Matchmaking Discussion [Merged Threads]



  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,812 ★★★★★
    Rap said:

    We had the same experience. I got an alliance of newer players none of whom have a rating above 190 and most well below that and we are facing an alliance where not one member has a rating below 500k.

    That doesn't mean much. You can have a 500k rating and still not have high ranking champs. Just means they could have ranked all their champs from 1-4*'s.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★

    @GroundedWisdom go back to the sports analogies. You brought up weight classes in boxing. Do you want lower groups to essentially only be allowed to play Heroic War with Heroic rewards? If that's the case, it makes sense to use prestige and have them only match other low groups. In this scenario, the best lower groups could climb to the top, and get the best Heroic rewards. They would not have the option of getting UC rewards or Master rewards no matter how many wars they win until they gain weight. Similarly, a welterweight boxer can be undefeated and hold the welterweight belt, but he can't compete for the Heavyweight belt. Our previous system allowed Heroic/Welterweight alliances who were the best in that group to win Uncollected/Heavyweight rewards by beating other lower groups. This forced other heavyweights to fight each other for Heroic rewards. The best Little League team in the world might never lose a single game ever to other Little League teams. That's awesome. They should get credit as the best in their level. They don't push higher level teams to lower levels as a result. If you don't want segregation and you want everyone to compete for the same rewards, that same best of the Heroic level war alliances will rise to the top of that level and beat some of the less skilled Master groups, but they will hit a wall and won't get to Uncollected until they get stronger.That's what's happening now. Every alliance will win or lose until they get to where they are getting fairly rewarded for the level they can attain. The truth is the very top was fine in either scenario because they can outspend everyone. This was never about them, contrary to your belief. Previously lower groups were getting rewards they didn't earn as they were getting Master and Uncollected rewards by beating the Heroic level. Now it's being fixed and you say it's unfair lol.

    Did I not just say that the Rewards could have been addressed? That was an option. So was easing the adjustment so that the Season wasn't filled with Matches like the ones we're seeing. Now all we have is a mess.
  • Gunslinger_23_1Gunslinger_23_1 Member Posts: 8
    This new matchmaking is not fair. My alliance is outmatched at every step. Not fun don't enjoy it. Please do something to make it at least close or interesting at least. My squad has mostly 4* champs and we r going against a squad with all 5* duped champs, how is this better than before???
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    edited July 2020
    So we watch our ratings get trashed for a season then everything works itself out? All i can say about that is! MAYBE I'LL SEE YA NEXT SEASON! (But i doubt it!)
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    edited July 2020
    The constant whinging that this is only to benefit the top alliances is nonsense, bottom line prestige was being punished, is my silver 1 alliance at the top of the game? We will end up back in gold 1/2 with little item use where we would have been the last ten seasons if the system hadn’t been changed, just like we were in the 9 seasons before that. Apart from one month about 8 seasons ago that dropped us to tier 11/12 into the silo of similar alliances (a split which was caused by the matchmaking change.)
    tier 11-12 where we have steadily been dropping rankings with a <50% win rate
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    ItsDamien said:

    @GroundedWisdom go back to the sports analogies. You brought up weight classes in boxing. Do you want lower groups to essentially only be allowed to play Heroic War with Heroic rewards? If that's the case, it makes sense to use prestige and have them only match other low groups. In this scenario, the best lower groups could climb to the top, and get the best Heroic rewards. They would not have the option of getting UC rewards or Master rewards no matter how many wars they win until they gain weight. Similarly, a welterweight boxer can be undefeated and hold the welterweight belt, but he can't compete for the Heavyweight belt. Our previous system allowed Heroic/Welterweight alliances who were the best in that group to win Uncollected/Heavyweight rewards by beating other lower groups. This forced other heavyweights to fight each other for Heroic rewards. The best Little League team in the world might never lose a single game ever to other Little League teams. That's awesome. They should get credit as the best in their level. They don't push higher level teams to lower levels as a result. If you don't want segregation and you want everyone to compete for the same rewards, that same best of the Heroic level war alliances will rise to the top of that level and beat some of the less skilled Master groups, but they will hit a wall and won't get to Uncollected until they get stronger.That's what's happening now. Every alliance will win or lose until they get to where they are getting fairly rewarded for the level they can attain. The truth is the very top was fine in either scenario because they can outspend everyone. This was never about them, contrary to your belief. Previously lower groups were getting rewards they didn't earn as they were getting Master and Uncollected rewards by beating the Heroic level. Now it's being fixed and you say it's unfair lol.

    Did I not just say that the Rewards could have been addressed? That was an option. So was easing the adjustment so that the Season wasn't filled with Matches like the ones we're seeing. Now all we have is a mess.
    Oh no. War is going to be a mess for one season while the system corrects itself to how it should have been from the start.

    What's that? War seasons have always been unfair and unbalanced?

    What's that? Alliances that have gained an advantage because they were only matching lower rated opponents to climb up through the ladders without ever having to face a legitimate ranked opponent?

    What's that? You're telling me that no damn game with a ranked ladder and an actual functioning MMR system would implement a broken flawed system where someone could play way about their station like the old system did?

    In one season, all alliances will be in their proper places and getting appropriate rewards for the amount of effort they put in. There is no way that some of these lower prestige, and lower overall combined hero rating alliances should be at the rank they achieved by fighting much easier opponents. That was a fundamentally flawed system.

    Oh no. Right. Tell me this. Did people not argue for weeks when one War was discounted? "End the Season! Do the right thing Kabam!". That argument was valid, but an entire Season that's going to be a mess for many, many people....oh, that's just for the betterment of everyone.
    Double standard, really.
    Bottom line is everyone's Season matters. Everyone's effort is worth something. Not just the Top.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    edited July 2020
    Well it is obvious this is about some gold and platinum tier alliances whining about having been bumped down in ratings by alliances they felt were inferior...And i got news for you! There are plenty of "no skill needed to win" champs in this game it isn't and never will be about pure skill! KABAM has made sure of that! And no matter how much better our skills might be isn't going to be revealed by a war where our opponant is walking through low 4 stars with ranked 5 stars...they would have to suck pretty hard! We could beat them in every "META" and lose because they drop our boss and we can't take theirs.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    edited July 2020
    What losing is gonna do is make all the starting players in my allaince quit. And the same for many others. So if this was an attempt to kill war so only the top tiers will play it's gonna work! We are already enlisted for the next war but if it is another matchup like this one we are done for the season.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★

    ItsDamien said:

    @GroundedWisdom go back to the sports analogies. You brought up weight classes in boxing. Do you want lower groups to essentially only be allowed to play Heroic War with Heroic rewards? If that's the case, it makes sense to use prestige and have them only match other low groups. In this scenario, the best lower groups could climb to the top, and get the best Heroic rewards. They would not have the option of getting UC rewards or Master rewards no matter how many wars they win until they gain weight. Similarly, a welterweight boxer can be undefeated and hold the welterweight belt, but he can't compete for the Heavyweight belt. Our previous system allowed Heroic/Welterweight alliances who were the best in that group to win Uncollected/Heavyweight rewards by beating other lower groups. This forced other heavyweights to fight each other for Heroic rewards. The best Little League team in the world might never lose a single game ever to other Little League teams. That's awesome. They should get credit as the best in their level. They don't push higher level teams to lower levels as a result. If you don't want segregation and you want everyone to compete for the same rewards, that same best of the Heroic level war alliances will rise to the top of that level and beat some of the less skilled Master groups, but they will hit a wall and won't get to Uncollected until they get stronger.That's what's happening now. Every alliance will win or lose until they get to where they are getting fairly rewarded for the level they can attain. The truth is the very top was fine in either scenario because they can outspend everyone. This was never about them, contrary to your belief. Previously lower groups were getting rewards they didn't earn as they were getting Master and Uncollected rewards by beating the Heroic level. Now it's being fixed and you say it's unfair lol.

    Did I not just say that the Rewards could have been addressed? That was an option. So was easing the adjustment so that the Season wasn't filled with Matches like the ones we're seeing. Now all we have is a mess.
    Oh no. War is going to be a mess for one season while the system corrects itself to how it should have been from the start.

    What's that? War seasons have always been unfair and unbalanced?

    What's that? Alliances that have gained an advantage because they were only matching lower rated opponents to climb up through the ladders without ever having to face a legitimate ranked opponent?

    What's that? You're telling me that no damn game with a ranked ladder and an actual functioning MMR system would implement a broken flawed system where someone could play way about their station like the old system did?

    In one season, all alliances will be in their proper places and getting appropriate rewards for the amount of effort they put in. There is no way that some of these lower prestige, and lower overall combined hero rating alliances should be at the rank they achieved by fighting much easier opponents. That was a fundamentally flawed system.

    Oh no. Right. Tell me this. Did people not argue for weeks when one War was discounted? "End the Season! Do the right thing Kabam!". That argument was valid, but an entire Season that's going to be a mess for many, many people....oh, that's just for the betterment of everyone.
    Double standard, really.
    Bottom line is everyone's Season matters. Everyone's effort is worth something. Not just the Top.
    Exactly! Everybody’s season matters! Which is why we are now matched by war ratings instead of prestige. And those top teams that have been held down unfairly by smaller teams will rise in the rankings to reflect that they are better. No more free rides.
    No matter how you try to spin it, placing Alliances in Matches they have no possible way of winning is wrong. Doesn't matter how justified you think it is. It's just a Season of sadistically watching people fail.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    edited July 2020
    Well yes our rating should be lower than theirs! And it is kinda hard for new players with incomplete mastery builds and nothing over max r4 4 stars to drop a r5 5 star doom! Anybody suprised about that??? I am not arguing that. My question is why can't the match making engine figure it out without making people not want to even play?
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