would you deal with these fights ? ofc you would much prefer the easier option which is those champs because they bypass the challenge. So is that really challenging content or is it more a case of get the right champs then do the fights ?

    This is the issue with a lot of stuff in act 6 where the counters to the mechanics are small and the investment in ranking up lesser champions that can do the fight holds little value to the players. Taking a champion to r4 is quite an investment particularly gold wise. We were told that r5 4*s were excluded to avoid a frustrating experience for players which to me suggests Kabam felt they weren't strong enough which means r3 5* are similar in that regard. So r4 and r5 champions are more or less encouraged to be used. As you progress through the chapters the attack and health values keep going up that it then becomes more encouraging to use r5 5* and r1/2 6*s.

    My own personal experience in this regard is in 6.2.5 the cosmic path which has a 100% bleed sparky among other things on the path. But for this fight I had no Corvus or even KG. My only cosmic bleed immune was Groot. In the last 2-3 months i have since pulled both KG and Corvus. But 6.2. came out over a year ago. Am i really expected to invest so heavily in a champion like groot who needs a rework just for this fight ? Ofc i could use the 5th Slot people will argue. However the path has so many difficult matches with so many different mechanics that i wouldn't have an option with other cosmic champs for those fights. Going back to investment in this regards. Corvus would be useful for all paths i could bring him in as he also is good for the global where as groot.. well you know. Had we not had the class gates my options go from groot to sentinel, Omega, Emma, MS, IWIM, Luke Cage all at r4 or higher.

    Also fighting the fights as they were designed there is no reward for doing that. So again this favors those with good RNG more so then skill.
    Now if they added some buff you got for fighting with intercepts or landing a heavy on champion not stunned such as gaining a fury to increase damage people would have a greater incentive to go in and do the challenge because, ok RNG hasn't been kind, but if you play a certain way you can alleviate that somewhat and get past the content with skill.
    In regards to Sparky bleed node, venom gets through it fine. Run willpower and he crushes in very quick. Thats who i ended up using. No corvus here.
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,462 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    xNig said:

    Pulyaman said:

    xNig said:

    Hm.... kids are supposed to have fun in school right?

    I guess a good takeaway from all these demands is that a good majority of parents will storm into the principal’s office and complain that a test was too hard, resulting in their kid failing the test. They then demand that the test be made easier so that their kid can pass the test with his current knowledge.

    Oh and the questions set should not be too specific as well, otherwise it’ll be too demanding on the child.


    That's a ridiculous comparison. If each student is given a random book and is asked to take the same test. Then grade the papers and give out marks randomly instead of the judging the effort put it, your analogy would be perfect.
    Sadly, everyone is given the exact same book and the same opportunities to acquire the required results. Some might take more time than others due to skill, knowledge, and readiness to spend, but eventually everyone will get there. It's just the impatient ones who are complaining.

    Also, sorry for the reality check. Effort put in =/ Results. Effort is the LEAST worth mentioning component that should be used as a reason because that is the bare minimum anyone is putting in. It takes a combination of effort, knowledge, skill and luck to be successful at anything.
    Sorry, but the probability of that happening to everyone is ridiculous. If everyone then went and beat all content, why would they then say “ohh that was the most hardest content in the game but I beat it easy”. Sure they make content hard for a reason, all games have a upward curve but it isn’t impossible.

    Mic drop.
    xNig said:

    xNig said:

    Pulyaman said:

    xNig said:

    Hm.... kids are supposed to have fun in school right?

    I guess a good takeaway from all these demands is that a good majority of parents will storm into the principal’s office and complain that a test was too hard, resulting in their kid failing the test. They then demand that the test be made easier so that their kid can pass the test with his current knowledge.

    Oh and the questions set should not be too specific as well, otherwise it’ll be too demanding on the child.


    That's a ridiculous comparison. If each student is given a random book and is asked to take the same test. Then grade the papers and give out marks randomly instead of the judging the effort put it, your analogy would be perfect.
    Sadly, everyone is given the exact same book and the same opportunities to acquire the required results. Some might take more time than others due to skill, knowledge, and readiness to spend, but eventually everyone will get there. It's just the impatient ones who are complaining.

    Also, sorry for the reality check. Effort put in =/ Results. Effort is the LEAST worth mentioning component that should be used as a reason because that is the bare minimum anyone is putting in. It takes a combination of effort, knowledge, skill and luck to be successful at anything.
    Sorry, but the probability of that happening to everyone is ridiculous. Sure they make content hard for a reason, all games have a upward curve. But random things can change player experiences

    Mic drop.
    The probability of that happening to everyone is 100% given enough time has passed. People who spend shorten this “time” with more crystal openings, people who grind shorten it as well through shards acquired from arena, and from war and quests etc other aspects of the game.

    People who don’t grind, don’t spend and pray that they get lucky with their once-in-2-week 5*s are those who are in for disappointment.

    Once again, effort is the bare minimum.

    Mic drop.
    I don't grind arena .. not a penny spent
    I have still finished Act 6.. 100 per cent
    Champ acquisition has definitely played a part hasn't it? You've taken up weaker counters as I've read before in the thread, but definitely would have had some of the top champs to help clear content?
    Skill is definitely the main thing since you don't grind, but can't say that having the right champs in the roster hasn't helped.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    oh i know, i just used that as an example to illustrate the disparity in the value of counters for some of these specific fights. As the fight is designed to use a bleed immune otherwise your lose 100% of your health so to avoid the bleed my option was groot which isn't a fun time lol. I have been using Hype with willpower and then triggering Cosmic healing to get past the fight.

    But appreciate you trying to help with the suggestion
  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★
    Another Suggestion:
    Release the data every month of how many people completed Act5 100% , Act6 100% ,LOL 100% , AOL 100% and Variants(1,2,3& 4 separately)100%

    This will throw a light on the State of Game to some extent as these are permanent quests and it isn’t that tough to datamine such stuff for a little bit of transparency in game
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,943 ★★★★★
    BAMBAM232 said:

    andbarpar said:

    I wonder why Kabam has been so silently lately. It would be very beneficial if any further feedback from them was available.

    Since it's June now, will we see a roadmap this week?

    @Kabam Miike can the community please get an update as your silence is deafening, even if it is an acknowledgement and some communication to the player base
    They said early June. It's literally the 1st.
  • arsjumarsjum Member Posts: 413 ★★★

    Some of you are like kids sitting in the back seat asking their parents if you're there yet I swear

    I wonder how it would work for you if you were still in the alliance which started the b- movement and whose leader has been throwing temper tantrums like a petulant child on his twitter account. I mean, ffs, he even quoted Elie Wiesel to make a point about his stance against Kabam. Yeah, quote a Holocaust survivor's inspirational quote about standing up to evil to justify your boycott of a game.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Some of you are like kids sitting in the back seat asking their parents if you're there yet I swear

    You act like people don’t put their money into the game and are just acting liking spoiled kids rather than dissatisfied customers.
    You say that like those are mutually exclusive. As a business owner, I can attest they are not.

    Kabam stated multiple times they've taken this feedback into consideration and discussing internally what they intended to do about it, but that they would be taking some time before responding and an immediate response wasn't happening. If that's unacceptable to someone, that's their prerogative. But rhetorically wondering aloud why Kabam is doing exactly what they said they would do isn't expressing dissatisfaction of any constructive kind.

    My paying customers deserve to have their feedback heard, and to have their feedback responded to on a reasonable timescale. But their rights are not unlimited, and incessantly demanding status reports when I have nothing more to add is not one of the rights I grant to paying customers. If that's what they think their money buys, they can buy it from someone else.

    Also, as a paying customer every minute the devs spend crafting forum messages that are intended to placate the players demanding status while saying exactly nothing because they can't talk about internal development that is in flux or hasn't been decided yet is taking time away from what I want them working on, which is the best possible road map moving forward. So as a paying customer representing paying customers that value productivity over meaningless hand-holding, I'd like them to only come back to say something when they have something meaningful to say. And if they are still working on developing a strategy moving forward, then there's nothing yet to say.

    The quicker they get back to us, the less likely I think they are taking this seriously and the more I think they are responding only to be able to say they responded. Actually changing direction takes way more time than they've had yet.
    I get that, I’ve worked in the restaurant industry long enough to know that ninety percent of the time the customers are rude and wrong, but my point is that name calling and insulting other players isn’t a productive action and doesn’t help anyone.
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